Wedding day

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Hinahoho x Reader

Summary: Today was the beginning of a new adventure.

Request from Malorey-Ethster

"Can you please do a Hinahoho x reader getting married"

I actually did this on another site, so I decided to extend it a little and put it here.


You took in deep breaths as you stared at yourself in the mirror, adorned in traditional Sindrian robes. You were quite nervous and it showed as your hands fidgeted and your legs shook.

"Come on, Y/N. Calm down, he'll say I do," said Yamraiha as she fixed your hair to make you look more presentable. Your nerves didn't decrease in the slightest even as Pipirika held your hand and rubbed it with her thumb.

You shook your head and sat down on a nearby footrest, "oh, I just don't know-" you intertwined your hands together- "what if he doesn't love me? W-What if he still loves his late wife and he's just using me to forget?" You wiped your tears, "I'm so nervous... Didn't you see the way he always looked at her? With pure love, what if he doesn't feel the same way about me?" You asked.

Pipirika frowned at you and gave a small bonk on the head causing you to pout and whine, "ow..." You rubbed your head. It actually really hurt even if she didn't use much force.

"C'mon, Y/N, my big brother would never pull something like that!-" she grabbed your hands- "trust me, whenever he looked at you I always saw that spark in his eyes, the same spark that left once she... passed. So, just trust me, okay?" She asked with a smile. You smiled back and nodded.

Pipirika gave you a quick hug and gestured for Yam and the maids to leave the room. Once they did you stood up and walked to a window where you had a clear view of the ceremony. You sighed and walked back to the footrest to sit down before you passed out.

"Y/N," someone whispered, "are you in there?" They asked.

You shot up and walked to the door, "Hina?" You whispered through the crack. You smiled as you heard his voice, it was comforting to hear it and it eased your nerves.

"I'm going to open the door, okay?"

You nodded and as he was about to see you, you quickly closed it. "Wait! That's bad luck. A groom can't see their groom/bride until the ceremony, it's bad luck!" You yelled leaning against the door to keep it closed.

You heard him sigh and chuckle, "fine. I'll stay out here."

You leaned against the door and poked your hand out, "c-can you hold my hand?" You asked with a blush adorning your features. You smiled as you felt his large hand on your small one. 

"How are you feeling?" He asked, rubbing circles on your hand to calm the nerves that were probably there.

You sighed and took a deep breath, tears filled your eyes, "I-I'm scared... I feel like something bad is going to happen," you said, the tears evident in your voice. 

"Y/N, everything is going to be fine. I promise," he said. 

You wiped your tears, "I can't wait to see you."

"Me neither."


You took a deep breath and linked your arm with Sinbad, he was going to be walking you down the aisle. You were grateful as your father couldn't have the honor of passing you on to your future husband.

You felt a hand on yours, "calm down, don't worry. He loves you," coaxed Sinbad as he rubbed his thumb on your hand for reassurance. You smiled and turned to the door which should open in about a moment.

Once they opened, your eyes widened as you saw your future husband at the end of the aisle, you almost had the urge to run over to him and skip all of this. Hinahoho seemed to feel the same way as he looked at you.

You were beautiful, you looked like an angel and with the light from outside shining over you like a halo, it seemed even more so. He just wanted to take you away and keep you for himself, he wanted to be the only one who looked at you.

You couldn't bare how long this walking was taking and you ran over to him, ignoring everyone's stares of bewilderment you wrapped your arms around him. You smiled as you felt his wrap around your hips and lift you up.

Unfortunately, it didn't last forever as Ja'far did a subtle cough to bring you both back from your separate world. You coughed out of awkwardness but everyone only laughed and waited for the ceremony to continue.


You laughed as you and Hina were about to cut the cake together. Once the first slice was cut, Hinahoho thought it would be funny to shove it in your face. You gasped and looked at him in disbelief, he was busy laughing to not even notice you reach up to give him a kiss. Thus causing the frosting to decorate his face.

Now it was your turn to laugh, Hina didn't look pleased with your little action and was about to retaliate until your wrapped your arms around him. He smiled and pressed a kiss to your head.

It was a day to remember. 

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