7. Boss Fight

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"JUDAR!" I yelled his name as loudly as I could. There was no way I could escape without his help. The fire grew hotter as it's carrier drew closer towards me. I shrieked again, kicking at the beast.

Judar put the palm of his hand against his forehead before glaring at me. "Are you kidding me with this?!" he yelled back at me, kicking the small flaming beetle aside.

I stared at the dead insect, teary eyed and flustered. "I-I-I.. I hate bugs so much, Judar," I stuttered out, my words slurring as I hugged my knees from my spot atop a rock. I trembled violently as more flaming beetles scurried along the dungeon floor.

"Just squash them and come on!" Judar growled, pulling me by my wrist off of my rock and through the dungeon halls. I followed close behind him, teeth chattering and hands clasping to his arms every time a beetle drew near. "You're the most pitiful warrior I've ever met," he grumbled in annoyance between my horrified squeaks.

By the time we reached what appeared to be an open canyon, I was the spinning image of a frightened child. Sitting in the middle of the canyon was a dragon-sized beetle. From what I'd assumed was the beetle's mouth, billows of smoke and embers rose, resembling an angry chimney.

I wanted to pass out.

(I'm going to be eaten by a fire-breathing insect. That's it. That's how I'm going to die my second death.)

I wasn't quite finished pitying myself when Judar thumped my forehead. I blinked in surprise and found the magi's face dangerously close to mine.

"What are you gonna do now, Princess? I thought you were going to capture the Djinn that dwells in this dungeon. Are you giving up?" Judar asked menacingly.

I was appalled by his words. I peeked around him and caught sight of the monster. Gripping my little sword, I shook my head vigorously.

"Then show me what you can do," he ordered, stepping aside.

My nerves were in a frenzy but I held my composure, stepping towards the hideous creature in the canyon. Several smaller insects were flying around it, like moths drawn to a flame.

(I can't quit.)

I mustered up whatever courage I had and leaped from the canyon wall towards the monster. With my sword ready, I shouted as loudly as I could.

(I'll slay this monster!)

Just as I was about to drive my blade into the creature's head, it looked up at me, fire exploding from it's jaws. The flames cradled me, badly burning my arms, neck, and legs. I fell heavily to the ground, unable to move without hurting the scorched areas of my body. My mind felt hazy and I could feel the smaller insects prodding at my burns.

(How could I have lost so easily? Was I not a warrior in my past life?)

I felt a single tear stream down my face and I squeezed my eyes shut.

(Is it because I'm no longer really me? Or have I become weak in death?)

I felt sleepy then, letting the warmth consume the rest of my body.

"Mei! Mei, get up!" Judar screamed my name over and over.

"Are you giving up?" his words echoed in my head.


"Well, it would seem that this body is yours now, along with everything around it," I recalled him saying to me the first day I woke up in the palace.

(But I... I don't deserve such things. I'm weak.)

My eyes creaked open and I thought I could see Judar standing over me. His hand was extended towards me.

"So how about it, Princess?" the memory of him flitted through my mind.

(I won't squander the life he's given me.)

I stumbled to my feet, pulling my sword up and directing it towards the monster overhead.

(I haven't been resurrected for nothing!)

I squeezed the handle of my sword, shouting words that felt all too familiar to me.
"Aleia! Now!"

"Yes, master," she replied, her velvety voice echoed in my ears. The eight pointed star on the blade of my sword illuminated the space around me. I heard a crackle come from the beast and it seemed to be wailing in agony. The shell of the giant insect cracked and water flowed forth from it, extinguishing the flames that burned in the canyon. Water flooded the entire room, sweeping me up in it's current. The water soothed my burns and I soon found myself in the arms of a Magi.

"Not bad, Princess. Not bad at all," Judar said, the corner of his mouth turning up into a smile.

"I remembered my Djinn's name," I mumbled, feeling unbearably tired.

"Well done, Kiddo. But we've got another Djinn to find," he exclaimed, carrying me through a set of double doors. I could only assume that we'd reached the Djinn's chambers but I could barely keep my eyes open.

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