39. The Unwanted Magi

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Crisp, warm breezes drifted through the palace courtyard where I practiced sparring with Hakuryuu.

Kougyoku had also become like my own personal crutch, carrying me along and always staying right by my side. She watched from under a shady tree as Hakuryuu taught me everything he had to offer about magoi manipulation.

I struggled with my studies, however, finding it immensely difficult to not overexert myself. Often times, I would overdo it and lose the feeling in one or more of my limbs.

Today was no different. I cursed under my breath, pulling my left ankle up under me in an attempt to stand up.

Hakuryuu smiled warmly before waving his hand around, "Don't worry about it too much. You may not notice it, but I can tell that each time you use your magoi, it lasts longer than the time before. If you keep practicing, you won't have to worry about the nerve loss anymore."

I struggled to my feet, balancing all of my weight on my right foot as my left leg weighed down on me like a sack of sand. As much as I wanted to believe him, I felt a little hopeless.


Judar's scarlet eyes watched unwavering as Mei fought to try and keep up with Hakuryuu, despite her dead limb. He leaned back against the railing on the balcony, sitting himself atop it. He lounged in the shade until Hakuei passed by.

"Hey there, Hakuei," Judar smirked. Hakuei paused, silently addressing the magi with a cold stare. "You seem to be getting along pretty well with everyone these days," he said, his voice taunting.

"Yes, I've grown to quite like their company much more than others," she said, her tone bitter.

She started to leave when Judar leaned forward from his spot on the railing. "Geez, not you too. It seems like all you Ren kiddos are giving me the cold shoulder. You're all really going to side with her when I'm the one who got you all where you are today?" he asked, his voice burning with raw frustration.

Hakuei turned to face him, her expression muddled. "You're despicable for the way you treated her, Judar," she said sternly. "She didn't deserve to be strung along the way she was. You're cruel and careless and that's why no one wants anything to do with you."

Judar looked slightly taken aback but composed himself, muttering inaudible obscenities about Hakuei under his breath.

His words weren't as inaudible as he'd thought, however, and Hakuei pulled out her metal vessel, casting the end of it towards Judar. "Paimon!" She said, her voice ringing with anger. A gust of wind whirled from her metal vessel, blasting Judar clean off of the railway from which he was sitting.


Distracting me from my lesson with Hakuryuu, I heard a rustling from the trees behind me, followed by a loud thud. Tree branches and leaves fell all around an all too familiar figure, writhing on the ground in pain.

"Dammit, Hakuei!" Judar cursed, rubbing his back where he landed.

"Guess your flying magic isn't that handy against 'bitter old bats' like me!" Hakuei barked from up on the balcony.

Hakuryuu, Kougyoku, and I stared at Judar as he brushed himself off and got to his feet. He glanced over at us and the air grew rigid as we stood in total silence. I felt my insides churning, as it was the first time I'd been in the same area as him since our falling out.

I quickly cast my gaze elsewhere, hobbling with my dead leg towards Kougyoku with some hopes that she'd automatically know to guide me anywhere else in the palace but here. She was quick on her feet, catching me around the waist and ushering me into the nearest corridor, leaving Hakuryuu and Judar alone in the courtyard. I didn't dare look back. My insides were already burning hot with an unbearable mix of emotions.


"She won't be able to walk on that for at least a day," Judar scowled, watching Mei stumble along the corridor with Kougyoku holding her steady.

"It'll be fine," Hakuryuu said, turning away from Judar to pack his weapons away. "Her magoi will replenish itself, even if it's at a slower rate than the average person. She doesn't need your help," He said, his voice edging as he headed for the corridor as well.

Judar only watched him leave in silence, his mind pondering over a number of things.


Day after day passed by and I filled my time by crawling through the bookshelves of the Palace library and sparring with Hakuryuu.

I'd gotten into the habit of meeting with Kouen a few times a week to let him observe my double djinn equip, occasionally sparring with him as well. He eagerly jotted down every detail of my metal vessels and  also took several notes on whatever I could explain about using two djinn at once. I'd always considered Kouen to be intimidating and fierce, but when faced with a challenge of such a unique caliber, he seemed more like an eager student itching to learn. I was more than certain he wanted to wield this power for himself, to which I had no qualms since we were on good terms now.

One afternoon, Hakuryuu had me double Djinn equip and fight against Kouen at full strength. I lasted through the match, easily outdoing the first prince of Kou. Kouen had a field day recording my fighting stats while Hakuryuu cheerily told me that I shouldn't be at risk of losing the use of my limbs anymore, thanks to how adept I'd become of controlling my magoi output.

I was ecstatic. I no longer had to worry about my arm or a leg going numb during battle. I didn't have to rely on Judar to heal me anymore.

Later that night, the whole squadron of Ren siblings had gathered at the dining table for dinner. The room was buzzing with quiet laughter and chatter as we waited for the food to be served. I was seated between Kouha and Kougyoku, listening to the two of them bickering over I could only imagine what.

A dull silence washed over the room as a last member joined the table, seating himself directly across from me. I stared with wide eyes as Judar sat down, making himself comfortable in his seat. I hadn't even realized that I was standing now with my eyes trained on him. He glanced up at me, eagerly reading my expression with his cold gaze. I noticed that everyone else was staring in my general direction now and I gave a quick bow before excusing myself from the table and hastily leaving the room completely.

Kougyoku and Kouha, who'd both been the loudest members in the room beforehand, sat uncomfortably silent in their seats now wearing tiny frowns almost identical to one another.

Hakuei also shifted in her seat, obviously disapproving of Judar's presence.

Judar peered around the room, his eyes narrowing as he took notice of the tension that had arisen in the air. He pushed his seat out before glancing around one last time and leaving.

The rest of the room remained quiet for a while until the food had been served.

I can't wait to write the next chapter, oml~~~~~

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