Chapter 5: Reunited

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"She......she really ticked me off." Sinbad said bitterly as he and the other servants were at the dining hall.
He was sitting with his generals and Emiya and Karna. Everyone was in their own group in different tables. Aladdin was at a table with his parents, getting to know them, and Morgiana, Setta and Ugo was with him. In a different table, the Ren Family was sitting together. Same with the Reim group.
"Sin, I understand how you feel, but almost killing her out of blind rage?" Ja'far said as he took a bite out of his food.
"I'm sorry....but what she said......" Sinbad said.
"It hit a nerve. Didn't it?" Finished Emiya for him.
Sinbad nodded and sighs while Emiya rubbed his eyes.
"Aria is my descendant. So being blunt runs in the family. But also," he stared at Sinbad," Speaking the truth directly is. I have told you all my story and how I ended up a Heroic Spirit. She isn't someone who runs. She sees reality and accepts it. She knows the hard truth. And because of this, she looks at everything with no feeling. She has chosen to throw away the ideals that everyone can be saved. She's like me. "Save as Many as you can. In order to save one life, another must be lost." Wasn't that same thing applied to you when you cause the slave rebellion against Maader? Wasn't it used also to make her go bank rupt?" Emiya said as he crossed his arms.
Sinbad, Ja'far, Vittle, Mahad, Hinahoho, Masrur and Mystras, all looked away. Yamriaha, Pisti, Spartos and Sharrkan, looked at him confused then turned to the others, who were looking away. Karna sighs and spoke.
"I can tell by the way she is, she isn't going to apologise." Karna said.
"OH come on!! She has to!!" Pisti said.
"No she doesn't." Emiya said,

"She Wasn't there! She doesn't know what the king went through!" Yamriaha said.
Emiya glared at her.
"Then what about the choices your king made?! He may regret them now and has realized them, but what about the others that were affected?!" Emiya said coldly.
Solomon sighs and turned back to his son, Sheba, and Morgiana.
"At the Same time, everything that has happened is my fault. My actions hurt many.." Solomon said sadly and Setta and Ugo patted his back.


Everyone jolted up and saw Yukino and Tina screaming and running in. Everyone felt a deadly aura and quickly got into battle stance. The sound of snakes hissing and slithering made everyone's skin crawl.
"OH no..." Emiya said as he saw the one that came through the door.
"Emiya and has been years, hasn't it?" Gorgon smirked as she was holding Aria with one arm.
"Yo." Aria did a peace sign which had Emiya face calming.
"WHEN DId YOU SUMMON HER!?!?" The two girls yelled.
"She just appeared. I guess my body was a catalyst at some point and I summon her unknowingly. Any way, everyone, this Gorgon, class, Avenger." Aria said.
Aladdin's eyes were sparkling as he saw the Avenger's chest.
"Don't even think about." Gorgon  gave him one look, which sent the poor boy to hide behind his mother.
Aria sighs and had her put her down and walked up to Yukino and Tina, who were hiding behind the kitchen counter.
"She won't hurt you. So come out." Aria said.
The two girls rapidly shook their heads.
"Wusses." Aria said.
The others, minus Emiya and Karna, were wary of her. The Avenger smiled and hugged Aria.
(A/n: The same way Paimon  hugged Hakuie.)
"She is the only one I shall obey, and protect. She is my master." Gorgon smirked.
"I spot yuri...." Yukino whispered to Tina.
The fanalis blushed hearing that. Aria rolled her eyes and then they landed on Sinbad, who looked at her coldly.
"Bug, I suggest you speak if you have something you want to say." Aria said.
"As a matter of fact, I do." He said.
Aria raised an eyebrow.
"If you're asking an apology I won't give you one. Only spoke the truth. If you can't handle it, then you are weak minded." She said.

"Take that back."

Ja'far was at her neck, along with Mahad and Vittle. She gave each a side glance and spoke.
"If you wish to kill me, do it. I do not fear death anyway. If  I die, I die." She said.
Everyone looked at her horrified by what she said and Ja'far was shaking with fury, they his eyes turned to slits. Gorgon twitched and eyed him, and the other two assassins. Emiya was more surprised.
"You aren't worth it." Ja'far spat and put down his blades.
"I know. My life has never been worth anything since the day I was born." Aria smiled.
"WHAT THE HE'LL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?!" Sinbad yelled furiously and stormed out the room.
Yukino and Tina came out, and walked up to their friend.
"Aria, that was too far. Why would you say that? That you aren't worth anything?" Yukino  looked at her sadly.
"You do mean something. " Tina said.
"Do I?" Aria tilted her head, "Then I say this. Then what do I worth? I will die in the end, so it is meaningless to become attached." Aria said.
"The what if we die?! What will you do?!" Tina said.
"Then I will avenge you." She smiled, "You girls are worth more than eye. So the scum that killed you will die." Aria said.
The two looked her shocked while Aria walked away. Aladdin stared and quickly slipped away, and went after her.


"Miss Miss!!"

Aria was walking down the hallway and stopped when Aladdin ran up to her stopped.
"Is there something you need child?" Aria asked.
He nodded and touched his old flute around his neck then spoke.
"Miss.....why did you say those things to Uncle Sinbad?" Aladdin said.
Aria stayed silent.
"I don't mean to be rude but....I went too far. You weren't there. I was. I know what his actions were and his choices the day he chose to break into the Scared Palace. At first, he didn't agree. We both had different ideals. But...." Aladdin said but stopped when she raised her hand.
"No human has the same beliefs as another. That is the way of humans. But...." she tilted her head up, "They can come to an understanding. Isn't that right, Grandfather?" She said.
Aladdin turned and saw Emiya give them both a small smile.
"Looks like I've been caught." He sighs and walked up to her.
"You should apologise to Sinbad." He said.
Aria blinked and then looked down to Aladdin.
"Child, is that why you came after me?" She said.
"Yeah...." he said.
Aria then turned to Emiya, who had a sad smile.
"Emiya, I know this may sound strange but, I just have this nagging at the back of my head that I have met Sinbad somewhere before. Though, a few weeks ago, was my first time meeting him." She said.
Emiya sighs and ruffled her hair.
"Maybe you two have met, but in a different world." He said.
Aria blinked and shook her head.
"I highly doubt that, but I'll go apologize anyway. I don't want his grudge to interfere when we go fight." Aria said and left towards Sinbad's room.
"Emiya?" Aladdin said.
"Yes Aladdin?" Emiya said.
"I think....she might be the one that will need to be saved from herself." Aladdin said.
Emiya nodded and noticed that Aladdin looked different then smirked.
"Finally figured how to turn to your older self huh?" Emiya chuckled while Aladdin glared.

"Shut up!"


Sinbad sat in his room, at the edge of his bed, his figures intertwined and his head down. His memory playing back to the time when the First Kingdom of Sindria was destroyed. Rurumu, Mystras, Vittle, Mahad, and many of his people were killed. Then, when he chose to go back to the island when it sank, he and his lover saw what Serendine became. Then, his world went black. He doesn't know how long David took over him, but....
The image of once (e/c) coloured eyes filled with life, changed to ones void. She saves him. She gave up her humanity to save him. The eyes of his lover before she became a doll who can only think and not feel.
"Why.....? I wasn't...." he gritted his teeth.


He heard from the other side of his door, his Master's voice and eyes went cold as he stood up and opened it. The same (e/c) eyes looked back to him. Why did they look so much like her?
"What do you want?" He said coldy.
Aria sighs and walked in while he shut the door and turned back to her with arms crossed.
"I'm sorry." She said and he chuckled dryly.
"I can't tell if you are being sensiere or faking it. Did Emiya finally convince you to come apologise to me or you?" He said with weak smirk.
"No actually." She said and he looked at her a bit surprise.
"It was Aladdin." She said.
He sighs and gave her a small smile.
"Of course." He said.
Aria sighs and motions him to sir down next to her. He raised and eyebrow but what shocked the hell out of him was when she sat on his lap, and made his arms wrap around her. He was blushing.
"As an apology, I'll allow you to hold me like this." She said.
He gulped and eyes her up and down, taking a closer look to her features and noticed the two puncture holes on her neck.
"When did that happen?" He said.
"Gorgon. She did this when she made the contract with me. When a servant needs to recover Mana, they can drink the blood of a mage to restore a little." She said.
"Is that so?" Sinbad said.
Aria nodded and stared at Sinbad, as he turned her his way and buried his face in her neck.
"Bug, what are you doing?" She said.
"I told you to call me Ruler or Sinbad. Not bug." He glared at her.

Aria chuckled and lifted his chin, and had him look into her eyes.
"If you need mana, I don't mind. You can drink my blood if you need to." She said.
Sinbad looked like he want to pass out but....
"Urgh!" He covered his mouth.
Aria sighs and grabbed him and pulled him towards her neck.
"Drink." She said.
Something in Sinbad chose to obey and sank his teeth into her neck, and began to drink, unknown to him, he laid her down on his bed and was pinning her arms. She tasted sweet. He wanted more. His hands moved to wrapping his arms around her body and pulling her close to him, drinking more and more.
"Sinbad, stop." She felt her energy leaving her body.
He removed his teeth and began to kiss down her chest and sucked on her collarbone.
Aria sighs and saw him look up to her with something burning in his eyes.
"I swear to you." He began, looking straight into her eyes, "I will break your curse." He said.


His eyes went wide and slowly looked back to her. HER eyes now held no emotion as some of shadows covered her eyes.
"I said before and I will say it again." She said, "No. " she said and got off the bed and fixed her shirt and looked at him.
"You say I'm the one that is weak minded but the weak minded one is you." Sinbad said.
Aria stared at him.
"If I am then, then good luck breaking the curse. Because I will not allow it." Aria said and left out the room.
Sinbad sighs and ran his hands through his hair and licked the left over blood off his lips.
His master truly was a difficult person.

With Aria....

"Why is he so damn about breaking it?!" Aria said in a furious tone and froze.

A furious tone.......

She took a deep breath sighs, all emotion she was just showing, gone.


She turns and saw Noctis, looking at me worried.
"Hey." She smiled.
"You alright. Hell, you may not completely human anymore, but Sai and I can tell when you are upset or not." He said and patted her head.
She sighs and smiled.
"Noctis? If I no longer had this curse, what would you do?" She asked.
"I be happy. Because you would be able to know joy, sadness, everything that makes someone human. And maybe, " He hugged her, "even fall for me." He said.
Aria blinked and relaxed in his chest.
"Who knows? You are Prince. You can not be with me. But I hope you have happiness one day." She said as she moved a bit.
He sighs and nodded. He knows she will never understand. He knows she doesn't want to understand emotions. And she might not even except his feeling if the curse is gone. Unknown to them, Sinbad witness everything. The man was gritting his teeth and his hands fist.

"Looks like we both have competition."

He turns and found Medb with a frown on her lips as she was leaning on the wall with arms crossed.
"You like her. I'm not a fool Sinbad. I knew your past lover. And I will say this, that girl is her but not her." She said.
"What are you talking about?" He smirked, "I don't like her. In the end--!!" He stopped t the glare she gave him.
" 'She is pawn?' Correct?? Oh Sinbad, if you back to your old way, this time, there is no second chance." Medb said and left towards his master.
"Master, the summoning are ready. Derick is calling for all the Master's." She said.
Noctis turned to her and nodded, as Aria nodded to him and saw Sinbad. The four walked to the summoning room, where the others were. The room was huge. A giant summoning circle was underneath them and also many small circles where different relics were. The servants all watched from the side. Noctis noticed that there were a few other men, then  him and Derick. There were seven more.
"Who are they?" Noctis whispered to Derick.
"It was decide that there will be 9 males and nine females that will be masters. Even if we are just going against seven people, the amount of servants they have is far more than the current ones." Derick said.
Noctis wasn't happy about this and saw Aria stand in the center all of them. 17 all surround her, all 5 feet apart, and her at the center.


Lan: The Lamp of Queen of Sheba (Caster)

Tina: The Cross of Saint Martha (Ruler)

Erika: The watch of Sherlock Holmes (Ruler)

Yukino: The Celtic Earrings of Cu Chuliann (Berserker)

Kennedi: The Sword of King Arthur: Excalibur (Female one)

Lillian: The Fossilized Skin of the King of Heroes: Gilgamesh (Archer)

Rifa: The Robe of King Solomon (Grand Caster )

Natalia: The Flag of Joan D'Arc (Ruler)

Aria: The Circuits of The Moon Cell (Moon Cancer )


Noctis: The flowers of the Underworld (Lancer )

Derick: Robe of the King of Conquers (Rider)

Ceil Phantomhive : The Broken Golden staff ( Caster : Titus)

Alphonse Elric: The Sword of The Gladior (Saber: Toto)

Kaneki Ken: The Spear of Achilles (Rider )

Zerde Matou: Fragments of Spear ( Lancer: Hakuren )

Dominic Matou: Mask of Old man of the Mountain (Assassin)

Sai : The Sheild of the King (Sheilder )

Markus Romanha: The Blades of Ying and Yang (Assassin )

From the computer's the staff was making sure everything was running smoothly as they began to activate the magic circle.

"Vital Points check!"

"Magic, Check!!

"Everything is running smoothly!!"

One of the staff members was reading through the papers and froze.

Females: Ye first, O silver, O iron. 
stone of the foundation, O Archduke of the Contract. 
Hear me in the name of our great teacher, the Archmagus Schweinorg.
Let the descending winds be as a wall. 
Let the gates in all directions be shut, rising above the crown, and let the three-forked roads to the Kingdom revolve.
Shut. Shut. Shut. Shut. Shut.
Five perfections for each repetition.
And now, let the filled sigils be annihilated in my stead!

Males: Let thy body rest under my dominion, let my fate rest in thy blade.
If thou submitteth to the call of the Holy Grail, and if thou wilt obey this mind, this reason, then thou shalt respond.
I make my oath here.
I am that person who is become the virtue of all Heaven.
I am that person who is covered with the evil of all Hades.
Thou seven heavens, clad in a trinity of words,
come past thy restraining rings, and be thou the hands that protect the balance-!

The staff member ran to the computer to immediately stop the summoning.
"STOP THE SUMMONING!!" He yells through the microphone.
He found out that King Solomon, could not be summon at all, because of the past records he read. But it was too late.

Yet, thu serves with thine eyes clouded in chaos.
Thou, bound in the cage of madness.
I am he who commands those chains!!

The man yelling scared a woman who was bring in drinks and caused her to spill them onto the computer's. The magic circle began to flicker and everyone began to look around. Red markings appeared on everyone.
"AAAAHHHHHH!!" Everyone began to scream in agony, minus Aria, who just gritted her teeth.
Her energy began to be drained.
"Let us in!!" The servants yelled and everyone joined them to try and slam the doors open.
The sound of electricity cracking and the computer's turning on and off.
"MAKE IT STOP!!" Kenedii  yells as she held her self and dropped to the ground, screaming and crying.
The magic circle suddenly glowed rainbow and a blinding light hit everyone.


"MASTERSS!!" The servants screamed and Sinbad, Muu and Kouen summon their swords and slashed the doors open.
Everyone ran in and froze as they heard the sound of coughing and gasping for air.
"Oww..." Yukino grunted as she tried to drag herself up and stopped men she looked up and saw a pair of sliver eyes.
"Mama?" A little girl dressed in black, multiple scars on her body.
On her waist were 8 covered blades.
"What?" Yukino said.
The little girl smiled and looked around. All the master's eyes widening as they saw many silhouettes walk up to them.

"Are you our Master??"

The smoke cleared, and revealed around 60 to 80 people. All of them were different and had different amounts of power. Some were humans, and others weren't.
"Oni....chan??" Emiya froze when he got a closer look.
"Illya, Kuro......" He walked up to the two girls.
One, dressed similar to him, and the other dressed as a magical girl.
"What just happened??" Lan said and froze as a blue flash just went past her and went straight towards Karna.
"I never thought I see you again brother!" A man with dark tan skin, and wore white archer clothing, glared menacingly at Karna, as the Lancer used his spear to protect himself.
The staff members quickly began to go through the computer's and began immediately fixing them after that disaster.
"Toto!! Olba!!" Morgiana grins as she pounced at her two friends and fellow household comrades.
"Morgiana!!" The two said.
"Muu!! Myron!! Everyone!!" Familiar voices yelled.
"Titus! Sphintus!!" Myron yells and saw the two fellow magicians come out.
"Solomon." Ugo, Setta, Ugo and Sheba froze as a familiar commarade walked towards them.
"Wahid......." Solomon said.
Wahid nodded and them got the man in head lock.
"You haven't changed a bit!!" Wahid grins.
"Mystras!! Hinahoho!" A female voice yells.
"Pipirika!!" The males grins and hugged her.
Aria saw all the servants were crying and hugging, getting each other. Some were even children....
Derick was completely frozen as he saw the man that stood before him with a blank look.
"L-Lord.......Waver...Velvet...." Derick could barley say.
His grandfather.....He summon his grandfather!!

"Shunten!! Shunten!! Where are you?!"

"Kintoki?! Where are you boy?!"


Many servants were calling out others that weren't there. Aria quickly walked up to the staff.
"What the hell is going on?! This many!! It shouldn't be possible!!" She said.
Staff immediately began searching until she felt a hand on her shoulder.
"No worries. I can help!" A cheerful voice said.
She turned and met cheerful blue eyes.
"Yohoo!! I am Leonardo Da Vinci and I once ran this place!! So let me take over." Da Vinci smiled and walked pasted her while the girl was frozen.

"Cu-chan!!" Medb squealed and pounced at a blue Berserker.
Cu Chulian grunted and quickly moved put of the way, making the woman crash onto his teacher.

- 4 hours later -

"Nyyaaa!! Come and get your food!! Hot and ready!!" Tamamo Cat yells from the kitchen as servants and staff lined up to eat.
All the master's where just half way passed out, their heads, lying on the table they were all sitting at. Titus was sitting with Muu, Sphintus, and Marga. Even people from Magnoshatt were summon!
"It's incredible! To think we were given a second chance! But," he turned to look over to the table with all the Master's and saw Erika, who was half asleep, "I think that girl may be my master." Titus said.
"She's our master but Muu was rude and called her.....weak..." Myron said and glared at her brother, who stiffened.
"Muu, really? I managed to catch a glimpse of her memories, and trust me...they aren't...happy ones..." Titus said.
Muu sighs and nodded. Titus stood up and began to walk over to the table, ignoring the group's protest.
"Excuse me??" Erika heard a voice and turned her head a bit and saw Titus.
"Can I help you young man?" She said.
Titus turned to stone.
"Y-young man???" He stuttered.
"Yes??? Aren't you a man??" Erika said.
Titus was just shocked. This is the first time....HE WASN'T CONFUSED FOR A GIRL!!!
He began to cry and Erika began panicking while Lillian mumbled, "That's a boy?"
"I'm sorry!! I'm just so happy because I'm often confused as a woman!!" Titus said.
"O-Oh!! Sorry!! I never thought being called a young man ment so much to you. I'm Erika. I'm your...master?? I guess? Anyway, hope we get along." Erika smiled and stretched out her hand to shake hands with him.
"Yes!" Titus smiled and both shook hands.

Erika froze as an image appear in her mind.

It was Titus as he emerged from some cocoon. A young girl looking down at him.

"You are me and I am you. Soon, I will set you free in the world of the outside for the sake of the Reim Empire......."

"I am nothing but a puppet created by Lady Scheherazade with magic....."

Erika gasped loudly and fell to her knees, tears falling from her eyes, as Titus bent down, trying to calm her down and one of the servants came running towards them. Dressed in a American red nurse clothing of war, a woman with pink hair in a ponytail, quickly bent down to check her.

"Deep Breaths. What you saw was merely a small piece of the boys memories child. Seems that is one of your abilities as a mage." The woman said as she had Erika sit back on her chair.
"Thank you.....umm..?" Erika said.
"Nightingale. But you may call me Berserker if you wish. I was one of the head doctors of this place years ago. seems my other comrade was not summon with us. But do not worry, I'll watch over you." Nightingale said as she was checking the girls pulse.
Titus stared at Erika, who chuckled nervously as the Berserker nurse was checking her. Erika got a glimpse of his memories, but he also got another glimpse of hers. The memory of woman smiling down at her as she was about to bring down a dagger to her, after that, the memory faded to complete nothingness. He asked himself who that woman was. It wasn't her mother, that was for sure. The first memory he saw of her was one of a woman with kind green hair and bandaged eyes. The one he just saw......was pure evil. He asked himself that it was possible that she have been tried to be assassinated by many.

Cu (Beserker), was paled as hell when he saw Lan playing the most forbidden white cards of Cards Against Humanity. Yan Qing was pale as well, but Merlin was just confused as fuck as Hinahoho and....poor Spartos. The poor man dragged into the game.
"Okay Lan and Merlin! You two are officially banned from playing this game ever!" Natalia yells as she threw her cards down and stormed away. Hakuren was having a blast with these, along with Kouha. Pisti was enjoying it along with.....
"DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT LETTING THE CHILDREN PLAY!!" Boudicia yells and Atlanta had her bow ready to shoot the person down if they even breath the words again.
Emiya face palms and saw Ishtar smiling at him.
"Hello Red Archer!! Been quite some time." She smiled.
"Ooiii!! Hag!!" A Halty male voice yells.
"Oh, do you hear that? A...golden bug??" Ishtar smiles.
The golden bug she was referring to was Gilgamesh. His cater version was summon. The enemy has his Archer version. Aww....shit...
Gilgamesh stormed over to him and showed her papers.
"We got information from our time and it seems that something is interfering with the past. Go round up the other Gods!" He said and stormed away.
Emiya sighs and saw her pouting and left to gather the others. Aria was just asleep, face planted on the table, not aware that Nobu and her niece, Cha Cha, put a "pinch me " note on her back and quickly left. The first one to see it was Cu (Lancer), and smirked and about to do it but.....


And was slammed away by The Queen of Sheba, who hugged poor Aria to her chest.

"Aawww....she reminds me of Gadou  when he would fall asleep!!" She squealed.
Aria half woke up and just snuggled closer because The woman felt like a pillow. I believe the choco caster trio is hugging the poor woman. That would the Quuen of Sheba, Scheherazade and Nitocris.

Poor Aria was having trouble breathing. Aladdin's eyes sparkled and was hugged buy the second big breasted trio, Mata Hari, Raikou and Boudicia.
"He's so cute!! Is he one of the master's servants?" Mata Hari squeals.
Aladdin was just happy and was in heaven.
"Damn I'm jealous." The males inwardly cried minus a few.
"Aladdin!!" Sheba (Aladdin's mother) stormed over to the trio and smacked her son on the head.
"I will not have you act this way!!" She screeched while Aladdin just sucked.
Solomon face palms while Wahid just whistled. Ugo was just hiding from all the women that were present.
"He got it from you." Setta sighs while Wahid just laughed.
"Papa!! I hope we find mommy soon!" Wahid smiled and looked over his shoulder, to see his son, Tess.
The father and son were summon as one servants, Class, Rider.
"Now Now!! Other me!! No need to be so harsh to him!!" Queen of Sheba chuckled as she walked over to Sheba.
Sheba jaw dropped when she saw how her fellow caster was.
"(Whistle) THIC!!!" Lan said and got a smack on the head by Tina.
Compare to her....
"So you are me in a different world and that is your Husband, Solomon, correct??" Queen of Sheba smiled.

The Queen of Sheba

She is mentioned in the Book of Kings of the Old Testament, and in the New Testament.
An enigmatic queen ruling over the "Kingdom of Sheba", located south of Jerusalem. However, there is no precise evidence to ascertain the existence of the Queen and her kingdom.
At one of the kingdom's possible sites, Ethiopia, there is a wondrous national myth that the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon wedded, and the Queen became the matriarch of their first empire.
Three spirit demons (jinn) that serve her manifest, and present the enemy with difficult (physical) questions.
The three jinns are respectively called "Achat", "Shtayim", and "Shalosh".
Once, the Queen visited Jerusalem, carrying vast treasures on hand in order to receive the wisdom of the renowned sage, Solomon. All three riddles she had prepared to test Solomon with were completely seen through, and the Queen admired the way Jerusalem prospered.The Queen and King Solomon exchanged gifts, and she departed back home.

Her fluffy fox ears flapped fastly as she smiled to the Queen of Alma Torran.
"I'm happy for you. I'm glad that in another world, he was able to able to smile and have a family." Queen of Sheba smiled sadly.
The Queen of Alma Torran smiled sadly and shook her head.
"I'm sure if our husbands met, they would get along. They sound a like." Sheba chuckled.
Queen of Sheba nodded.
"Hey! Since both our names are Sheba, I'll go by Shinba (Japanese name: シバの女王; ミドラーシュのキャスター : Shiba no joō; midorāshu no kyasutā)" The Queen of Sheba said.
"I-I guess...." Sheba said.
Aria and the girls smiled and dozed off to sleep. Today was noisy but good day. Besides the pain they went through.

(To be continued.....)


"Hello!! Katsushika Oi!! A famous artist, this little octopus is my father, Katsushika Hokusai. So," she smirked at Sharrkan, who kinda figgetted nervously, " Is there something you Want? Kufufu ~~" She did a small perverted chuckled while the small octopus face palms.
"So...." he smirked "I heard you do erotic drawings. Think" he did a quick glance behind him to make sure he was clear, "Think you could do one for me??" He whispered and sunk a gold coin to her.
She smirked.
"Just tell me who you wan---!!" She froze and Sharrkan shivered and slowly turned around like a robot, only to see a smiling Tina and Yamriaha with bats in their hands.
"So....." Tina spun her bat, "Care to explain??" She smiled sweetly.
He was sweating a river and put his arms in defence and bolted.
"KILL THE BASTARD!!" Yamriaha yelled and Sharrkan ran for his life, screaming.

Oi burst out laughing and spotted Sinbad hiding behind a wall, and motioning her to come and to not be seen. She raised an eyebrow and quickly disappear into a shadow and appeared next to him.
"If you get caught by Aria, you done for!!" She whispered to him.
"I know!! But I don't care!! Draw me a picture of her naked under a tree!! An erotic one!! Like, the Kimono falling off her." He said
"The things I do. But sure." She said and Sinbad quickly gave her 6 gold coins.
She raised an eyebrow.
"It's from Sharrkan, Mystras, Medb, Aladdin and Blackbeard. And one is mine." He said.
"Who do they want me to draw?" She asked.
"Yam, Piprika, Cu, Serenity and Blackbeard said yuri." Sinbad said.
"I thought Sharrkan married Yamriaha?" Housokia said.
"He never had the guts to propose to her." Sinbad said.
She snickered and winked.
"Drawings be done tonight! Oh, I'm so going to have fun!" She giggled pervertly and left.

- The Next Day -

"Here you go!!" Oi grinned as she handed the stack of papers to Sinbad.
"Thanks." Sinbad grinned.
Aria yawned as she walked out the door and saw Sinbad smirking at a piece of paper, and Oi, a proud grin.
"I didn't think the bug was into art." Aria  said walked up to them, looking over their shoulder.
"Looks better then the real person huh?" Oi grinned.
"Very." Sinbad smirked.
Aria stared.
"Is this porn picture me?" Aria spoke and the spike on Sinbad went up while Oi sweat drops.
Aria stared and stared at the two and raised her hand.
"N-Noo!!" Both servants waved their hands frantically.

"By my order of the command seal...."


"Why are Hokusai, Mystras, Sinbad, Sharrkan, Medb, Blackbeard and Aladdin, Hanged upsided down in the blizzard, over an edge if a mountain??" Bunyan  asked.
"You kids don't need to know." Lan chuckled as she was looking through the pictures.
"But Damn!! Whoo! Man these pictures are hot!!" Lan snickered.
The kids were confused and Aria face palms and set the pictures on fire. In her mind, Celatia was blushing and hiding her face in shame.

"Never trust them...EVER!!"

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