💠 Everything And More 💠

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Shiro: Hiya!
I'm here with a request from:
Thank you very much for requesting! Hope you like it!


Fear is not good enough word to describe Ja'far's expression. No. Horror seems more accurate to be honest.

"Ja'far! I swear to God!" You basically scream in your husband's ear, the poor albino cringing in pain.

"I-I know! We are already there!" He shutters.

The situation would have been hilarious if it hadn't been the two of you in it, it was that simple.
Ja'far was currently carrying you bridal style and, frantically, rushing through the Sindrian palaces halls.

If you had known how much this was going to hurt you'd been more careful eight months and three weeks ago, but you didn't so, as a result, you weren't and thus you got pregnant.

"Ja'far.... I think this child might have inherited your assassin antiqued... I swear to God she's trying to kill me" you mumble, your voice delirious because of the pain.

Ja'far looks down at you with furrowed brows and confused eyes, his face, once again, would have been amusing if not for the situation.

"Hold on, we're almost the-"

"You said that AGES ago!" You hiss at him while throwing random punches aiming for nothing in particular. Not that you didn't want to aim them at your husband's face in that moment.

Poor Ja'far goes paler than you thought was humanly possible and looks at you, terrified. He can do nothing but run faster.

It took a while but, finally, the two of you got to the infirmary, the former assassin placing you in a bed and hissing at the doctors and nurses to hurry up.

"For Solomon's sake! Someone take this evil creature out of my body before I do it myself!" You yell in fury, burying your nails in Ja'far's arm.

The man was horrified to say the least,he had gotten used to your mood swings for the last eight months and three weeks but, even with the hormones, you were still as sweet cheerful and mocking as always. Now Ja'far was considering you might cut his head off.

"(Y/n), breathe" he says in soothing tone.

You turn your face and straight glare at him, "I wish I wasn't breathing so I wouldn't be in so much pain, the thing is, Ja'far, dear, there's a child inside of me who decided she now wants to breathe on her own too! That's why we're here! So, no!" You say with poison lacing every word.

Ja'far freezes and then sighs at the statement, placing a hand in your head and running his fingers through your (h/c) locks in soothing manner.

"Sorry, I don't know what I can do for you" he admits with a sweat drop.

You slightly calm down, his movements being able to sooth your rage as the doctors and nurses start preparing you.

"I'm sorry, honey, I'm just in a lot of pain" you reply, in between contractions, with concerned face, worried your husband might leave. Damn hormones.

Ja'far sends you a hearty smile and lightly kisses your forehead.

"We're ready to start" says one of the nurses.

"Okay, Miss (y/n), I need you to start pushing" says the doctor while positioning himself.

You take a deep shaky breath and nod, Ja'far taking your hand with his two own and looking at you with a small smile, nodding a bit.

You take another deep breath before starting to push, crying out in pain.

As another contraction hits you you let another cry of pain, you weren't even sure how long you had been like this by now.

Ja'far holds down what could have either been a growl or a straight out whimper as you basically crush his hand.

It took a long time for you to finally be over, gasping and panting as a nurse receives you baby and takes her away to clean her (You knew it would be a her because Yamraiha told you at least three months ago).

Ja'far smiles at you while cleaning your face with a towel, "You did great, it's over now" he says in calm and relaxing tone, effectively decreasing your quick and anxious breaths.

The crying of your baby, which was heard all over the nursery, slowly but surely stops, the nurse wrapping the new born in a cozy white blanket after cleaning her and walking up to you.

"Congratulations, Miss (y/n), you have a beautiful healthy girl" chimes the nurse while handing the child to you.

You receive your daughter with happy expression and hold her so Ja'far can also see her.

The small girl had Ja'far's pale skin and freckle-adorned face, her eyes where (e/c) just like yours and she had thin white hair just like your husband's.

You smile down at your daughter and then turn at Ja'far, who was looking at the child with sparkling eyes and a smile.

You chuckle a bit at his expression and lightly kiss his cheek.

"I love you" you say and the man smiles at you, kissing your forehead, "I love you too" he replies.

The nurses and doctors smile at the two of you, the lady who handed your child standing by your side, "Have you two decided of a name yet?" She asks.

You turn to Ja'far with a small smile and then you two turn at the nurse, "We have" you say.

"Jasmine" softly says your green eyed husband, holding Jasmine's tiny hand, the child nuzzling against it in response. Both Ja'far and you giggling.

The nurse smiles and nods, walking away.

After that everything seemed to go back to normal, of course the eight generals and king where happier than they could explain with words, constantly playing and adoring your daughter.

You and Ja'far where also happier than you could possibly explain, you two were happily married, loved each other, had your loved jobs and, now, a perfect daughter. You two had everything you ever wanted, you had everything and more.


Shiro: Did you like it? I hope you did!
Thank you all for your support and for requesting! It's incredibly fun to write this stories XD
I did write this one faster than expected tho xd


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