Chapter 1: Revival of the Holy Grail War

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Alter Ego screamed a the lighting attack hit her and quickly turned to dust, to escape.
"Curse you...curse you ALLLL!!" She screamed and disappears.
Aria panted and whatever emotions she felt that moment, quickly disappeared. Her eyes void again and she fell backwards, but not before she was caught in strong muscular arms.
"Hold on! Stay with me!" A male voice yelled, worried, at her.
She couldn't keep her eyes open, and let them close, ignoring the person protesting. She then felt something warm on her lips, and wrap around her tongue. She let them, it wrapped her tongue, strongly, and almost, possessive way. She let her eyes closed, and let her world go black.


"(Slurp)" the sindarin king unwrapped his tongue from the girl's, pulling away, a string of saliva connecting the two.
He had to do a mana transfer fast or the girl would have died. That was the best way, mouth through mouth. He looked around and picked her up, gently placing her on the couch and removing his top robe, leaving him shirtless and placed on her, as a blanket. He looked down to her now missing right arm, and placed his hand on the wound, sending his mana to it, and stopping the bleeding. He then ripped a part of his robe and wrapped it, to keep it from bleeding anymore. He stood up, and looked around the room.
He then hissed as he felt a sharp pain in his head, information suddenly began to pour into his mind. Where he was, what was he, information of the time he is in. Everything of how far humans have come. He panted and looked over to the girl, red markings appearing all over her body, and on her face, and slowly disappear. He then spotted his metal vessels, picks them up and puts them on.
"So that's it.....I'm a servant...and she is my master...the one that summon me." He chuckled dryly.

The last time he was in the Holy Grail war was........that's right......the day his entire world..was...obliterated by Al Thamen......the day everyone died in an instant....

All of his friends, who were fine warriors, their names etched in the throne of heroes. Now, he himself has been summoned as a servant. He sighs and decided to clean up the girls home. Especially since Arba made a mess trying to kill his master. So he did just that, fixed the broken walls, the floors, and such. How long has it been since he did such a thing? Here in this modern era, no one knows who he really is. He can walk around like a normal person. Though he did still kind of wish for the attention. He then hissed as 21 command seals appeared on his back. He immediately knew who they were.

Ja'far, Vittel, Mahad. (A/N: They count as one. This trio)
Emiya, Sharrkan, Masrur
And Karna, Hinahoho and Mystras

He sensed more. Ruler. He clicked his tongue in annoyance. It was King Solomon  . He sensed Aladdin and someone else. His guess that it must be Queen Sheba. So that means that Aladdin and her commands seals are on him, and Solomon's on his master. Who ever it was. He then sensed.........he immediately groans. Of all people....why did he had to be summoned as a Ruler. The Sindarin king finished doing the repairs and then noticed a sea otter hissing at him.
"Since when are sea otters pets?" He asked himself.
Since he's done, he decided to look around. Maybe learn a bit about his master. He walked around the mansion, but something in particular caught his attention. A picture. He walked up to a framed where it showed 8 girls. All of them smiling and laughing, but one. His master. Her face was blank but she yet puts on a smile. Her eyes held no emotion what so ever. It was.....disturbing.

- The Next Day -

Aria felt something on her chest and slowly sat up as she opened her eyes. They were wide. Her void left eye had a crack underneath it. He heart pulsing as images from last night came back to her. And someone saved her. She moved her left arm to feel her right one, but sighs, knowing it was gone....again.

"You're awake!"

She turns to her door and seeing a man with purple hair, tan skin, and wore a white t-shirt with a button up shirt and jeans, with black shoes.

He smiles at her and walked up to her but instantly froze when she moved herself to sit on the edge of the bed, and made shadow arms appear behind her and her right eye glowed blue while the other amber.
"Who are you? I have no memory of letting a bug come into this mansion. Only 7 people are allowed in. Who are you?" She said as she stood up, the shadow arms behind her.
The king gulped but took a deep breath and smiles.
""I see I have been Summon. It's a pleasure to be the presence of such a beautiful young maiden." He said, hoping to calm her down.
He took her left hand to kiss it but she instantly removed it.
"Eww. Hands off. Who are you?" She said again.
"Ah.....well to say, I am Sinbad. Conquer of the Seven Sea's." He said.
Her face was still blank. He was hoping for a reaction.
"That is impossible. Sinbad never existed in the first place. He is a made up character from a fairytale, once told by a woman from Persia, Scheherazade." Aria stated as the arms turned to blades and pointed to him.

The story of 1001 Arabian Nights.

King Shahryar had repeated a cycle of killing maidens he married every night.

In order to stop that evil act, the vizier's daughter, Scheherazade, offered herself up for marriage.
As Scheherazade spent her first night with the king, a plan was set where her invited sister, Dunyazade, would beg her to tell a story.
The King would listen to Scheherazade's narrated stories which Dunyazade spoke of with fascination, and plead for her to continue but, by then dawn had already arrived.
Scheherazade announced "Please hold onto that excitement for tomorrow's story".
For that purpose, the King continued to let Scheherazade live so that he could listen to her stories, and eventually―――
......the approximately thousand stories that have been read until now, its vast majority was added by preceding translators.
One theory surmises that the original number tales which formed the core were no more than two-hundred and ten stories, with no conclusion to them.

"What...the...hell?!" Sinbad internally screamed in his head.
But he is real! He knows that! He existed! But this is a different world and time. He sighs and lightly moved away one of the blades that came to close.
"I can assure you I am real. Even Gods exist. Even those heroes who exist in just myths exist because of humans who believe in them. For those beliefs, they become real." Sinbad stated.
Aria's eyes turned back to normal and made the blades disappear.
"You said I summon you." She said.
Straight to the point and no bullshits given. His eye twitched. She sorta reminded him of Kouen.
"What did you mean?" She asked.
"I will answer but first," he said as he pointed to her right shoulder, "we need to have that looked at." He said.
Aria stares then looked back to her missing right arm.
"Oh that." She said, "This is normal. I have lost this arm many years ago. The one that woman cut was made of plants. The spell cast on it was for it to look and feel like a human arm." Aria said as she removed the cloth on it and Sinbad saw there was a metal plate.
His jaw hanged and she walked right past him.
"You coming?" She said and quickly snapped out of it.
He followed behind her and they headed down to a elevator. They went in and it closed. He must admit, he was impressed how humans have come. After a few minutes, the elevator door opened and his jaw hanged. A huge advance laboratory was underneath the mansion.

Aria walked to small test tube, where inside was a mechanical arm. She checked the numbers and noded. It was ready. She had it unlocked and carefully sat down on chair. Robot arms did a quick clean up on the metal plate she had and began to put on her new right arm. Sinbad cringed watching. Because it first had to be connected to all the nerves and everything. It looked so painful.....last time he saw something that painful was when Hakuryuu's arm fell off.
"While my robots finish doing checks up, I demand to know what are you? And what did you do last night? Who was that woman?" Aria said as she rested her chin on her left hand while her robots were busy programing her right arm.
Sinbad found it disturbing. She showed zero emotion. He can tell the process to put on the robotic arm was painful yet she wasn't showing any signs.
"Right. Like I said before my name is Sinbad. That woman that tried to kill you, her name is Arba also known as Gyokuen. Class type, Alter Ego, but can switch between that, Berserker and Lancer." Sinbad said.
Aria stared at him. These class types...she heard them before.
"Saber, Lancer, Rider, Archer, Assassin, Caster, Berserker, Shielder, Alter Ego, Ruler, Avenger and Moon Cancer, and Beast. Those are the 13 class types for servants. Also..." she closed her eyes, as the robot was doing a final check up, " Those classes apply to servants that have been summon by answering the call of the Holy Grail. But the system fell apart 112 years ago when my ancestors, Emiya Shirou and Rin Tohsaka, along with Bazett Fraga, Illya von Einzbern, Sakura Matou and many other people from different magus clans, destroyed the Holy Grail once and for all." She said.
She opened her eyes and stood up, uncrossing her legs and her arm activated, showing it was done, and connect to her magic circuits.

"Bug." She said and Sinbad gave her a horrified face for calling him that, "The system is dead. The Holy Grail is no more nor is the war. If you truly do speak the truth, prove it." She said, not a single lance of emotion in her voice.
Sinbad swore this girl creeped him out, but he liked what he saw. Her hair now fixed, her curves, skin, she was a beautiful woman. He chuckled and walked up to her, wrapping a am around her waist.
"Bug, what are you doing? I didn't give you permission to touch me." She said bluntly.
"No worries. You told me to prove it to you." He said.
She stayed silent then spoke.
"Very well then. I allow it." She said.
He smirked slithered his hand under her shirt and placed it in between her breast. Suddenly, the red markings that appeared before appeared, and connected to him. Both their magic circuits appearing, hers, a mixture of blue and green, and his, color gold and black.
"These red markings all over your body..." Sinbad said as removed his hand and lifted her chin, as he saw her looking at herself, and made her look at him, "are your command seals. A master gets three command seals per servant." He explains and let her go.
Aria didn't know what to say. If this is real....
"Are you a Saber? or come I can't tell your class?" She said.
Something was bothering her....this feeling...she didn't like it.
"(smirks) You can say I prefer you not to know. After all, what fun is there if you knew my class? But for now, just call me Ruler or Alter Ego. Don't want an enemy servant to know my true name." He said.
"Ruler. I'll call you Ruler because Alter Ego sounds evil. Also because of that woman Arba." She said
"Haha! Who Knows?" Sinbad laughed.


"What on earth?" Aria said as she walked up to computer to connect to the security camera and microphone outside the mansion gate.

- Mansion Gate -

Tina, Yukino, Lillian were in panicking states as they prayed that their friend was home and not out shopping for computer hardware again. Lan rolled her eyes but she was inwardly screaming also. One, last night they all almost died. Two, some cute hot guys minus the pretty pink haired lady, the blue haired giant, maybe the innocent knight in shining armor, and cute blue smol bean boy, saved them, and appeared out of nowhere. The security camera moved and Aria raised an eyebrow. All the others got into battle positions, thinking the camera was a weapon until Lan spoke.
"Yo Aria! Open the door!" Lan waved at it.
"Explain. Who's smol bean and the cat lady. Plus the men and porcine." Aria's voice came from the microphone.
Sharrkan gawked because porcupine was what he was called by Yamuraiha. Sheba frowns being called a cat lady and everyone knew who the smol bean was, except the said person themselves, Aladdin. Aria turned to Sinbad who immediately looked over her shoulder to see the screen. His eyes widened when he saw who they were.
"Masrur, Sharrkan, Masrur Hinahoho, Mystras!! Ja'far, Mahad, Vittel, Aladdin, Karna and Emiya!! Everyone!" Sinbad said.
"Wait....that's.....Sinbad!!" Mystras yells.
"Uncle Sinbad!!" Aladdin said excitedly.
"Uncle?!" Sinbad said shocked.
He's still not used to that. Aria looked back and forth between the screen and Sinbad.
"Bug, who are they?" Aria said.
"How dare you call the king that way?" Ja'far growled.
Lillian ran up to him and tried to calm him down.
"Mr. Ja'far, please stop!" Lillian said.
Ja'far looked her coldly and she flinched.
"Please...?" She pouted.
Ja'far began have sweat run down his as he was trying to ignore Lillian's puppy dog eyes. Vittle and Mahad were snickering along with everyone else. He broke.
"Sigh....." Ja'far sighs and patted her head, looking away.
Sinbad smirked. He definitely wasn't gonna let his friend this one up. Aria sighs and pressed the button, allowing everyone to come in. Then a thought popped up in her head.

"I how Rifa, Erika, Natalia and Kennedi are doing?"

- London: Clock Tower -

A young woman with long orange hair, a light peach dress, green eyes, and held a pile of textbooks in her chest, trudged down the hallway, furiously. Her hair high in the air and everyone passing by was scared and instantly back away. She arrived to her dorm and slammed the door open, throwing her books onto her bed.
"Whoa! What happened?!" A girl with blue granite eyes, light tan skin, Freckles, Long and wavy w/curls Dark brown hair, and black glasses, and spoke with a british accent, said from her desk as she watched her pissed off friend grab a pillow and scream into it.
"Is everything alright?" A green haired girl with green eyes and a black dress walked in from the kitchen, followed by a girl with blonde hair and pink eyes.
"I swear I'm gonna murder that man!! Argghhh!!" The orange haired one growled as she flopped onto her bed, and cries.

This is Rifa Edelfelt.
The long brown haired one is Kennedi Kymiā Franco Escardos.
The green haired one is Erika Matou, a distant relative of Aria.
And finally, the blonde haired one is Netalia Yggdmillennia.

All four are friends of Aria, Tina, Lan and Lillian, Yukino.

"Oh Rifa.....did Lord El-Melloi IV yell at you again?" Kennedi said as she lightly patted her friend's head.
"Yes............" Rifa said.
"Seriously, what's up with that guy being on us all the time?" Erika sighs and shakes her head.
She headed to the kitchen to make some chamomile tea with honey and milk for everyone, especially Rifa.
"He's so controlling! He flat out pointes out every single flaw and mistake I did on my written and magic exam! It was humiliating, and in front of the Elders!" Rifa said as she sat up and crossed her arms.
"He does that to every Rifa." Netalia said.
"I know but......he shows no mercy when it's us especially!" Rifa.
"I do find it strange." Netalia said.
All four sigh and then Rifa grins evilly.
"You know....." she said and Erika and Natelia face palm, "I say it's time for payback." She said.
Everyone wondered what she had planned.

- Office -

A man with slick black hair, a black suite, and light blue eyes, smoked a cigarette as he as looking through his documents.

Specifically, he was looking at the information files of 9 people. He sighs and then looked in annoyance at young man in a green Magician's hat and loose-fitting green and white clothes, including thigh length boots. He has silver blond hair and blue eyes. He has a very long braid, with a feather attached to its end, as well as a smaller braid on his forehead. He sipped tea and hums happily, and across him sat a tall, slim yet muscular man, with dark skin. He has yellow eyes and medium-length purple hair with strands hanging over both sides of his face. The hair standing on the top sides of his head has the appearance of cat ears. His forehead also has a third eye like all wielders of the Divine Staves, as well as wearing a pair of glasses, who had his arms crossed and eyes closed.
"Yunnan, Setta, I appreciate if you two go and have your tea somewhere else." The man said to the two.
"Master, I told you to call me Archer, for that was the class I was summoned in." Setta said as he opened one eye.
"I don't really mind you calling me my true name but for safety, call me Ruler." Yunnan smiles, "But Lord El-Melloi IV, or should call you your real name, Derik Velvet?" He said.
The man with black, this is Lord El-Melloi IV. Descendent and great grandson of Waver Velvet, the head of the London Tower.
"Whichever one suits you." Lord Melloi said as he went back to looking at the documents.
"So here is my question? Why do pick on those girls?" Yunnan said.
Lord Melloi stopped and turned to them, his face blank but sighs.
"The Church called and the enemy has succeeded in reviving the bloody war. And their sights are set on those four and 5 more. But their eyes are mostly set on Emiya and Tohsaka." He said and went to type on his computer.
Setta hummed and closed his eyes but then snapped open. Yunnan stopped his cup a few centimeters from his lips and frowns.

"It seems some unwanted guest have trespassed."

- Artifact Room -

"This is a bad idea!" Erika whispered yelled as Rifa undid the lock to enter the Clock Tower's Artifact room and breaking over 500 rules.
"Come on! Aren't you guys a bit curious at all?" Rifa said.
She opened the door and all of them quickly went in. They used a spell to turn on their night vision and all of them gawked at the amount of artifacts that there were. They began to walk around.
"This is amazing....." the girls said.
Natelia sighs along with Kennedi and both spot a few interesting things. They walk up to them. Natelia picked up a gold feather fan with black feathers and a piece of what looked to once be a staff. Kennedi picked up a coral old flute and some silver leg bracelets with a phoenix emblem on it. Erika spotted a gold hand plate, carved on it were two names.
"Myron......Lo'lo....." she mumbled and saw it was next to two other weapons.
A broken hilt of a sword and a jewel with a red feather. As the girls examine the artifacts they picked up, Rifa wandered to a old bookshelf, feeling like something or someone was watching her.


She heard a whisper in her ear. She snapped her head back but saw no one. She shivered and proceeded to the shelf. Upon closer inspection, she saw two swords, and one had a small metal ornament strapped on it and next to it, a armor shoulder plate, color red. The other had this aura of royalty, both of them did, but looked like they been through hell and whoever the warriors were, looked like they didn't survive. She carefully picks them up, and observed them.
"You must have been proud swordsmen....whoever you both were......" Rifa smiles sadly at them.
Shes made her decision. She will take these and give them a proper burial. As she opened her magic purse and put the artifacts in them, from outside the tower, four individuals watched, with great guilt in their eyes.
"I don't want to do this...I don't want to do this!!" A dark pink haired girl dressed in a pink kimono cried as she held a jeweled blue sword, and scales on her hands, shook as she refused to kill without reason.
"Shut up woman. I am your master. Obey me." A male voice whispered in air, and the other three individuals gritted their teeth.
"NO I REFUSE!!" She screamed and tried to fight her master.
Red chains appeared and wrapped around her neck, arms and legs, forcing her to raise her sword.
"Kougyoku!! You bastard!!" A pink haired boy and blue haired boy with mismatched eyes yelled furiously at the shadow that appeared behind the woman now known as Kougyoku.
"NO, NO, NO!! I REFUSE TO KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE!!" Kougyoku screamed and the chains tighten around her.
"Stop! Please!" A woman with blue hair and pink kimono plead.
The shadow smirked and the chains glowed red, making her scream and forced to transform to what is called a Djinn equip. The red chains then wrapped around the others, forcing them also to transform into their own, and they screamed, trying to fight back.
"Ren Kouha, Ren Kougyoku, Ren Hakuryuu and Ren Hakuei. We are your masters and you WILL OBEY!! MADNESS ENHANCEMENT!!!" The shadow yells and the four screamed and bloodlust filled them, and all began cackling madly.
Kougyoku grins and raised her sword, the chains still on them all.
"DESTROY THEM ALL VINEA!!!" She unleashed a huge wave at the tower, demolishing it.
"AAAAAAHHHHHH!!" The girls screamed and Erika and Rifa quick created a water and ice barrier around all them, to protect them.
"There's an enemy! Quick, battle positions!!" Kennedi yells and all the girls quick got ready.

- Other side of the Battle -

"Die die dieeee!! Ahahahahaha!!" Kouha laughed as he came at Yunnan.
"Enough." Yunnan said as he pointed his finger at him.
"Hito!" He yelled and made a lighting bolt drop at the sky and hit Kouha.
Kouha just laughed as his eyes glowed red, similar to Arba.
"Ruler, he's forced under Madness Enhancement!! Just like Hakuei!!" A young boy with orange and rode on a chariot in the air, yells.
"Damn!" Yunnan cursed as he flew higher in the air to join his ally.
"Raaah!!" Setta yells as he launched ice arrows at Haku who was mumbling as she dodged then launched a whirlwind at him.
"How many cuts does it take to reach your many stabs does it take to reach the many...." she kept mumbling and mumbling.
Setta shivered and swore this woman creeped him out.

Back with the girls....

"Forest Blades!!!" Kennedi yells as she made tree roots go after Hakuryuu.
"Zangan!" He yells and he made dragons made of roots class with hers.
"Gyokuen! Gyokuen must die!" He yelled.
"Switch!" Erika yells and switch placed with her.
"The phoenix rides the wind to its home land!!" Erika began, "And the Earth burns all to ashes!!" Kennedi yells as Hakuryuu fought the wooden dragons, "Mother Nature brings new life from the ashes a new hope shall rise! Fahargo Flanar!" They yelled and a huge blue and red flame phoenix charged a Hakuryuu.
"Arrrgghhh!!" He yells in pain as he tried to defend himself.
The girls panted and held each other up but....
"Zangara!!" Suddenly stone spears flew at them and managed to stab their legs.
The girls screamed and cried as they tried to move but couldn't, their eyes widened in horror as Hakuryuu walked out of the flames, only with scratches.
"That was child's play." He coldly said and began to walk towards them.
The girls tried to crawl away but roots wrapped around their necks, choking them. Hakuryuu raised his lance, it reflected in their eyes.


The coral flute....


The silver leg bracelets...

"I don't...."

The red jewel...

The gold arm plate....

"I Don'T WANT TO DIE!!!"

And finally, the sword, all glowed brightly, causing Hakuryuu to go Blind, for a few seconds.
"HYAA!!" A fist collided with his cheek.
A girl with short pink hair, pink eyes, and wore a white tunic, glared at him as her fist sent him flying away.
"Damn!" Hakuryuu yells and tried to stop himself, but from behind, he was hit with two punches, surrounded by black flames.
"Let's do this Lo'lo!" A female voice said excitedly, and a wolfish grin smiles back at her, "You got that right Myron!" The owner of that grin said and both attacked him at full force, sending him crashing to the ground.
Hakuryuu coughed and yelled in agony as a wind, and two lighting attacks came at him. The attack was so great it forced him out of Zagan's djiin equip. His eyes glowed furious red as he glared at the ones responsible.
"Morgiana, Pisti, Myron, Lo'lo, Muu and Spartos!!!" He roared angrily.
Morgiana glared at him but then figured out something wasn't right. She closed her eyes then snapped them back open.
"Minds Eye!" And saw the red chains around her friend.
"Everyone! He's under a force control!" She said.
Spartos and Muu picked up the girls bridal style and Pisti jumped off her bird, and ran to them.
"They need medical treatment now!" She said, worried.
"STOP!! GET OUT OF ME!!" Hakuryuu roared as he held his head, trying to fight back.
"Hakuryuu!!" Morgiana yells and tried to run to him but was pushed back by a dark force.
A shadow emerges from the ground and glared at.
"Shielder, Rider, Lancers and Berserkers, don't think this is over! The Maiden's of Time and Space will die! That I promise!!" It yelled and Hakuryuu disappeared in a tornado of black wind.


Rifa and Natalia stood their ground barley against Kougyoku, who was going berserk, trying to fight against the madness enhancement placed on her. She cried black tears as she attacked the girl, swings and sending attacks with her sword at them.
"Please.....Kill me....." Kougyoku was barely able to say before she lost control again and slash both girls between their chest.
"Did you hear that?!" Natelia said in shock as they ran, and applying healing magic on their chest.
"Yeah....." Rifa mumbled as they stopped near a water fountain.
Both girls froze when they heard giggling and slowly walked back, but unknown to them, Kougyoku silently floated down from behind them.
"Time to....." she sung and Rifa jumped at in front of Natelia, "Die!!" Kougyoku sang as she brought down her sword.
"AAAAHHHH!!" Rifa screamed as blood splattered all over and a arm went flying away.
"Rifa!" Natalie screamed as she saw that her friend's left arm was sliced off.
Kougyoku laughed and quickly surrounded Rafa's arm that was lying near some rubble, in acid and dissolved it.
Rifa passed out and Natalya hugged her to her chest.
"Time to die...time to die...." Kougyoku chanted.
Natelia closed her eyes tightly and waited for the sword to come down.


The sounds of swords clashing was heard and a warm feeling surrounded her.
"Hold on!" A male and female voice called out worried.
She opened her eyes and gasped as two people created a green barrier around her and Rifa, healing them slowly. A woman dressed a witch with large breast, wore shells for a bra, and aquamarine hair, looked at them worried. She held a coral staff. And on the left a man with light blue hair, red eyes and glasses. He wore a muffler and a strange staff.
"Don't worry about us!" He said.
Kougyoku cried and held her head, screaming as she dodged boulders flying out of portals, a light attack and a flame attack coming at her.
"Kouen-Ni.....Hakuyuu-ni....Koumei-ni....please.....KILL MEEE!!" She cried as she kept trying to resist the madness enhancement.
Kouen, Koumei and Hakuyuu gritted their teeth in rage as they saw the red chains on their sister.
"I can't do this....." Koumei said, looking down at the ground in guilt.
None of them wanted to......
"Please....Yamuraiha...Ugo....ANYONE, PLEASE!!!!???" Kougyoku begged.
A shadow emerged from the ground and began to drag her down.
"SISTER!!" Koumei and Kouen ran to her.
She smiled sadly as he tears fell and disappeared.
"Damit!' Kouen yelled furiously as he punched the ground.
As for Kouha and Hakuei, they were forced to leave also. Derik gritted his teeth and was pissed.
"Those bastards will pay..." he growled.
From the air, Yunnan saw the others that were summon as the command seals appeared on him. He sighs and looked up to the sky. This wasn't good.
"Yamuraiha!!" Pisti and Morgiana yelled and ran to her, and hugged her.
"I'm so happy to see you guys!!" Yamuraiha cried.
Ugo backed away. Not used to females. Muu chuckled but he and Spartos looked down at the girls in their arms. Kouen picked up Natelia and Hakuyuu Rifa.
"They need treatment." Kouen firmly said.
They heard footsteps and all got into positions to fight but....
"It's alright. It's just us." Yunnan said and smiles.
"Ugo, it's been awhile." Setta smirked.

"Setta!!!" Ugo cried.
Derik sighs and looked at the four girls.
"Come. They need to be treated."

- ?????? -


"YOU USELESS WENCH!!" A cloaked man slapped Kougyoku and made her fall to the ground.
They were turned back to normal, and it wasn't going well.
"How dare you lay a hand on her?!" Kouha yells and tried to charged at the bastard but was held back by red chains.
"Shut it. You are a servant. A tool." The man growled and grabbed Kougyoku by her hair and threw her in dark room, ignoring the yellings of Kouha, Hakuryuu and Hakuei for him to stop.
"Until you learn to obey. This where you will stay!" The man yells and slammed the door shut.
Kougyoku cried and curled herself in a ball. To be treated such a way...she hated it.


She flinched when she heard from the cell across her, the yelling of Falan, wanting her son. Falan was completely chained to a wall, with magic and everything. A few more cells were there.
" that you?" She heard a voice.
"Alibaba?!" She screeched and ran to the small opening in the door.
A young man dressed in Arabian male clothing with blonde hair and blonde hair with a spike, smiled at her, sadly.
"Yeah........" he said.
They heard more cells be opened and saw Kouha, Hakuryuu and Hakuei be grown in their cells.
"Who else is here?" Alibaba asked.
"Lord Drakon......Cassim.......Ka Koubun.....Lady Rurumu....Lady Sahel....Lady
Kiara....Shunten......Medea...and many others.....even Judar...." Kougyoku mumbled.
Alibaba looked her shocked.
"We fought Yunnan, Kouen and few of our friends..." Hakuryuu said bitterly, remembering then face Morgiana made.
"Then that means Aladdin and the others were summoned as well....." Kouha said.

- With Judar -

Judar was allowed to move around freely since he was fallen and loved war and destruction. But he had yet to meet his master. Truth to be told, he was forbidden to meet them. He took a bite of his peach as he came across a black door. He raised an eyebrow and slightly opened it, peeking in.

"W-Who's there.....?"

A weak, female voice spoke. Judar smirked and went in, closing the door, locking it. His magic circuits glowing as he saw a command seal glow in the female who hid in the far corner of the room.

"Hey there. I'm Avenger. Looks like I found you......" He slowly walked towards them in a
predatory manner, "Master......~"

(To be continued......,)







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