40. ZigZag

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A day or so had passed and I felt more than embarrassed about how I'd reacted to Judar before dinner. I spent most of the afternoon cursing myself for being so emotionally weak around him, when Kougyoku and Hakuei skipped merrily towards me, both of them linking their arms with mine.

"Mei, you'll never guess where we've been invited to visit!" Kougyoku hummed excitedly, waving a little envelope around my field of vision.

"Is it to Sindria?" I guessed, judging by how giddy she seemed.

Her expression became flat as Hakuei laughed lightly. "Yes! You'll be coming too, won't you?" Hakuei finally asked, her silvery blue eyes gleaming in the sunlight.

"Of course," I beamed back at her happily.

The two of them bustled excitedly until Hakuei grew rigid as if realizing something slightly bothersome.

"What is it?" I asked, noticing her change of mood right away.

"Well," she started quietly as if choosing her words wisely. "If I'm not mistaken, Judar will be going as well," she said.

Kougyoku exchanged a worried glance with her before her fuchsia eyes met mine. "You don't have to come," she said quietly. "We can even stay behind with you if you like," she continued, plastering a tiny smile on over her apparent distaste for the latter option.

I hesitated for a moment, allowing my mind to clear. I then met both of their gazes, noticing how both of them seemed genuinely concerned for me. My insides fluttered at how considerate they were being towards me.

I then smiled brightly. "No, we'll all go,"I insisted in a cheery voice, reining both of them closer. "Really though, when did both of you become such good sisters to me?" I asked, pitting back the tears that started to well up at the sudden warmth I felt with them by my side.

Kougyoku and Hakuei laughed, continuing to folly around as we bustled on through the corridor.


The air was warm and the sun was bright overhead as we loaded up into one of the ships at the dock. For the first half of the voyage, Kouha spent a great deal of his time braiding my hair while I braided Kougyoku's. Hakuei spent her time reading and chatting quietly with Kouen, while Judar kept entirely to himself. Hakuryuu had set sail a few days ahead of us, hoping to meet up with his friends a bit early.

"He probably only went ahead to see that Fanalis girl," Kougyoku chuckled and I couldn't help but smile at the thought of him leaving us behind just to see Morgiana a few days early.


After a long voyage overseas, we were escorted all the way to King Sinbad's palace.

It was refreshing to see Sindria and the Kou Empire on friendly terms, and I wondered briefly what it would have been like if the nations didn't get along.

"Ah, I see that almost the entire crew has come," Sinbad's voice boomed as he greeted us eagerly. "Welcome to Sindria! Or, welcome back, rather," he chuckled.

We were promptly shown to our quarters and unpacked our things. I felt a small wave of nostalgia wash over me as I settled into the familiar bedroom. I flopped down on the bed, staring blankly up at the ceiling as I pondered over the events that had taken place in Sindria the last time I was here. My cheeks grew warm as I recalled the festival and...

I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

(There's no need to brew over any of that...)

Shaking me from my thoughts, Kougyoku was suddenly present in my room, flopping down on the bed next to me.

"Are you ready for the party later?" She asked, buzzing with excitement.

"N-no. What party?" I asked.

She sat up, her eyes filled with stars as she spoke, "Sinbad's party! He's hosting a smaller-scale festival just for his visitors from Kou." She quickly hopped up from the bed, pacing towards the dresser and pulling it open. "We need to dress you up!" she exclaimed in an urgent tone.

I could only blink as I watched her delve into my apparel.


By the time the sun had set, Kougyoku had done everything in her power to doll me up. She'd picked out the most extravagant dress she could find and adorned my head with jewels that made me look like a foreign goddess of sorts.

She ushered me outside and told me to head for the town where Alibaba would be waiting.

"But what about you?" I called out to her as she scurried back towards the palace.

"I'm going to go check on King Sinbad! Just go on without me for now!" she instructed, her voice cheery as she bounced back into the palace.

I shrugged and headed through the town, reminiscing over the time I spent here in the past.

(It all seems like it was so long ago! It's nice to be out here again though-)

Just then, I caught sight of a familiar group of people. I rushed up to them, greeting them excitedly, "You guys!"

Alibaba was the first to see me and he waved me over eagerly.

"Mei! It's been a while!" Aladdin exclaimed, his deep blue eyes skimming over me giddily. "You look stunning," he said, tugging lightly at my dress.

I let out a small giggle before snagging the fabric out of his hands and greeting Morgiana and Hakuryuu.

"Well, I don't want to cut things short, but we gotta go take care of something real quick! Come on, guys," Alibaba instructed, leading the group away from me.

I watched in a daze, wondering what it was they had to go do so soon after meeting up with me.

I shrugged it off as well, glancing around the festival.

(What am I to do all by myself? I'll look pitiful playing games and such all alone!)

I then caught sight of King Sinbad and decided to tag along with him for a while. My mind skidded to memories past and I recalled the King showing a special interest in me before. I pondered it over for a moment, and shook my head to clear the thought.

"Princess Mei," he nodded as I caught up to him. "Are you alone?" he asked, his eyes widening a little.

"Uh, it seems so. I'm not sure where everyone else went but Kougyoku actually went looking for you a while ago," I told him.

"Ah, yes. I spoke to her so she should be around here somewhere. Care for a drink?" he flashed me a bright smile and I knew better than to accept his offer.

"No, thank you," I forced a laugh as I declined the drink he was already pouring. He pushed the glass in my direction before holding up his own glass. I let out a short sigh and then picked up the drink, determined to down the entire thing in one swig. He tiled his cup back as well and we both slammed our cups down in unison.

"I remember you being a beautiful dancer," he said, his voice low and alluring. He pulled out a familiar string of bells and I laughed at the sight of them.

"This never ends well," I told him, tying the strand of bells to my waist. I took his outstretched hand and he lead me across the dance floor to a clearing near some tables. He spun me once and stopped me so that I was facing away from him. I froze, noticing that the tables in front of me were occupied by none other than Kou's Magi. He was facing away from me so he hadn't noticed me standing right behind him yet. I turned towards Sinbad but he was gone. I searched desperately through the crowd but there was no sign that he'd ever been there to begin with.

(Well, I'll be damned if everyone decides to ditch me tonight...)

I bit my lip, snatching two drinks from a passing tray. I'd originally intended to give one to Judar but ended up drinking both of them myself before tapping him lightly on the shoulder.

Judar glanced up at me, his expression a little bewildered at the sight of me. He didn't speak, waiting for me so say something first.

A lump formed in my throat and I could feel the buzz from the alcohol settling in my brain.

Judar sighed. "I told you before that I don't dance," he scowled, turning away from me again.

I was completely dumbfounded, not knowing what to do next.

"W-Well, I never said I wanted to dance with you," I stammered.

He stood from his seat, facing me directly. I couldn't decide if I wanted to back up and give him some space or stand my ground and challenge him. Regardless of whatever was going on in my head, he stood before me, his body so close I could feel the warmth radiating from it. My eyes met his and suddenly I was too nervous to look away.

Author's Note: Lmao, but where did my friends go..??

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