34. Parent Club

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Jolting me from my sleep, a sharp tingle resonated in my skin along my left leg. My eyes fluttered open and the first thing that came into focus was Judar sitting in the dirt with my left leg propped up in his lap as he sent Rukh flowing through my wounds.

"Judar?" I called out groggily. I leaned up, rubbing my face and noting how my body was racked with pain in different places.

"Easy," Judar said quietly, catching me by the hand to keep me sitting upright. I then noticed the multitude of bruises and small wounds that covered his skin.

I let out a heavy sigh, rubbing my face again. "What happened to us," I groaned, unable to accept that we'd been so badly beaten by Al Tharmen.

Judar only laughed a little as he leaned closer and dragged his fingers across my face. "Well, we got our asses handed to us and you're getting mud all over your face," he said with a chuckle.

I grunted with embarrassment but remained still as he cleaned my face off.

"You've been out for the entire day almost," he continued, dusting the dirt from his hands. "I've managed to sneak us out of Al Tharmen's path without them noticing us but it hasn't been easy lugging you around. On top of that, we're not far from Kou," he said, his voice quaking as if Kou were the last place he'd wanted to end up.

"We should head for the palace," I suggested quickly.

Judar's eyes widened at my words. "Are you insane or were you just missing the way death feels?" he asked. I rolled my eyes before he continued, "You're suggesting we head right into the middle of the Organization. That's a death wish." I remained silent and could practically see the wheels turning in his mind. A wave of realization then painted his expression. "All my candidates should be there as well, with the exception of Kougyoku and Hakuryuu who are both in Sindria," he said, his gaze meeting mine. I looked at him expectantly. "But you knew that already. Alright, smart-ass," he scowled, "But the only way we're heading back to the palace is if we meet up with Kouen first." I quickly nodded in agreement.


Judar and I slinked across the border of Kou, soon reaching the town that lie just outside the palace.

"Ready, Princess?" Judar asked, flashing me a quick grin.

My heart pattered in my chest.

(Stop it, right now! Now is not the time to get all flustered over him!)

I slapped my hands to my cheeks and nodded furiously, hiding the bright red hue that had painted my face.

"Let's go," I said with determination.

We lurked in the shadows of buildings, creeping our way ever closer to the palace before realizing we had no good way in since the palace walls were always heavily guarded.

Much to my surprise, upon inspection of the palace, I noticed there were no guards around. No one was posted at the palace entry and the corridors were void of any signs of life. I looked to Judar for any explanation but he remained silent, his eyes narrowing as he surveyed the area as well.

"Let's check it out," he said in a flat tone, heading directly for the main gates. I followed him without quarry and took mental note of how not even the palace maids seemed to be present.

Once we were a good ways inside the palace, Judar was quick to head for Kouen's quarters. We'd just made it to the center of the courtyard when a shrill laugh broke the silence.

"How intriguing that both of you would intentionally come to the palace all on your own!" the woman's voice purred between her laughter. My eyes then landed on a familiar middle-aged woman.

(Where have I seen her before?)

"Gyokuen," Judar hissed, grasping my wrist firmly and pulling me behind him as if to hide me from her.

"My dearest, Judar. Don't make such scary faces! We're all on the same side here, aren't we?" she asked, her voice sweet as honey. But behind her words, I couldn't help but sense her malicious intent. She stepped closer and Judar backed away, pushing me gently along with him. "I've missed you dearly, my poor Magi," she purred, holding out her arms towards him.

"Hah, I believe it," Judar scowled with a bitter smile. "I wasn't sure you'd be so welcoming of our return, lady Gyokuen," he continued, side stepping as she began to circle the courtyard towards us. "Especially with how we bolted out of this madhouse and shut down your bandwagon of moron's in Sindria. Al Tharmen's gotten pretty sloppy without me around," Judar taunted with a devious smirk.

I peered carefully over Judar's shoulder at the woman, recognizing her to be Hakuryuu's mother.

(So that's Gyokuen... The resemblance between her and Hakuryuu is strong but Hakuryuu seems much more reserved than her.)

By now, Judar had pulled me as far as the courtyard entrance. He glanced back at me, and I could already tell what was expected of me.

I gave a quick nod and turned for the corridor only to be faced by a taller woman with pale white hair and dull colorless eyes. Her mouth was curved down into a stern frown as she stared directly at me.

A wave of uneasiness washed over me and I froze in my steps with Judar's fingers still coiled around my wrist. As soon as he noticed me halt, he reeled me back into his side, scowling at the sight of the strange woman before us.

"My goodness," the woman said, her voice soft and velvety. "It's so nostalgic seeing you like this," she said, reaching her hand out towards me.

Judar jerked me backwards out of her reach and stepped in front of me, placing himself between the woman and I.

"And just who the hell might you be?" Judar asked, his tone more bitter than curious.

"Oh, you haven't been made aware?" the woman said with a sweet smile. By now, my whole body was trembling with anxiety and a slow realization crept into my mind. There was no mistaking the way she looked at me. No mistaking the cold ferocity in her eyes.

(There's no way... It can't be her. There's definitely no way...)

Her cold, steely gaze then met mine, sending shivers down my spine. Her mouth seemed to open with words I could no longer hear. Despite my temporary deafness, I had no doubts about the words escaping her lips.

"I'm that girl's mother."

When better to write a chapter on evil mothers than right before Mother's Day?? Am I right? xD

Get ready for a Mommy/Daughter death match! >:D

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