14) Anika's Birthday (b)

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'C'est la vie'


"Bhaiya" Anika softly said looking at the stars which were slowly fading away revealing some light.

Shivaay left the teddy bears and quickly ran towards her saying, "Anika, I..."

"Stop, Shivaay, I know that this wish is a bit over the top, come now, let's go somewhere", Anika said wiping her tears

Shivaay reluctantly followed her when she was walking down the stairs. She kept walking forward when she heard a faint noise from behind. Turning around, she could only just see Shivaay who was just fidgeting with his fingers walking behind her looking back at her slightly.

She turned around shaking her head and started walking at quite a fast pace outside the hotel, on the pavement when she heard a whistle behind, she turned around dramatically to see Shivaay who blew the whistle and shouted, "Oi Billi", when Anika's eyes widened.

Shivaay gestured her to follow him and rolling her eyes, Anika followed him. Shivaay led her to this huge building, whilst Anika felt that the place was familiar. 

They stepped inside to see kids of all ranges sitting down smiling at Shivaay and Anika, Shivaay smiled back whilst Anika was just really confused and then she saw a border which stated, "Blessed Orphanage for the Best Kids"

Anika's eyes glowed with happiness when she came back to this place after so many years as this place had so many good memories and was also one of her paths to fulfil her dream.

The managers were quite elderly and smiled kindly at Shivaay and Anika when the oldest child came in front of Shivaay and Anika and said, "Hi Bhaiya, Hi didi"

"Here you go champ, share these with your  friends", Shivaay gave sweets to the oldest child who smiled in happiness and gave it to his friends and then Anika looked at him smiling and said, "You look really cute, what's your name?" She pinched his cheeks whilst the boy replied, "Siddharth".

The children were about to play so Siddharth went away but then remembered something so quickly went back to Anika and gave her two fortune cookies so Anika put one in her bag to read later and then read the other one which said, "Don't let the world change your smile but change the world with your smile..."

Anika smiled widely and so did Shivaay who was also reading the same fortune cookie when the children screamed back, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANIKA DIDI"

Anika was so happy, she started blabbering pulling Shivaay with her to show him around the orphanage, "Thank you so much, Shivaay, I swear, I had so many good memories in this place let me show you everything. This place was where we eat, they don't give us that much food but still..." Anika kept talking whilst Shivaay was admiring her saying the right things at the right time.

Anika reaches her favourite place in the orphanage which was the playground tables, they both sat on the chairs, talking. They looked at the children who were having a lot of fun. "You know, Shivaay, this day has been like a dream for me" Anika smiled gratefully at Shivaay.

Shivaay felt something engraved into the table with pen, which he looked at carefully and Anika also did. Seeing it, Anika had tears in her eyes threatening to fall. It was a drawing of the sun and the moon, which had "Aadhi" on the moon and "Anika" on the sun. Shivaay looked at it lovingly when Anika's tears fell on it.

"Hey, the drawing wasn't that bad"

They heard a voice and turned around to see this man who on his wrist had a plain bracelet with the sun charm on it. The man approached Anika and Shivaay with tears flowing down his eyes.

"Bhaiya" Anika cried and cried as she hugged Aadhi tightly asking, where he had went all these few years.

"Sssh, Anika, I'm here now, I didn't want to disturb you until you were a qualified magician, your dream job, I did a degree in business and went to the same university as Shivaay you know, we were best friends" Aadhi narrated taking a pause to see Anika who was quite shocked and Shivaay who was smiling gently.

"That day I was in the washroom, I could see someone with a sun-charm which looked exactly how you had described on his wrist so I went outside the hotel through the washroom's second door. I went and tapped the guy to see Aadhi in front of me. I was shocked when I found out my mate, Aadhi, had a sister who was named Anika with the exact passion for the moon. So I knew that this could only be your brother.

I told Aadhi everything and he was shocked , trust me. He was so happy and wanted to see you right away but I wanted to give you this birthday surprise so he had to wait. Anyways I hope you liked the surprise" Shivaay said smiling at Anika who had happy tears rolling down her cheek.

"Hey, I don't like tears in my princess's eyes, ok" Aadhi said so Anika quickly wiped her tears away.

Aadhi and Anika caught up on old memories and were laughing whilst Shivaay was watching their cute bond. Anika excused herself to just talk to the children and play with them for a bit when Shivaay talked with Aadhi.

"Never knew your girlfriend would be my baby sister though" Aadhi smirked.

"She's not my girlfriend you know", Shivaay said rolling his eyes

"But you like her" Aadhi said looking at Shivaay

"No, I don't" Shivaay said being stubborn

Aadhi said, "Not even a little bit?"

"Okay, I kind of do" Shivaay replies giving in.

Anika came back and Shivaay signed Aadhi to talk about something else, Aadhi chuckled and all three of them talked having the time of their lives. They cut the birthday cake with all the children and had a lot of fun.

Aadhi said he had a meeting so he had to go but he pinky promised that he would come back tomorrow. He said bye to Anika and Shivaay who were alone now.

"You fulfilled all of my dreams and made me smile for the whole day, I think I smiled more today than in my entire life you know Shivaay, thank you, thank you so much" Anika rested her head Shivaay's shoulder.

"I am Shivaay Singh Oberoi after all" Shivaay said with a smug face when he started,

"I've enjoyed my whole journey with you..." Shivaay and Anika said in unison and cupped their mouths thinking "awkward" after some silence.

Shivaay chuckled breaking the ice and said, "I want to see you smiling through your whole life" and he walked towards the hotel room and started sleeping on the couch.

Anika went back to the hotel room and sat down on the bed, hugging the sun smiling at it saying, "Thank you for coming back" and opened the fortune cookie which Siddharth had given to her earlier.

"Your Prince Charming has come, you will be united with your loved one very soon"

Anika smiled when she had realised Khushi's opinion on love and now she believed it. She slept thinking about Shivaay, his talks, his smile, his eyes and everything...

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