Guild 2: Knight's Watch

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This guild was made by JesterheadJohnSnow. The guild seal is above. At the bottom of the guild form is the Gamemaker/Mentor comments and below them will be the five members representing the guild in the games.  

Guild name: Knight's Watch ( This name was taken from an old band of warriors that was made out of former knights of the planet whose goal was to patrol the streets at night, being wary of criminals and the enemies of the kingdom and keeping the people safe from them.)

Guild's planet: the Knight's Watch is from the planet Aker, which is located in the same system as Tythan, a few hundred light years away at most. It is also on the opposite orbit from the planet Castre. The headquarters of Knight's Watch is located in the capital city Tankrid, which is similar to a medieval European city. The terrain on this planet is similar to that of Europe's with a grassy atmosphere and Gothic architecture. It tends to rain a lot near the capital. Despite this, there is also a massive island on the planet known Jargus that is sunny year-round has a Mediterranean style climate. Furthermore, this planet houses several races including humans, animaloids, elves, dwarves, and more.

What is your Guild like: Everyone in the Knight's Watch is honorable and kindhearted with noble tendencies. Despite this guild having a gloomy exterior, every member has good intentions in their heart. Despite not being outgoing or cheery, the members themselves would never live with themselves if they let something happen to anyone. After all, they exist to serve the people and protect the weak. They also use all means necessary to obtain their objectives.

Guild history: The magic guild Knight's Watch was founded a couple hundred years earlier by a hedge knight who was desperate to find meaning in his life and to utilize his training as a knight as well as a warrior sage. He named it after the original Knight's Watch which were a band of heroes who were dedicated to the protection of innocents on Aker. Taking inspiration from the original Knight's Watch, the magician's guild also patrols the town, committing acts of chivalry to this day.

Guild master: The master of this Guild is known as Lady Lara. Lara was born on a frontier town about 20 miles north of the Tankrid, the capital city of the planet Aker to a human father and an orc mother. Her father, a knight in the service of the local king, taught her all about chivalry and the code of honor. On Aker, it is not just men who can enter the service of knighthood, but women as well. Becoming a hedge knight at the age of 17, Lara also learned that she had magical powers as well.This was when she joined Knight's Watch after hearing about them all over town to use her skills as an air mage. Now at the age of 42, it is her eight year leading the guild after the previous guild master, a shield wizard elf, was killed in the line of duty. Even though she can be firm, she also acts as a mother to the guild members.

Guild members: This guild has exactly 25 members as of now though only the five most accomplished members are chosen to participate in the games;in other words, the best of the best are chosen to represent the guild in the games. They also champion themselves as the most diverse guild on the planet since they accept applicants from various races and cultures. In order to become a member of the Knight's Watch, you would have to renounce your wealth and family ties in order to commit fully to the guild. Secondly, there is an initiation program which requires the initiate to commit an act of gallantry or even magnanimity within the first week in order to become a full-fledged member. An initiation assignment can include, but not be limited to, helping the elderly, rescuing a child from a pit to slaying a beast that terrorizes a town.During their time at the guild, if a member deviates from the creed, then they will be banished.
anything about your guild: Knight's Watch loves to hold friendly competitions and rivalries with the other guilds on the planet. However, despite being on good terms with most guilds, there are others created solely for the purpose of undermining Knight's Watch.


Thulok: "I have heard of Knight's Watch. Here is a guild that I think deserves to win the Magi Games this year. A band of warriors will be hard to defeat!"

Evina: "Good luck to you, Knight's Watch! Hehe, at least you're used to friendly competitions!"

Pimret: "Slaying beasts, eh? You'll really enjoy one of these tasks - Ha! Just kidding!" 


Laesirrah: "I doubt this guild will need much guidance. I have met your Master, Lady Lara. It is an honor to watch you participate in this years Magi Games."



Name: Rhengar Worowitz( Pronounced Rain-gahr War-oh-wits)


Gender: male

Race: Animaloid

appearance: Rhengar is a tall and bulky figure who stands at about six feet on his hind legs. Covered in gray-black fur from head to toe, his red eyes glare back at you from where they are plastered on his massive wolf snout.His claws are about 6 inches long and just as deadly as his powerful jaws. Despite being a humanoid wolf, he also dons spiked golden armor on his upper torso.

personality: Rhengar is reputed to be a bloodthirsty hunter among his kind. However, despite being impulsive and quick to jump to resort to violence, he has a code of honor that he follows. He also hates to see defenseless people victimized so he always steps in to intervene whenever the need to arises.He enjoys battle perhaps a bit too much.

backstory: Born to the leader of the Sigma pack in the forests of northern Lykkanotroph, Rhengar always strove to be the best at what his pack of animaloid wolves do-hunting. He would soon prove himself to his pack in his many hunts and raids on other animaloid clans until his father chose him to succeed him as the alpha of the pack. By this time, Rhengar had taken a mate Renya and had two pups with her and they were destined to lead the Sigma pack until 

Rhengar had joined the Knight's Watch.

How they joined the guild: During one of his hunts, Rhengar came upon two human men who were trying to kidnap a young girl. Unable to standby and let the child suffer a horrible fate, Rhengar fought off the potential kidnappers and rescued the child using his Shadow Sage power which he had discovered once he was younger. At that moment, Lara and a couple Knight's Watch Magi had arrived, seeing the whole thing from the distance. It was here that Rhengar was offered the choice to join the guild. He did not need to partake in an initiation rites since he had already proved himself to the guild. Despite his commitment to his pack, the offer of gaining coins while doing what he was best at in addition to honing his magic skills was too alluring for the wolfman. After a tearful goodbye, Rhengar parted with Sigma pack to join the Knight's Watch. Occasionally, he would visit his family although he wasn't allowed to stay long with them.

magic: Shadow Sage-he carves runes with his claws to manipulate shadows or to bring a cloak of invisibility upon him.

friends: He has a few friends in the guild and outside of it. They are:

Sha'kil- a fellow leader and battlelover.

Mohsool- the orc server at the local tavern he frequents.They both get along fine and have many stories to share. Rhengar loves the orc's jovial attitude.

Renya: His mate he had known as a pup is a sweet woman although she can be tough and battleready whenever she needs to.

Enemies: He had made a couple enemies during his time at the guild. They include:

Mihan: He is an arrogant and irate lion animaloid member of a rival guild. He and Rhengar can never stay in the same room without getting into fights.

Count Kaizen: This man had hunted a few of his pack members for sport and Rhengar would love nothing more than to tear his throat out.

strengths: Rhengar is fast, has a strong sense of smell, discipline, and honor.

weaknesses: Rhengar's size and weight can hinder him during some missions, he can become cocky at times, too. He tends to underestimate or overestimate his foes.

Passions: He loves to hunt in his spare time as well as drink.

dislikes: He dislikes acts of cowardice or even people who turn on their own friends and family.

Fears: He fears silvery things, he fears storms, as well as betrayal.

Goal in life: He loves to get by doing what he loves- missions for the guild.

Everyday life: His everyday life consists of him working for his guild, but visiting his friends at the tavern every night.On his days off, he visits his family and hunts with them.



name: Syliane Aigle ( suh-lee-en Ay-gull)

age: 28

gender: female

race: Harpy

appearance: Syliane is a pale woman of medium stature endowed with eyes the color of the midnight sky as well as wavy, shoulder-length hair the same color as her eyes. She usually wears all black along with skull adornments on her outfits. She has wings on her the back that are dark brown color with black linings.

personality: Syliane is an adventurous and boisterous young woman. She is the type of person that would be rushing to the front lines if a war broke out. Moreover, she has a strong sense of justice and morals like her fellow Knight's Watch guild members.

backstory: Syliane grew up at an orphanage in the slums of Tankrid for mist of her life. She never knew her parents, but she considers her fellow orphans, which had came from every race on the planet, as her family. Since the orphanage was run by the Sisters, Syliane and her fellow orphans grew up learning to read, write, and to swordfight. Her education was critical in her survival in the city. However, Syliane and her two friends , a female orc named Narga and a male elf named Llewyn, were bored of life at the orphanage and had decided to flee to see the world. From that day on, the three looked after each other and it was during this time that the harpy had learned of her magical abilities.

How they joined the guild: One rainy morning as they were taking shelter at a local cathedral, Syliane had noticed a young girl crying due to her being hungry. Shocked to learn that the girl's mother had no money or food on her, the harpy had decided to sacrifice her breakfast so the child could eat. It wasn't long before this act of selflessness had reached the ears of Lara, who had personally left to meet this kindhearted young woman. Offering a place for Syliane and her friends to lodge in where they would be free of want, the lightning mage and her friends took the offer.

magic:Lightning mage- she uses phrases to unleash lightning on her foes from her fingers.

Friends: Her friends are:

Narga- she is an adventurous and caring orc.

Llewlyn- he is a curious elf boy

Enemies:She has made a few enemies in life They are:

Alric- an inquisitor for the king who is brutal and sadistic. He uses all means in order to achieve his goals.Syliane has no sympathy in her heart for people like him.

Malefor-An assassin that tends to enjoy his job way too much. Syliane really hates people like him.

Lydra: a druid that had imprisoned her and her friends when they took refuge in her base of operations

Strengths: Syliane is intelligent, goes out of her way to help someone, as well as having a strong will.

weaknesses: She is not physically strong, she can become cocky, and she has a fear of the wind

Passions: She loves to play games as well as attend jousting events.

Dislikes: Syliane dislikes snobs as well as careless people, especially the wealthy ones.

fears: She fears windstorms despite being a harpy, losing her friends, and even being kicked out of the guild.

Life goal: Syliane wants to make a difference for the poor and oppressed people of Aker. She wants to be their ray of hope in the darkness.

Everyday life: Her life outside of daily tasks and guild meetings involves her doing leisure activities like attending tourneys or playing dice. She also makes time to visit orphanages in the area and meet with orphans of various races, trying to use her experiences to better the lives of others so they don't have to go through what she did.



name: Mordzar Malthus (Pronounced More-dzahr Mall-thas.)

age: 21

gender: male

Race: Human

appearance: Mordzar has a tall and fit body usually wrapped in black and blue attire, the colors of his House. He used to bear his family crest on his cloak, but had abandoned it long ago since he had lost connection with them. He has unkempt dark hair to his shoulders as well as bright blue eyes the same color as sapphires.

personality: Mordzar used to a boisterous, energetic, and arrogant young man in the past, but recent experiences have turned him into a stoic and logical man who rarely feels any emotion. He has the 'I need to do what's right no matter the cost' attitude.

backstory: Hailing from the country of Elloyn on Castre, Mordzar was born into the noble house of Malthus to two alchemists who worked for the king. As a child, it was discovered that he had magical abilities when he was able to bend metal to his will. His parents sent him to train with Mathas, an instructor at the Magi Academy, in order to hone his skills when a tyrant known as Vaxon sacked the capital and hunted down the Magi. Mordzar escaped with his fellow Magi until he was captured by Vaxon's forces. He, along with dozens of other fledgling Magi, were thrown into an arena in order to fight each other to the death for the amusement of the tyrant and his cronies. The metal mage was able to escape the arena with the rest of the surviving magi.With assistance from old allies like separatists, two dragons,and his House's vassals, the young man was able to mount a successful rebellion against Vaxon although he lost his family in the process. Later on, he became the Hand of the new king and took on duties that involved solving the kingdom's most minuscule problems. Eventually, he was lured into his aunt's house and double-crossed by her. The metal mage, the sole survivor of the attack, had supposedly succumbed to his wounds. He woke up to the chanting of black-clad necromancers on board a vessel whose identity he couldn't discern. Later on, Mordzar found out it was called a spacecraft after he was brought upon an alien world he didn't recognize. Later on, he would learn that this world was called Aker and it's Gothic atmosphere would enthrall him. He was then handed over to an armory to slave away for the smiths. To his shock and awe, Mordzar would learn that the ship that had brought him to the realm had traveled back in time hundreds of years before his era. How this was possible is still beyond him today.

How they joined the guild:One day as the metal mage was laboring away at the armory, he had noticed one of the kingdom's soldiers harassing a young woman and her children. A bit enraged at this, Mordzar had walked over and intervened. He had to threaten the drunken soldier with a metal dagger to the throat in order for him to leave the woman and her children alone. This act had gotten the attention of Lara and the Knight's Watch guild, who had arrived to invite him to join them. Lara was able to buy Mordzar's freedom from his captors which had the metal mage indebted to the guild leader. Mordzar joined in order to repay the debt.

magic: Mordzar is a Metal mage. He can summon or even manipulate metal by thinking out phrases or even uttering them.

friends: He has many friends in the guild, but his two lodegmates are critical to him:

Trystan- His personality is how Mordzar's used to be. Plus, he is from a noble house called House 

Vizara which is prominent in the area.

Chasty- She is a bookworm and is studying to be a scholar. She may have developed a thing for Mordzar.

enemies: He has made a couple enemies during his tome on Aker:

Simon: His overseer at the armory really had it out for him and Mordzar has no love for him either.

Lord Borial: Mordzar knew this lord was corrupt so he was involved on making sure everything went wrong for the lord, earning him House Borial's ire.

strengths: He is physically fit, he is analytical and quick thinking, he doesn't act on emotion.

weaknesses:He is constant pain due to numerous stab wounds over his body that haven't healed properly over time, he can't really empathize due to his inability to feel emotion anymore, and he also has a tendency to step in where his is not needed.

Passions:On his spare time, he likes to forge metal items using his skills in order to sell or give them out. He also loves to drink ale.

Dislikes:He dislikes dishonorable people, tyrants, backstabbers, and even noblemen due to his past experiences growing up in a noble house.

Fears: He fears losing his new guild members, dying again, and even losing his stoic nature, resulting in his return back to his impulsive self.

Life Goal: His goal in life is to start anew from his past one and make a difference on his adopted planet along with his guild members.

Everyday Life: His everyday life consists of doing his duties as a Knight's Watch member and going to late night celebrations at the taverns every so often. He also spends his time in his rented room along with his two roommates whom he enjoys having meaningful conversations.



name:Jardonkha Nathred ( pronounced Jar-dawn-kah Nah-thread)

age: 25

gender: female

race: naga

appearance:Like a typical Naga, Jardonkha possesses a human torso with the bottom half of her body being serpentine.Her lower body is dotted with brown and copper scales while her upper body resembles that of a human woman. She has long copper-colored hair to her back, a pale skin tone, and captivating blue eyes.

personality: Although she may seem cold and distant at first, Jardonkha would open up to you as soon as she gets to know you. She has a naturally suspicious nature due to the life events that had shaped her life. Despite having trust issues, she will go to the ends of the planet to help you should the need arise due to her having a caring heart which she believes is her weakness.

backstory: Born to a colony of naga on the palisades overlooking the Southampton Ocean, Jardonkha grew up alongside her tow older brothers. Since her parents worked as traveling actors, she was left in the care of her brothers for most of her life. One day, she decided to play a trick on her older brother Jaehyr so she had grabbed her father's decorative staff and pretended to conjure a Wyvern. However, a blue ethereal form of a dragon as summoned to the female naga's shock. It turned out that she was endowed with the magical prowess of a conjurer wizard. Despite being labeled a witch and cast out of her colony due to the label, she made her living on the streets of Tankrid running a show based on her abilities.There never passes a day where she never misses her

How they joined: Jardonkha was preparing to head to the house of Earl Ezron where she was to perform her conjuring acts for the Earl's entertainment when she came across a lonesome crying boy. Figuring that he needed some comfort, she conjured an image of a jester dancing in order to alleviate his sadness. Later on, she would learn that he was a lost boy who was later recovered by his family. After she finished her performance, an recruiting agent from the Knight's Watchhad approached her to join the guild.If she accepted, she would have the initiation right bypassed due to her previous act and she would receive higher payment than anywhere she performed. Moreover, she won't have to worry about where her next meal would come from. The naga immediately accepted.

magic:Conjurer Wizard-she uses a golden staff to conjure images of anything she desires.

Friends-She made a few friends during her time in the guild include:

Lara-The leader of the Knight's Watch has taken a grand interest in her abilities and Jardonkha is always creating a theatrical presentation for the guild due to the leader's love of theater.

Kane: The Hyena humanoid who considers himself her biggest fan. He tends to lean more on the obsessed stalker side.

Aliena: A dryad who is full of life and is a bit too energetic for her own good.

Enemies: Her enemies include:

Jeremias-a sorcerer who is extremely jealous of the attention Jardonkha receives. They work to undermine each other.

Morzan- the stable boy at the royal palace who is abusive to his animals.

Sartan- the leader of a gang of outlaws composed of centaurs and other inhumane races.Sartan,a centaur, is obnoxious and and has little to no regard for human life which Jardonkha finds revolting.

strengths: Jardonkha is a caring woman, is adept at her magic, and knows when to keep to herself.

weaknesses: Jardonkha is not much if a people person, is often misunderstood, and physical fighting isn't really her forte.

Passions: She loves conjuring up images in her theatrical performances. In addition, she loves music as well.

dislikes: She doesn't like inconsiderate people nor does she like loneliness. fears: She fears loneliness, the dark, and dying.

Life goal: her goal in life is to pursue her passion of theater.

Everday life: When she is not with the guild, she is either attending music performances or other public performances. She also spends her time with Lady Lara chatting about anything.



 name: Sha'Kil Khattar (Pronounced Shah-keel Cut-ahr)

age: 34

gender: male

race: Shutaki

appearance:Standing at 5'6, Sha'Kil has the typical appearance of a Shutaki warrior. He normally dons the warrior attire which includes a sand-colored cloak, grey pants, as well as a turban to keep him warm during the night and to cool him down during the day. His face is covered with a white mask with red paint running down from the eyes across the cheeks. Underneath that rough exterior, he possesses a brown bat-like face with yellow reptilian eyes. He is humanoid in appearance although he has some reptilian skills all over his body as well as talon-like feet.

personality: As a Shutaki warrior, Sha'kil is not afraid of battle. In fact, he relishes it a bit too much. However, his race does have a code of honor all warriors have to follow. These strict codes shaped his discipline as a noble and selfless man which made him a perfect candidate to join Knight's Watch.

backstory: Sha'kil was born on the island of Jargus where his species dominate. The oldest son of the Khattar tribe leader, Sha'kil had grown up with high expectations from his parents and his fellow tribe members. One of the first things a Shutaki is taught from birth is warfare. Sha'kil was at first slow to learn this, but eventually picked up his skills with assistance of a personal trainer his father assigned to him. It was during this time that he had developed his Warrior Sage powers. Sha'kil would then go on to become his the Khattar tribe's warlord and lead his tribe to victory. However, his tribe was ambushed one time by a rival tribe called Narhatta which resulted in his father's death. From now on, he would rule over the Khattar tribe as the chief until he joins the Knight's Watch.

How they joined: One time, Sha'Kil and his son Rii'Khan were visiting Tankrid in order to purchase some more advanced weapons for their tribe when the Shutaki leader noticed a Fenrir assault the city. With help from his son, he was able to subdue and kill the creature before it could cause any further damage to Tankrid. He was then approached by a recruiting officer from the guild known as the Knight's Watch who had an offer for the Shutaki. If he joined their guild, his tribe would receive advanced magical warfare weapons paid for by the guild. Sha'kil immediately accepted to join, leaving Rii'Khan as the new tribal leader.

Magic: Warrior Sage- He uses runes to enhance his arrows and spears, making them more efficient and deadly. Sha'Kil can also enhance his senses, including his eyesight and hearing.

friends: He has many friends in the guild, but a few will be listed.

Rhengar-a fellow warrior who loves battle.

Ra'sul- A fellow Shutaki tribe leader from a different clan. He has the same personality as Sha'Kil.

Meera- His human contact that works behind the scenes to help his tribe. Despite her refusal, he pays her a fair amount of credits.

enemies: He has two enemies They are :

Sham'Tul- The leader of the tribe that had attacked his Khattar in a cowardly way.

Ra-Kim- the Narhatta warrior that slew his father.

Strengths: Sha'kil is disciplined, strong, and analytical.

weaknesses:He can get a bit too emotional, stubborn, and even fooldhardy during battles.

Passions: He is passionate about hunting and even weapon-building.

dislikes: He dislikes cheating, dishonesty, and cowardice.

fears: He fears being poisoned, losing his family, and Hydras

goal in life: His goal in life is to prove himself a worthy warrior and die a hero's death.

everday life: His everyday life outside of the guild is him joining up with guild members and enjoying leisure activities. On his downtime, he either hunts, trains, or even tries to invent new weaponry.


Guild master ( just for reference purposes)

name: Lara Canterbury

age: 42

race: Half human half orc

gender: female

appearance: Lara is a tall and slender woman with a fit body from all those years of training and battle. She has the light green skin of an orc she inherited from her mother as well as yellow reptilian eyes. Despite this, she also has humanoid ears she had inherited from her father. She has short dark hair in a bob that reaches the top of her neck.

personality: Although she may have a stern and firm exterior,she is a kind and caring woman who seems like a mother to the guild members.

backstory:Lara was born on a frontier town about 20 miles north of the Tankrid, the capital city of the planet Aker to a human father and an orc mother. Her father, a knight in the service of the local king, taught her all about chivalry and the code of honor. On Aker, it is not just men who can enter the service of knighthood, but women as well. Becoming a hedge knight at the age of 17, Lara also learned that she had magical powers as well.This was when she joined Knight's Watch after hearing about them all over town to use her skills as an air mage. Now at the age of 42, it is her eight year leading the guild after the previous guild master, a shield wizard elf, was killed in the line of duty. Even though she can be firm, she also acts as a mother to the guild members.

How they joined: Hearing about the Knight's Watch, Lara sought out their base and asked to join the guild. She then had to partake in the intiiation rite which she had completed by using her air magic to rescue civilians trapped in a burning tower.

magic: She is an air mage that can control the air around her and use it against her enemies and to her advantage by just thinking up phrases.

friends: She has many friends among the guild and the masters of various guilds, but a few notable ones are:

Zara- a harpy who runs the Eagle's Talon guild. She is a kind and selfless woman.

Xena-a Dryad that runs the Cat's Paw guild. She is brave and brash.

Kommador- a gnome that runs the Spring Fever guild. He is a gentle and humble soul.enemies: Her enemies are:

Kommissar- the leader of the Black Hand guild. He is cruel and lacks empathy.

Xanthos- the rave animaloid who is the leader of a band of murderers. He is vile and obnoxious.

Strengths: Lara is good at hiding her true intentions, a master at air magic, as well as willing to lay out her life for anyone that needs it.

weaknesses: She is not nimble, she can let her caring side get the better of her, and finally she has recently developed symptoms similar to asthma, limiting her ability to move around for long.

Passions: She loves falconry as well as public performances of music, theater, etc.

dislikes: She doesn't like people who discriminate against others nor onions.

fears: She fears death, heights, and losing her loved ones.

goal in life: Lara wants to keep her guild relevant as well as to fulfill the original leader's goals. everday life: It is full time dedication to running her guild.

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