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Judar x Fem! Reader

Summary: Judar spends most of his time reminiscing the past until it abruptly comes back, but is it to haunt him?

Request from SakuraGarcia8

Judar. Reader was Judar's person maid since he was a child. She took care of him and as free time to the of them would go to the gardens to show him how to make flower crowns. He would thrown tantrums when he wouldn't get it right set and them on fire. He asked the reader to promise him that they will always be together. She gives him a warm smile and places a flower crown on him. Her ways of saying yes. As the years went by, he believed she dies during the great fire. She re encounters him. But pretending to be someone else and a maid for a different noble family. But she is glad Judar is alive and well. The rest I leave to you. (*^o^*)


Judar scowled at the maids that were looking for him and took a bite of the peach in his hand, they were all so boring. They only ever did their duty and were almost like mindless puppets to all his silly antics. They were nothing like... He quickly shook his head and tried to get rid of any foul memories of her, but that didn't work as his mind drifted off to one of his favorite memories of her. 


"Hey, get back here!"

Judar paid whoever was chasing him no mind and turned to see you keeping up with him as he did have a tight grip on your hand. "J-Judar! Where are we going?" You asked, stuttering slightly in embarrassment. 

The young magi only scoffed at your question, "don't be stupid, you already know," he said simply while ducking into a small corner to let the guard pass them. Judar smirked at the guard's stupidity and continued leading you to your destination, the garden. 

You smiled once you saw it in your line of sight and hugged his arm tightly, "you remembered out spot!" You exclaimed happily, letting go of him to quickly run to the small field of flowers. 

Judar got over the small shock he felt after you hugged his arm and ran after you. He sat down next to you, "geez, you get way too excited for all this," he said nonchalantly as he watches your fingers already beginning to weave flowers together. 

You giggled and admired your half-finished product, "you would be too if you just learned," you said simply while nudging his side. 

Judar scoffed, "whatever, then just teach me!" He said with his arms crossed. 

Your eyes sparkled with excitement and you quickly grabbed another small bouquet of random flowers, you put them in his hand and began to instruct him on how to do it while finished your half-finished bouquet. Judar wasn't very patient as he ended up messing up and getting angry causing him to set the mangled flower crown on fire. 

"Judar!" You scolded, "you have to be more patient. You can't just get this stuff in one try," you said simply while putting the final touches on your own flower crown. 

He only pouted in response and watched as you laid the finished flower crown in your lap. "Well, then I guess you're gonna have to be here a while so you can teach me," he said simply. 

You nodded in response, "I guess so," you said. 

Judar looked at you expectantly, "is that a promise?" He asked with hope lacing his tone. 

You smiled and placed the flower crown you had finished on his head, "it's a promise."


The flames were devouring everything in sight, he tried his best to put them out but to no avail as they just kept growing and growing. He coughed as his lungs were being filled to the brim with smoke, "Y/N!" He choked out, only to start panting. 

Judar gripped his chest in pain and continued to look for you, even as his vision was getting hazy. "Y/N..." This time it came out as a harsh whisper, the smoke was drying up his throat and he knew this but he still kept going. That was until arms wrapped around his waist to drag him out of there. 

He struggled against them, "let go...! Y/N..." He said weakly, trying to look back and see who it was only to for his vision to give out on him. 


The next time he opened his eyes he had expected to see you there holding onto his hand with another flower crown resting in your lap. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case as he woke up to see an angry Gyokuen with her arms crossed. "You do realize you could have died had it not been for Kouen going in there to save you, right?" She asked with a small spark of anger in her eyes. 

Judar didn't respond as his mind drifted off to your smiling face, that small image drifted away once Gyokuen had gently grabbed his chin to look at her. "My dearest priest, you must be more careful. Now, it is unfortunate to see your maid is gone-" she hid a small smirk behind her sleeves- "but now we must get you back to your duties and find you a new maid." 

Before Judar could even be angry she left and snapped her fingers to beckon the rest of her entourage. Meanwhile, all poor Judar could do was stare at the bed he was laying on, he also noticed how many bandages were wrapped around him from the fire licking at his skin. But all he could really think about was him not being able to see your smiling face anymore. 

It was then he noticed a few small drops on his bed sheets. 

He was crying... 

Something he thought he'd never do until now.

~A few weeks later

He had tried his best but he could never seem to get it right. Judar scowled at his horrid attempts but he was sure if you were here you would say they were amazing no matter how bad, just like you always did. He quickly wiped a tear away and rested the flower crown laced with your favorite flowers on your final resting place. 

"I miss you," he said simply before walking away and letting the petals flutter down from the tree above the slab of stone that reads:


Loving friend. 


Judar shook off all those memories and decided to get some fresh air, he got out of the stuffy palace and started walking around Kou for something to do. He sighed as he looked at the usual antics of this Empire, not much ever happened in this place. It did get pretty boring at times. 

Meanwhile, a woman walked around the small market with a basket in hand while walking behind a small child of nobility along with their older brother. The child seemed to be very pretty excited as she walked around while letting her eyes wander at every square inch of that place, "Y/N! We should go there next!" She said excitedly. Her brother only chuckled and shot you an apologetic expression.

You dismissed it and nodded in response, "yes, yes. Of course, but calm down a little or I might not be able to keep up," you said teasingly. 

The child nodded and slowed down a little only to let their pace quicken again as something had proceeded to catch their eye, she had dragged her brother along. You sighed with a small smile etching your lips and were about to catch up to them until raven hair appeared in the corner of your eyes, usually, you dismissed this but something made you turn around. You gasped and accidentally dropped the basket once you realized who it was. 

You froze as you watched him buy a bouquet and weave together flowers, flowers that happened to be your favorite. You tried to stop yourself from giggling as they were just as bad as they were all those years ago, but maybe a little better. 

You felt tears in your eyes and thanked whatever god was up there that he was alive and well. You felt a tug on your wrist and looked down to see the little girl, "come on, Y/N!" She persisted while tugging on your wrist.

You nodded and wiped your tears, you took one last glance at Judar and continued to walk next to the little girl. Almost as if you were leaving your old life behind.

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