8. Djinn Hunting

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A small tickle across the side of my neck brought my mind to the hazy realization that I was still alive. I remembered being in the dungeon and being badly burned before defeating a dungeon monster and passing out. I could feel my heavy body slumped against something warm and being pressed tightly against a wall behind me. I couldn't, however, bring myself to open my heavy eyelids. I remained slumped against the object, questioning why it smelled oddly like cinnamon and pepper. It was a familiar scent but I couldn't quite place it in my mind. It was kind of nice, too.

I tried nestling my nose closer to or towards the smell but I suddenly was greeted with a nose full of what felt like hair.

(Ew, what?? What is this?)

Finally, I forced my eyes to creak open. I could feel the hot blood spreading to my cheeks and ears, all the way down to my chest as I stared into Judar's crimson colored eyes. He was staring right back at me, his eyes mere centimeters from mine. I cast my widened eyes elsewhere, trying my best to hide the embarrassment that claimed every fiber of me.

"J-Judar, what," I began to ask, my hands pushing against his chest softly.

Judar scowled before pushing his body even closer to mine, packing me tightly against the wall behind. "Shh, shut up! Don't move," he instructed very sternly, casting his gaze behind him.

Just a few feet behind him, a beast passed by, walking on all fours. It sort of resembled a large dog... if you were to light said dog on fire. The flames that burned endlessly from the creature popped and crackled like a camp fire and the creature itself rumbled a low growl as it passed by. My whole body was radiating with heat, either in reaction to the closeness of this burning animal or the feeling of Judar's body pressed so closely against mine. My heart was pounding in my chest so loudly that I was sure even the flaming beast could hear it.

Luckily, the hell-hound passed without noticing us and Judar and I both let out a loud sigh of relief.

"It seems that instead of us hunting down the Djinn, the Djinn is hunting us," Judar scoffed.

I wasn't sure how to reply with him still hovering over me against the wall. I simply stared at the floor behind him, hoping he'd move away soon.

But, as if hearing my thoughts, Judar brought his face close to mine, smirking deviously. "You know, for a second I thought you might get us caught with how loud your heart was pounding," he said, drumming his fingertips along my chest. I swallowed hard and my eyes met his gaze. "Do I make you nervous, Princess?" he teased.

At this point, I was more agitated than flustered by his teasing. "I just don't like having you in my face," I hissed, shoving him aside. My actions were too much for my body to handle, however, and I toppled forwards, landing on my hands and knees. I felt weak and unsteady as Judar lifted me up into his arms again.

"Guess you're not fully awake yet," he laughed and continued to mock me. I pouted up at him but said nothing more and wrapped my arms around his neck, allowing him to carry me through the dungeon.

The dungeon stretched on until we found a large set of double doors encrusted with jewels and various engravings.

(This has to be where to Djinn is.)

Judar hesitantly pushed the doors ajar and a bright light emitted from inside. The air around us suddenly felt hot and I immediately realized what was happening. Luckily, Judar had realized it too. A bright yellow sphere surrounded us, shielding us from the onslaught of flames that had burst from the double doors.

"Now how exactly would anyone be able to capture this dungeon with traps like that?" Judar scoffed, sounding amused above all else. The protective sphere he had formed was now dissipating around us.

"Ha!" a loud laugh boomed from inside the room. I cast my eyes towards the center of the room where a gruff looking, blue giant sat atop a hill of golden coins. "Anyone who would fall for that is definitely not worthy of wielding my flames!" The Djinn laughed again. "I am
Kenna, a flame and life wielding Djinn! Who is it that comes here to request the usage of my power?"

Kenna's eyes skimmed over Judar and he scoffed in disbelief. "A magi? Surely it isn't you. And so then, it must be you," he said, his bright and burning eyes landed on me.

Judar placed me lightly on the ground. My ankles and knees trembled under my own weight but I forced myself to stand before the Djinn. I tried my best to look completely determined as I spoke, "My name is Mei of the Ren family. I've come to-"

"You?" Kenna interrupted abruptly with the look of absolute astonishment on his face. I gritted my teeth as my knees felt like they were about to buckle under me. "You should be long dead, Princess Mei," the djinn spoke again, casting his eyes back over to Judar. "What have you done, Magi?"

Judar caught me by my arm just as my legs had given out. He pulled me close and cradled me into his side to keep me standing. "The nation needs her. I made sure it would get her," Judar replied crisply. His voice was serious now and he met the Djinn's gaze head on.

There was a stern silence between them before the Kenna let out a heavy sigh. "I know not what sort of turmoil the Kou empire is in now..." the blue giant looked me over again, "but for the sake of this Princess, I will lend her my power."

Without another word, Kenna was gone in a wisp of smoke and the Opal ring on my finger shimmered brightly. Once the light had faded, I noticed the eight-pointed star on the center of the gemstone.

(Kenna... A flame and life magic using djinn.)

I squeezed my hand shut into a tight little fist, pondering over how big of an influence my mother had made on everything during her lifetime. Even the djinn knows of her and her family.

(Better for me, I guess.)

"Ready to go, Princess?" Judar asked, his voice gentle for once. I merely sighed and nodded, allowing myself to lean further into his side.

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