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Sadly, no this isn't an update, but I'm almost finished with the scores, I just gotta get Task 4 prepared! :) Believe it or not, that actually takes forever (getting the gifs too; I hope you guys enjoy them cuz sometimes they take longer than the task itself haha).

Since we're about midway through Magi Games (already, ikr :( ) It's time for me to start planning and preparing the next Author's Game (Yes I'm doing another one. I have so many ideas it's ridiculous)!

I sincerely hope to see you all in my next one and since I have four major ideas I thought I would let you guys decide which one we do next! 

1. Author's Games: History - This sounds pretty basic and I already have all the tasks planned, so I'm mainly working on adding in additional fun stuff, like sponsorships, no battle tasks, deaths, ballots because usually with each AG (Author's Game) that I do, I try to change things up so that nothing is the same. Basically, there's a reason (and I'm not telling anyone for spoiler purposes) your character(s) have to go back in time and each task involves a different concept - example, prehistory, ancient empires, world wars, etc (spoilers)

2. Author's Games: Video Games - This one is complicated. Basically, it's structured like a Video Game where you get to choose your character's class and the perks that come with it. This means you also get to choose your character's race (class and race are based on the video games it's similar too and don't worry, I have everything from Skyrim, Minecraft, Call of Duty, to Sims and Zoo Tycoon, lol). Awards will actually be achievements and your character can level up as you progress, giving you more perks and in-entry (aka in-game) objects to have, as well as better abilities). This game will have three winners - the writer winner, the one who wins by unlocking the most achievements, and the one who has leveled up the highest. I still have some stuff to plan and I still have to figure out what each of the tasks are LOL

3. Author's Games: (title to be announced). Okay, so for some reason I can't think of a title for this one, maybe Clue or Murder or something. Anyway, this one is a fantasy tweak version of the board game clue, where you have to figure out who the murderer is, where it took place, and what with. I will secretly choose one of the contestants (yes, one of you guys) to be the murderer and that person can't tell anyone and must do anything they can do throw off suspicion. The goal is to find the murderer. I'm still figuring out additional fun things to add to this one (like AG History) and I still have all the tasks to plan. 

4. Author's Games: Star Wars The Clone Wars. So this one just came to me the other day because recently I've been playing WAY too much Star Wars Battlefront 2 (the original xbox version, not the new one) and I'm in a MAJOR SW Clone Wars mood right now. I did a Star Wars Author's Game a couple games back, but that one took place before Star Wars episode 4 when the Empire rose. This one would be during the Clone Wars when the Jedi are still alive and when they're helping the Clone Army fight against the separatists (before Order 66 destroyed all the Jedi - spoiler). I don't have tasks or anything of this games figured out, but since I'm currently obsessed with the subject, it won't be hard for me haha. I know some of you aren't Star Wars fans - wordsmith and Several7s in particular, but you guys joined my first SW AG and did fine, haha.

Again, I really hope you guys all decide to join my next AG whatever it will be, which is why I want all of your guys' honest opinions - yes, even you Ariel and wordsmith, the two who don't comment much haha. And you newcomers, Katie and MusicgirlXD, I'd still like for you guys to join as well :) (maybe even early access if you guys want). 

Let me know what you think! (and this will also keep you guys busy while I finish up Task 4 haha)!


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