25. Oscula

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(It's so cold. Almost like I'm buried in snow. Death is nothing like I remember it. It was so neutral. Like being in a sleepless dream. I hadn't really even realized so much time had passed between my lives.

Wow, listen to me. Talking about living two lives as if it were normal. How selfish of me to have taken that for granted.

Why is it so damn cold? I couldn't feel anything when I was dead before so why now?

Maybe I just don't remember it correctly.

Or maybe I'm just used to being warm.

No, that isn't it. Something isn't right.)


I could feel the air leaving my lungs as I exhaled slowly. My eyelids peeled back and my vision blurred at the darkness around me.

(Where am I? What's happening?)

In that moment, I was hyper-aware of everything happening in my body. I could feel warm blood circulating through my veins, my heart beating softly in my chest, my lungs filling and collapsing. I stared at the ceiling above me as my vision focused in the darkness. The air was so cold that I could see the condensation forming like smoke every time I breathed out.

(I am... Alive?)

I pushed myself up, indulging in the groggy feeling that often accompanied an unhealthy amount of sleep. I stretched my hands out before me, inspecting them closely in the dimly lit room.

(These are my hands! But how can that be? Surely I'm not in my own body...? Or even really alive for that matter? Maybe I'm in Hell.)

I shrugged, exhaling heavily and watching the wisp of smoke dissipating into the cold air. It was then that my body began to shiver.

(Why is it so damn cold!)

That question alone was enough to hold my attention as I played along with whatever delusion I seemed to be trapped in.

I cast my gaze towards the only source of light in the room. The moon was beaming pale blue light into the room through an open window. Illuminated by the soft light was the figure of a man that I'd thought to be the sweetest hallucination I'd ever had. In a matter of seconds, my entire universe shifted. He was sitting in the window frame, his arms crossed over his chest, his dark braid hung from his shoulder like velvety drapes.

I forgot to breathe for a moment. I placed my feet against the wooden floor, ignoring the icy tingle in my soles. As I stumbled quietly through the room, I'd all but forgotten the temperature which seemed to only grow colder as I crept closer to the window. I placed my hand against the frosty wall to balance my weak body.

Through all of this, I never once ripped my eyes away from the man sleeping in the window. His long lashes cast shadows across his cheeks and his dark, ruffled hair fell messily in his face. His bottom lip drooped slightly in his slumber and I couldn't help but keep my gaze fixated on him. I'd never once seen him so calm or peaceful. A feeling of warmth shot through me, combating the thick wintry air that surrounded me. My heart was pounding so loudly in the quiet room that I was sure the sound of it would wake him.

I acted on impulse next. I leaned over him, my fingers reached out and stroked the skin of his bare sides.

(He's so warm but the air around him is freezing.)

He didn't stir at my touch and I seemed to lose myself completely.

I slumped forwards, my body landing lightly against his. I wanted more than anything to curl up in his warmth and remain there forever. My body seemed to want more, however, and began to move on it's own accord.

His crimson eyes had just fluttered open when I pressed my lips against his. My heart ached at the sweet sensation and all of my insides seemed to be burning up at once.

To my utter surprise, he didn't move until I pulled away. He simply stared at me in shock, unable to fathom what he was seeing.

I then noticed the air growing remarkably warmer.

"Mei," his voice echoed like velvet in my ears. I'd longed to hear his voice for what seemed like an eternity.

"Judar," I whispered his name and the tears that had welled up in his eyes spilled out like rain.

He caught hold of the back of my neck and pulled me into his chest, squeezing me so tightly that I had trouble breathing. I didn't dare fight it though; rather, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and tried my best to stifle my crying.

"You brought me back," I said just loudly enough for him to hear.

He let out a short sigh before laughing lightly into my hair, "You're just so stubborn; not even death can keep you."

I smiled through my tears and pulled back just enough to see his face. Our eyes met and, as if on queue, the space between us closed again. His lips met mine in a kiss so full of longing that it was almost painful to even think about. His hand tightened around the nape of my neck and I gasped a little at a passion that I never even imagined Judar could posses.

My body seemed to be filled with fire and for a long while, I allowed myself to to be swallowed up by his deep kisses.

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