13. Lover's Quarrel

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(I wonder where he could be... Or what he even looks like. Ugh, this is hopeless. I have no idea who I'm even looking for.)

I crept through the palace corridors, searching for anyone who wasn't one of the palace maids or a red-headed Ren child. I thought back on what Kouha had told me, reassuring myself that some good would come from finding his step-brother.

(All I know is that his name is Hakuryuu. Maybe I should just ask one of the maids...)

Just as I thought that, I heard footsteps from further down the hallway. I hastily rushed around the corner, only to run right into Judar.

"Watch where you're- Oh, it's you," Judar started angrily but quickly shifted tones at my appearance. "What are you doing wandering around here after I told you to lay low? Get back to your room already," he scolded.

I wasn't really in the mood for his nagging after Kougyoku's battering. "I'm searching for someone, not that it's anything you should be worried about," I retorted. I turned my nose up at him, which seemed to set his blood boiling.

"You look here, you little shit," he murmured angrily, taking a step closer to me. "It's gonna be my ass on the line if you don't do as you're told, got it? The last thing I need is for the old guys to come nagging at me because of you again."

"First of all, I never signed up to act as your puppet, Judar. I was fine being dead and what not but someone decided he didn't have enough pawns on the board to play with," I snapped back at him. "Your issues with Al Tharmen are still your own, not mine. Why don't you learn to take them on yourself?"

"God, why are you so hell bent on not doing as I say?!" he said, his volume raising considerably.

My brow furrowed at his tone as I shouted back, "I'm not yours to order around!"

I hadn't realized that with every back and forth comment, our faces had inched closer to one another until we were staring each other dead in the eyes. Judar lifted his fists to his temples before slamming his hands on the wall behind me, boxing me in. "Why are you so damn stubborn?" he asked, his voice much quieter than before.

I shuddered a little at how close he was. I could feel the heat from his breath against my skin and I couldn't help but blush.

(Why do I feel like this? I mean, I always get flustered when he gets too close but this time my stomach is fluttering and I feel way too nervous to argue anymore.)

I stood there in between Judar and the wall, unable to utter another sound. As if also realizing how close he was, Judar's face flushed pink as well as he pushed himself away from me and turned to leave. "Whatever, do what you want but I won't always be there to save you when you're in trouble, you know," he said, not sparing me another glance.

I watched him for a moment before remembering what it was I was doing before he caught me. "W-wait! Judar!" I hesitated before finally following after him. Once I caught up to him, I continued walking beside him. "Who is Hakuryuu and where can I find him?" I asked.

Judar stopped walking, seeming taken aback at my question. "Hakuryuu? Who told you to go looking for that kid?" he asked. "Well, whatever," he said before I could answer. "It's kind of funny you should be asking about him actually. You two are birds of a feather after all."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, maybe you should just meet up with him and find out," he smirked. "I'll even take you to him."

I nodded happily, almost completely forgetting the argument I'd shared with him just moments prior.

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