Chapter 4: The Curse of Medusa

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"hmmmmm........Wanna play Cards Against Humanity??" Lan said suddenly.
"NO!" All the girls yelled minus Aria, who was just sipping tea.
It's been two weeks since the battle against Judar and everyone has settled in to their new rooms. All the servants of course will be sharing rooms. Two each. Females with females and males with males, but Sinbad somehow managed to convince Aria for him to get his own room. One, because he mention he sleeps naked. And that changed everything and the servants each got their own rooms.
Derick sighs as he and the survivors from Atlas and the Clock Tower were busy with the computers.
"So anything?" He asked the staff.
"Nothing....we're trying to find their HIDEOUT and NOTHING!!" One of female staff screeched, frustrated.
The poor woman sighs and turns to him.
"I just pray that we actually survive. We already sent warnings to all mages in the world, and location of the place is completely unknown. The Ray shifts have been all fixed if they need to be used." Another staff member said.
Aria sighs and stood up from her chair and decided to leave, because Lan convinced everyone to play Cards Against Humanity. The reason also because Aria herself is banned from playing the game. She wins every time. She walked to her room and noticed Abigeal peaking from behind a wall. She stopped.
"Do you need something Abby??" She said.
"Ummm.... c-can w-we talk??" Abby said.
Aria nodded and both walked to her room. She noticed Abby kept looking around the place. A few minutes later they arrived to her room.

Aria had Abby sit at the table near her bookshelf while she prepared some lavender tea with scones, and some mini pancakes with chocolate syrup. Abby's eyes sparkled as Aria set the plate down in front of her, while she went to sit across her.
"Eat them while they hot." Aria patted her head.
"How did you know I love pancakes?" Abby asked as she picked up her fork.
"My great grandfather, Gadou, would write about the servants he was in contracts with. You were in contract with both him, and my Great aunt, Gadoku. She married into the Edelfelt family, and is Rifa's Great grandmother. She and are cousins. I carry the Touhsaka and Emiya name while she carries the Edelfelt name. Other than that, we get along well." Aria said.
Abby nodded and continued to eat while Aria began to eat some of the sandwiches she made. The little girl did notice something different of her current master than her previous ones. The look in her eyes, it's empty.
"Umm...." Abby said, " mind." She said.
Aria blinked and sighs.
"If there is something you wish to say, you know you can." Aria said.
Abby looked her shocked but nodded.
"You eyes....they aren't like my previous masters. They were filled with life but your.....they're empty." She said.
Aria stared at her and placed down her sandwich.
"I'm aware of that. Since you are, I might as well tell you." Aria said.
Unknown to them, Sinbad was passing by but heard them and stayed go listen, through the door. Aria placed her hand over her heart and smiled.
"Many years ago, Rifa and I had our birthday parties together, even though we are a month apart. She is June and I am July. She an Orchid and I am Lilly. That day, was the day our parents were killed. Compare to Rifa, she was strong and was to continue forward. Not me. I was a weak girl who was traumatised because I witness the death of both our parent and she didn't. The image of them being killed has never left my mind. It haunted me, it hurt me." Aria explained.
Abigeal gulped.
"W-what happened?" She asked.
"Like I said before, Rifa was strong willed. And I was weak. It hurt. So, I decided to make the pain go away and never feel it again." Aria said as she moved her hand over directly over her heart, and smiled, "I sealed away my heart." She said.
Abby was shocked and Sinbad was frozen.
"I didn't want to feel sad anymore. I didn't want to feel anymore. That same day, Rifa lost her right arm and I my left. So I casted Medusa's curse on myself so I can no longer feel anything. I am like a living doll who can not feel. But compare to doll, I have my own will and can think for myself. I have no emotion, I must fake them. This smile I wear is fake. The angry expressions I make are fake. Why? Because I have to blend in like a normal human being." She said.
"Though, it's not the servant Medusa that you think." Aria said because she knew Abby was thinking that.
"The reason it is called Medusa's curse is because of the similarity of her legend. Medusa was beautiful woman who was curse by Athena who was jealous. So she cursed Medusa so that if anyone looks at her, they will be turned to stone. Now this where things become similar, like Medusa when people look at her, this curse is like turning my emotions to stone. They won't move. They won't feel. My emotions have stopped. My feelings have stopped. I am numb to pain. Only few know of this curse, and because it is also forbidden. I don't want emotions. I don't want to feel. So I shall remain this way till I last breath." Aria said.


The door to her room suddenly slammed open, and there, Sinbad looked at her furious and stormed over to her. Abby was scared and quickly jumped up to protect her master.
"Move." Sinbad said coldly.
Abby shook her head and felt a hand on her shoulder and saw Aria stand up and walk up to Sinbad.
"What is it Sinbad? Why are you mad?" Aria asked.
"Why......why You ask?? YOU KNOW WHY!!" He yells.
Everyone heard his outburst and some stood up to listen.
"No I do not." Aria said back.
"You.....just Like her....You..... Medusa's curse......" Sinbad said.
"Oh that. What about it?" Aria said.
"Do you know...what does that?! You basically gave up what makes you human!" He yells.
"Please keep your voice down. Is that why you are mad? Sinbad,this is my choice. I wanted this and I will continue it." Aria smiles to him.
"No you won't." He said.
Aria just stared.


That was all she felt.

She pitied him.

"There is no need to do such thing. Now let's forget this subject." Aria said and about to walk away but was stopped when Sinbad put his hand in front of her.
"We're not done talking." He said.
Aria stared and turned to Abigael.
"Abby, could you leave us alone please?" She said and Abby quickly left.
Once she left, Aria turned to him.
"Why are you so angry? I wanted this." Aria said
Sinbad glared at her.
"I can not feel. I can not feel joy or fear. Tell me, doesn't this affect you somehow?" Aria said.
"It does." He said.
"Alright then. Then stay out of my business." She said.
Sinbad's fury grew even more.
"No I will not! You gave up the one the one thing that makes you human!! Do you even realize that?!" He yelled.

"Why do you care? You gave your humanity to become a God."


Morgiana gasped along Muu who was shocked. The two quickly slammed the door opens and found Sinbad had punched the wall as few inches from Aria. The wall was cracked and Aria just stared up to Sinbad's furious cold Amber eyes. Aria blinked.
"Strange...why did I say that? This is the first time speaking to you like this. I wonder why I said such thing." Aria said.
He was mad....dear lord he was beyond furious. His mind going back to his old life. How he betrayed he chose power over them....his own greed....

"Protecting this world was so simple. And yet, why do you think he (Ugo) wanted to use mankind to get rid of Ill Ilaah and Al-Thamen? It's because he didn't have have any ambition!! People who don't have ambitions don't have any choice but to play the role they're given. But I am different! If there is God, I will surpass him!!"

"Everyone will die! Even your people and comrades!"

"Exactly! But with the power of the Scared Palace, I will be able to reach unseen heights."

"Open your eyes Aladdin!! If there are countless Gods then, neither justice nor evil will exist!"

"I am human! Which is why I still follow my dream! Greedier than any God in any dimension, The King of Man!! That is Sinbad."

" have no much I regret my mistakes.....I gave up my humanity...I was greedy. I....." Sinbad growled and gritted his teeth.
Aria stared at him and smiled.
"Than that is your own fault. You didn't realize what you have and gave it all up for power." She said.
Sinbad's furry spiked and summon his sword and brought it down on her.
"NO UNCLE!!" Aladdin yells but froze when purple tentacles protected Aria, and grabbed Sinbad's wrist.

"DON'T. Touch HER!!"

Everyone back away immediately. Abigeal turned to something completely different. Her skin turned purple, keys surrounded her and she stood behind Sinbad with a furious face.

"The remains of a God are within you....seems You have the ability to be a Foreigner servant like me." She said.
Aria lightly raised her hand to motion Abby to let him go.
"But!" Abby wanted to protest but Aria shook her head. She sighs as Abigeal turned back to normal and turned to Sinbad who made his sword disapear, and glared at her.
"I may not know how you feel, but I pity you. Humans are the most sinful and greedest living beings on earth. We desire and want more and more. Since I no longer know that feeling anymore, I am satisfied with all that I have. The way you spoke, seems you were quite a greedy man. Perphaps killed a man or two. Basically, you're Anakin Skywalker." Aria said.
Lan, Natalia, and Kenedii had to cover their mouths to keep themselves from laughing at that, while Sinbad just gave Aria a blank look.
"Who's that?" He said.
No knows why, but Aria looked like she was punched when he said that.
"Never mind. Anyway," she said and walked up to him and did a light bop on his head.
"I do appreciate your concern for me, but do not worry about it. Now," she turned to everyone else, "Erika, Natalia, Tina, Lan, Kenedii, Rifa, Yukino, and Lillian. The summoning circles have been set. We will perform new summoning later. The entire Chaldea has been fixed. If any of the servants are killed in battle, they will be sent back here. Our commands seals are also unlimited, but will take 48 hours to recover till we use the, again." Aria explains.
The girls nodded and everyone out the room. Now it was just Aria alone. Sinbad was still in a foul move after what she said. She locked her door and then turned to walk to her shelf, where picture were framed. She picked up a particular one. One of her parents and her. She was happy, smiling child in the past. She stared at it and noticed water drop let's falling onto it.
"Aah." She touched her cheek, "Tears." She said.
She was crying. Placed the picture down and walked to her drawer and pulled open, taking out a bottle of pills.

She popped it open, and took one out and swallowed it dry. Her eyes glowed green for one second and the tears stopped.
"Done. That's what I get for forgetting to take it for the last three days." She said and his the bottle again.
She walked back to her bed, but suddenly...

"Sweet.....what a tasty Morsel....."

She felt arms hug her as a female voice spoke and was brought to a pair of huge bussoms and hugged into them. The sound of snakes was heard as they slithered on Aria. She looked up and her eyes met pale purple ones.
"My...aren't You cute?" A woman with snake hair covered in gold and white scales. Her hair hissed softly as the snakes muzzled Aria.

"Who are you?" Aria said.
The woman smiled and muzzled.
"You aren't afaird?" She questions.
"No. I don't see why I should be afraid. I no longer feel." Aria said.
The woman smirked and traced her index figure over her cheeks and then over her neck.
"I like you. My true name is Gorgon, and I want you as my Master." She said.
Aria nodded and removed her a bit, revealing her neck.
"Then I allow you to mark me." Aria said and Gorgon sank her fangs.
The servant's eyes went wide as she drank the girls blood and saw Aria doze off the sleep in her arms.

"So you are the descendent of my former masters....very nice."

(To be continued....)


Lan managed to convince the girls to play Cards Against Humanity.

(A/N: I'm sorry if anyone gets offended by this.)









Who won?? 😂😂😂😂😂

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