19) Respected Profession

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'There's magic between me and you'



"WHAT?! You are going to get a proper job, IN AN OFFICE?!!!" Shivaay coughed out loud

Anika looked at him confused and in a determined way said, "Yes, I want to work in an office and I do not believe in magic anymore so there is no point of me staying as a magician in my own fake world"

"Magic exists and your the best magician I even know", Shivaay softly said looking into Anika's hazel-brown orbs whilst she shook her head walking to a side holding her tears in remembering Ragini's words.

"Well then, if that is what you really want to do then, we can't stop you but which office are you going to work in?" Mallika asked holding Anika's hand and everyone was left confused on where Anika was to start a job in an office

Suddenly Aadhi's face lightened up and he said, "Shivaay! Shivaay you should go back to your office because you have let Khanna handle them but obviously you need to go back there to see how Oberoi Indrustry is going and see the shares of the company etc. and Anika could join there as an employee!!"

Anika became so happy that she can finally work as an employee whereas Shivaay on the other hand, Shivaay's eyes widened and he quickly said, "No way, How the hell will that work?! Anika should do what her passion is and her passion is clearly magic like mine is business so.."

Shivaay continued and glanced casually at Anika to see that she quickly became upset that she was not able to get a "respected profession" so he sighed and in defeat said, "Fine..."

Anika cheered loudly and Shivaay rolled his eyes so both of them got ready in formal clothes to go to the office. Shivaay started walking towards the building whilst Anika was amazed, "Wow, Mr Billa, it doesn't look that bad, but still, it could be better!"

Shivaay whispered, "Miss Piglet, just shut up and come with me.."

They both went inside the lift with Anika tightly holding his hand closing her eyes cutely with Shivaay re-assuring her, until the lift opened where they left each other's hands and Shivaay led her to where the other employees were.

All of the employees were so shocked to see their arrogant boss smiling for once but they quickly put their phones away and went back to typing soundly on the computer.

Khanna came in and said, "Hi Sir, welcome back, is this a new employee? I will show her what she needs to do.." but Shivaay interrupted telling Khanna that he would tell her and this was another huge shock for Shivaay's employees.

Anika sat down on an empty desk with a computer in front of her whilst next to her was a person called, Abhinav and he was a guy who liked to get everyone into trouble with the arrogant boss i.e Shivaay.

"Okay so Miss Monkey, the first thing you can do for me is send a letter to our new partner , Raichand Industry explaining on the division on shares and also on how we are diversifying to a fashion business incase our business loses shares on our IT recruitment company Also explain the USP clearly ." Shivaay whispered into her ear whilst Anika was daydreaming

"Oi, Oi Miss Billi", Shivaay whispered so she would hear, "Come back to Earth, see I told you, I know what you have a passion for so you should follow your dreams instead of pick a job where you will die of boredom"  he said the last bit chuckling softly

Anika heard and quickly said, "I do have a passion for business you know, I will finish the letter quickly, wait and see...Mr Cow" not wanting Shivaay to win but Shivaay rolled his eyes and said, "Fine then Miss Gorrila" he went into his cabin and started working on his projects.

All the other employees were shocked on how Shivaay was whispering to Anika when he usually hated any kind of talking or even smiling.

Abhinav was annoyed seeing Anika smiling so he went and said to her, "You should get on with your work, quickly, Sir doesn't like it if we smile so I'm sure he will not like you",

"You just close your moth and mind your own business, I do not care about what your Sir thinks", Anika said smirking whilst Abhinav set his mind to getting Anika in trouble with his boss as revenge!!!

Anika was working really hard to make sure that the letter had no spelling or grammatical errors and proofreading it whilst also adding extra paragraphs but she was clearly dying of boredom and was only making an effort because Shivaay thought that she would not be able to cope.

She would rather be doing magic shows around the world as it was her passion but she couldn't as Ragini's cruel words were haunting no matter how hard she tried to forget Ragini.

Anika's stomach rumbled and she laid back on her chair giving up "If you are tired, why don't you play a game on your phone or something?" Abhinav said hiding an evil smile hoping that Shivaay would instantly come in the room and scold Anika for using her phone.

As she was about to play on her phone, her phone rang and all the employees looked at her mouth-wide open whilst Abhinav was mentally dancing praying his Sir would come in and fire Anika whilst Anika casually answered it.

"Hello..." Anika said waiting to hear the other voice

"Oi, Billi, I know that your stomach would have rumbled by now so I have bought your favourite aloo puri, in my cabin so come to my cabin and we can eat together!" Shivaay said confident that she would listen for once

"No way, I have some finishing touches on this letter so how can I come now, idiot?!" Anika retaliated rather loudly whilst Abhinav thought, "You are dead now. For sure, Sir would have heard you screaming and shouting so he would probably be on his way here now!"

"Hmm, fine" Shivaay snapped back whilst Anika sighed when her stomach was continuously rumbling.

Abhinav was confused as to why his boss didn't come yet but smirked after several minutes when he saw Shivaay right in front of him and Anika.

"I'm promoting you to becoming my PA, Anika so you have to work with me in my personal cabin, Miss Anika", Shivaay said with a victorious smile on his face whilst Anika shook her head understanding why he said that but followed him even so. All the employees were shocked but not as shocked as poor Abhinav!!

She reluctantly went in but stuffed all the aloo puri spoon by spoon in her mouth slowly enjoying it whilst Shivaay sat down smiling at her watching her enjoying it. There was a knock on the door and Shivaay went to answer it and it was a businesswoman.

"Hi, I am Mr Shivaay Singh Oberoi" Shivaay introduced himself

"I am Miss Ragini, Miss Ragini Patel" she said in a smug way coming in and shaking Shivaay's hand formally and was quite shocked when she saw Anika and gave a disgusted look to her whilst Shivaay had to run to check on his employees when he heard that someone had finished their project.

It was only Anika and Ragini in the room and Ragini said, "Oh you decided to follow my advice you b**** , oh are you the cleaner here?! Oh, that describes why you are even here well at least being a cleaner is better than being a what, oh yeah a magician" she laughed evilly whilst Anika could not hold it in and she ran away with the tears dropping down her cheeks whilst Shivaay came to his cabin, he saw Anika running outside crying and ...

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