38. A Bond Between Siblings

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I stumbled through the corridors, sticking mainly to the shadows to avoid attracting unwanted attention to myself as my eyes continued manifesting rivulets of tears. My stomach was knotted inside me, my chest aching in waves at what shouldn't have been a surprise to me.

(I knew how he felt... And for some reason, I-)

I clenched the fabric of my gown, trying my hardest to choke back the sobs that longed to escape me.

"Mei?" I heard a soft voice from just behind me.

I started in surprise at the voice, turning quickly to see Kougyoku's worried eyes peering directly into mine.

"Mei, what's wrong??" she asked, huddling closer to me.

I faked a cheery smile through my still falling tears, waving my sleeve at her, "N-nothing! I'm alright!"

My words only concerned her more as her eyes narrowed. Her gaze was heavy on me and I felt a sense of defeat creeping through my mind.

"W-well, I paid a visit to Judar," I stammered quietly.

Her expression shifted nearly fifty times as she processed the information I'd just given her. Finally, she quaked with surprise. "Did he dump you?!" she squealed, her voice edging with immense anger.

My eyes widened at the notion and I shook my head vigorously, "No! Well, I mean yes... But we were never-"

"That jerk!" she screeched, tugging me by the sleeve and dragging me through the hallway. "Come on! We're discussing it in private and then we're getting your face cleaned up!" she commanded, leaving me a little too awestruck to deny her.


"Kougyoku, I-" I mumbled, not really sure how to make her stop what she was doing.

"Shh-sh-sh-sh! Hold still!" she ordered, tying a sash tightly around my waist. "There! It's a little big but you still look adorable," she insisted giddily.

I glanced down at the baggy fabric that draped loosely from my body.

(Although it's three sizes too big, it is pretty...)

I glanced up to find Kougyoku wrapping herself in a large formal gown as well. I couldn't help but laugh a little at how clumsily she stumbled around, trying to tie the back ribbons on her own. She toppled over, knocking a lavish looking vase over, shattering it into a thousand pieces.

"Oops," she squeaked, just as the door to the room opened.

"What on earth," a woman's voice sounded. Hakuei entered the room, peering curiously over the broken vase and then to Kougyoku and I. We all stared at one another for a moment before Hakuei let out a small chuckle. "What might the two of you be doing dressed like that?" she laughed.

"Aside from breaking things," Kougyoku said, pushing herself up and wrestling with the loose fabric that had tangled around her body. "Judar went and made an ass out of himself," she muttered with a huff, waddling over to me. "So I figured a little bonding time was necessary," she continued with confidence.

Hakuei then eyed me over thougtfully and gave a gentle smile, "I see. If it's not a bother..." she said, peering into the hallway for a brief moment before shutting the door behind her. "I'd like to join you both," she started happily.


Muffled roars and quiet laughter echoed through the palace corridors, leaving the maids to wonder where the noises originated from. Also witnessing the strange bouts, Prince Kouha wandered the walkways in search of the source. He finally stumbled across an indifferent looking door, but behind the door he could hear the squeaks and laughter of what sounded like a room full of giddy women.

"I'll just have a peek," he grinned with a guilty mind. What he saw upon opening the door, however, left him in a blank state.


All three of us stared at Kouha without uttering a single sound. After a prolonged silence, Hakuei waddled towards him and he took a step back. She was adorned in the biggest gown we could find, with bright makeup smeared across her face in ungodly proportions.

"What in the actual-" Kouha started before backing himself into one corner of the room, leaving himself defenseless against us.


"Okay! This time it'll be Kouha and Mei against me and Hakuei! Ready?!" Kougyoku shouted, placing the small board beneath her.

"Ready!" Kouha and I shouted simultaneously. Kouha was sitting on the front of the board with my back to his with me facing backwards to fuel us. Kougyoku was at the front of her own board as well with Hakuei to her back.

"Go!" She squeaked. Hakuei thrust her fan out, and an immense gust of air projected them forwards through the hallway at an incredible speed.

I focused completely on my metal vessels, striking them together to create a burst of steam, launching us forward to match Hakuei and Kougyoku's speed.

"Wooooohooo!" Kouha cheered excitedly as he steered our board through the corridors. Kougyoku and Hakuei rounded the corner with us hot on their tail.

Nothing in my life had been so exhilarating; not the fury of war, nor the excitement of traveling. We raced through the palace hallways on a couple of washboards that we'd stolen from the maids, using our metal vessels to power us and give us great bouts of speed.

"Ah, dammit! I missed the turn!" Kouha shouted, steering us through the wrong hallway. A loud clang echoed through the hallway and we pulled to a stop.

"Did you hear that?" I asked, staring into the hallway that we had originally missed.

We skidded through the corridor, giggling at the thought of Hakuei and Kougyoku crashing their board and losing the race. It was then that we slid right past Prince Kouen.

Kouen stomped down, catching the end of our board, sending Kouha and I soaring through the hall.

I must have slid for at least 20 feet in the large gown that I was still wearing. Kouha rolled to a stop next to me and we both gathered ourselves accordingly.

I gave a quick bow and Kouha laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "Hehehh, hey, En! I thought you were away on business," he said rather nonchalantly.

Kouen eyed him over skeptically, not even breathing a single word. I glanced around and found Hakuei and Kougyoku with their crashed washboard, looking as embarrassed as I felt.

Kouen let out a heavy sigh. "You'd have more traction if you put towels under the washboards," he said, his voice monotone and threatening. He kicked the washboard towards Kouha and it slid across the floor, stopping just in front of him. "Just take care not to break anything," he said, waving us off sternly.

We all sat quietly for a moment until Kouen was out of earshot. As soon as the coast was clear, all four of us burst into laughter, still huddling on the floor with our washboards and metal vessels.

Inside my mind, I knew that I was still broken, but as I glanced around at the Ren children of this time period, my heart felt warm and I could honestly believe that I was right where I needed to be for the moment.


"Children, the whole lot of them," the magi scowled, his black braid swishing over his shoulder as he watched them from the balcony.

Hakuei, Kougyoku, Kouha, and Mei were all nestled in a corner of the courtyard, painting on one another with various paints and makeups they'd found around the palace.

"Don't be so indifferent towards them. It looks like they're having a good time," Hakuryuu said, taking special note that his older sister was laughing giddily among them. It made him happy to see Hakuei enjoying herself so much since she was always busy with her own duties.

"Yeah, whatever," Judar growled. "I expect you'll be training her soon. Teach her everything you learned in Leam about magoi manipulation. She needs to learn how to control it, otherwise it'll be the death of her," he continued, sounding genuinely concerned about what he was saying.

Hakuryuu shot him a curious look, wondering if he was actually concerned for Mei or if he was just tired of having to nurture her wounds every time she exerted too much magoi.

Either way, he pitied her and complied to Judar's orders without complaint.

This was fun to imagine while writing! I think it's super cute that they can all goof around together like real siblings. :')

Anyway, There'll only be a few chapters left to come until this story is completely done for! ~

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