Battle Task 3: Entries

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ariel_paiment1 versus Several7s


Eiridan and Jaeyria stood next to Kyren's bed, staring at their old friend. Jaeyria's eyes pooled with tears, and Eiridan wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Is he going to live?" Jaeyria asked.

"I don't know... I did everything I could. He's going to have to fight his own demons internally to wake up, I guess. I can't help now."

Jaeyria reached up to wipe away his tears with the pad of her thumb. "You tried. We just have to believe he'll pull through. He's a fighter, Eiri. We both know that firsthand. He'll pull through. He has to." She took Kyren's limp hand in hers and squeezed it. "You hear that, Kyren? You have to pull through. Your little girl still needs you. Don't you dare die on us now!"

Eiridan sighed. "You're right. We just have to believe in him. But either way, you have to go get ready, Jae. You and Duan have a battle challenge in twenty minutes."

She nodded. Tears still sparkled in her eyes. "This whole thing seemed like a great idea when we heard about it, but it's been a disaster. I just pray I'll come back to you unharmed this time."

Eiridan nodded, his own eyes wet. He bent his head, pressing his lips to hers and clinging to her. The beeping of the machines was the only thing to disturb the gentle kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding onto the only anchor she had at this point.

After a moment, he pulled away, resting his forehead against hers. "You'd better go. Come back to me in one piece, you hear?"

She nodded, letting go and walking out of Kyren's hospital room.


"For once it looks like we might get a straight-out fight. No disasters or twists. Just magic against magic." Duan cracked his knuckles.

"Isn't that Silent Phoenix's earth mage?" Jaeyria pointed to a tall, slender woman clad in green clothing woven of leaves.

"Yeah. I heard whispers she's blind and deaf," Duan noted. "But I also heard if she's on solid ground, she's your worst nightmare."

"Then we'd better pray the task isn't happening anywhere on the ground."

Jaeyria and Duan glanced at each other.

"We're going to win this, alright? We have to. After everything we've all been through, we can't lose this." Duan resumed stretching. "Besides, with my light magic and your shadow magic, we're basically prepped for any environment."

She nodded.


They weren't prepared for any environment. The arena nestled in a clearing of a forest. Jaeyria and Duan exchanged glances. The unspoken message was clear. We're in trouble. This puts the dyrad at a distinct advantage.

"That's their shapeshifter... Well, at least both of them aren't at an advantage." Duan muttered.

The countdown began.

The four of them took their positions.

"For Guild Valkyrie," Jaeyria whispered just before the horn went off to signal the start of the fight.

"For Valkyrie!" Duan roared, raising his hands.

The light in the area seemed to coagulate in his hands, leaving shadows in their wake.

Jaeyria latched onto those, her fingers flying at lightening speed to sketch runes in the sky. Shadows pooled around her, whirling around her feet and gathering in her outstretched hand. The two companions glanced at each other. Duan gripped a long, blazing sword made entirely of light, and light formed plates of armor across his entire form.

She nodded, impressed. The boy was getting better and better with his skills. A year ago, that feat would've had him panting with exertion. Now he stood strong, a brave, wild grin plastered on his face.

Her own fingers clenched on the hilt of Shadoburinga, the rapier she had perfected six years ago when she was on the run constantly. Duan's eyes widened. Jaeyria smirked. "It's time to get serious now!" She shouted, leaping into action.

Her sword met a wall of vines. Shadoburinga hewed through them, and she barreled into the shapeshifter. Sharp claws and teeth flashed, and she found herself facing a giant panther. Sheer muscle rippled underneath the animal's skin, and those muscles bunched, preparing for an attack.

The two circled each other as Duan engaged the dryad.

Her gaze swept over the panther, the dryad, and the forest arena. "Duan!" She fended off the attack from the panther, Shadoburinga arcing in lazy circles to counteract the swipes of the panther's claws. Duan's going to be better off fighting the shapeshifter. He's got the quick reflexes needed. But he can't fight the dryad because he can't travel without stepping on the ground. I can. "You handle the shifter! I've got the dryad!"

"What are you talking about?" Duan shouted back, hacking away the vines surrounding him.

"Think about it. You have to touch the ground, and she knows where you are before you make a move."

His eyes widened with comprehension.

The shifter snarled, getting between her and Duan. "Oh, okay. I see how it is. Smart, but not smart enough, shifter." Jaeyria smirked.

She sheathed Shadoburinga, her fingers flying. This was going to cut it close. If she wasn't fast, the panther could reach her while she was defenseless and take her down. Her spell flashed darkly in the air, sucking in the light around the runes. She dove through the shadow portal just in time to evade the snapping teeth and deadly claws of the shifter.

Her portal came out in the air a few yards above the dryad. Silent as a shadow, she flipped in the air and tackled the dryad. The two went down in a tangle of limbs. "Go, Duan! The two can't communicate because she's deaf. If you keep the shifter busy, I'll take care of the dryad!"

Duan nodded, running toward the panther.

Jaeyria grinned. "I know you can't hear me, but this is going to be fun."

Branches reached out to grab her, the bushes surrounding them grasping for her feet. Vines slithered to entangle her arms and hands. Fingers flashing into motion again, she sent the vines flying in other directions with portals, ensnaring the dryad in her own trap. The vines shied away from the dryad as soon as they warped through the portals, but it was enough to visibly shake the blind, deaf woman. Her lower lip trembled.

Jaeyria smirked. She took a running jump, using shadows to grab her and flip her over the dryad and the questing branches the dryad had sent for her. The branches crashed into the spot she'd vacated. The dryad spun in a circle, trying to locate her. Not a chance, dryad. I'm above you. The shadows held her, keeping her suspended above the opponent like some sort of bat.

Duan was struggling to hold his own against the shifter, who had taken on the form of a towering giant now. Jaeyria raised a brow. Impressive, I admit. If I couldn't use my shadows to stay off the ground, I'd be on the ropes too trying to fight this dryad in her element.

While she was watching the fight, the dryad had caught on to what was happening. She sent a wall of vines flying through the air. An unfocused attack, true, but luck was on the dryad's side. One of the vines whipped into Jaeyria's side, gripping her middle and throwing her across the clearing. Her back slammed into a tree trunk, and she shook her head, whimpering. Her spine ached with the impact, but she didn't think anything was broken. Yet.

"You're smarter than you look," Jaeyria muttered.

The dryad didn't let up. Tree branches reached down from above, snatching at her hands. She drew Shadoburingu in the space of three heartbeats, the blade severing the branches. With a scream of elation, she ducked more vines, which were headed for her. Rolling to evade the earthen hand grasping for her, she came up in a crouch. Again, she summoned a portal. Portaling through, she came to a stop on the shadow platform she'd created earlier.

Long hours of grueling practice had taught her how to keep multiple portals, objects, and shadow platforms up without using much mathanos. It took large amounts of concentration, and she was growing weary. They would have to end this fight soon, or she and Duan would be in trouble.

Her hands gripped Shadoburingu's hilt tightly, and she took a flying leap off the platform, hurtling toward the dryad. Just as she collided with her opponent, the world exploded in a blaze of white. She screamed, shielding her eyes. Shadoburingu dissolved from her hand as her concentration broke. Jaeyria could feel herself slipping out of consciousness as her head struck something hard. She could faintly hear the crunch of bone, and then she blacked out.


Jaeyria groaned. Sitting up, she looked around the by-now-familiar infirmary. In the bed beside her, Silent Phoenix's dryad was sleeping. Her nose was plastered and bandaged. Jaeyria winced. That must've been the crunch she'd heard before she blacked out. Her head must've struck the other woman's nose. "I hope there are no hard feelings," she muttered even though she knew the other woman couldn't hear her.

The infirmary door opened, and Duan walked in, stopping at her bedside. His arms sported bandages, and little spots of blood speckled the white cloth covering his injuries. "Sheesh," she croaked. "That shifter did a number on you."

He grinned, patting the blazing sword still sheathed at his side. "Yeah, but Raitokyasuta did a number on her too." He pointed to the bed on the opposite side of the room.

Jaeyria looked where he was pointing. A slender fae woman lay sleeping, her blond hair fanning across the pillow and framing her high-cheekboned features. Bandages covered her midrift, right thigh, and left shoulder.

"Well, guess we all went above and beyond our all, didn't we?" She rubbed her neck.

Then wished she hadn't. Her jaw clenched, and she bit back a moan.

"Yeah, umm... Eiridan fixed you up, but you did a real number in that tackle. You tried to knock that woman out from twenty feet off the ground, Jae. What were you thinking?"

"I would've landed fine if someone hadn't decided to become the human torch! You might as well have taken me out too."

"But I blinded her, didn't I?" Duan argued.

"Yes, and if I hadn't broken the dryad's nose by headbutting her in the fallout of that blast, I would've been fighting blind, moron!"

"Well, it all worked out, didn't it? You ought to thank me." Duan shook his head. "I took out the shifter, and so I did my job." He turned, stalking back to the door. "Might not matter though... The judges are still deciding who won. They think blinding the opponent was going too far, and they may vote either way."

"So it might've all been for nothing anyway."

"Look, sometimes you have to take risks. They didn't tell us we couldn't do what we did, so I can't be accused of cheating. I did the only thing I could, so don't blame me!" He flung the door open, walked out, and slammed the door behind him.

Jaeyria scowled at the sheets covering her legs. Man, I hate this place.


She'd watched Zaydaan die. The mercenaries had held her back and murdered him in front of her. The sickening crunch of a sword going through his skull replayed in her mind repeatedly. They hadn't been able to stop her after that- something inside her snapped and she attacked without mercy. She would have killed them too, if she hadn't spotted Lynei during the fight and remembered why she was there.

After that, nothing in the mansion bothered her. All she saw was Zaydaan's terrified face and those disappointed eyes as he realized she couldn't save him either. When another fear cropped up, she found it paled in comparison to what she'd already seen. It was easy to ignore it and keep walking.

When she finally found Tuluk, and they left the mansion together, she felt empty. Zaydaan ran to her, and she collapsed into him, pressing her cheek against his warm scales. He wasn't dead. She relaxed a little and swallowed back a sob.

Everyone else headed back to the stands to watch the next guild, but she didn't bother staying. She left the arena and headed back to the hotel and crawled into bed to sleep.


She still wouldn't open their bond up completely. It worried Zaydaan- she always told him how she was feeling. She told him everything! Well... maybe not everything. When he had asked about Ionean, she hadn't given any details. Only now did he know what had happened.

She shut me out for weeks after that. What if she does that again? Had the mansion been so terrible? He should've watched, but he'd been too worried when she cut herself off from him. He looked up at her bedroom door and scratched it. She'd locked it, shutting him out physically too.

Voices down the hall distracted him and he heard Eris's name mentioned. Quietly, he crept down the hall to listen.

"The men Eris attacked have broken limbs and two haven't woken up yet!" Evina's voice drifted through a closed door, laced with anger. "And did you know about her past when you sent her in?"

"I knew it was bad," Raylee said. "But Eris was never forthcoming about her past. The most I knew was that she was one of the Magi who escaped Vaxon, and that she'd suffered losses in doing so. The only reason she went in is because she offered to go. I didn't plan to send her."

"How are we supposed to explain what people they saw on screen?" Evina demanded. "She killed a man- dream or not- and injured half a dozen others!"

"What did you expect?" Raylee was yelling now. "You told them to murder her bond in front of her! You're lucky she didn't kill them!"

Zaydaan backed away from the door. That was what Eris had seen? He shuddered, glancing back down the hall at her door. No wonder she looked so pale and lifeless.

Raylee was still talking, quieter, but with just as much venom in her tone. "Wounds heal, Evina. I'd worry less about your hired help and more about what's going to happen to Eris. What your mansion did to her might never heal."

"Where is she?" Evina asked, her voice softer. "Is she okay?"

"She went to bed, so no, she's not okay. I've never once seen her choose to sleep."

"She doesn't sleep?" Zaydaan could almost see Evina frowning.

"No. The only time she sleeps is when she collapses from exhaustion or when we make her."



"You said she was involved with the Vaxon incident. How come no one else knows? I thought they hailed everyone who fought as a hero. Did she not fight?"

"She fought," Raylee said. "But she kept her involvement a secret from others."

"Everyone saw her dream," Evina answered, her voice quieter. Zaydaan strained to hear. "She won't be able to keep it a secret anymore."

The doorknob turned and Zaydaan backed away.

"Raylee... the others may not be allowed to stay in the games after this," Evina said. "You should find someone to replace her... just in case."


"Mordzar, I need your help. It's Eris." Zaydaan said, planting himself in front of the door to Mordzar's room so he couldn't leave.

Mordzar frowned. "Is she okay? What do you need?"

Zaydaan eyed Mordzar, unsure if Eris's condition actually concerned him. The man had abandoned her once- it wasn't like he wouldn't go home with his guild and do it again. But... she needed someone. "Just talk to her... please."


"You and Mirana are up," Vatre said. "Head in. You'll have three minutes in a room before the battle begins. I'm not sure why, but use it wisely, okay?"

Lynei was once again thankful for her sister- without that firm connection to the world, she wouldn't have a good means of communication with others. Stuck in her own silent, black world, she didn't like the idea of being cut off completely from the rest of the world.

"Wish me luck," she said, stepping through the door with Mirana and into the arena.

Light and sounds hit her all at once, an overwhelming sensation. She gasped, squeezing her eyes shut. What is happening? She could see and hear somehow... but why? She opened her eyes a crack and peeked around the room.

As she adjusted to things, she realized her body felt weird too. Something weighed on her back, throwing her off-balance. When she moved her legs, they didn't respond quite right. A bolt of panic shot through her when she realized her connection to the earth had been severed. Despite being able to see, the realization left her feeling blind.

"I can't see!" Mirana yelled. "Or hear!"

Lynei frowned. Was it possible... "Did we switch bodies?" she asked, testing out her voice. That didn't feel right either.

She looked herself up and down, flapping the wings on her back. Definitely not her own body.

"You have one minute before the battle," an announcer called.

She looked at Mirana, who looked pale. She can't hear me... Leaning down, she wrote in the dirt as fast as she could. "I think we switched bodies. I can't feel the earth anymore, so it's possible we've also swapped magic."


After a moment of panic, Mirana adjusted to the darkness and took a breath. So she couldn't see or hear- that was okay. It was a new experience. She'd never acted a deaf and blind person before. So I'm Lynei now. She didn't know Lynei that well though. This would be a new character. Jakovah.Mirana liked that. She smiled, but it died on her lips. Jakovah didn't smile- she was a bitter woman, quiet and cut off from the world. She fought alone and lived in solitude.

A disturbance in the dirt caught her attention. It was odd how she could almost see with it. Lynei stood across the room, writing in the dirt. Jakovah read it and nodded. Considering the circumstance, a response seemed necessary. "You're right," she replied. "Be careful with my body," Mirana added. Jakovah didn't care, but Mirana didn't want to get back into her own body and end up severely injured.

"It's starting," Lynei wrote. "Let's go."


Jakovah dug her fingers into the sand in the arena, pouring Mathanos into her fingers to feel the entire area. It was large, and she felt nothing but sand, shifting beneath her. Seeing with it was difficult at first, but she adjusted and stood to face her opponents.

A man and a woman stood before her and Lynei. She got faint impressions of their body shapes from the dirt and sand drifting about the room, but she couldn't properly identify them. Not attacking Lynei might be difficult if I can't identify people, Mirana thought. Jakovah didn't take time to consider that- she attacked.

Digging her fingers into the dirt, she swept upwards, sending a pillar of hardened sand shooting up underneath the male opponent. He dodged backwards and her pillar tumbled, sliced through with what she thought was a sword.

She dug her fingers into the sand and poured Mathanos into her palm, displacing the sand around her opponents. They fell into a hole and she dumped more sand on top of them. Both disappeared and reappeared on top of the sand again somehow.

The girl materialized behind her and slammed something into her back. The attack felt weak and barely unbalanced her. Jakovah frowned- were they going to go easy on her because she couldn't see? Annoyed, she whirled and grabbed the girl, flipping her. The sand hardened underneath her as she landed and she sat there for a second without moving. Jakovah took the chance to attack the girl's partner.


Lynei felt more useless with all of her senses than without. Duan... or Jaeryia in his body... attacked Lynei, slicing toward her with a sword of light. Lynei, unused to Mirana's body and powers, was left to dodge as best she could.

The sand hindered her movements, making it difficult to avoid Jaeyria's sword. Why am I the only one stuck with magic I can't use? Jaeyria and Duan had gotten lucky- their powers were opposites, but could be used in similar ways. At least they had some idea of what to do. And Mirana... she had gone silent, but seemed to have figured out how to use Lynei's magic just fine. I'm useless.

Mirana appeared from behind a sand dune and caught Jaeyria's legs in hardened sand. Jaeyria broke free, but ignored Mirana, focusing on Lynei.

What do I do? The sword of light came inches from Lynei's face. Her arm came up on instinct, deflecting the blade with Mirana's knife. She swept her leg out, knocking Jaeyria off-balance. Then she began her own attack.


Eris watched as Mirana... well, Lynei, technically, turned her hand into a replica of Zaydaan's claws and began to attack Jaeyria. She felt nothing as she watched the battle rage back and forth. None of them had much skill- they'd had only a few minutes to get used to being in different bodies, after all.

She leaned forward, putting her elbows on her knees and resting her chin on her palms. Her eyes stayed glued to the screen. Nothing else was of interest, anyway.

Jaeyria stumbled around clumsily in Duan's body, but she wasn't doing too badly. She'd adapted to the light magic with surprising ease and formed a sword with it. Lynei parried a blow from the sword with Mirana's knife and lashed out with Zaydaan's claws, catching the fabric of Duan's shirt.

Cheers from the audience erupted around her as Duan, wielding Jaeyria's magic, slammed a fist into Mirana's gut. She stumbled back, her face registering brief fury before she regained her balance. Sand shot up around the two, forming a dome that blocked them from view.

Eris turned her attention back to Lynei, who had Jaeyria pinned to the ground. She seemed to have gotten the hang of the shape-shifting... at least somewhat. Not full-body transformations, at any rate.

Despite everyone else's obvious enjoyment of the event, Eris just didn't... couldn't care. A little voice in the back of her head warned her that her lack of emotion was a bad thing, but she ignored it. To feel right now... it would only hurt her.

"Eris?" The sound of a familiar voice amongst the screaming crowd caught her attention.

She looked up and found Mordzar standing next to her. Suddenly, she was back in the guard's barracks at Vaxon's castle, letting him rescue her from a crowd of angry soldiers. A lump formed in her throat as more memories of their time together surfaced. Ultimately, he had left without saying goodbye... as if none of it had meant anything. A sob broke free. "No," she whispered.

Tears ran down her face and she wiped them away, trying to hide the pain. It didn't work... it wouldn't. Not anymore. Mordzar sat down next to her and pulled her into a hug. She turned and cried on his shoulder.


Vatre glanced at Zaydaan, who was staring at Eris and Mordzar with a look that might have been shock. It was hard to tell with dragons. She nudged him. "What's wrong?"

He was quiet for a moment before replying. "She... hasn't cried in years. Not since Ionean died the second time."

For a second, Vatre felt such an overwhelming rush of sadness from Zaydaan that she quickly withdrew. A tear ran down her face and she brushed it away, glancing in Eris's direction.

"She let me back in," Zaydaan said in her mind. "It hurts. She hurts."

wordsmith- versus Sara_R_Stark



Eludia shifted restlessly on Ulag's shoulder, scowling. She, along with the rest of the guild, was waiting for Kalmiya to announce today's participants. Considering she'd chosen Tilani last time—and what a mistake that had been—Eludia hoped she'd learned her lesson and chosen someone who could actually win.

"Stop scowling."

"Why?" she snapped, and she could feel Ulag sigh.

"Because you look prettier when you smile," he said, and Eludia only scowled harder, even as her cheeks flushed.

"Being a flirt doesn't suit you."

"And glaring all the time doesn't suit you," Ulag replied smoothly. "Besides, you should be having fun. You're with friends at the Magi Games."

"You say that as though I enjoy these people's company."

"Since you're going to be joining the guild, I assumed you did," Ulag said easily, and Eludia wondered if he'd realized he'd said since and not if. As if it was a foregone conclusion Kalmiya would accept her.

A pit formed in Eludia's stomach. Sometimes she forgot why Kalmiya had chosen her to be here. She was here for one reason and it wasn't to make friends. It was to be part of this guild so she didn't have to run anymore and could one day avenge her father.

Swallowing her initial response, she said, "I'm joining for a more important reason than making friends." The last two words were said mockingly.

"Then explain us," Ulag said, amusement coating his words.

"You're special," she replied after a moment, the words holding more weight than they should for ones so often used.

"I'm honored," he said, and there was a sincerity to the words that stopped her usual biting response. Eludia swallowed. She stayed silent until Kalmiya appeared and announced the participants.

"You want me to work with him?" she demanded, glancing at Caruk with disdain. "One kid in the infirmary wasn't enough?" She could feel Ulag flinch at the mention of Tilani, see Kalmiya's face pale, but she refused to feel guilty. If she was going to prove herself, she needed to win, and she couldn't do that with a kid. Kalmiya's lips thinned and her eyes flicked toward Caruk briefly before settling on Eludia. Her expression was stony as she ordered the others to leave them alone.

"These games are your last test to join the guild so you don't have to go back on the run or in jail," she said, voice hard. Eludia couldn't stop the flinch at the word jail, and she scowled when she saw Kalmiya's expression soften. "Even if the guild loses the competition, we're not going to throw anyone out. You're our friends, and we take care of each other."

Relief shot through Eludia, quickly followed by suspicion. There was a tiny voice in her head warning her it was too good to be true. Before she could reply though Caruk was walking toward them, an apologetic expression on his face.

"We're supposed to go now," he said, looking at Eludia, and she nodded. Without looking back at Kalmiya she climbed onto Caruk's shoulder.


Small as Eludia was, she made Caruk nervous. Mostly because she always seemed irritated, unless she was with Ulag. As he walked into toward the room, he could feel her shifting on his shoulder.

"Nervous?" he asked sympathetically.

She snorted. "If I'm worried about anything it's you screwing up and losing the match for us." Her tone sounded slightly off, as though she was preoccupied. "Then I'll have to listen to Kalmiya whine again."

Caruk's eyes widened at her brazenness. "You can't talk about Kalmiya like that! She's-"

"Not able to hear me," Eludia finished dryly. "Quit being a goody-two-shoes. It's irritating and what I have Ulag for."

"Sorry," he said, and Eludia shook her head, her hair tickling his ear.

It wasn't until they reached the mirror room that she finally spoke. "Don't worry. I'll take care of you," she paused and then amended, "I'll make sure you don't end up embarrassing yourself. Guildmates and all that." She patted his cheek, not quite soft enough to be affectionate.

"Me too," he assured her, and she snorted. Then they were stepping into the room.

Even though he'd been expecting the mirrors, it was disconcerting to see himself reflected all around the room. God, he wished he had actual abs. And that he looked more siren, less mermaid.

Eludia's sharp nails dug into his neck and she hissed, "Pay attention."

His eyes flicked to their opponents. An elf and a human, both taller than him but near his age. Before he could observe anything else a bell rang. Eludia jumped off his shoulder.

The two men shifted. Bones popped and skin stretched, turning from flesh to fur. Caruk cringed and closed his eyes. When he opened them a grey wolf stood in Vance's place and a jaguar in Michael's. Shit.

The wolf lunged for him and Caruk jerked back. The water around his tail—kept there by magic—sloshed around him. Vance crashed into one of the mirrors behind him. Glass shards littered the floor. In the mirror across from him, he could see Eludia darting atop the jaguar. She'd shifted, now Kesie's size.

There was a flash of grey in front of him and then pain skittered up his tail. A strangled shout left Caruk. His left fin was shredded. He fell, hand catching on a shard of glass. A whimper escaped him and the coppery scent of blood filled the air.

The wolf charged him again and Caruk panicked. He pushed himself backward, sending a sheet of ice beneath the creature's feet. It sent the animal sliding across the floor, paws scrabbling for purchase.

A high-pitched snarl filled the room. Caruk flinched. His eyes flicked toward Eludia. She'd stabbed the jaguar's left flank with one of the glass shards. Blood was pooling in the creature's fur and dripping onto the floor below. Eludia looked at him.

"Turn around!" she shouted, and Caruk's head whipped around.

Fur shortened, teeth retracted, and suddenly the elf stood before him again. Vance reached for the knife at his side and Caruk stumbled backward again. He wished he'd brought a weapon like Eludia had. Pain shot up his fin and his breath came in sharp pants.

Vance's knife glinted as it headed for his arm and Caruk rolled to the side. Glass shards dug into his side and he whimpered. Focusing, he conjured a thick piece of ice and swung it toward Vance's stomach. It collided with elf's knife and Caruk grunted. His grip on the ice loosened as waves of pain went through his arm.

The elf towered over him as he curled into himself. He really wished he'd paid more attention when Kesie had been training him. The expected blow never came. Instead, there was a grunt and then a familiar laugh.

He looked up to see Eludia.


She'd picked up the ice and held it in her hand as she pulled him up. It was disconcerting to be eye level with the nymph. "I told you. I'd take care of you." She handed the ice back to him, another glass shard in her hands. "Now try not to get knocked out," she ordered right before lunging toward Vance. Caruk followed.


Ulag's hands were still stinging from his clapping when Eludia and Caruk stumbled out of the mirror room. He rushed toward them, pulling them into a hug and ignoring the strangeness of Eludia's new height. Then Caruk was being pulled away by Plaith and it was just Eludia. He hugged her tighter.

"You did great," Kalmiya said from behind him, and they both turned to see the guildmaster practically beaming.

Eludia stared at her blankly. "Did we win?"

Kalmiya shrugged. "I don't know."

"Then why do you look so happy?" Eludia demanded, and Ulag nudged her in the ribs. It was an unfamiliar action.

"We all saw you help Caruk." Eludia stiffened, and Ulag was surprised to see her cheeks flush. "I'm proud of you."

"If we had someone else go to the infirmary today we'd have looked stupid," was all she said, and Kalmiya smiled.

"Of course," the guildmaster replied, and she inclined her head toward Eludia before moving to Caruk. Eludia smiled slightly in return.

"I was right earlier," he said, and Eludia tilted her head in confusion. Adrenaline still tinted her cheeks red.


"You're prettier when you smile."

Eludia's eyes went wide, and she moved with an impulsiveness that surprised him. Her mouth felt like a question against Ulag's when she tiptoed up and kissed him, fingers clinging to his wrist as if to stop him from pushing her away. He barely had time to register what was happening before she pulled away, cheeks flushed.

"I- You-" she stuttered, uncharacteristically flustered.

"It's okay," he said after a moment, surprised that it was. He smiled, and Eludia nodded slowly. He reached for the hand still curled around his wrist. "It's okay."


 "Michael, are you sure you're up for another task?" Caroline asked, softly placing a hand on the younger man's arm. Michael nodded firmly, crossing his arms across his chest.

"I know I'm ready. I didn't do well last task, and I need to help pull the guild back up in the ranks," he responded. Caroline's brow furrowed as she squeezed his shoulder before pulling back and leaning against the leather armrest of her chair.

"You didn't do badly, Michael," Xenia said comfortingly. "All of us made mistakes."

"But I know I can try harder. Please, Caroline, I know I can do this."

The guild leader sighed, running a hand through her hair as she contemplated his request. Michael had always been one of her favourite guild members for his spunky personality and easy acceptance, though she also knew that defeats crushed him. Even slight failures, or things Michael believed to be failures, could mess up his personality for days. Finally, she nodded once, and Michael smiled warmly.

"But this competition requires two participants," Caroline said quickly. "Michael, you are not working alone. Who else wants to join him in this task?" She pointedly ignored the hopeful look on Catelyn's face, knowing that the fairy was in no emotional state to be participating in a competition as of yet. Her recent behavior had put her on thin ice in Caroline's eyes, and she didn't want to reward the behavior with another battle task. After a brief moment of silence, Vance stepped forwards, causing Caroline to raise a delicate eyebrow in surprise.

"I'll go," the elf smiled, his emerald eyes flickering mischievously. "I haven't seen any action in awhile. It will do me well to get back out on the battlefield." Caroline nodded again, clapping her hands in satisfaction.

"That settles it, then. Vance and Michael will be the ones participating in the battle task. If you will excuse me," she said, slowly rising from her seat, "I need to contact Evina and relay this news." Caroline glided away, disappearing from view as the rest of the guild remained seated in the hotel's luxurious lobby.

"We'd better get going," Michael said, heaving himself to his feet. "The battle task starts in less than an hour." Vance nodded and stood up, following Michael to their shared bedroom so they could prepare for the competition ahead. Once she was sure they were gone, Catelyn sighed angrily, stomping her foot on the ground.

"It's not fair," she huffed, pouting like a child. "I've done nothing but good throughout this whole game and this is what I get in return? Unbelievable."

"Your behavior in the last few days hasn't been its best," Jacob said tentatively. "I think Caroline just wants you to take more time to calm down, you know?"

"Caroline doesn't know me at all." With a flourish, Catelyn spun on her heels and stalked down the hall, her wings glowing red with anger. Jacob only sighed, sharing brief eye contact with Xenia before heading up to his room.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Michael and Vance stepped out of their hotel, both dressed in the competition clothes required by their guild for this specific task. Their outfits were simple, made of loosely woven cotton in dark red and grey shades, the colours of their guild. Evina was waiting for them outside, a bright smile on her face, though it looked forced. She hovered a few inches above the ground, her wings fluttering elegantly as she welcomed the Magi excitedly.

"Thank you for your participation," the fairy smiled. "I will open the portal leading to today's battle location. Your task starts immediately upon entry. Are you two all set?" Michael nodded, looking to Vance as the elf shook his head in confirmation. "Brilliant. Good luck, Magi!"

With a slight twitch of her wrist, Evina opened a stunning blue portal at the edge of the sidewalk, spinning and twisting in on itself like a dazzling black hole. Vance stepped through first, his body disappearing into the gentle light, and Michael followed quickly. His stomach twisted as he felt himself travel through time and space itself, the sensation stopping almost soon as it had started.

The competition had begun.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Michael silently thanked every being out there that this task was not in an empty cavern like the last, but in a room full of mirrors. He stared into the closest one, admiring how his hair had grown out to pool over his right shoulder. It was a look he had never thought of trying before these games, but the exposure to new cultures gave him the courage to test it out. Vance only rolled his eyes at the younger Magi's antics and began to make his way through the maze of reflective glass.

"Hey, don't leave me behind," Michael whined, rushing to catch up with his teammate.

"Be quiet, Michael," Vance murmured. "The others are already here... I can feel it." Michael quickly shut his mouth. Vance was known for having better senses than the rest of the Magi in his guild, likely due to the grey wolf he would shapeshift into on occasion.

It wasn't long before the duo heard the approaching footsteps of the other Magi pair. A quiet growl rippled its way through Vance's throat as the footfalls grew louder, and Michael watched as the elf's body began to shimmer lightly. The golden eyes of Vance's wolf lit up the elf's normally blank expression, and not long after, the rest of his body faded into that of his animal. Michael followed suit, feeling his own bones cracking and reshaping them into the sleek build of his jaguar. The feeling of shifting into his animal was freeing, and he allowed himself to stretch out his new limbs briefly before crouching down into an attack position.

Seconds later, the other Magi rounded the corner, their bodies reflecting in the many mirrors positioned around them, and Vance lead the attack. There was one male and one female, and only the male seemed to be armed, though with a sword made of hardened ice. He was a merman of sorts with a glimmering purple tail that was suspended mere feet off the ground by an invisible force. The female, a nymph with bright green skin and fiery orange hair, yelped in terror, landing a solid kick on Michael's nose. He narrowed his eyes, batting at the wound with his paw as he attempted to ignore the pain of his injury.

The man, though clearly not keen on attacking the jaguar, attempted to bring down his ice sword on Michael's head, though Vance shot up into the air and deflected the sword head on. The ice shattered upon impact and the merman was shot back in the air, smacking his head on the nearest mirror and shattering the glass. The woman was harder to take out, as she continued to punch and kick at the two animals as they struggled to find an opening in her defenses. Eventually she began to tire, and Vance sank his teeth into the flesh of her thigh, causing the woman to scream in pain. She fell to the ground in a heap, and raised her arms in surrender as her form glowed lightly before shrinking in size.

Michael grinned despite himself, relieved that he hadn't messed the task up. Part of him had briefly worried that volunteering for the task wasn't the best idea as he still wasn't emotionally over the last task, but as euphoria flooded his veins, he knew that it was worth it. A shimmering blue portal popped into existence in front of him and Vance, and the two shifted back into their human forms before stepping through it, leaving the injured Magi behind. Vance placed a brotherly hand on Michael's shoulder, silently congratulating the boy on his win, and the two smiled as they were once again approached by Evina on the sidewalk outside their hotel.

"Great job, you two," Evina giggled. "That task was amazing to watch."

"Thank you, Evina," Vance said politely. "It was quite entertaining for us as well." Just then, another guild began to make their way through the hotel doors. Michael turned to watch as Black Dragon filed onto the sidewalk, lead by their guild master, Rovad Malburn. The two Magi smiled in greeting and gave respectful nods towards the master, stepping out of the way of the guild.

"Congratulations on a task well done," Rovad grinned easily at them.

"Thank you, sir," Vance responded. "I assume your guild is up next?"

"They are, as a matter of fact."

"Well, good luck in your competition," Michael chuckled. "You guys are one of the strongest guilds out there. I have no doubts you'll do well." Rovad smiled again, waving goodbye as two competitors stepped forwards and entered Evina's portal. The rest of the guild made their way back into the hotel, followed by both of Crimson Shadow's champions.

MusicgirlXD versus D-Willy45


Couldn't email it, so she has it in a boook here on wattpad. Check it out if you want to read her entry!


Concha Offendebare

(Shell shocked)

There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds, don't wait until you break.- Unknown

We got home quite late that night. Many men and women had ran into the house to retrieve Conan. Silva was by his side the whole time and refused to leave no matter what. I had not known Conan too well prior to the games and in a way, I still don't. Either way, I was petrified at what had happened. When he was brought out he was unconscious and barely holding onto life. Thorson seemed contemplative and very much distracted. The sign hanging above Conan in the room mentioned him specifically. Whoever did this has a personal vendetta against Thorson, it seems to me that he knows exactly who it is.

Arthur, Erza, Kean, and Greo are waiting for us at the hotel. Erza and Arthur seem to be arguing amongst themselves while Kean and Greo just stand to the side. The door closes loudly behind us and they all turn around simultaneously. Erza and Arthur wear livid expressions though Arthur's is more apparent. Arthur storms over to Silva in a heat of rage and picks her up into the sky to meet his eye level. Even as she is still crying he shakes her violently and yells into her face.

"What are you doing!? Now there is no hope of victory for us! We are going to lose years of work and respect just because you couldn't keep your emotions in check!"

"Arthur!" Erza screams. "You will unhand her! What do you think you are doing?"

He reluctantly does as he is told and walks back to her side. Kean looks to them both with a very concerning face.

"Ezra, Arthur, let us talk in private." They all three walk into Erza's bedroom and close the door.

Silva falls into my arms with tears streaming down her face. Greo walks over to Thorson slowly and starts talking with him

"We saw what happened in the house. On behalf of the guild I wanted to show our sympathy."

He seems very relaxed, like he didn't really mean it, but at least it is something. Thorson thanks him as genuinely as possible all things considered. Greo walks past me and opens the door.

"And now you can all die for all I care." And with that he leaves.

We take turns in the shower starting with Silva. Thorson and I urge her to take her time, Lord knows she deserves it. While we wait, Thorson and I lay on the couch together. It feels so comforting having him right here by my side and not in a hospital bed. His body is so warm up against mine, it puts me at ease. He places his arms around me and places his head on my shoulder. His grip gradually gets tighter and his breath faster. I look at him and find his eyes darting around wildly as well as sweat dripping down his forehead.

"Are you ok?"

He jumps a little at the sound of my voice. He takes a deep breath and calms his nerves.

"I am fine," He smiles wide, though it seems fake. "I'm just so happy that I can spend this time with you."

He places his hand on my chin and leans in for a kiss. His lips are soft as clouds and forces me to relaxes. As we lay here in perfect harmony I am stuck wondering why we can't stay like this forever. Everything inside of me wants to escape all the drama, or just disappear altogether.


I didn't get too much sleep that night. It was only until I had talked to my parents via a magical projection crystal when I finally crashed. Even though I was happy to talk to them again, something seemed off. It is almost as if something inside of me thinks of them as dangerous. Either way, I wake up beside Conan's hospital bed. Braith is waiting for me at our hotel room and tells me we will be in the next fight and that we have to hurry. I Notice her haste a do the same. We arrive at the arena and are led into a waiting room. We sit in silence until a woman comes in and shows us to a large metal door. Braith gives me an encouraging smile before it opens.

I must be strong, I must win, I must be better!

Waiting for us on the other side of the battlefield is a woman of medium-high. Her yellow hair is pulled back into a ponytail. Beside her is a tall, muscular centaur with short brown hair. Right away after the door closes a countdown starts. Braith unholsters her pistols and I grab my bow and notch an arrow. The centaur readies his own bow and the woman gets into a fighting stance.

"You take care of the centaur," Braith whispers to me.

I nod my head just as the horn sounds. The centaur fires at my direction but it misses. My body tightens up for just a second but I force myself to relax. I loose my arrow at his feet and the blast causes one of his legs out from underneath him. He is able to stabilize himself and loose another bolt, which I am able to roll away from.

To my right, I can hear Braith fighting the girl. I do not dare look over, though by the sound of it, things seem to be heating up. The centaur bites onto an arrow before notching two and firing. Again I am able to roll out of the way and fire my own shot before he is able to loose the one that was in his mouth. This time he is knocked to the ground entirely. He struggles to get to his feet and isn't making much headway so I decide to help out Braith.

Braith is pinned up against the wall by her opponent. I quickly fire at her feet, sending her opponent flying backward. Braith rushes to grab her pistols and reload them. I manage to keep the woman at bay long enough for Braith to finish.

Then I hear the centaur running up to my left, my blind side.

"Don't ignore me."

He lowers his shoulder just in time to launch me into a wall. He stands on top of my half dazed body with his bow drawn. Just as I am sure I would be called out, one of Braith's energy bolts hits him in the shoulder. He is preoccupied just long enough for me to jump up and hit him across the face with my bow. The woman tackles Braith to the ground and releases a barrage of punches. I can only take a single step towards them before the centaur grabs the back of my neck and throws me to the opposite direction. He gallops towards me while simultaneously firing off one of his arrows. It grazes my cheek, blood starts down my face.

Reaching into my quiver I grab one of my last arrows and underhand it right in front of him. It lands short so he is only stunned by the blast, but it is enough. I am in his face again in an instant, and with a mighty leap, I try to finish him with another strike from my bow. He places his arm up to guard his face and braces for impact. The bow hits his arm with such force it breaks in two, leaving me stunned. The only reason his bones did not break is because his archery bracer cushioned the blow.

He has his hands around my throat within the second. He picks me up off the ground. His face is calm and collected with no signs of physical strain. I strike at his stomach, chest and even face but it does little to faze him. All my energy starts getting zapped from my body and my vision blurs. I can hear Braith calling out to me but I do not hear what she says.

No please, not like this. Why can't I just be strong, why must I be so weak, why am I even here?

Katie387750 had immunity, but she wrote an entry against me for fun. Mine is a few chapters before this and hers is below if anyone wants to score us for fun to see who wins:


"You have a date tonight! You better
get all suited up!" Crystal smiled as she looked down at my burning face.

"You make it sound like you know everything
about dates. You haven't even had a - uhhh... wait did I just admit that I'm calling this a date?"

"See? You love him!" Crystal chuckled.

"We only talked for 5 minutes! How could
I love someone that quick?" I asked.

"It's called love at first sight, Opal,"
Crystal chuckled. "Alright, now let's get the perfect dress for you. What about this one?"

Crystal pulled out a silver dress. "It'll
make you glow!"

"Too bright for my skin tone," I sighed.

"Then what about... this?" Crystal asked,
pulling out another dress.

"Oh my god, are those real diamonds?"

"Yeah, they're really common on our home planet. I made this dress myself!" Crystal

"It matches me perfectly! That'll be perfect!" I smiled.

"Awesome," Crystal smiled back.

That dress is insane! It would be worth at least a million dollars, and she didn't
sell this thing?

"I'm going to go put it on."


Crystal walked towards the rest of our guildmates, and I tried on my dress.

Slipping it on, I felt like I was putting on a blanket. The diamonds glittered
in the mirror, and my boring, casual hazel eyes stood out more than they ever had before.

I heard a knock on the main door.

"I'll get it!" Tila cheered, and flew over to the entrance.

Once she opened the door, Crystal immediately gasped.

"Ethan!" Crystal yelled, and ran over. She hugged him immediately. "You're back!"

"I missed you, too," Ethan smiled. "Hey guys!"

"Ethan!" Diane called, and ran behind Crystal. "It feels like decades since I last
saw you!"

"Sucks to be injured on what, the first day?"

I creepily tip-toed over to the crowd.

"H - hi," I waved nervously.

"You're Opal, right?" Ethan asked. "And dang - who are you impressing tonight?"

"U - uh..."

"It's actually the first dress I've ever made, Ethan." Crystal smiled, trying to
get Ethan off of the subject for me.

"It is? Wow, you're good at that."

"Thanks! Ethan, you'll be replacing Tila."

"What? Me?" Tila squeaked. "You want Opal to stay more than me?"

"Tila, her life is changing. She has a date, and you know that! You gave us the
worst score we've ever gotten, a 6! Maybe this break will help you."

Tila was speechless. She was frowning as she left the room.

"Bye, Tila," Ethan said, frowning. He then closed the door. "Crystal, all I thought
about when I was injured was you."

"I missed you a lot too, Ethan," Crystal smiled.

"Like, a lot a lot."

Crystal and Ethan then whispered to each other. Out of nowhere, they put their
heart and souls into each other, and kissed in front of everyone.

"Woah!" Diane yelled. "My ship came true!"

"Congratulations!" I smiled.

"I love you, Crystal."

"I love you too, Ethan."

I got shivers down my spine and looked the other way.

"I - uh - I gotta go to the restroom!" I yelled, making an excuse.

I messed with my hair as I waited for the commotion in the main hall to quiet down.


Diane's POV.

"Feels good to be back in battling business," I smirked. "Feels like something
happened to you, Zenna. You okay? You comfortable?"

"I could shoot you right now!" Zenna threatened.

"How will you shoot me? Shatter my reflection?" I giggled.

"Our taunt idea is working," Brandon whispered. "Keep it up."

"Hywel here can summon some wind to make my arrow head right towards your soul,"
Zenna chuckled. "Why not you give one of them a little demonstration?"

Hywel nodded in response. A tornado formed, picking up all of the mirrors in the
area. Our wall got sucked into his creation.

"No one insults me and gets away with it!" Zenna yelled, and fired an arrow straight
at Brandon.

"No, Brandon!" I yelled, and pushed him over. The arrow pierced through my jet
black hair. "How dare you! You cut my hair! Now it's ugly, just like your hideous face, and short, just like your life!"

I used dark magic to surround me in a shadow. I walked around the battlefield,
and appeared right behind Zenna.

I made a dark dagger, and right before it hit, Zenna ducked.

"Clever." I mumbled, rubbing my teeth on each other.

As Zenna tried to smash me with her bow, I moved my head and dodged her attack.

"Don't mumble, it's rude," Zenna grinned.

She started running towards our starting point.

"Brandon, ignore the eagle dude for a minute! Come help me with Zenna!" I shouted.

"On it!" Brandon yelled.

He was walking in the perfect angle, which made Zenna be cornered in a matter of

"Help!" Zenna cried.

Before it could happen, Brandon already had his swords to her side. She had to
find a way out of this situation by herself.

Zenna brought out her bow and put the string part underneath the sword. She then
flung the weapon right to Brandon's face. He ducked in reply, having her attack be a miss.

I used my Mathanos to make a dark ball, and I threw it at Zenna. She ducked, and
the battle continued to rage on.


Opal's POV.

I ran though the town square until I found the restaurant Benjo wanted to meet
at, Twilight Cafe.

"Benjo!" I yelled, running up to him.

"H - hey, Opal!" He smiled. "Where'd you get that dress?"

"Crystal made it. Does it look good on me?"

"You look stunning." Benjo said as he kept on smiling.

"Thanks," I said sheepishly.

"So, have you ever been to Twilight Cafe before?" Benjo asked.

"No, actually," I admitted. "Hope it's good."

"Me too." Benjo said, as he opened the door. I walked through, and Benjo followed.

"Hello! Welcome to Twilight Cafe. Please choose anywhere to sit." A sun elf smiled.

"Okay, uhh, Benjo, want to pick?"

"Sure! Follow me," Benjo smiled.

He walked through some of the tables. Benjo passed the silver fairy lighting, and
the pink cushions that were sitting on the windowsills. He suddenly stopped at a 2-person booth.

"What about this one?" Benjo asked.

"Sure! It's perfect," I smiled.

"Okay, so... how did you get involved in Black Shadow, anyways? I thought they
were a group of friends."

"They most certainly are, but they somehow found my home planet, Hiltha, I was
just living in my castle with my mom and dad there, and then a letter appeared at my doorstep."

"Wait, your
Are you a princess?!" Benjo shrieked.

"Yeah, I am, but not here."

"I'm talking to an actual princess right now, who looks like one with that diamond
dress. Oh my gosh!" Benjo smiled.

All I've gotten were mean compliments about being a princess, everyone was saying
that I was weak to be one. At least Benjo understands me.

I might've accidentally shown a frown at one time, because it looked like Benjo
was about to ask me why I was sad when our waiter came.

"Hello you two! I'm Emily, your waiter for the evening. What would you like to
order?" The sun elf asked.

"I'll have a... ham sandwich." I said, offering a smile.

"And I'll have a.. uh.. labber-berry pie."

"Alright, I'll have that right out for you two."

When the waiter went away I instantly asked while laughing, "You have dessert for

"Why not?" Benjo asked. "That's the best part, so you might as well just get a
tray filled with it."

"So, how did you become a part of Black Dragon?" I asked.

Benjo took a deep breath and then said with his face red, "I was a part of a circus.."

"Benjo, that's nothing to be embarrassed
That's a cool backstory!" I smiled.

"Thanks, Opal," Benjo smiled back.

"Here's your dinner," The sun elf interrupted, bringing out our food.


"That was amazingly good," I smiled as we left the cafe.

"I know right? I'm stuffed!" Benjo chuckled.

"Oh look, the hotel's right there."
I was a bit sad that we'd have to go apart so quick. "Want to share one last poem with me, Benjo?"

"Huh? Oh, sure!

Beautiful girl,

Never in this world

Have I ever felt this way

For someone before

The light in your eyes

Brings me warmth

I could gaze at you all day long

And still not see every part of you

Share yourself with me -

Your whole heart

And I will share mine with you

Beautiful girl."

My face was boiling. "That was beautiful, Benjo."

"Yes, you are."

I hugged Benjo harder than I've ever hugged anyone before.
I heard his heart pounding - and that's when I knew that he liked me back.

I started, and then our lips touched, my diamonds glittering in the moonlight.
"I love you."

JesterheadJohnSnow had immunity, but wrote an entry for fun:


"Lads and lasses, May I have your attention please?"

All eyes in the red lobby of the hotel turned to fixate upon the speaker. Lady Lara's eyes scanned the Knight's Watch members before a smile formed upon her mouth.

"You won't believe what I am about to divulge right now."

Rhengar ,who had a full mug of lager in his left paw, rose from his seat. "Try me."

The rest of the Knight's Watch Magi, including those not partaking in the Games, all shouted their concurment with the wolfman. The Orc laughed before she cleared her throat to continue.

"Due to your valiant efforts, the Knight's Watch is leading in the rankings!"

Loud cheers and hollers shook their vicinity as the guild members celebrated their most recent achievement.

"Wait, I am not finished!"

The cheering halted abruptly as the guild leader proceeded to disclose further information.

"We also have been granted immunity from this battle task.In other words, our guild is exempt from fighting another guild."

This was pleasant news to everyone save for Rhengar. Grumbling , the wolf stood up to object.

"Wait, what?"

"Are you deaf?" Syliane rose from her seat. "We have been granted immunity from the battles. This means that we earn an automatic ten points to our score without actually squaring off against another guild."

"That's preposterous!" Rhengar slammed his mug on a table made of Honeywood, native to northern Aker, resulting in a loud clanking sound. " It makes no sense to gain points without earning them."

"I assume it only happens once in the tournament." Sha'Kil stood up to console his friend. "Don't worry about it."

As the rest of the guild turned to object to Rhengar's outburst, Lara just rolled her eyes.

Here I was thinking everyone from the guild would be pleased by the news. Well, I guess you just can't make everyone happy.


"Jardonkha, may I come in?"

The Naga turned as her friend Syliane opened the door to her room. The waning light of the sunset gave the red and gold curtains a yellowish tinge.

"Just so you know for future references, if you see my door ajar, that means you are free to enter."

Syliane smiled as she joined her fellow representative near the balcony. "I will keep that in mind. I am aware you experienced a traumatic endeavor inside that mansion. How are you faring?"

"Better, I guess." The Naga took a sip of her Bitterroot tea.

"On the bright side, you at least came out stronger. Would you like some Cinnamon Rollers?" Syliane offered Jardonkha a bag full of snacks.

"Uh, sure." The Conjurer Wizard smiled as she took some. "True, but I feel so bad for the others who have not come out of it alright."

"Aye!" Syliane nodded. "That Black Dragon member just passed out! I shudder to think what his fears must have been. Did you really see Sir Gareth Bane?"

Jardonkha took a bite from one of the pastries. "I really want to believe that was him and not some illusion."


"Hey, you cheated!"

Remi'i stood up from where he was seated to address Rhengar. "He did not. That is the third baseless accusation you meted out today against others. Just accept that you suck at Pasoon."

Rhengar rolled his eyes as he laid his cards down. He, Sha'Kil, Remi'i, and several other Knight's Watch reservists were seated around a table at the Red Dragon tavern playing a friendly card game. It started off mild, but soon the game turned slightly rowdy. Rhengar wasn't even helping to diffuse the situation.

"Shall we deal another round?" A Fire Mage named Rihan asked.

"Of course!"Rhengar pounded his fist on the table."I know I'll win this round."

"You said that last round and the rounds before that." Remi'i pointed out.

"Well now I am positive." The Shadow Sage smirked." Let's quit talking and get to the game!"


"Hey, want to get visit the armory?"

Mordzar glanced over at his sister from where he was standing by the window. The sun had set, illuminating the room in a magenta hue.

"Sure, why not? It wasn't like I was doing anything productive."

As soon as they were on the streets of Kypha, a light zephyr caressed their bodies. Mordzar glanced at Tyreen. He had still yet to digest the fact that she was alive and well in right next to him. She turned and met his gaze, her chestnut eyes staring back into his sapphire blue eyes.

"You okay?"

"Uh, yes." He smiled. The wind caused his dark cloak to flap around a bit. "I just am absorbing the fact that you are alive and well when all those years ago, I had seen you blown to bits."

Tyreen just chuckled. " I wondered the same thing, too. It's a miracle that we are still flesh and blood."

"Aye." The younger Malthus nodded."Although it sucks that mother and father never made it."

"Indeed." His sister sighed.Her eyes teared up a bit." Here I was thinking we were in the afterlife,but I suppose we received a second chance in this one."

"I'd like to think that." Mordzar agreed. "Hey, aren't those two from the Black Dragon guild?"

Both individual's eyes landed on two people walking on the opposite side of the road. One of the Black Dragon Magi was a purple-haired boy while his companion was a hooded- girl with dichromatic eyes. For some reason, she gave Tyreen the creeps.

"Hey, guys!" The boy greeted them. The Metal Mages both saw a orange monkey hanging onto the boy's back.

"Hi there."Mordzar responded. "I hear that the last challenge hit Kyren hard. Is he alright?"

The two Magi exchanged glances before the hooded one spoke. "As a matter of fact, we are not sure he will even wake up."

Unlike her companion, the girl had a serious demeanor to her. That wasn't what Mordzar cared for at that moment. The news that one of his oldest friends was dying really hit him hard.

"Is there any chance he'll survive even if he doesn't partake in the rest of the Games?"he asked.

"The healers are doing everything they can, but we can only hope for the best." The boy with the monkey replied.

"I see." Tyreen spoke up. "I hope he makes it since your guild needs to catch a break." Her eyes then flicked to the hooded girl. " I am sure you and Remi'i would get along."

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