21) Is it the end?

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'Smile, your eyes sparkle when you do'


Anika smiled at Shivaay and Shivaay suddenly got a great idea to which he pulled Anika with him and started running with her on the pavement!!

"What the hell, Shivaay, where are you taking me?!" Anika asked whilst running

"All in good time, Anika", Shivaay said laughing at Anika

Finally Shivaay stopped in front of a shopping centre to which Anika looked at him and asked, "Seriously?!"

"I know your not a big fan of shopping but there's a first time and a best time for everything" Shivaay said doing the logic sign smirking...

Anika rolled her eyes and walked with Shivaay into the shopping centre whilst Shivaay looked at all the stylish clothes he could wear😂

Anika looked at him and said, "Cool dude, a fly might go in your mouth", and Shivaay gave her a death glare.

As Shivaay was about to run to try on all the new clothes, he was stopped by a mother who ran to them with her baby girl saying, "Please can you look after my Bubbli for several minutes, I just need to go find some clothes for me, her dad and Bubbli"

"Of course", Anika said holding the baby looking at her in awe.

The mother smiled at them and went off to other stores...

Anika held the baby and just looked at her whilst the baby gurgled being in Anika's hands, Anika was so happy as she was never given a baby to look after.

"Anika, you act like a baby yourself give her to me", Shivaay chuckled and asked her to hand Bubbli over...

Anika shook her head and giggling  saying, "No, she is my Bubbli isn't it..." whilst Bubbli giggles in response...

Shivaay was like, "Is it now?!" And he skipped behind her when all the others looked at them in awe thinking them to be a young couple with a baby...

Shivaay's phone rang several times but he switched it off without looking at the caller ID because he was having fun with the baby and Anika.

After some time, Anika gave Bubbli to Shivaay and she bonded with him so quickly whilst Anika looked at both of them in awe

Anika sung softly to Bubbli making her giggle whilst Shivaay laughed along with them and handed her to Anika who took Bubbli and let her feel the clothes in the shopping centre.

After a while, Bubbli started crying and seeing her cry, Anika didn't know what to do so she cried silently with her whilst Shivaay came back to see both of them crying.

He took Bubbli in his arms and said, "Aww both of the babies are crying, see I think she is just hungry, I bought some milk in a bottle see, for Bubbli" he fed her the milk and wiped the tears off Anika's cheeks making her realise that she is falling for Shivaay more and more every day, as Shivaay was falling for her.

Anika and Shivaay developed a bond with Bubbli and loved her so much and even at one point, a couple saw them and said, "Wow, you both are such a cute couple and I have to say your baby is even cuter", Shivaay and Anika smiled awkwardly and walked away.

After some time, the baby's mum had come back and she thanked Anika and Shivaay, "Thank you so much, you both are made for each other I must say, you both are made fore each other and God bless both of you, whenever you have time please come and visit us..." she gave them her phone number.

Shivaay and Anika were surprised when she thought that they were together but also happy in a way

They were still upset to leave Bubbli but were happy to know that they could visit her whenever they wanted to.

After a while, Anika saw a particular tiara that she liked so she bought it and said, "It looks beautiful na, Shivaay?"

Shivaay thought it looked really pretty and suited her but didn't say that, "Well..." he said teasing Anika whilst she went to look for other things.

Anika rolled her eyes and went away whilst Shivaay took his phone out to check who called him and he was shocked to see that it was Tej Singh Oberoi!! It was his uncle who did not really like him so much.

Shivaay was really happy and took his phone to call Tej...
"Shivaay, my son, I am so happy that I can talk to you now..." Tej seemed really happy on the other side.

Shivaay was shocked to hear Tej calling him his son, "Hi Uncle how are you?"

"I feel even better now son, I have some really good news okay, so we are moving Oberoi Industry to Canada so that it will grow and become even more popular making more profit!!!!" Tej was so happy clearly from his tone but Shivaay was quite shocked.

"What?! Does that mean, I have to leave India?" Shivaay asked with tears starting to form in his eyes...

"Of course yes, I have booked you and me tickets for the quickest available flight, so quickly come to the main airport in Dehli!!! We are leaving in several hours" Tej said to him proudly whilst Shivaay was heart-broken

"I don't want to leave, uncle, I will just continue the business here, please..." Shivaay asked with little hope

"I have always thought of you as my own son and I imagined that you thought of me as a father but I guess I was wrong. You don't want me to be happy. My happiness lies in Oberoi Industry and you are thinking of destroying my dreams. Don't do this Shivaay, I beg you..." Tej was upset and was clearly showing it and Shivaay thought, "My happiness lies in being with Anika but I can't destroy someone's dreams"

"As you wish, uncle" Shivaay said broken-heartedly, upset and helpless in this situation

"Thank you so much, Shivaay, quickly come to the main airport in Dehli" Tej thanked Shivaay and hung up.

All of Shivaay's memories with Anika surrounded him as tears dropped down his cheeks, he silently went to the changing room thinking of how everything changed in one phone call. He wanted to stay with Anika but he couldn't be selfish and he definitely could not be the reason for someone's dreams to be destroyed.

Shivaay sat down on a chair thinking deeply and wrote down everything he wanted to say to Anika. He carelessly let his tears drop on the page and whispered, "I love you, Anika, I really do, please remember that..."

Shivaay left the changing room knowing that it was time for him to leave for the airport leaving everything behind including his Anika, he took the letter and folded it elegantly.

He looked around and saw that Anika had left her handbag behind, before going to find some bracelets on the other side, so he carefully placed the letter in the bag which had the tiara that she treasured.

Shivaay smiled sadly touching her bag and he took a deep breath, and he walked towards the exit. Shivaay turned around once more trying to remember all the moments and sighed and he left, taking a taxi to go to the main airport carrying all his memories of Anika in his heart.

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