Guild 7: Liberum-Spiritibus

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This guild was made by ForeverandMagic. The guild seal is below. At the bottom of the guild form is the Gamemaker/Mentor comments and below them will be the five members representing the guild in the games. 

Guild Name: Liberum-Spiritibus

The guild's name was originally Liberum. It was named after a local (well, the planet) legend who was Geria Liberum. Geria was said to be a great Healer Magi who saved hundreds of people through medical ways. However, people often exaggerate her deeds saying that she used magic. Then, some guild members wanted the name to be changed to Spiritibus after the brave Persee Spiritibus who led his army and defeated the barbaric invaders from Saine's moon. Eventually, they just combined the names.

Planet: The planet that Liberum-Spiritibus is on is called Saine. It is a simple planet with heavier gravity than Earth's, but only slightly. However, the planet itself is a booming melting pot. With many resources, the planet soon became trading port, and thousands of species travel to and from Saine. Obviously, that means the local population is very diverse, and it is said that you see a different sub-species every day when you walk down the streets. You can witness people loading gold, coal, and various types of fruits that only grow on Saine. The guild's former was based in the capital city of Rousse, but they had to move to the small village near the city called Skel. Being part of the Republic, it is fairly close to the center of the cluster of planets within it. It isn't too far away from Tythan. The planet itself has five continents that spread around the globe. The largest is Actif, then it is Conkaryote, then Pili, then Matante, and the smallest is Bete. Bete is where the capital and Magi base is located.

What is the guild like: It used to be a bright beacon of magic, education, and protection, but now they can't even hope to be half of that. It's current members are mostly inexperienced, young, and way too curious for their own good. They still keep to their roots: loyalty, honesty, and logic, but in the state that they are in now, each member seems to be standing on thin ice. It seems like any day now that the ice finally breaks and the guild falls apart.

Guild History: It began with a group of magi whose names were lost in history, but that is one of the greater mysteries about the guild. They know how long Liberum-Spiritibus has been around: 15 years, but the original members were hidden from the public. Now, due to current events, the latest Magi Master has been accepting almost anyone who wants to join. The reason? A plague swept the entire continent of Bete and 60% of the population perished. The previous 1045 members went down to a measly 50, and then many of them left because of the lose of family or homes. The guild lost money, respect, and expertise.

Guild Master: His name is Zion Xian, and he is a simple dog Animaloid with black fur all over his body and cold, brown eyes. The Illusionist's overall composer demands complete focus and commitment, and that isn't far from the truth. Despite only being a Master because the previous one died in the plague, the fifty-five year old takes everything seriously. Especially reputation. That is why the guild is even joining this year instead of taking a rest, and the members don't necessarily like that.

Number of members: 32. Previously, you had to submit a form saying that you wished to join, pass a written and verbal intellectual test, and have basic combat skills. In fact, it was required to retake the tests every four years. Now, to gain more members and respect, they accept practically anyone.


Thulok: "What a tragedy. I hope to see Liberum-Spiritibus go far in the games. I have no doubt you will come back stronger!"

Evina: "If you ever need anything, just let me know! I hope to see your guild go far!"

Pimret: "Liber - ah - Lib - uh, Lib-nee- ay? Lib-er-oom? Lib-er-oom Spear-bus! Ha!" ***at this, both Thulok and Evina roll their eyes at Pimret*** 


Kean: "Your efforts to get your guild back on your feet, Zion Xian, will be the reason why your guild will not disappear from the pages of history."



Name: Abhiveer Duer (Ab-e-veer Durr)

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Appearance: It isn't much of a stretch to say that Abhiveer is a scrawny boy who can't seem to look presentable. His blond hair tends to stick up in the air, and his bangs often fall in his bright blue eyes. However, despite the white and brown clothing he wears, he can't stop the edges becoming stained and frayed. Most remember him when he had tan skin, but since he was one of the few to survive the plague, he has sickly pale skin. He has scars all over his arms, legs, and stomach from boils; that is the reason he wears long sleeved shirts and pants all the time. His height, however, tends to steer people away from this fact as he is 5'3", and he is the shortest member who is in the Games.

Personality: At first glance, you would see a irresponsible, awkward teenager. He often makes puns, and he is known to be incredibly clumsy during the worst of times. Abhiveer is the type of guy who tries his hardest to get what he wants, and he has a simple code: honesty and truth. Of course, he is loyal, but if something comes up, he is ready to break ties with that person. He almost died once already, and he realized that only trustworthy person deserve to be a part of his life. Not only that, but he knows that anything can get in the way of plans. He also tends to hide his insecurities from friends such as the boil scars, his lack of skill, and his fears. When around others, he acts like he did before the plague: happy, bumbling, and go-lucky. It isn't much of an act; it is more of a transition from childhood to adulthood.

Backstory: Like most, his father was a Warrior Sage, but that was something Abhiveer could never get used to. Naturally, his father wanted to teach his son how to use a sword, and Abhiveer became decent with it after several years. However, as time passed, his father changed. He became distant, greedy, and strange, but Abhiveer only noticed this in small doses. The boy was practicing his magic anyway. He had no time to figure out what was going on. Suddenly, the family gained money. Enough to last a lifetime. With his father joining a new guild, Liberum-Spiritibus, Abhiveer believed that it was just luck. Then, his father became fluent in an almost forgotten language called Malish, and Abhiveer and his sister picked up on the strange language.

Then, the plague hit, and his sister became sick. Boils covered her face and body, and she coughed up black slime. But then, all of the sudden, she was cured! But, Abhiveer became sick, and so did his father and mother. His father kept on apologizing to him, begging to be forgiven. Abhiveer believed that it was one of the rare symptoms: hallucinations. It was a miracle that Abhiveer survived, but miracles aren't for everyone. He was left alone with his sister, and he wanted to bury his parents. But, burning was the best bet; he didn't want to get infected again. He and his sister burnt the bodies, and it wasn't long until they searched the house for supplies.

That was where he found the lamp. It wasn't a kerosene lamp; it was one of those old lamps from ancient times. Long story short, a genji came out of the lamp demanding to be taken to the nearest tavern. His sister, being a non-magi, threw several rocks at the strange man. He was Neijel, a member of the guild whose lamp happened to be in the house.

How he joined the guild: Neijel then led them to the guild saying that Abhiveer should join, but the boy declined at first. However, they offered shelter and food for him and his sister. Plus, his genji said he had to keep the lamp on him. Sadly, for the genji, Abhiveer won't wish for anything. Maybe because of the consequences, or maybe because he just likes annoying Neijel. Perhaps it's both.

Magic: Shield Magic - Shield Wizard Magi. Abhiveer is a weaker magi, but that doesn't mean that he goes over his limits. He tends to use shields as more of an offense than a defense by creating a shield appear last minute. It is always the color gold, and his enemies are pushed back when the boy pushes the shield towards them. However, this way of fighting wears him down, so it is often to see him just using a sword or punching people instead.


Trieste Duer - She is his sister, and she is only twelve years old.

Neijel Eair - The genji.

His friends also consist of other guild members since many kids his age died in the plague.


Paladin Malik - The sun elf was the one who never trusted Abhiveer, and he made the boy go through quarantine for three months. His sister, however, had one week of quarantine.

Strengths: He is determined, honest, and lightens the mood most of the time. He also is incredibly skilled with improving and moving on his feet.

Weaknesses: He isn't an optimist, and he usually thinks the worst in people. Plus, it doesn't take much him to break loyalty. Another thing is that he is now very self conscious of his appearance (skin wise, anyway), and he is a complete germaphobe. It doesn't help that he isn't the best at magic. Finally, he has a weak leg due to the boils and infection that caused muscle damage.

Passions: He loves writing and history. He creates his own worlds whenever he writes, and with his curious nature, he wants to find out the mysteries of the past.

Dislikes: If it wasn't obvious, sickness and lies. One that isn't as obvious is that he hates crowds. The amount of people causes him to get lost, the amount of dirt and sickness spread, and the overwhelming amount of heat are the reasons why.

Goal in life: When he was younger, he wanted to find ancient artifacts and live in the country. Now, it seems like that dream is fading away as he is dragged in the Magi world.

Everyday life: If Neijel wasn't there, Abhiveer would certainly be reading or sleeping all day. Instead, the genji drags the boy to training and helps him with education. Neijel even helped Trieste get into a school that specializes in medicine.



Name: Neijel Eair

Age: 123

Gender: male

Race: Genji

Appearance: The genji is, of course, your typical genji. His bottom half is made of of light blue smoke that more often than not is connected to his lamp. His waist is covered with dark blue cloth with many gold coins hanging off it, and his skin is a rich tan that only is hereditary. He is the complete opposite of Abhiveer when it comes to clothing since he is almost always seen without a shirt. He is always wearing gold necklaces, and many question why he isn't modest. His dark red hair reaches down to the middle of his back, and his brown eyes twinkle with cocky flirtation.

Personality: He is a very confident man who likes the ladies, and there is no other way to say that. He is smooth, cocky, and loves to mess with others. However, around the two kids he practically takes care of, Abhiveer and Trieste, he becomes an entirely different person. Yes, he still messes around with them, but he gives them serious advice and acts like a father. Many say that he has been waiting for the moment when he has kids, but others say that it is because Abhiveer has the lamp. The genji, however, will always become too overconfident, and he isn't always the best role model for kids.

Backstory: Guilt is a nasty thing, and his first master was full of it. He was only thirteen, but he caused so much pain for that man. The man wished for forgiveness. Neijel gave that to him, but the consequence was death. The wife would only forgive his master if he was dead. It was years until his next master, thank goodness, but this time it was a man named Persee Spiritibus. The man wished for ways to help his army defeat the barbarian invaders from Saine's moon, but the consequence was insane. Persee had physical deformities. He couldn't walk, speak, or hear. It was a sad sight. Soon, he was found by a man by the name of Joyhn Duer. He wished for money, and the consequence was his slow mental decline. He wished for the knowledge of a language, and he became aloof. The plus side was that he joined the guild because of the man. But then the plague hit, and the man's daughter got sick. She was dying, and Joyhn wished for her to be cured. Neijel saw the consequence and told him, but Joyhn didn't believe him. The consequence was everyone in the family except his daughter getting sick, and only the son survived. The son, Abhiveer, found him and became his new master, but he hasn't wished for anything. He convinced the kids to go to the base of the guild, and he convinced the boy to join. However, he never told Abhiveer that he caused everything because of his father's wishes.

How did he join: Joyhn brought Neijel there during the second year the guild was created. He went through original trials, and he quickly rose in rank and skill.

Magic: Gold Manipulation - Metal Mage Magi. He can easily manipulate pieces of gold into other shapes and create gold. The more complicated, the more strain it puts on him. If he adds more gold to metal, it makes him light headed. In fact, creating gold makes him so lightheaded that he often faints.


Abhiveer and Trieste: The kids of his previous master, and the boy is his master.

Herho Linko: The polite, kind okapi centaur.


Freya Spiritibus: The harpy daughter of Persee Spiritibus who blames him for her father's condition.

Strengths: He is very confident, and he knows how to get what he wants. Also, he is very skilled in his magic, and he is very loyal to the kids.

Weaknesses: He can become cocky, he lies and hides important information if he believes it will cause conflict, and he never always makes mistakes with girls. Lastly, he can't get ten feet away from the lamp because he gets weaker and weaker until he completely turns into smoke.

Passions: He loves dancing and gambling. He isn't addicted to gambling, but he likes the aspects of the games. He... doesn't know why he likes dancing so much. He just does.

Dislikes: Puns. Goodness, he hates them with a passion. Also, he hates the water since it is extremely difficult for him to move around in it.

Fears: He is afraid of isolation. He hates being alone, especially being stuck in the lamp. He is also afraid of snakes and one of the wishes he grants having a grave consequence.

Goal in life: He wants to continue being part of the guild and helping the kids. He feels guilty about what happened to their father, and he feels like he has to make up for it.

Everyday life: In the morning, he gets the kids ready, and he then trains Abhiveer with a Shield Magi that he doesn't necessarily like. Then, he tries to enjoy life while trying to give the kids some freedom.



Name: Herho Linko (Her-ho Link-o)

Age: 25

Gender: female

Race: Okapi Centaur

Appearance: She certainly is one of those who stand out in the marketplace with her unusual looks. The bottom of her body is of an okapi which is brown with white stripes on the four legs, and her chocolate skin has white paint decorated on her skin. Her brown, watchful eyes scan every direction, and her dark brown hair is fluffy and often in a ponytail. Her clothing is mostly made up tan cloth covering the top half of her body, and her hooves have white paint swirls on them as well.

Personality: Despite her looks, she is a very polite and shy girl who never looks for a fight. If an argument seems likely, she will quickly try to de-escalate the problem, and she always tries to be formal. If anything, she will always try to be nice to you, and if she does offend someone on accident, a waterfall of apologizes will come out of her mouth. She isn't completely defenseless (sometimes, not always), and she knows how to bargain with enemies. Think of her like a business woman or merchant trying to get a better deal. She knows how to read people as well, but when fights start, she can only do so much.

Backstory: She was born on a small, desert plain planet called Shango which neighbors Saine. Many tribes exist there, and they coexist peacefully. However, some invaders from Saine's moon came after bringing up their numbers and strength. They took control of the planet, and they destroyed the local culture and people. They were turned into slaves, and the government was turned into a dictatorship. However, some nice invaders helped create an organization that helps the natives escape the planet, and Herho's parents gladly took the opportunity. So she and her family were hidden in trade cargo along with many others, and they arrived in the ports of Saine, specifically in Bete. She grew older (20), and she heard of the newest guild in town. She sprinted to the base with the hope that she could learn a bit of the local language, and she barely passed the test. Then, she met a middle aged man who wished to help her. His name was Joyhn Duer, and he somehow knew her language. He even helped her with English. However, he had a genji who always seemed to try and spark a conversation with her, but she eventually became friends with him. Then, the plague hit, and her friend and teacher Joyhn died. She knew his kids were at the guild, but she kept thinking about how she could try and fix something. Anything. So, since her mother was a tribal healer, she taught the daughter how to use some herbal medicines.

Magic: Invisibility Magic - Shadow Sage Magi. She uses her magic for stealth and stealth only. She loves to manipulate the environment around her to suddenly... disappear. She can do that for a while, actually, but if she is hiding something or someone else, it wouldn't last.


Neijel Eair - The cocky, flirtatious genji

Trieste Duer - The happy, rambunctious girl who wants to get into medicine.

Joyhn Duer - Her dead friend and mentor.

Shanley O'Neoa - A mysterious female naga.


The invaders from Saine's moon - They don't know it, obviously, but she hates them.

Kiolin Hika - The man who owned her and her family when they were on Shango.

Strengths: She knows how to bargain, she is polite, and she is great at reading people.

Weaknesses: She tends to be terrible in physical fights, her English is still not perfect, she often makes mistakes and is afraid of getting hurt. She also has a breathing problem where if she puts too much strain on her body, she starts wheezing and can't breathe well.

Passions: She loves making spears. In her tribe, they were created as a work of art, and she does create art. Feathers, carvings, and sometimes jewels decorate them. Also, she loves to learn about literature.

Dislikes: She hates long, hard to pronounce words. Especially the guild's name. Who even knows how to say that! She also hates the cold since she isn't used to it.

Fears: She is afraid of losing her freedom and individuality, but she is also afraid of fire.

Goal in life: Her goal in life is to figure out how people can speak to the barbarians who took control over her planet.

Everyday life: She tends to study for most of the time, occasionally helping Trieste out, and she then practices her magic sometimes accidentally eavesdropping on other members.



Name: Shanley O'Neoa

Age: 29

Gender: female

Race: Naga

Appearance: She is a strange character indeed, and not even she would deny it. Her wild, brown hair seems like it would belong to someone with a reckless personality, but her slit, green eyes give off a cold, calculating aura. Her snake half has a beautiful brown, black, and white pattern that seeks respect and dignity, but the cloth she wraps around her waist and the loose shirts she wear give a rebellious look.

Personality: She rarely speaks, but when she does, it often confuses most. She keeps everything to herself, and nothing is unnoticed by her calculating eyes. She feels no need to get to know anyone because relationships have no real meaning, and emotions always get in the way, so she shuts them off. It is rare that you will her opinion, and she tries her hardest to fulfill her role in whatever she is doing.

Backstory: She was born on the largest continent on Saine: Actif, and she was raised in a family of farmers. They grew a fruit called mari, a fruit only found on Saine whose juice is very sweet. However, despite practicing her magic, she wanted more out of life. Specifically, she wanted to know more people. To travel like most young people. So, she and her friend Paladin Malik (a sun elf) started by traveling to Bete before the guild was put in place. It was peaceful, but not perfect. So, naturally, they got in a bit of trouble. They saw some people transporting natives from the planet Shango, and, at first, they were against it. They had no idea that the organization had permission from the government, so they started to push them around. A family of centaurs ran off while the lady explained the whole ordeal. After that, the two heard about the guild, they almost immediately joined, but they weren't nearly skilled enough. They trained by themselves for two years before applying. They then rose through the ranks, and Shanley became the girl to be with. After many accounts, she became pregnant. She was alone since Paladin was on some mission, and the father up and left. Then, the plague hit, and she had a miscarriage due to all the stress and anxiety she experienced. Since then, she has been as she is.

Magic: Teleport Magic - Space Wizard Magi. She creates various sized, orange portals that transport things or people. However, she isn't used to multiple using them, so it would be difficult for her to manage that.


Paladin Malik - He is a childhood friend who has grown distant.

Herho Linko - The centaur girl who won't leave her alone.


Jikin Koklin - the father of her miscarriaged child.

Strengths: Her magic definitely. She is obsessed with perfecting it. She also watches everything, and she never speaks giving her a frightening aura.

Weaknesses: She never has fun anymore, and she turned off her identity. She also has a weak vertebrae in her tail because when she was younger, she fell out of a tree when picking mari.

Passions: She constantly draws and paints, but her best works of art are her other passion: mosaics. Lastly, she cooks.

Dislikes: She hates contact from other people. For some reason, now she hates hugs, hand holding, ect. Also, she hates flirtatious people.

Fears: She fears that she will be weak and in pain again, and she doesn't trust others to help her. In fact, she fears that they will cause her pain. Lastly, she has a fear of spiders.

Goal in life: Right now, just to get through life.

Everyday life: She constantly draws, reads, and practices magic. No social life whatsoever.



Name: Paladin Malik

Age: 31

Gender: male

Race: Sun Elf

Appearance: The ginger elf has tan skin and blue eyes, but don't let that fool you. His appealing looks hide a serious leader who always stands up straight and wears formal uniforms.

Personality: He isn't the nicest person, that is certain. In fact, many new members of the guild describe him as cold, arrogant, and, well, a jerk. Despite these aspects being negative, he embraces them. He walks around with grace and authority. However, many say that he has grown distant. That he has a heart made of ice, and he wishes he could deny those claims.

Backstory: He basically has the same backstory as Shanley: born on a farm, traveled, trained for two years to join the guild, and rose through the ranks. However, when he left for a mission, it was to spy on Joyhn Duer. The man's behavior was growing irrational and it made the master fearful. Paladin watched Joyhn, but the plague hit. He saw the family go through the sickness, and he quickly left only to find Joyhn's kids two weeks later with the genji. It was suspicious, especially since he had no idea where the lamp was. He assumed the genji died as well, and, to be perfectly honest, he felt like a kid didn't deserve a genji.

Magic: Pelican Shapeshifter - Shapeshifter Sage Magi. He can basically transform into a pelican. Yes, not the most intimidating animal, but he can't help it. The transformation uses a lot of magic at first, so he will be worn down for awhile, but it will slowly start to come back after five minutes. However, the longer he is in it, the magic will quickly go back down.


Shanley O'Neoa - the naga girl.


Abhiveer Duer - the human son of Joyhn Duer.

Strengths: He is calculating, and he knows how to take control of a situation. He is also extremely skilled with daggers because he used to throw them at mari trees when he was a kid.

Weaknesses: He has little empathy, he is arrogant, and distant. He also has a severe allergy to alcohol and peaches.

Passions: He loves cooking and sewing. He especially loves chocolate baking.

Dislikes: He hates mysteries, following others, and recklessness. He doesn't like going in without a plan either.

Fears: He fears losing control, but he also fears of becoming too distant. Too cold. Lastly, he is afraid of heights.

Goal in life: He wants to eventually become a great Magi in history, maybe become Master.

Everyday life: He walks around checking if everything is going right, and he tends to go to the training area to nick pick newbies and vets alike.


Name: Berwyn Salazar

Age: 17

Race: merman

Appearance: The teen mer is a very lanky boy with pale skin that seems to shine like a pearl underwater. However, his eyes are bright blue and contrast against his white hair. His tail is two different colors: black and white, and the colors themselves are in patches. Despite everything, he often wears a loose piece of cloth, often white, covering his chest, and on land, he moves around in an almost broken wheelchair.

Personality: Most call him the annoying friend. The one who constantly asks questions and gets attached to people very easily. This isn't necessarily his fault though. He is just naturally curious, and he is a very empathic person. Whenever he senses that someone is feeling negative, he tries to act optimistic. However, this often backfires and causes the other to completely despise him.

Backstory: He was born on Grya- a sea planet- and it was pretty peaceful. In fact, a bit too peaceful. The dictator who ruled the world started to get rid of certain people, but the rest of society lived in an utopia. Sadly, his parents knew that one day, the leader would eventually have another scape goat, and when Berwyn was 13, the dictator declared that all two-colored tailed merpeople would be eliminated. This was about 40% of the population, and Berwyn was one of them since his parents were two different scale colors. For years, they fled and lived in small towns and farms so Berwyn would have a somewhat normal childhood. The illusion worked, and they soon moved to Saine. To move around, they used wheelchairs, and Berwyn started to use his magic. He trained, but the family had to move back to Grya for two years because the dictator was overthrown and they wanted to see their family again. However, when Berwyn went back to Saine, he heard of the plague and immediately joined the guild to try and help.

How they joined: He visited back to Saine and wanted to help with the plague. Be signed up, and due to the low numbers, he was accepted.

Magic: Gravity Mage Magi. He can manipulate how little gravity there is in an area causing a sort of effect that most would see on Earth's moon. Things jump higher, things are lighter, or make things heavier, ect'. His mathnos is pushed into the object or ground and surrounds it.


Abhiveer: the only other teenage boy.

Yaha Saddler: The nymph girl in the guild.


Ada Kenndi: the former dictator of his planet whose in hiding.

Strengths: He is a great optimistic, and helps cheer people up. He also is incredibly fast swimmer, and his magic helps him evade enemies.

Weaknesses: On land, he is stuck in a terrible wheelchair that sucks when he tries to navigate. He is also physically weak, and he can't stay without water for two hours. Otherwise, he will dehydrate.

Passions: He loves card games, and he has a passion for carving things out of coral. Especially dolls. Oh, and he likes to analyze and help fix other people's problems...which often ends badly.

Dislikes: He hates silence and he has no patience. Not to mention that he hates anything unoriginal. Oh! He doesn't like the pollen of plants. He has awful allergies.

Fears: He is afraid of sadness and loneliness. A world without hope is another.

Goals in life: He plans on staying in the guild and doing something. He doesn't have many plans, but he does want to fix the big divide within the guild. Since he has no experience with the plague, he thinks an unbiased view will help.

Everyday life: He often follows his friend Yaha, and they train together. Later, he tries to go out and volunteer to help rebuild Saine and it's population.

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