He lives on, I am his (IV)

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Hakuyuu x Reader

Summary: After making a small scene in the meeting, you decided enough was enough.

Does anyone still remember this?


You sighed as you walked into the garden where your supposed future husband should be waiting, you were almost confident as you walked where a small mahogany table was set up for your parents and you when guests came over. If you had to say something, whoever it was, was an uninvited guest in your opinion.

He must have said something amusing on account to your parents laughing and smiling at the moment. You clenched your hands in your robes, you were almost glued to your spot, not knowing what to do. They seemed to have glanced at your frozen form as they were now staring at you, waiting for you to walk over to them and sit down. 

As you noticed that man, you stayed glued to your spot and realized you couldn't do it; you couldn't do this. You stayed there for who knows how long, just staring at them. Just as you were about to back away, you felt a hand on your back, "ah! There you are, sir/mistress! Come on, let's go sit at the table."

You looked back to see Lili with a bright smile while she was gently pushing you towards the table. You silently thanked her as she did, without her you probably would've ruined everything and run off to your room.

She walked you over to the table and pulled out a chair for you which was next to your betrothed, you took a deep breath and sat down with your hands folded in your lap. The moment you sat down, you kept your gaze on your lap.

Your mother smiled, trying to recover from your awkward behavior, "aren't they beautiful?" She said, gesturing a hand towards you. The man sitting next to you glanced at you and sent a small smile, even if you weren't looking. You didn't so much as give him a small glance as he tried sneaking a peek at your face.

"It's nice to finally meet you," he said with a smile gracing his handsome features, despite you ignoring him. He held out a hand for you to shake, which you didn't take as you were still a bit frozen. 

You gave small side glance at the hand he gave you and said nothing. It was too surreal, the situation. You almost felt like a widow... You took a deep breath as you reached your hand up to clutch at your necklace.

You took a deep breath and hesitantly reached your free hand out and he grabbed it, but instead of shaking it, he was admiring it. "Such petite hands..." He mumbled under his breath as he examined it. You quickly pulled your hand away and folded it in your lap once more.

He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, "I'm sorry about that. I must have startled you..." He said with a sheepish smile to match his actions. You felt slightly guilty about the way you were treating him but also didn't as that was the man your parents were replacing.

Tears came to your eyes at the thought of him, the man you considered your true love. Thinking of all the good memories you two shared made your feelings plummet as you would give anything to re-live them. 

"Ah! Y/N, are you okay?!"

You looked up at the frantic voice to see Lili looking at you with concern and a cloth napkin in her hand. You grew confused as she gazed at you, but as everyone stared you touched your cheeks and realized that you were crying.

Lili quickly began to wipe your tears but to no avail as they just kept on coming. Lili soon noticed this and to avoid questions she stood you up to lead you back inside, all while muttering apologies to your parents and betrothed the entire way.


"Y/N, what happened? It was going so well," she commented as she wiped your tears with the same napkin. You frowned and grabbed the napkin from her hand, you threw it to the ground in a rage.

"No! It wasn't!" You yelled with frustration lacing your tone. Lili's eyes widened and her hands went to her lap, they began to shake along with her body. Her hands clenched into her dress tightly.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled as she continued shaking, "I'm so sorry..."

You sighed and held her hand, "No... I'm sorry. It's not your fault," you said as you rubbed her hand with your thumb, "you lost something too. If anything I should be comforting you as you never got the chance to tell him." 

Lili ripped her hand from yours and wiped her tears, she shook her head, "no! You lost something more important... You have a right to suffer like this-" she sat down and leaned her head against her hand- "I didn't even get a chance," she said solemnly.

You sighed and grabbed her hands, making her look up at you, "that's why you should be upset. You never had the chance to tell him your feelings or to love him, but I'm sure he would've cherished you if he knew," you said reassuringly with a small smile.

Lili smiled at you, "Thank you, Y/N," she said as she wiped her tears away, "what are you going to do now?" She asked, referring to the wedding that was coming up.

You looked at her with a fire in your eyes, "invite the royal family of the Kou Empire," you said as you got up from your chair, "hopefully this will all go my way." You walked to your study all while clutching the ring around your neck with Lili trailing behind you.    

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