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Ja'far x Fem! Reader

Summary: Pisti was always one to be very mischievous.

Request from clue123

"Female Reader is the new teacher in a school au and her students try to set her up with other teachers like Sinbad, Kouen, Ja'far. Sharrkan, etc...."


You huffed as you sat down on your desk chair and put down all the bags in your hands, "what a tiring morning," you mumbled as you ran a hand through your hair. You reached for a mug you had put down and made sure it was the one labeled "coffee", the reason as to why it was labeled would have to come later. 

You proceeded to drink out of it as you realized it was the right one. 


You groggily looked up to see it was Pisti leaning against the doorframe, she was one of your best students. You smiled, "nice to see you this early for once," you said with a slight tease in your tone as she always came in late.

She pouted but disregarded the comment as it was true, "I wanted to ask if you're going to take up his offer-" you opened your mouth to say something but she cut you off- "before you say anything, allow to say the pros. One, you have the most talented art class in your midst. Two, this will be something no one has ever seen before. And three, you could get a boyfriend after this," she said the last point with a small wink.

You rolled your eyes and spoke, "I am going to do it-" a sly smirk graced her child-like features- "and not because I want a boyfriend!" You exclaimed as you saw the look she gave you. 

She shrugged, the look still not leaving her face, "whatever you say~," she sang as she left the room once more. 

You grumbled under your breath and scanned a few pages in your notebook which included a few doodles here and there. A small blush spread across your cheeks as one doodle caught your eyes, it was a small doodle of the history teacher, Ja'far. Unfortunately for you, Pisti had seen it a few days ago and it was why she teased you relentlessly. 

You only hoped you would get through this unscathed.


You smiled as it was finally time to start, unbeknownst to most, you actually get really excited when it comes things it this. You were almost like a small child on Christmas day. You grabbed all the supplies needed and put them in all their proper places, all you had to do now was wait for classes to start.

As all your students came in you gave them all proper greetings and waited as they settled in. Once they did you smiled at all of them, "morning!" You said with the brightest smile on your face. 

Pisti smirked at your smile, "excited for something, Miss L/N?" She asked smugly. 

You shot her a small glare and blushed as the rest of the class laughed and sent you a knowing look, "I really hate you all sometimes," you mumbled with annoyance lacing your tone, "anyway, his class will be coming in soon and I want you all to get along, okay?" You asked as you gazed at all their faces.

They all nodded with angelic smiles which sent small shivers down your spine, they almost looked like they were planning something. You shook your head to get rid of the thought, they wouldn't... Right? Well, with Pisti in this class, you could never be too sure. 

You rose a brow at them but said nothing. 

Hopefully, things wouldn't get too crazy.


"Everything seems to be going well."

You looked to your side to see the history teacher, Ja'far standing next to you with a smile accentuating his handsome features. You nodded and looked down as you felt a blush creeping up on your cheeks, "y-yeah..."

All the students seemed to be so engrossed in the project they didn't even notice the exchanged between you two, the project was something to give the school more flare. A mural. The history class was involved because it was requested by the principal to do something related to topic taught in school. Your art class decided on history, the reason why was beyond you.

Unbeknownst to you, they were planning something and neither of you noticed as you were too busy staring at each other. They had been whispering about their plan the entire time and it was about to be set into motion. 

A student gave Pisti a wink to show that everything was set, Pisti sent them another wink to show she was ready. She took in a deep breath and raised her hand, "Miss L/N, we need some more brushes," she called out. 

You perked up and your expression went perplexed, "I thought I gave enough for everyone?" You asked yourself, "well, I'll go get some," you said with a small smile.

Pisti returned it and then a history student raised their hand, "you should get Ja'far to help you because I think we need more supplies too," they said, hiding their snarky smile.

You and Ja'far both rose a brow, "okay... I'll trust you guys to stay alone," you said with a smile as you turned to Ja'far, "well, shall we?" You asked, gesturing to the door.

He smiled at you, "we shall."


You walked rather stiffly as you kept your gaze to the floor, the small storage with all the art supplies almost seemed farther than usual as you and Ja'far stayed quiet the entire way there. You took in a deep breath and hoped this slightly awkward tension didn't last long.

You were ripped from your focus when Ja'far spoke, "there it is," he said as you looked up to see the familiar dimly lit room. 

You let a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness," you mumbled as you walked up to the opened door with Ja'far following suit.

You searched around the small room with squinted eyes, "it's so dark in here..." You mumbled as you continued to search for the remaining supplies, Ja'far, who had been staying by the door, went inside with you. 

He looked over your shoulder, "maybe it's over...-" you stiffened and looked over your shoulder, your eyes met his and you both couldn't look away- "here..." He mumbled as his eyes met yours. 

You turned completely, your body facing his, as you both got lost in each other's gaze. You blushed as you felt his soft hand brush against your cheek, unfortunately, the moment was ruined as the door to the storage slammed shut. 

You shot up and flinched as the door was shut, "oh no!" You ran to the doorknob and jiggled it, "oh crap!" You mumbled as you banged on the door.

Ja'far grew confused, "what happened?" He asked, concern lacing his tone as he stood next to you. 

You stiffened slightly as you felt his presence next to you but brushed it off, "the door is locked from the outside," you said as you continued to bang on it, "open the door!" You called out.

He paled, "what?! Who locked it?!"

"How would I know?!"

Suddenly, a voice rang in, "it was my idea!"

You grew angry and glared at the door, "Pisti! Open this door!" You exclaimed, still attempting to open the door.

"No way! You need to face your feelings, Miss L/N!"

Ja'far soon grew upset, "Pisti, open this door now! I will call your mother," he threatened as he remembered how scary she could be. 

He heard her chuckle, "good luck with no service!" She called with a cackle.

Ja'far's eyes widened as he fished for his phone in his pocket, he looked at it see there was, in fact, no reception, "damn it!" He cursed under his breath.

You silently cried and cursed at Pisti, "damn you... Miniature demon..." You mumbled under your breath as you swore to make Pisti's life a living hell once you got out.

You heard Ja'far let out a sigh and sit down, you admitted defeat and sat down across from him, which wasn't very far on account to the small space. You slowly brought your knees to your chest to give him more space.

The awkward tension soon came back, "well... Anyway..." Started Ja'far, "what did Pisti mean when she said, your true feelings?" He inquired.

You gulped and your hands clenched into your pants, "she meant... Something..." You mumbled as your hands began to fiddle in your lap. 

Ja'far rose a brow, "which is?" He pressed on, leaning a bit closer to you. You back up as far as you could and gazed down at your lap, it was hard to admit something this embarrassing.

You rubbed the back of your neck, "well... I may or may not be... In love with... you..."

You kept your gaze down on your lap, not wanting to meet his gaze. Your thumbs began to twiddle a bit faster as silence hung in the air, tears filled your eyes at the thought of him ignoring you after this little incident. 

As you slowly began to tremble you felt a soft hand grab yours, you flinched and slowly glanced up to see him sending you a smile. He rubbed his thumb on your hand, "I feel the same way."

You smiled back and wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing a small kiss to it. "I'm happy to know that," you said as pressed a few more to it.

Ja'far chuckled and wrapped his arms around your waist, "I'm sure."

"I'm still gonna kill Pisti."


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