29. Sour Feelings [LEMON]

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**Lemon Warning! Nothing too saucy happens until further down so feel free to keep reading until you reach my second warning ;)

The door clicked quietly shut and the dark room seemed to be spinning around me. I hung limply in Judar's arms as he carried me further into the room.

"Judar," I squeaked, kicking my legs out. He remained silent, stepping closer to the bed. The fact that he'd been giving me the silent treatment since we left the balcony was starting to eat away at my nerves. I began to struggle and writhe around in his arms like an unruly child.

"What the hell are you doing?" Judar growled, doing his best to keep me still.

I said nothing and continued thrashing my limbs around until the arms supporting me were suddenly gone. I dropped to the floor like a sack of potatoes and I glared up at Judar who was shaking his head at me.

"You're twice as stubborn drunk as you are sober," he sighed. "No surprise there, I guess."

I pushed myself forward until I was sitting upright and crossed my arms over my chest as I pouted up at him.

"Brat," he said, using his knee to push me back over. I toppled over like a clumsy toddler, too tired to hold myself up. He let out a heavy sigh as he spoke, "Now that I've brought you here, I can't remember what it was I wanted to do with you," he said, toying with the sleeve of my gown. The fabric slipped off my shoulder, baring my skin.

"I'm sure you remember just fine what it is you intended on doing with me, you pervert, " I retorted with a few hiccups. With a heavy hand, I unsteadily pulled the sleeve back over my shoulder, only for it to slide down again.

"Oh, don't sound so offended about it, Princess," he smirked, dropping down onto the rug next to me. "Especially when I wasn't the only one who had it out for you tonight," he said, his tone much colder than it was moments ago. I brought my gaze up lazily to meet his and noticed a new ferocity in his eyes. He crawled towards me slowly, and the only thing I envisioned was a panther prowling towards its prey.

I felt a shiver of excitement rush through me as I started to scoot backwards away from him. With a smile that looked almost sinister, Judar caught me by the ankle and dragged me up under him.

Despite the ball of excitement growing inside me, I giggled helplessly as Judar pinned my wrists to the floor. I was unquestionably still intoxicated and Judar was making the most of the fact.

"Where are you going? I haven't even done my worst yet," he teased, pulling my arms up over my head. He pinned them to the floor with one hand, and with his free hand he pulled one of the ties at the front of my dress undone.

Without the use of my hands, I was unable to hide the dopey grin that sat on my lips as I watched him pull two more of my ribbons undone.

Judar's fingers had just twined around the last ribbon holding my dress shut when he paused, his eyes skimming up my body until meeting my gaze. I leaned my head back, still watching him through half-lidded eyes.

"You waiting for permission?" I purred. The feint, bitter-sweet scent of alcohol wafted through the air with each whispered word.

My whole body was tingling by now, yearning for whatever had yet to happen.

He flashed me a crooked smile before pulling the ribbon apart and tearing the dress open with such vigor that I almost believed that he was saving me from the dress itself. He then scooped his arm around me, arching my back until I was pressed up against him. Our bodies were warm against each other, growing warmer only when his lips pressed against mine in a kiss so helplessly needy.

The floor beneath me seemed to quake as I pulled my wrists free from Judar's grasp. My fingers tangled in his hair before pulling his braid apart. His hair fell around me like a black satin curtain. I stared up at him, panting lightly once our lips parted. He placed his forehead against mine, strumming his fingertips along my inner thigh.

My core seemed to tighten at his feather-light touch and I wasn't able to mask my growing impatience at his teasing. My body writhed beneath him but he continued toying with me, tracing the veins beneath my skin with a touch so sweet it sent shivers down my spine.

"Mm," I hummed as his fingers trailed along my skin. He nestled his forehead against mine and I felt my stomach flutter at his sweet gestures. I twined a lock of his long, dark hair between my fingers and then pressed it to my lips in a soft kiss. Judar watched me curiously and his cheeks flushed a light shade of pink when my eyes met his.

(Mmm, cinnamon and pepper. Sweet with a twinge of spice. I don't think I could ever forget his scent.)

My heart pattered in my chest and my mind was flooded with emotions I hadn't harbored in a long while. I stared up into Judar's scarlet eyes and I was unable to suppress the feelings that washed over me. Despite his stubbornness, whining, and constant teasing, I can't help but feel overwhelmingly attached to him. He'd been by my side all along and there was no stopping the way my heart thumped against my ribs whenever I thought of him.

I hadn't realized that my lips had curled up into a small smile. Judar watched me intently as a strong wave of confidence flooded my mind. I propped myself up on my elbows and leaned towards him, pressing my lips against his. I could feel his startled gaze on me but he didn't move away. Rather, he kissed me back with more desire than before. Rather suddenly, I felt him nip at my bottom lip. The bite was soft but still caught me off guard. I could feel my face burning hot pink and my insides grew even warmer.

** Lemon : Start ! **

Before long, Judar's kisses grew more passionate. So much so that I felt as if I were drowning in them. He pushed me back down onto the floor, not once taking his lips away from mine. I felt his hands slide up my outer thigh, bringing my skirts along with it. He kept going until his hands slid along my hips and found the hem of my undergarments. He dragged a finger along the lace before catching the ends of it and sliding his finger underneath the fabric. My breath seemed to catch in my throat at the feeling of having Judar's hands where they've never been before. My whole face was burning bright pink now and Judar smiled deviously down at me.

"You look a little too pleased with yourself now, Princess. I'm not sure I should keep going," he teased with a devilish grin.

I tried mock pouting up at him but lost myself in a giggling fit as his hand searched the skin underneath my undergarments. He gave my hip a gentle squeeze and I turned my head away from him, smiling bashfully as I tried to keep from giggling even more.

His slender fingers slid across my lower abdomen, following the hem of my underwear until he reached the spot right under my naval. My eyes widened as I realized his fingers had drifted south of the area.

"Or perhaps I should," he chuckled, his warm fingers sliding down the front of my most sensitive area. My back reflexively arched towards him and I let out a startled gasp. The whole area seemed to be warm and tingling and my face was burning up again.

My giggles quickly came to a halt and I moaned as Judar toyed with my body. He tauntingly swirled his fingers around the spot I wanted him to touch the most.

"You're a spoiled princess, ya know," he said, his voice low and velvety. He strummed his fingers along the most sensitive spots and my body quivered under his touch. "I do a whole lot for you," he continued, stopping his hand completely. My eyes rolled back and my brows furrowed as I waited for more of his tender touch. I could hear him chuckle, "Even now." He prodded his fingers into me and my body jolted and twisted away from him. "Where are you going?" Judar asked sweetly, catching my wrist with his free hand and pinning it to the floor. He pushed his fingers further in, exploring my territory as if it belonged to him.

I moaned and it was evident that Judar was growing increasingly excited with every noise I uttered out. He leaned down, pressing his lips against mine in a heated exchange of unspoken words. My lips parted for only an instant but Judar was quick to take the opportunity. His tongue found mine, twining with it as if establishing dominance.

A hoarse moan escaped my throat as my entire body began to feel hot and feverish. I'd had my eyes closed for most of the time but I quickly noticed when Judar's body pressed tightly against mine and I didn't feel any sort of fabric between our skin. I wrapped my hands around his bare sides and his lips finally parted from mine, only to meet the skin of my neck. I tilted my head back, allowing him full access to my throat and he nipped at the skin, leaving a few red marks along the side of my neck. I tangled my fingers in his hair again and my waist instinctively lifted towards his.

His lip pulled up at one corner as he pulled the remnants of my clothing away from my body and tossed them aside, exposing me fully. His eyes skimmed over me and I began to feel shy under his heavy gaze.

I pulled my legs together and threw my arm over my breasts as warm blood flushed through my face. Judar's brow furrowed.

"I don't think so, Princess," he purred, sliding his hand between my knees and up my inner thighs. I squeezed my legs together but his palm had met my curvature before I could stop him. With a predatory smile, he pried my knees apart and his hips rolled between my thighs. My eyes snapped shut as Judar's face hovered right over mine. He brought his lips to my ear and whispered. My heart was pounding so loudly that I couldn't hear what he was saying over the sound of it. I felt the warmth from his breath against the skin of my neck and shivered. Just as he ended his sentence, I felt him pushing himself into me. I sighed heavily into his hair, granting him full access to my body. He pushed further until his hips connected with mine. He groaned a little and I could feel my insides knotting up already.

His lips then met my jawline, tracing a line of kisses down to my collarbone. My spine tingled at his contact and I leaned my head back, giving myself completely over to him. In that moment, every part of me belonged to Judar.

He pulled himself away from me, pausing for a moment.

"Judar," I moaned, craving more of him in ways I never even thought I could. He glanced down at me, reading my expression like an open book. My cheeks were dusted pink, my eyes half-lidded and staring up at him with desire.

There was no hiding the satisfactory smile that sprawled across his lips as he met my needy gaze. Without warning, he lunged himself into me again and I gasped for air as he repeated the motion time and time again. I moaned his name again and he put a slender finger to my lips to silence me. "Everyone on the island of Sindria will hear you if you don't shut up," he said teasingly.

I wasn't having his taunting as I quickly nipped at his finger tip. He looked a bit surprised at my actions but his entire body tensed a little as my lips moved around his finger until I was practically suckling it. I leaned my head back again and my eyes met his. The look in his eyes at that exact moment told me he that he was putty in my hands. He continued his venture, thrusting his hips into mine.

After a short while, his body quivered and he gave a long sigh that was part moan. "Dammit, Mei," he growled. "When you look at me like this," he continued, his cheeks flushing pink. "I-..." He stopped completely, pulling out and cast his eyes away from me.

My body writhed beneath him as I impatiently waited for more. As soon as I realized he wasn't going to begin again, I found myself asking him why he'd stopped.

Judar gave a short laugh that almost conveyed the feeling of shame as he spoke, "You got me a little too excited and I almost... well, I figured you weren't ready to stop."

I stared up at him as his words sunk into my drunken brain. Before I knew it, I was upright, sitting before Judar. He stared at me quizzically before I placed both my hands on his shoulders and pushed him backwards onto the floor. My knees landed on the floor on either side of him and I straddled his waist as I leaned my face down close to his. His wide eyes gazed up at the ceiling behind me as I brought my lips to his ear and purred, "Maybe I wanted you to."

I pushed my hips against his, taking him in completely. He seemed shocked at my bursts of confidence but didn't dare deny me. I rocked my body back and forth until Judar's head leaned back, his raven colored hair sprawling out over the floor around him like a black sun. He seemed even more invested in me now, his whole body was burning up and he throbbed from inside my depths.

For the moment, I could feel myself sobering up just enough to realize what I was doing and a light wave of anxiety welled up inside me. I glanced down at Judar again and the sight of his face in such bliss diminished whatever worry had pooled up in my mind. I couldn't push back the warm urge in my core as I leaned down and placed a gentle kiss against his forehead.

"My Magi," I muttered quietly.

Judar's eyes fluttered open and his deep red eyes met mine. He twined his fingers in my hair before bringing his forehead up to meet mine.

"My beautiful princess," he replied with a gentle smile. My cheeks burned like fire but I let out a short giggle just before his lips pressed against mine. He nipped at my bottom lip, pulling me back down to the floor with him again.

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