26. Teasing Dawn

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The air was warm as the sun peeked out over the horizon. The daylight hours had just begun in King Sinbad's palace and the palace servants were already bustling about.

"It's too damn early," Judar scowled at the noise clamoring outside the bedroom door. His gaze then dropped to Mei, sleeping soundly and curled up next to him. Her warmth radiated through him as he nestled closer, sneaking a better look at her face. Her eyes fluttered open and met his before she smiled brightly up at him.


"I suppose we should go and greet everyone," I said, my voice still a bit hoarse from slumber. Despite still feeling drained of energy, I leaned forward and readied to get out of bed when Judar caught me by the wrist.

My eyes flickered up and met his gaze as his grip tightened. "Stay in bed," he instructed. His serious tone caught me off guard and left me wondering what was wrong.

"I don't want to. I want to see everyone," I said, pulling my wrist gently away.

"You haven't had enough rest," he insisted.

My brow furrowed and I tried tugging my wrist out of his grasp. "Let me go so I can- !" I started but was quickly silenced by a devious smirk playing at the corners of Judar's mouth.

"No one needs to know you're up yet, especially if you're still tired. And believe me, I can sense when you're tired," he said, tapping his fingers against my forehead.

I pulled away from him and pouted slightly at how right he was.

"Besides," he said in an alluring voice, "I'm not ready to share you with anyone else just yet." His fingers snagged at the loose ties at the front of my nightgown until the knot holding it closed came undone.

My entire face flushed red and I snatched the pieces of my gown closed. "Stop teasing me," I said quietly, my heart racing faster than it ever had.

Judar only chuckled at my reaction before saying, "I thought you didn't care if you were seen naked. That's what you said when you first got here anyway."

I bit my lower lip in an attempt to hide my embarrassment. "Well, that was because I was in someone else's body! I at least look like myself now and I can't have you seeing me like that," I said sheepishly, clenching the fabric in my hands more tightly.

"Such a silly Princess," Judar teased, ruffling my hair gently as he stood up from the bed and headed for the door. "Make yourself presentable then and I'll come and get you later," he said, flashing me one last small smile before he left.

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