27. Sweet and Sour

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After Judar had left, one of the palace maids entered the room, offering assistance with my wardrobe. To my surprise, the dresser was stocked full of lavish gowns in a variety of blues, yellows, and whites.

"They're all so lovely," I said aloud, running my fingers along each flowing gown. I adored the colors, having a difficult time choosing which one I wanted to wear.

"Indeed, they are," the maid agreed with a soft smile. "That Magi from Kou insisted on preparing your clothes," she continued with a small laugh. "Wouldn't let any of the servants help either."

My eyes widened as I glanced over the dresses again.

(Judar specifically picked these out?)

I then began to wonder if he knew that these were my favorite colors. My insides grew warm at the thought and then I let out a small laugh as I pictured Judar sorting through a heap of dresses.

Once I was changed into something decent, I peeked out into the hallway.

(Judar said he would come back soon but it's been quite a while already. Maybe I should just go find him instead?)

Without giving the matter any more thought, I slinked out into the corridor and wandered aimlessly about. I briefly pondered over what would happen if I ran into Alibaba or one of the others, and as if by some miraculous force, I rounded the corner and bumped into someone.

"Ow. I'm sorry," I apologized quickly, rubbing my nose and forehead.

"It's quite alright. Although, you're the last person I expected to see up and about," a familiar voice rung out.

My eyes darted up to meet Sinbad's as he flashed me his signature brilliant smile. "You're looking much better, Princess Mei," he said.

"King Sinbad," I said quietly as I gave a quick, formal bow. "Thank you so much for keeping me here. I'm so sorry if I was a bother to you or the staff," I said.

Sinbad only gave a hearty laugh before placing his hand on my shoulder, "It was no trouble; you were asleep the entire time."

My face flushed pink but I smiled up at him happily. Just then, I was reminded about something the maid had told me. "King Sinbad," I said. He looked at me expectantly, waiting for me to continue. "I was told that a festival is starting tonight," I inquired.

"Ah, that's right! It's one of Sindria's biggest ones," he told me in a cheery voice. "It will last for three days," he continued excitedly.

(Sindria sure knows how to party.)

After more small talk about the festival, I also requested that King Sinbad keep my awakening a secret. I wanted to meet up with everyone else at the festival as a little surprise. He happily agreed and carried on with his business as if he'd never run into me. I smiled to myself at his kindness before continuing my wandering through his palace.

I strolled through the palace for quite a while before heading into the town. I was captivated by the liveliness of the townspeople as they quickly made preparations for the upcoming festival. Craving a change of pace, I'd offered one of the vendors some help setting up their stalls. Despite them having no knowledge of who I was, they happily accepted my offer, tasking me with a few small errands to run. I was glad to help since I needed to pass time before the festival actually started anyway. Little did I know, a certain Magi was frantically searching the palace after returning to my room and finding it empty.


Sun had set and the evening sky was a dark shade of navy blue. Lights strung like banners from stall to stall illuminated the entire town and the merriment began as soon as the last ray of sunlight vanished. In every direction, people could be seen laughing, drinking, and spreading fun. I was once again dazzled by the island's colors and the festival decorations that plagued the scenery.

Music filled the air and the familiar sounds of tiny bells fluttered in my ears.

(Hah, it reminds me of the dancing game Sinbad had taught me.)

"Mei?" I heard a male voice from just behind me. I turned around and was faced by the faces of friends that I'd all but forgotten.

"Alibaba, Aladdin!" I said, teary eyed at their sudden appearance. Alibaba strode over to me, throwing his arms around me. Aladdin followed suit, both of them weeping happily into my dress.

"We thought you'd never wake up!" Alibaba wailed.

I could only laugh helplessly as both of them sobbed playfully. I glanced up and also saw Hakuryuu and Kougyoku smiling in my direction.

"I'm glad to see you're alright," Hakuryuu said with a gentle smile.

I waddled towards them as Aladdin and Alibaba clung to me like needy children. "I'm so glad to see both of you here as well!" I exclaimed.

Just behind Hakuryuu, I spotted an unfamiliar face. Her narrow eyes scanned me cautiously, her short fuchsia hair rustling as the breeze passed.

"Hello," she said quietly, her voice as soft and lovely as her features.

(What a pretty girl. She looks awfully familiar even though I'm sure I've never met her.)

"Oh, Mei! This is Morgiana. Morg, this is Princess Mei!" Aladdin introduced us, his voice cheerful. "She's really good friends with us so-" He continued but I cut him off.

"You're so lovely; it's a pleasure to meet you," I said, the words tumbling out before I could think about them. I hadn't even realized that I'd grabber her hands in mine.

Morgiana looked slightly taken aback before her cheeks turned rosy. "The pleasure is mine," she said back sweetly, a gentle smile gracing her lips.

"Well, I finally seem to have found you," I heard someone say. I turned in time to see Judar approaching us, his expression seemingly annoyed. "And now you've managed to get all the boys drooling and fantasizing over you and the Fanalis girl," he said.

As his words sunk in, I finally noticed that I was rather close to Morgiana with her hands still in mine. My eyes quickly scanned those around me, taking note of the flushed cheeks and desperate stares from Alibaba, Aladdin, and Hakuryuu.

(Oh! How embarrassing.)

I quickly released her hands and took a step back, my own cheeks flushing a little bit. "My apologies. I thought you looked familiar. I haven't seen a\ Fanalis since... Well, i can't remember," I said with a short laugh.

Morgiana didn't seem to mind as she smiled back and shifted her gaze elsewhere.

"I thought I told you I was coming back to get you," Judar scolded me.

"I waited for a bit but you took too long," I retorted.

"I spent the better half of the day searching King Moron's palace, from top to bottom, for you!" Judar said, his tone growing more frustrated by the second.

"You should have come back sooner," I said, turning my nose up at him. I was feeling relatively rambunctious at the moment and Judar let out a heavy sigh.

"Fine, do as you please then," he said before turning and leaving, his braid swishing behind him as he walked.

I felt my brow furrow slightly and my chest started to burn at Judar's absence.

(Then I will!)

I pushed back the small wave of loneliness that had washed over me the second he left and focused my attention on everyone else. They all seemed slightly bothered by our small spat but continued on with their merriment soon after.

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