💠 I Don't Get To Fall 💠

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"(y/n)!" Yells Pisti while Yamraiha gasps in surprise.

"Don't just look at me! Help!" You screech in horror while being swung around.

Sindria is a beautiful country, its tropical climate resulting in various exotic creatures roaming the waters that surround the cheerful island.

A few hours ago the eight generals where informed of an octopus attacking the coasts but no one thought an octopus was much trouble. They where wrong.

You where nothing more nothing less than Yamraiha's assistant, the two of you had grown quite fond and you soon became fond of Pisti, you where basically best friends by now. You also where close friends with the rest of the generals so it wasn't rare to see you around the palace, even Sinbad liked you quite a lot!

Because of your relation with the eight generals and the king himself, when they got notified of the octopus they all invited you and Aladdin and his group to watch the hunt, you gladly accepted. Terrible choice.

"(Y/n)! Hold tight! We'll get you down!" Yells Sharrkan. "I don't want to die-" you say but are cut off by the octopus swinging you around, causing you to, loudly, cry in terror. Sinbad sweat drops.

At first it was simple, the eight generals, the king, Aladdin, Morgiana, Alibaba and you got there and saw the octopus getting his tentacles ahold of boats and simply swinging them around and then throwing them to the ocean, it seemed fairly easy to kill. Wrong.

"Oh my God! Do something!" Cries Pisti while covering her eyes, not wanting to look at the pathetic scene taking place before her, "It's not my fault you lost your house hold vessel!" Argues Sharrkan.

After getting to the scene you got a bit distracted while taking to Pisti. You regret it. Ja'far tried to warn you but it was too late, before you realized it the octopus had grabbed you.

Your first reaction was to look down at the tentacle around your waist, everyone of the generals and Sinbad doing the same, horror plastered in all your faces. When the octopus finally strated lifting you you screeched for dear life, reaching your hands for Pisti, who screamed in surprise.

Now, this was unfortunate, but when Pisti reached for her household vessel the octopus did the same, slapping it away from her hands and then completely lifting you from the ground.

"If I use my magic I might hurt her! What should we do?!" Asks Yamraiha while looking at you in shock, not that she could see you much since you where being swung at amazing speed. "Maybe I could try to help he-" starts Morgiana but then, it happens.

The octopus, growing tired of you, drops you.... Drops you, literally let's go of you. Everyone's eyes widen, looking as you start falling from the outrageous hight.

Ja'far's eyes furrow as he takes out his darts, aiming them at the octopus and jumping from the small cliff he was standing on.

The white haired swings towards you, grabbing you before the two of you fall to the ocean.

"Ja'far! (Y/n)!" Yells Sinbad while he, the generals and the three teenagers rush down the cliff and towards the beach, Sharrkan running off by his own to kill the octopus.

As everyone arrives the beach they look in amazement as Ja'far carries you out of the water, the two of you panting and coughing.

Everyone sighs in relief, "Sister (y/n), Brother Ja'far, are you okay?!" Asks Aladdin, rushing next to you and Ja'far as the two of you drop to the sand and just lay there.

"I- I- don't- yeah-" you pant, Ja'far simply nods.

After you catch your breath you sit up and turn to Ja'far, "T- thanks" you tell the white haired, who sits up and turns to you, "Don't worry" he reassures with a small smile. You blush.

Aladdin smiles and Yamraiha grins as they see pink rukh fluttering around you, "Eh? What is the pink ru-" starts Aladdin only to get his mouth covered by the bluenette girl.

After that, you all went back to the palace.

You walk out of the bathroom after taking a shower, letting out a soft sigh in exhaustion, //Weird day...// You think, remembering what had happened and how Ja'far had helped you. You blush and look away from the mirror while brushing your hair.

//Idiot! What are you thinking!//

Back in his room, Ja'far finishes changing his clothes after taking a shower, sighing, //This was all because Sin thought the octopus was easy to kill// he complains, going over what happened.

The white haired blushes and furrows his eyebrows, //Idiot, what are you thinking? She's Yamraiha's assistant!// He argues to his own thoughts.

//I don't get to fall// the two of them think at the same time, pink rukh fluttering around them as they get ready for Maharjagan.


Shiro: I don't even know if I wrote Maharjagan correctly XD

Kuro: hope you enjoyed this one, it was fun to imagine reader-chan in this situation XD

Shiro: true!



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