35. New Ability

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My mother's expressionless eyes bore holes into me as I quivered under her stare. Although she didn't look exactly like my mother, I could practically feel the weight of her presence radiating from the body that she wore. Natalia had always been that sort of person; the sort that would emit her very being through her aura. Her presence was as potent and powerful as her physical abilities as well. There was no mistaking her for anyone or anything else. This woman is Queen Natalia.

My mind flew into a frenzy of memories all coated in grayscale and I could clearly picture her face in every single one. She was never particularly abusive as a mother, but she was cold and stern and expected only the best work from her children. My younger brother and I strived to be the warriors she had hoped for, striking down anyone who opposed her rule. We were obedient and asked no questions, mindlessly doing what we thought needed to be done in order to serve our mother, the Queen.

Finally, my mind came to an abrupt halt on a memory I'd clung to far too tightly. My body quaked at the pictures fluttering behind my eyelids.

That night... I was to be crowned queen in my mother's place.

"Ungrateful child," Natalia growled as she stamped across the floor. From behind her back, she pulled a sleek, black weapon. It was like nothing I'd ever seen before. Dark Rukh fluttered from the weapon's blade, forming a curtain of black around me. I could feel every droplet of energy leaving my body as I collapsed to the ground. "To be as selfish as to take your mother's only true happiness. You will never be a queen of my caliber..." Natalia scowled, piercing my throat with that felt like a hand-held dagger. She gave a low chuckle, "And after tonight, you'll never be a queen at all."

It was commonly believed that most souls return to the Great Flow of Rukh when they pass away but my soul did not. After accepting my own death, I was thrown into a dark abyss for what seemed like only a short period of time before waking up in a strange new world with my memories barely intact.

To this day, I can clearly remember the first thing I saw when I awoke here:

His crimson red eyes, staring excitedly down at me.

Snapping myself from my gritty memories, I glanced up, meeting Judar's bright and worried eyes with my own. My whole body was trembling violently at the recollection of memories skidding through my mind. His fingers were still tightly wrapped around my wrist until he slid them down and interlocked them with mine. He gave my hand a soft and reassuring squeeze but I was still frozen to the core. My eyes drifted down to my hand, finding my knuckles turned a pale white between Judar's fingers.

"Don't look so shocked, my simple daughter," Natalia said, her voice glinting with a calm joy. "I do recall telling you the crown would forever be mine," she continued.

"I have to disagree," Judar snapped quickly wearing his familiar, taunting smirk. "I'm pretty sure that I'm the Magi here and that means I choose the King's candidates. I dunno who appointed you but it sure as hell wasn't me," he said with an air of confidence.

We were all a little taken aback by Judar's sudden change of attitude. I peeked over at him and caught sight of his lip curving up at the corner in a snide smile that I'd seen a million times. He always wore the same expression while teasing me and it was always a surefire way to annoy me. However, this time, it was comforting to see now. I breathed out a heavy sigh and shook the rest of my nerves away before my own lip quirked up at the corner.

(Even if the odds are against us, Judar is more than willing to try and fight. I owe him at least that much.)

"Speaking of candidates, where the hell are all of them, Gyokuen?" Judar asked, his tone sharp.

"How informal," Gyokuen replied with a scoff. "I sent them away on 'official business'. Right now, they should be spread across at least three different nations," she informed us, her voice ringing as if she were entirely too pleased with herself.

"How convenient for you," Judar hissed. "So how'd you do it?" he asked nonchalantly, glancing back at Natalia. Gyokuen only gave him a flat stare. "Ya know... How'd you revive the old bat without my help?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow as he turned his attention back to Gyokuen.

She smirked, "You didn't really think Al Tharmen needed your help when they had me, did you? Don't tell me you've forgotten who I really am, fellow Magi." Gyokuen took a step forwards, casting her arm out towards us. Black Rukh swirled at her fingertips, creating a dark cloud between us.

(She's... a Magi?? But I thought there were only to be three in the world at one time... Aladdin is already shattering that principle... so maybe she's also just the reincarnation of someone as well.)

By now, Natalia was growing restless, wielding her dagger with one hand. Her icy stare met mine and I shuttered in response.

(Now is not the time to tense up. She may have killed me in my past life... But she won't kill me this time.)

A surge of heat exploded through my body and before I knew it, my feet were carrying me forwards. I gripped my sword tightly in one hand as I rapidly approached Natalia. She braced herself, expecting me to strike with my sword. Instead of swinging at her, I dropped low and tackled her at full force, dragging her to the ground. I landed atop her abdomen and readied to strike her when she kicked me aside. I tumbled a few feet away, tearing myself from the ground and readying for another attack.

The sound of a loud explosion from just behind me broke my focus. I glanced back, awestruck by the fuming battle taking place between Judar and Gyokuen. In Judar's hand was an impressively sleek spear that probably stood taller than he did while upright. Gyokuen seemed to be having a difficult time combating it as well, relying only on her magic capabilities for attacks.

Stirring me from my daze, Natalia had crept close enough to slash through my arm with her dagger. I winced, stumbling away from her in a panic. I wasn't quite ready for the round of attacks that she unleashed on me next. Slash after slash was thrown at me and I was an uncoordinated mess as I attempted to dodge each one. After receiving nearly 5 deep wounds to the arms and abdomen, I teetered backwards, falling to the ground. My eyes shot up and all I could see was the same foreboding smile that my mother had worn the night she killed me.

I froze in the dirt where I landed, unable to think or move. My body quaked with a familiar fear, paralyzed by nerves.

I nearly blacked out from the sudden rush of anxiety and panic that flooded my brain until a familiar figure blocked my vision, throwing himself in front of me. Judar cast his spear out, jutting it into Natalia's shoulder. Rukh gathered at the spear's blade and erupted violently, sending the woman soaring backwards. My mind was still a frenzy of mixed emotions when Judar peered down at me, his crimson eyes burning wildly.

"I get that she scares you but get yourself together, Princess," he scowled. He floated down until he was close enough to reach out to me. I grasped his hand and he pulled me up until I was standing on my own again.

(He's right. I keep spacing out when I need to be focused. This is no different than any other fight. It doesn't matter who the opponent is. I can take them on...)

I gripped my sword tightly with both hands and heat began to radiate from my ring through my whole body. Simultaneously, my metal vessel began to shimmer and quake in my hands; the colors of Aleia's stones traveled up my skin, painting my right arm with magnificent hues of gold and cerulean. I could feel enormous surges of power jolting through my body.

"Almighty spirits of the archaic world," I muttered almost if by instinct. "Dwell now in my body. Use my magoi and flourish within me. Lend me your strength!" With my words, I could feel both Kenna and Aleia resonating within their metal vessels. The Rukh was so thick around me that I could see them clearly like birds swarming around me.

Judar, Gryokuen, and even Natalia, all watched in awe at the sight before them.

"Impossible!" Gyokuen screeched angrily, unable to fathom the transformation taking place before her very eyes.

Judar's lip pulled up at one corner. "That's my girl," he smirked.

The Rukh finally faded, exposing the full nature of my transformation. My hands were streaked with neon blues and reds, all the way up to my elbows. My hair was so long that it gathered at my feet where I stood, burning like the color of fire. Aleia and Kenna had split their powers through my body, coating one of my eyes a brilliant aquamarine color, while the other burned deep red with what even appeared to be a streak of fire that burned endlessly towards the heavens. Short rams horns protruded from my skull; jewels and other bright ornaments adorned my head and neck.

The slender ring that Kenna was housed in had sprawled over my left hand, shaping into a fierce gauntlet with steel, flaming knuckles and clawed fingers. Aleia's short, golden sword had doubled in size and the blade was curved into a menacing half-hook shape, adorned with cerulean colored gemstones that glistened like beads of water.

I wasn't aware of it at the moment, but I'd successfully managed to pull off the impossible. No king's candidate had ever managed to double-djinn equip. But here I was, wielding both Djinn at once.

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