Prologue: The Beginning

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Hey Hey!!

Did you know that there once existed a fairy? A fairy who could bring miracles to the world?!

Hey hey!

Did you know, she had the prettiest eyes? One like the stars and the other like the sun?

Hey Hey!!

Did you know that her smiles made people's days shine?! Like the sun rising from up above?

Hey hey!!

But did you know....the fairy was cursed? For every person she brought happiness to, she was closer to death?

Hey hey!!

The fairy just wanted people to be happy. She wanted them to smile.

Hey hey!

Miss always wears a smile....why are you so lonely?

Hey hey!

Miss Fairy.......I want you to be happy also.....

Miss fairy......please.....I want you to enjoy life once again. I want you to live.


Did you know, that there once existed a man?

A man who traveled the world in seven voyages?

Did you know, he was known for his conquers?

Hey hey!

What was his name again?

I don't know. I forgot.

Hey hey!

He was the conquer of the seven seas and 7 dungeons!

Dungeons? What are you talking about?

Nothing nothing! Wrong story!

Hey hey!

Did you hear?

The sailor has lost what is truly important to him.

What do you mean?

Easy! A piece of his heart has broken away.

What he treasured the most, was lost at sea.

The waves plundering it deep.

So deep so deep, farther than the eye could see.

Lost in a place, where no one rather be.

Hey hey!

I see you there!

You like reading these don't you?


Oh wow of wow!!

Warriors of the past?

Who who?!

I don't know! But let's review.

As the tails of 1001 Arabian nights start anew.

Just like the flow of time begins to grow.

Time for the stars to come down, and shine hope.

This is not a tail of warriors,

Nor is it the tail of a wish fulfill,

This is the tail....of the forgotten one,

Who regained what was lost.


A young girl sat on a bolder, reading the tales of 1001 Arabian nights. She listen quietly to the sound of nature as she read the book, ignoring the fact that her mother was calling her out.
"Aria!" A woman said as she spotted her daughter sitting on a boulder.
She couldn't help but smile, seeing her daughter had gotten a hold of her childhood book again. She walked up to her and lightly tapped her shoulder. Most children would jump but Aria didn't. She turned around and gave her mother a big toothy grin.
"Mama, I like this book. Can I keep it please?" Aria plead.
Her mother smiles and nodded.
"Alright. But come on, it's time for your magic training." She said and Aria ran after her.

That day.....was the last happy memory, before all was lost.....and what was forgotten, sealed away.


Look at her. Thinks she's all that.

What's up with you?

You don't talk or show any emotion.

What a fool. Kill yourself already.

Aria, Aria! The one of no soul! 🎶🎶🎶

Aria, Aria, watch out all!

Aria Aria!! The one of no soul!!

Aria Aria!! The witch! Beware all!! 🎵🎵🎵

She opened her eyes slowly and sat up, letting her (h/c) hair fall all over her bed. Again, she dreamed about those days. The days she was bullied, the days she was alone. She felt nothing. She felt nothing. She looked over to her shelf, where books were lined up along with manga and some history ones, and magic books. She looked to her side and saw her pet otter, a cute little brown sea dog she calls, and lightly petted it.
"Kriiii...." it squeals as it sensed her warmth and made itself to a ball.
She sighs and gets up, letting her fluffy wool blanket fall on the floor and head towards her closet. She opens it and grabs her fluffy ear muffs with her red winter shawl. She then grabs a gray long sleeve sweater, with a black skirt and gray winter leggings. She then puts and her clothing, and finally grabs her brown knee length boots, putting them on.

She then walks over to the coat hanger, where she hanged her bag. Inside were her magic textbooks, along with pencils and pens. Plus, a sketchbook and her phone. She does a quick walk to the kitchen, where she serves her otter's breakfast and places it on the floor near her bed. A small smiles graced her lips and gave her otter a kiss on the forehead. She remember her mother would tell her to do that to something or someone important to her.
"Take care Otty." She said and left, locking the door to her mansion.


She walked down the town, passing shopping malls and people selling things. She sees a couple and their daughter, holding hands and looking at some toys from the store window. She gave a small smile. Her mother told her that this what people do to show they see something cute.
"Strange.....I have no emotions, yet I have to pretend. Strange...." she thought to herself.
She continues to walk and eventually arrived to her University. She walked through the hallway and made her way to her school library. She wanted to finish her magic formula homework. She walked in and quickly moved to the left as a book came flying at her.
"Damn.....I thought you wouldn't see that coming." A young woman with Dark lavender hair, Ash/Silver narrow eyes, pale complexion, sighs as she walked up to you and picked up the book.
She wears a small black skirt with a long white sleeve shirt that is open from the top of the chest up to the collar bone with minor details of black, silver and lavender, over the knee lavender stockings with small black/gray boots.
"Nice try Lan. Better luck next time." Aria said as both walked back to the table and where Lan was at.
"Test is today. So, you think Lily will survive?" She snickered.
Aria nodded and took out her book. Lan sighs and a small smile graced her lips.
"You still have that book?" She said and Aria nodded.
"I was my mothers. So naturally I would have it." Aria said.
"Alright. Now, I was going through some old stuff to clean out the basement in my house and guess what I found?" She said excitedly and Aria raised and eyebrow.
"Old Artifacts!!!!" She squeals.
She is a history nerd.
Just as you were about to speak, the library door opens and in came a girl with sliver long hair, purple eyes, and crying. She wore a long sleeve purple sweater and black skirt with some black tights.
"Whaaaaa.............I passed.....but.....Why did Tina have to eat my strawberry cake?!?" She burst out crying as she sat down and buried her face in her hands.
"Well......" Lan said and in came two girls, both eating cake.
"Tina, Yukino......what the hell?" Aria said and both grinned nervously.
"Come on. It was a joke Lillian. Here," a girl with blue hair said and handed Lillian a pocky box, "we got you pocky." She said.
"Nice save Yukino." A girl with short ear length hair and one purple eye and the other blue chuckled.

"Look, its the emo squad (giggles)."

All 5 girls turn to look over to at some slut looking girls, that were giggling and speaking snarky comments.
Aria stood up and walked over to them.
"Hello ladies." She said and they flinched.
Aria remembers that she must show a fake smile that shows anger. After all, she needs to pretend she has emotions.
"Care to speak what is in your mind?" She said as she was able to create a fake aura of murder, which scared the hell out of the girls and they bolted.
"Nice job!" Tina clapped and Aria smiles.
"It's a gift."


Test results

1. Aria Emiya Tohsaka
2. Lan Fraga
3. Lillian von Einzbern
4. Yukino Sophia-Ri
5. Tina Icecolle

"Looks like I win." Aria smiles, that she swears flowers are sprouting behind her.
"Not again........" The rest of the girls sulk, because they now each owe her $200.
Tina sighs and took out her wallet, and gave Aria the money. The others soon did the same.

- Time Skip: Lan's Home: Basement -

"Here we are!!" Lan said cheerfully as she skipped down the basement stairs and the girls behind her.
"My family may be descendants since the Age of the Gods, but they suck when it comes to cleaning!" Lan huffed.
Luckily she already cleaned the place out. All books are on the shelves and artifacts are stored away properly. Aria walked around and walked up to a wooden old box.
"What's this?" She asked as she bent down.
Lan walked up to her while Lillian looked over at some daggers with red wires in a box, with old cloth and some old bandages. She liked them. Yukino spotted a box with a cracked old flute with a fractured piece of gold and small crown ophian. As for Tina, she found a small ruby red pendant, fossilized snake skin and a old black fragment from what looks like a sword.
"Hmmm...not sure. You can keep it if you want. If there's anything you guys want you can have them." She said.
"Alright!" The other girls cheered.
Aria smiles and gently picks up the box. She'll open it when she gets home.

- Aria' Mansion -

"I'm home." Aria yells out.
"KRIIIIII!!" She hears and out came running Otty.
"Hey boy. I'm home." She said.
"Kri, Kri!" Otty squeals and nuzzled in her next, but hissed at the box.
She sighs and brought it to the living room, placing it on the table, in the center of the room. She carefully opens the box. Inside were two rings, one with a green gem and the other a red one. Next to them were a fancy jeweled necklace with gold and silver. Then there was a red jewel on an old feathered turban. Next, there was a silver bracelet with a gold one. Lastly a sword with a blue sheath.
"Seven?" She mumbled and picked one up gently.
She picked up the silver bracelet and moved it around in her hands.
"Strange......but I do sense some mana...." she said.
She picked out each one and put them on her, and looked in the mirror. The turban flopping all over her head. She saw that the jewelry was too big on her so figured out that they must have been made for a male. She takes them off and placed them back into the box, closing the lid. Unknown to her, the 7 pieces of jewelry faintly glowed when the lid closed.

- Time Skip: Dreams -

"Long live the King! Long Live the King!"

A festival.....a festival it was. Aria saw people dancing, smiling, children and people of all kind having fun together. She saw people eating, drinking. She walked around, wondering where she was.

"Come on Aladdin!!"

She sees a boy with blonde with a spike, wearing male Arabian clothing with a red rope tied around his neck, look back and grin at a boy with blue hair in a long braid and a girl with pink hair.
"Wait up Alibaba! Short legs remember?!" The boy with blue hair yells, trying to catch up.
"You two Morgiana!" The boy now known as Alibaba, grins.
"Hmph." The pink haired one huffed with cheeks puffed, but smiles, and grabs the blue haired boy and dashed after him.
Aria smiles and walked around, interacting with the people, playing games and won a few prices.
"I win." She smiles as she won a game of arm wrestling against a man with spiky white hair, tan skin, green eyes, and wore white and green clothing.
"Man, for a cute girl you're strong." He laughed and gave her a bag of coins.
"I'm Sharrkan! But call me Shar." He winked and her face went blank.
"I believe you are doing what you call flirting???? It's weird." She said and he turned to stone.
She shrugs and walks away, not noticing that a pair of golden eyes, stared at her from the King's balcony.


"Whooooaaaa!!!" Lan said with sparkles in her eyes as she was watching a young man with long and white unkempt hair that almost appear transparent, practicing his techniques with his spear.
He was going up against a giant blue haired man, who had red one. He turns as he saw her with sparkles in hers, watching the two spar. Then....


A lean yet muscular young man of average height, came out of nowhere and landed in between the two. He has red hair with bangs that go down the left side of his face. He wears a turban around his head, which has a feather sticking up from it, and sliver blue armor. He pointed his lance at the white haired on and grins.
"Karna, I challenge you to a duel!" He said.
The white haired male now known as Karna, smirked.
"Alright. Don't blame me if you lose Mystras." Karna smirked and both charged each other, blades clashing.
Lan watched amaze, but something was bothering her. Where the hell was she? She knows she fell asleep on the couch watching Scarlet Heart Ryo on her T.V. She was in deep thought until she heard people screaming for her to move. She felt something went past barley by an inch. She slowly turns and saw a completely demolished vendor stand. She then slowly turned back and saw Mystras with his jaw hanging and pointed at Karna, who faced palms. It was obviously Mystars. She smirked and made a spear appear in her hands. Everyone looked at her shocked and she grins.
"That's a cute attack boys but even I can do better than that." She winked and charged at Mystras, who barely had time to defend.
"Come on Red! Straighten your posture! Lock your knees and push back at your opponent!!" Lan grins and did a back flip, as he pushed back and landed next to Karna, who looked at her amused.
"Hey hot shot! Names Lan! But call me Shishou (Master) from now on!" She smirked and he gave her a blank face.

"No thank you."

"Awwww! You're no fun."


"Mom look!" Aladdin said as his mother and father, chuckled, as he pointed to Yukino, who just won a shooting game, winning a bag of sweets.
"Sheba, wanna try?" His father said as he turned to a pink haired woman, who grins.
"Why not? You gonna try Solomon?" The woman now known as Sheba said as she spoke to the blue haired man that asked her.
Yukino turned and saw that the couple was see through. He mind went blank.
"GHOST! IT'S GHOST!!! AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" She screamed and bolted.
Solomon and Sheba, along with Aladdin, stared at the trail of dust she left.


"Yes Aladdin?"

"I think she can see you........"

"Oh boy....."


"Ooohhhh!!! What nice eyes you have!." Lillian said to a wait haired, pale freckled male, who wore green robes and a Arabia keyffin.
He blushed madly as she just appeared out of nowhere. His friends, a small petite girl with blonde hair in a ponytail with a red feather, pink clothing that was open from the chest, and pink eyes, burst out laughing at his face. His other two companions, one with light purple pastel hair, and the other, who wore a cloth over his face, grin.
"Nice going Che-- I mean Ja'far!" The purple haired one said.
"What a cute girl! I'm Pisti! And the one you just complimented is Ja'far. The other two are Mahad and Vittle." The blonde girl said, now known as Pisti.
"Oh hello. Sorry if I'm disturbing you all. I...uhhh....Don't know how I got here honestly." Lillian chuckled nervously as she rubbed the back of her neck.
Pisti grins and quickly grabbed her hand and dragged her to a table, where......
"Tina?!" Lillian said shocked as saw Tina was talking to a man across her with tan skin, white hair, gray eyes, and wore a red Japanese long tail coat.
Next to her, was a man with pink hair and pink eyes, a tall muscular built and wore golden armor, plus he had a blank face, chewed on some fish bones. Tina heard her name and turns, eyes going wide.
"Liliy?!" She said in shock and quickly walked over to her.
"How are you here!? I thought this was my own dream!?" Tina whispered to her.
"I thought so too! If you're here, then we must be connecting with each other through the spiritual realm. Then that means....." Lillian gasped when she realized it.
"Yukino, Lan, and Aria must be here too!" Both screeched.

The others were confused until a blue haired woman with huge breast that had shells on them as breastplates, a coral staff and wore pale green dress, and a witch hat, walked up to them, along with a man with red hair, and silver armor. Behind him was a humanoid dragon but the girls could tell it was once human.
"Excuse me? Who are you girls? And how did you get here in the general's balcony?" She asked.
"What are you talking about? Where are we?" Tina asked.
"You don't know where you are? Do you know who we are?" She asked and both shook their heads.


Aria was surrounded by a group of dancers, who begged her to substitute for a dancer who hurt her foot.
"Why not?" She said and the group cheered as they dragged her away and dressed her in a red colored belly dancer dress.
Aria swears that she now regrets this. As she was dragged into the stage and the girls surrounded her, and she was in the center. She listened the the music and began her move her body to beat. She hair flowing in the air, her movements graceful like a swan, her eyes only focused on the song and dance.
Ja'far noticed his king starting with wide eyes at the dancer dressed in red, and also, accidentally spilling his wine.
"Sin." Ja'far called out to him and the man turns to face him.
"What' wrong Ja'far?" Sinbad said as he wanted to continue to watch the red dressed dancer.
"Listen......something isn't right. Emiya and Masrur found this girl that had no scent or rukh flowing inside of her. I also too have found one. I don't know how, but these girls are strange. Karna, Hinahoho and Mystras just came back with another girl also. Aladdin, Alibaba, and Morgiana also. And I think that girl you're watching....." Ja'far said as he looked over the balcony, seeing the citizens cheer, "maybe one also." He finished.


Aladdin watched as Yukino quickly dragged Lan, Tina, Lillian, and Aria to where he was. Solomon and Sheba watched silently. Both knowing that these girls do not belong in this time. Luckily, Morgiana and Alibaba went to get food, so it'll take awhile for them to comeback.
"Listen, I don't know how you girls got here but my guess that you must be from another time and world. Your souls must have made a temporary connection with the Root and because of this, you all were able to travel here. You girls can't be here. It's forbidden!" Aladdin said, worried.
Aria walked over to him and bent down to his level.
"How do we get back?" She said.
"I'll cast a spell that will erase everyone's memories that had an encounter with you or have scene you. Including me." Aladdin said and everyone nodded.
He quickly sent a fireball in the sky, everyone thinking it was a firework.
"None of you will remember this. Sorry." He smiles sadly and they nodded.
"Excuse us." All five girls turned as they saw a tall well built muscular man with tan skin, wore white purple length robes, and wore a turban with a feathers and fancy jewels, began to walk towards them, the generals behind him.
At that moment, the fireball in the sky, exploded a huge blinding white light. Everyone turned and the girls faded away, all seeing Aladdin smile at them and wave goodbye.


"Huh?" Aladdin blinked and rubbed his eyes, looking around.
All of Sindria was confused of what just happened. Sharrkan felt like crap for some reason. Same with Mystras. Both felt like they just lost a match or something. Everyone continued to do what they were doing. Having fun, enjoying the festival. But for Sinbad, there was this feeling at the back of his head that kept nagging him. was...looking for someone...because they caught his interest. But who???

- End of Dreams -

Aria slowly opened her yes and sat up, rubbing her temples.

"Weird......" she mumbled and got up, feeling Otty snuggle into her chest.
She got up and took off her nightgown and was only in her undergarments, standing in front of her mirror. Suddenly, what felt like strong arms wrap around her waist and hug her from behind, she stared blankly a her mirror. There was no one behind her yet....
"Unhand me bug." She spoke and whatever the hell it was, immediately let go as she made a mana barrier around her as she dressed herself. She changed to a brown winter dress and then walked to the kitchen, where she sat down and drank tea. And began thinking of the recent lesson that was being taught.... The legendary Holy Grail War. 7 masters, Seven Servants. All fight to the death till one pair remains, and that pair will have their wishes granted by the grail.

From what has been taught so far, it has been 112 years since the 5th holy grail war. Now, that times have changed, technology has evolved. But unfortunately, if such a war did exist in the past, she did do not wish to participate in such war, ever. Aria was were currently taking a sip of tea and looked at the long blue wooden box in front of her, that was slightly open. Inside was a sword with a blue sheath with some cross stitched designs. She did your research but unfortunately she didn't find who it belonged to in the past. So she just decided to assume it belonged to a warrior. She sighs and closed the lid, picking up the box and putting it in your next her bed. She was tried and didn't want to deal with anything or anyone. It's only the morning and she just wants another nap.

- School -

Aria sighed with boredom as her magic instructor was giving lessons on the types of magic and the magic circuits that run in a Magus body. She know this stuff already. She were a descendant of Rin Tohsaka and Emiya Shirou. Two great Magus who survived the 5th holy grail war. And Emiya Shirou was the victor. She sighs and heard the bell rung, pick up her bags up, and about to leave, when she suddenly felt a fist collide with your cheek and making her fall to the ground.


Everyone in the class turn to see the commotion as Aria held her cheek and glared at the person.
"If it wasn't for you, I would have been given the brand of Color!" Her female classmate spat at her.
She stood up and glared at her.
"My fault? For your information, I am not the one that slept with a geezer to get top class magic items and rise to the top." Aria said coldly and everyone gasped.
She glared at her, her face red with embarrassment.
"Why you....." she growled.
She grab your bag and suddenly....


Time froze slowly as her eyes went wide and froze. Locks of her hair falling onto the floor and the girl smirking.
"HEY!! YOU THERE!!" Her instructor stomped over to yours guys direction.
The clicked her tongue and about run but froze when she suddenly felt Aria's hand placed on her shoulder and the temperature in the room dropping at zero. She slowly turned, fearing her life. Aria's were wide and her heart began to beat fastly.



The sound of something cutting......

Aria began to feel something stir inside of her.


"" she began to mumbled.
The girl was screaming as she felt her arm being slowly turned frozen solid.
"No....I don't want don't want them." She yells and made a magic circle appear underneath her.
The girl that cut her hair was screaming in fear as not just her arm, but Aria was beginning to freeze her completely. Everyone screamed and ran, and Aria made the magic circle appear, as the small crack on her eye appeared and healed itself. The girl fell to the ground unconscious and her arm no longer frozen. Aria stared at her emotionless. Whatever she felt was no gone and that was a good sign for her. She walked away, like nothing happened, the girl taught a lesson.


"Ha! So there is a survivor of Emiya and Tohsaka!!!" A mysterious cloaked person smirked wickedly as a woman with longer brown hair in braids, female Arabian clothing, and held a gold staff with a red jewel and small wings, both stared down from a skyscraper, down at Aria, as she walked out of the campus, and the girls, worried behind her.
"So Master...." The woman bluntly said, "what will you do?" She asked.
The cloaked figure smirked and turned to her.
"Quite obvious Alter Ego. I want her dead. And not just her...." the cloaked figure said as her did a side glance back at the girls, "all-of-them." He grins.
Alter ego smirked.
"Very well. I'll have Saber, Berserker, Caster and Lancer go after them each. I will go after this one personally." Alter Ego smirked and disappeared in the shadows.
The cloak figure chuckles and turned back to the girls.

"The maiden that sealed away her humanity

The maiden who holds the hearts of freedom

The maiden that holds the jewel of life

The maiden that holds the secret to evolution

And the maiden who holds the key to death

Oh Maidens, time for your fall!"


Yukino came home grumbling that her favorite video had sold out and flopped onto her couch. She wasn't happy and sighs. Unknown to her, a shadow walked up to her from behind and raised its weapon. Yukino felt something and saw the reflection of her T.V and was barely able to turn around just on time and create a barrier around herself, and was sent flying towards her bookshelf. She managed to stop herself just a few inches from it. She panted and saw a man man dressed in black, and held a scythe black staff, similar to mask. He had long green hair and glared at her.
"Didn't think you fake magus will survive. Maiden of life, time to die." He said and charged at her.
Yukino quickly summon a scythe and twirled, leaving blue rose petals as her weapon collided with his.
"I'm not called The Blue Ruby Rose for nothing!" She yells and their weapons clashed.
The cracked flute, the broken staff, and the golden crown began to glow and three people appeared, defending Yukino.






Lillian gasped for air as a woman with green eyes, looped orange hair, held her by the next, on the ground.
"Tess....Tess.....Tess....I want my son back....I want my son back!!!" She screamed as her grip tighten on her.
"Let....go!!" Lillian gasped as her maids came running in with swords at the woman.
The woman screamed and they froze, suddenly plunging their own weapons into their throats. Lillian eyes widened in horror and the woman cackled. She kicked Lillian to the table, breaking it. There, the daggers with red wires, the cloth and bandages, fell on her arm, where she was wounded and bleeding. Droplets of her blood, getting on the artifacts.
"TEEEEESSSSSSS!!!" The woman screamed and wailed and lunged at Lillian.
"HELP MEEEEEE!!!! Lillian screamed and a magic circle appeared underneath her.


"AAAAAHHHHHH!!" The woman screamed as her arm was cut off and a cut on her shoulder and neck.
Lillian was shaking and curled herself into a ball when she felt she was suddenly picked up bridal style. She slowly looked up and saw three men dressed in green robes. One with silver hair like her and the others, brown and purple.

"Mahad, Vittel! Kill Falan!!"

"Yes Chief!"


Lan jumped back and launched a spear upside down at a man with green dark hair, and wore golden black armor, brought down a spear with a strange eye on it. He smirked and blocked it. Lan landed at the top of her home roof, growling at the man.
"Who the hell are you?!" She growled as she summons a golden spear in her hands.
"That spear....." the man said as his eye narrowed, "that spear should not be in your hands." He said lowly.
Lan smirked and twirled it.
"Oh this?" She said, "I found it next to two other lances. But this one caught my attention the most. So I cleaned it up. Now....." she said lowly and mana began to burst around her, her hair flowing up.
Three mana silhouettes formed behind her and she felt their presence.
"You three. I don't know who you are, but I can tell you are not enemies. Help me beat him." She said and watched as three people materialized to human form.
The spear in her hand flew out it, and went the white haired one. And the other two spear she had in her room, appeared in the hands of the blue haired giant and boy with red hair. Lan smirked as she jumped down and got in a battle position.

"You aren't leaving alive."


"ASHENTE!!!" Tina yells she made millions of black feathers appear behind her and her eyes glowing red.
A petite young woman with light green hair worn in ringlets and blue eyes, which are usually closed. She has three vertical dots on her forehead. She wears a long, flouncy pink princess dress, and a decorative hairnet on her head. She carries her scepter which her. The woman smiles and created a shield of black sand to protect herself as the black feathers came down her at light speed and she gritted her teeth as she saw Tina made several cracks on her shield. Tina summon several more black swords and sent them at the her.
"You're really annoying for black magic witch." The woman growled.
Tina's eyes narrowed and placed her hands together, making several black wisp of black flames appear.
"Whatever. Who are you?!" Tina said.
The woman smirked.
"No need to know. After all, your time is up." She said.


"Eh?" Tina looked down as a black sword was going through her chest.
"Good job Isaac. Let's go." The woman smiles as she watched the sword be pulled out by a man with black armor.
Tina fell to the ground, her blood spilling all over the ground. Unknown to any of them, her blood began to form a magic circle around her and began to glow.
"AAAAHHHH!!" The woman screamed as she was sent flying away, and crashing into a lake.
Isaac was blasted by an arrow and was then suddenly cut in half.

"Sharrkan Masrur!! Make sure she's alive!!"


Aria stared blankly at the woman as she held her shoulder. The woman with braids grins as she held Aria's arm that she cut off and incinerated it to ashes.
"I took your arm, yet you do not cry. Why?" Alter Ego chuckled.
She suddenly appeared in front of her and held her by the neck and threw her to her glass table, getting multiple cuts on herself. Alter Ego walked over and watched as Aria sat up. And grabbed the sword that was in the box and unsheathe it.

"I may lose myself today...but....."

Her magic circuits began to activate, a mixture of blue and green.

"Even if just once...."

Aria began to remember Yukino, Tina, Kan and Lillian. And her friend from New Zealand, Rifa. A smile formed on her lips. A real one. Even if it was just for a moment, she can feel human again.

"I will fight to live."

The seven artifacts that she had began to glow and a magic circle appeared underneath her.


A man began to take form and his arms crossed as he smirked and his sword appeared in his hands. Aria felt this presence and eyes widened but smiles.

"I order you....."

Alter Ego began shivering and was barely able to defend herself.


"Bararaq Saiqa!!!!!"

End of Prologue






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