11) Mission

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'Be the reason someone smiles today'


Shivaay and Anika slowly went into the room and looked at it in awe to see it looking really beautiful. It wasn't a honeymoon suite but it just looked really pretty with pure white wallpaper and a bed lying in the middle with mirrors on the wall. The mirrors had sun charms lying on the corner of the mirror.

It looked something like this.

"Wow!" Shivaay said in awe looking around.

After looking around the room, Anika felt her moon bracelet and looked at it lovingly.

"This place is beautiful..." Anika said with tears welling up in her eyes.

"Hey, What happened?!" Shivaay asked concerned.

"No, nothing, don't worry", Anika said rubbing her eyes.

"Please tell me, you don't look nice when you cry", attempting to smile, Anika looked up at Shivaay.

Taking a deep breath Anika started, "When I was really young, I lived in an orphanage but I was never upset or sad, I lived my first years there happily because of my bhaiya, Aadhi", She smiles recalling her moments.

"He adored the sun like I loved the moon and he would do anything, just for a smile on my face and even once, an auntie saw us and gave a disgusted look saying about how we are orphans and we will have nothing but be beggars when we are older and I was upset.

But my bhaiya told me that nothing would get in the way of my dreams and ambitions and he had told me that he had always wanted to live in a simple apartment, pure white with a cupboard, bed and mirrors with lovely neighbours.

He knew my dreams and ambitions of becoming a magician and travelling the world, he was the one person who supported me" Anika paused and touched her face to see that her face was wet with tears and she was holding tightly to Shivaay who was consoling her.

"What happened to Aadhi?" Shivaay asked softly.

"Bhaiya had found a magic school which he knew was my dream school and he took me there for an interview when I was 13 and he was 15. I had passed on a scholarship and they had asked me to come and live there as it was a boarding school and it was a hard hard decision as it was either my dream or my brother.

I chose my brother but he never let me destroy my dreams, he gave me a moon bracelet and was holding a sun bracelet and he told me that he will always have this as it reminds him of me so he begged me to go fulfil my dreams and wear this moon bracelet when I think about him." Anika held her moon bracelet tightly

Aadhi's sun charm

Anika's moon charm

"He had said that when I finish magic school, I should travel around the world doing magic shows and one day I will find him.

I cried so much on that day but he told me to smile so I smiled and I always do magic shows but I still haven't found him. He was my superhero, my partner in crime", Anika cried wetting Shivaay's shoulder and he put his arms around her protectively.

"I MISS YOU BHAIYAAA!" Anika cried her heart out and she went on her knees, crying showing all her pain buried inside of her out for once.

Shivaay went on his knees and cried seeing her cry and they held each other and their foreheads met.

After some time, Shivaay said to Anika, "Your bhaiya is your hero and do you want your hero to see you cry?"

"No, I don't, Aadhi bhaiya would not want me to cry", Anika said firmly standing up wiping her tears.

"We will find your brother one day but for now, can I be your partner in crime?" Shivaay said finally looking at Anika's eyes.

Anika smiled lightly and said, "Come on Agent 3600!"

"Where, Agent 3500?" Shivaay chuckled liking these names.

"Hey, I wanna be Agent 3800! And this is MISSION FOOD!"

"Right Agent 3800, what do we do?" Shivaay said rolling his eyes.

"Duh, Mr Monkey, we go eat other people's food without them noticing", Anika said as if it was obvious.

"Right...wait Paanika", Shivaay said and stopped Anika as she was tip-toeing towards the door

"What, Mr Billu?!" Anika said in style with her hands on her hips.

"I actually look like an Agent because of my DATE, but you look like your going to some circus" Shivaay said smirking

"Excuse me", Anika said glaring at him, "Fine, I'll wear black clothes and I'll be a proper agent, huh?! And I am actually fashionable, how dare you say that I look like I'm going to a circus?!" Anika muttered whilst walking to the washroom to change.

After changing, she came out and both of them looked stunning but because of their ego, they said nothing like that.

"Not that bad" Shivaay said trying to shrug his shoulders when he thought she looked beautiful.

"Let's go", Shivaay said walking casually outside.

"What kind of agent are you, Mr Billu, your supposed to tip-toe and not be seen?!" Anika said rolling her eyes.

"Your free to look like an idiot but I wanna look like a human and I'm hungry so I'm going now!" Shivaay said looking at her and walking down the stairs to the restaurant.

"Hehe that is true but I'm not an idiot, you are!", Anika said and went along with Shivaay.

"Really now, your the idiot, Miss Careless!" Shivaay retaliated.

After arguing for a bit, Shivaay and Anika got to the restaurant and Shivaay went to the counter and started ordering, "One spaghetti bolognese and.." he was interrupted by Anika who pulled him away.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Anika asked shaking her head and then she did the logic sign to tell him to watch and learn.

There were two lovers eating aloo poori together and they were going a bit over the top and weren't actually eating the food so Anika cheekily went to them and said, "Thank you guys", and took the aloo poori stuffing it in whilst the couple just looked at her shocked.

Shivaay ran in and just apologised for Anika's behaviour and was thinking, "This girl is making me mad", he followed her to the room to see her leaving the food on the plate for him.

Shivaay ate a few spoons of aloo poori and settled himself on the couch sleeping. Anika slept on the bed relaxed and on the side she saw a pillow shaped as a sun, thinking of her brother she sat on the bed hugging the sun tightly.

Shivaay got up and said, "Agent 3800, we will definitely look for your brother and find him, please don't cry."

"Pinky promise?" Anika asked looking into his magical eyes.

"Pinky promise", he assured her and he put the blanket over her for her to sleep.

And then he went to sleep on the couch quite relaxed.

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