The Bus Ride

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But Yeonjun was long gone, he was sitting in the bathroom trying to calm his heartbeat while his cheeks were so red afterall it is not easy to confess even though he didn't confess properly but still he was feeling like his heart was about to explode.     

After the supposedly confession Yeji and Yeonjun both were avoiding each as if their life depended on it while the others noticed their behaviour but decided to shrug it off. That night all the adults got ready to leave for Delhi they decided that they will take a regular flight to avoid any kind of suspicion and also decided that it will be best to leave Woobin here in Assam with full security as he was still healing, it took time to convince Jisoo to leave her brother alone in Assam but at end she agreed when all others reasoned with her, now all the individuals were at the Indra Gandhi International Airport in Delhi.

Indra Gandhi International Airport, Delhi
Lisa- Omg, guys why do I feel so excited now that we are here? Do you think it is normal for someone to be this excited before their first mission? Oh it is not our first mission afterall—
Jennie- Yeah let's not forget our so called first mission where we had to SEDUCE a bunch of guys who betrayed you at the end!!

Jennie exclaimed her cat eyes rolling themselves to the back of her head while Itzy were looking at them with "What is this about?" look. Just when Momo was about to spill the tea Hobi covered her mouth making her glare at her.
Momo- What? Ashamed now are we??
Hobi- Come on girls, we all make mistakes don't we?
Jennie- Didn't expect that from "World's biggest MAFIA'S".
Taehyung- Guys, we can continue this conversation later, remember we are in a public space after all and you my little sweet savage cat come here.
Soobin- Let's get going guys.

After this small fight they all advanced to the exit of the massive airport. After finally reaching the exit, Huening kai turned around and asked playfully "So whose brother is coming to pick us up this time?" which earned him double slaps on both his arms by Jin and Jisoo who made eye contact with each other only to laugh and high-five each other again.
Kai- Jokes apart who is going to pick us up??
Suga- Well because we have so many people and we need to avoid any suspicion I booked us a tourist bus and showed us as a group of tourists visiting India.
Nayeon- Smartttieee.

Anyway they all set out to find their bus which they were able to find in quite a few minutes cause the driver was smart enough to switch off his phone after sharing his location which also happened to be 1 km away from the Airport. Lisa and Yuna being the exited babies they are ran when they saw the bus leaving their bags behind which were carried by our two muscles babies jungkook and kai.
Yuna waved at the driver from a little far only to find that the driver seat was empty, they advanced towards the bus now somewhat slow just to be careful, Lisa carefully opened the door of the vehicle only to find a women in her late twenties or early thirties sleeping peacefully on the floor of the giant vehicle.
Seeing this Lisa and Yuna looked at each other utterly confused "Was their driver supposed to be a women??". By now the other were all gathered at the bus door unable to see the inside as their vision was blocked by two women's backs.

Jimin- Yah what happened? Let me remind you we are already a little late and we cannot afford any more delays so Lisa and Yuna clear the path already.
Lisa- But was our driver supposed to be a girl? OH MY GODDD !!!! GUYS don't tell me you guys kidnapped another girl? Jungkook is this true? Did you kidnap her???
Jungkook- Wh-What are you talking about? We never kidnapped anyone in our lives.
Jungkook's statement made all the girls look at him with an "Are you kidding me face" while the boys were now panicking. "Okay maybe we did kindnap you guys, but I swear it was our first and last kidnapping and we don't know what are you talking about" Jimin exclaimed with both his hands resting above his head to prove his innocence.
Jisoo- Guys let's stop being dramatic and just ask the girl, okay??
???- Yah did you guys book the bus??

Taehyung- I suppose yes.
The unknown lady looked at the blank faces in front of her before exclaiming "What took you guys so long? I thought someone scamed me, anyway Jessi here your driver for the day, no need to call me noona or unnie or whatever you are thinking just call me Jessi alright???". The lady who claimed to Jessi looked up once again when she got no response.
Jessi- These ungrateful brats you could atleast say yes, okay got it. Anyway settle down we will be leaving now I need to complete this ride as fast as I can.
Rose- Woahh unnie you're so cool, I mean just look at you mind blowing, unnie saranghaeyo.

Rose completed her sentence still admiring the lady in front of her whose face showed a beautiful smile showing how she appreciated the younger woman's compliments while the other girls had somewhat same reaction as Rose the boys however showed mixed reactions, Jimin had a sulky expression resting on his face clearly unhappy about the fact that an unknown woman got to hear saranghae from Rose before him well we can't blame the innocent girls when he himself had commitment issues. Rm, Soobin, Yoongi and the two tae's were busy worrying how they will run out of time if they waste another milliseconds on this "Girl Slayyy" thing.

Yoongi- If you girls are done complimenting each other's fake nails can we get going please?
Hearing yoongi Jessi rolled her eyes before turning towards the boys who were still standing at the road cause the entrance of the bus was blocked and exclaimed "Uh such a mood killer anyway girls we will continue later, and who will be seating next to me?"

All the boys immediately broke eye contact with the mentioned lady and starting staring at the literally ANYTHING. Jessi once again rolled her eyes before grabbing Namjoon by his collar and dragged him to the drivers seat. The scene made a few girls chuckle while the boys were looking somewhat relieved.

Lisa- Can't believe the leader of "World's Biggest Mafia group" can be dragged like that.
Jk- Me too I feel like since you guys came into our lives our reputation, respect everything has been stomped upon.
Hearing Jungkook's words Lisa smirked and said"Can't blame us for that", she then winked at him before turning and finding herself a seat leaving a red Jungkook frozen at his spot. While Nayeon and Yoongi who had "Accidentally" watched it were cringing so bad they looked at each other only to find the other cloning their expressions making both of them bust out laughing.

This it for this chapter guys, hope you like it. And guys plz comment you views.
And I once again apologise for leaving you guys hanging but I still hope you try and understand my side and still support me, anyway guys another good news your lovely author has TOPPED her school and to be honest seeing the result made me finally feel that all the study and the time I invested in it was worth it. Anyway guys I will try my best to complete the book as soon as possible, and all my readers who have been with me from the start or to all my readers who still support me I love you guys so much.

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