9. Blade to Blade

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"How could you take her into the dungeon like that, Judar! You abuse your power as high priest!" a man in black robes scolded loudly, his voice echoing through the room.

I sat uncomfortably in a seat placed in the middle of the room. Surrounding the walls around me were men appointed as high officials in the palace. Judar stood next to my seat with his arms crossed over his chest, a haughty smile playing at his lips.

"I'm actually offended that any of you would think I would let anything happen to her after all that was done to get her here," Judar scoffed, his tone boastful. I glanced up at him to try and read his expression but he seemed to not have a care in the world as a smug smile spread across his face.

"But something did happen to her!" Another official interjected. "She nearly killed herself using all of her body's magoi to defeat a dungeon monster!"

Judar's smile faded quickly and he suddenly seemed very agitated. He glanced down at me and I shrank down into my seat under his heavy gaze. After what felt like an eternity with all eyes on me, Judar let out a heavy sigh before speaking, "She'll follow strict training so nothing like this ever happens again. I'll make sure of it myself if I have to."

The men all nodded and whispered among themselves before agreeing with Judar's terms. "She isn't your own personal toy either, Judar. Al Tharmen needs her," one of the older officials spoke sternly. With that, they all began to flow out of the room.

"I'll do as I please with her, old bastards," Judar hissed under his breath. I didn't dare look up at him until the room had cleared completely.

(Al Tharmen? After all this time, they're still around? I thought that whole group would have dissipated after Mother's death...)

I'd almost drowned in my own thoughts when Judar grabbed me up by my arm and forcefully pulled me to stand in front of him. His fingers were like iron grips around my arm and he lowered his face until his eyes were even with mine.

"You're not allowed to Djinn Equip unless I say so, got it?" Judar growled, his voice low. "They're right, you know. You could've killed yourself pulling a stunt like that," he continued his scolding.

I tried not to focus on his vice-grip on my arm as I replied in a shaky voice, "I thought you were pleased with my battle-" I stopped short, wincing at the pain in my arm.

Judar released me but stayed right in my face as he snapped back at me, "I was until you overdid yourself and passed out, you idiot."

I rubbed my arm and glanced up to meet his gaze, our faces mere inches apart. "... Sorry," I said, my voice nothing more than a soft whisper.

Judar looked taken aback but collected himself immediately after, his cheeks flushing pink. He stood up straight, pulling himself a few feet away from me. "Well, whatever. You did well and got yourself another djinn. I expect you to practice your magoi usage every chance you get until you master the use of your weapons," he instructed me before making his way towards the door. "Geez, you're so much trouble," he muttered angrily as he left.

I simply watched him leave without replying to his words.

Later that day, I found myself in the courtyard once more. I stared down at my little sword in one hand, my opal ring on the middle finger of my other hand. I took a deep breath and lifted my sword. "Aleia," I spoke quietly, brows furrowing slightly as I concentrated on nothing but my magoi. Only a few water droplets dripped from the blade and I sighed in frustration.

("Don't use too much magoi," the magi says as if it's so easy...)

Startling me from my thoughts, a familiar voice rang out from behind me.

"So you've gone and captured a dungeon just like the rest of us. I suppose you're officially a king's candidate now too," Kougyoku spoke bitterly as I spun around to face her. Her eyes scanned my sword carefully.

I wasn't sure how to reply and I reflexively dropped my eyes to the ring on my finger at her words.

(Well, I've got two Djinn now, actually... Not that I'd voluntarily allow anyone else to know that.)

I glanced back up at her and she turned her nose up at me. "Who exactly are you?" She asked abruptly. I felt my stomach knotting at this awkward interaction with a current Ren family member. I didn't know how to answer her question, nor did I really have the nerve to do so.

I gritted my teeth and my hands tightened around the handle of my sword until I heard another familiar voice from the corner of the courtyard.

"I think you're scaring her, Kougyoku," Alibaba laughed as he crossed the courtyard towards us.

"Alibaba, you're back," Kougyoku stated hastily, moving a few steps away from me.

"Yeah, Judar asked me to come back to go over a few things," he said, unable to hide the unease in his voice. Kougyoku eyed him over skeptically but nodded nonetheless. "Anyways, good to see you again, Mei," he smiled brightly at me and gave a short wave with his hand.

I lowered my sword and smiled back as cheerfully as I could. "Is Aladdin not with you?" I asked, glancing around for the blue haired boy.

"Nah, he had his own agenda today so it's only me," Alibaba explained.

"I see," I nodded. A short silence filled the air until I lifted the tip of my sword in Alibaba's direction. "Care to spar with me for a while?" I asked with a hint of excited, playful laughter in my voice.

Alibaba considered it for a moment before a fire sparked in his eyes. "I won't go easy on you this time!" he exclaimed exuberantly.

He pulled out his short sword and tipped it's point towards me. He held one arm behind his back and took a stance that was filled with poise and confidence.

(He's taking a much different stance than before. I'm expecting this fight to be very different from the first one.)

I couldn't help but tremble with slight anxiety and excitement as I twirled my sword between my fingers. Kougyoku had made her way away from us, pouting slightly from being interrupted by Alibaba's intervening in her interrogation.

I exhaled and focused on Alibaba's movements. He was swift and precise, not missing a beat as our swords struck and slid away from one another. I was impressed with his fighting style but I didn't struggle to keep pace with him.

I finally felt like I was remembering who I was in my past life... A Ren family warrior and daughter of the fiercest Queen this nation had ever seen.

I couldn't help but smile a little as my blade crossed with Alibaba's. He smiled back determinedly and hopped away, just out of my reach.

He was about to say something when someone appeared from the corner of my eye. I glanced at the large man as he walked towards me, his eyes were something fierce and his stature was enough to make me shrivel back.

"Kouen," Kougyoku said, greeting the man hastily.

Alibaba stood silently from his spot, watching as this man approached me.

"So you're Judar's new pet," he said in a low tone. He eyed me over and I could only stare up at him in silence. "I fail to understand why he'd pick you. You're not even from this family. I heavily doubt that you're really worthy of even being a candidate," he said sternly, his words piercing through me like arrows.

"That's!-" Alibaba started defensively, but Kougyoku held her arm out, signifying that he hold his tongue.

"I agree," she said, her tone as bitter as before. "She has no rightful name here," she said, her eyes narrowing.

I glanced between the two of them and then my eyes met Alibaba's. He seemed more hurt by their remarks than I did.

"You were sparring just now, were you not?" Kouen asked.

I met his heavy gaze, not really answering his question.

"Fight me then," he suggested, amusement highly present in his voice. "And prove your worth here in this palace."

I swallowed hard and felt sick to my stomach. I was familiar with the name Kouen Ren. I'd heard he was the first prince and the strongest among the Ren siblings. I'd also heard rumors that he had captured three dungeons. There was no way I'd win against him.

I cast my eyes down to the floor, unable to meet the gaze of anyone else around. Several others had ushered into the courtyard at the presence of Kouen. And several more had stopped when he made mention of a duel. I recognized many of the onlookers as palace maids and even a few other Ren siblings were in the mix.

And here I was... Looking like the outsider. The underdog.

A sudden rush of excitement coursed through me and I gripped my sword tightly in my hands. My eyes met Kouen's and I felt the corner of my lip pull up at one corner. "I accept your challenge, Kouen."

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