9) Tia

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'Don't count the days, make the days count'



The next morning Shivaay wakes up lying on the side of the wall in the underground and he looks down to see Anika sleeping peacefully in his lap and he remembers the sounds of the children that they both heard yesterday.

Shivaay caresses her hairs and then stops realising what he is doing and Anika wakes up and gets up from his lap and they find it a bit awkward. They both hear the sound of the children crying and Anika runs towards it saying, "Shivaay, I think they are in here, they have to be"

Anika taps on the wall and suddenly it opens with a massive sound and Anika and Shivaay slowly go inside.

There were many children ranging with ages from 4 to 11, quite happy sitting down in rows apart from the two children at the front aged 5.

Anika and Shivaay went to the two children quite confused and looked at them to see that both of them were pulling each other's hair explaining why they were crying.

Anika asked, "What happened baby?" to the boy who said, "Nothing di, it's just that this silly idiot, is calling me BILLU because of my eyes so I pulled her hair",whilst pointing at the girl.

Shivaay laughed out loud whilst Anika gave an awkward smile and told them to stop fighting. After Shivaay stopped laughing, he went to one of the older children and asked who was looking after them and then he turned around to see...

"Yesss everyone I am back!" She said smiling widely but quite impatiently as well. "And so today I'm going to show you so many magic tricks that will make you have so much fun and I hope all of you enjoy and don't forget to give in a cheque to me after so..."

The lady was interrupted by a voice.

"Tia Agarwal" Yes it was Anika's voice and Shivaay stood there quite confused on what's going on.

Tia turned to see Anika and forced a smile saying, "Oh long time no see Miss Anika"

"Haha yes Tia, same magic school, same qualification test but just one difference one cares for her looks and money, the other doesn't care about those things!" Anika said in style.

"Do you know what Anika, I don't care! Even if that's true, your here to see my magic show today so I don't care, I win as always." Tia said looking at Anika and turns around to see Shivaay, "and who is this handsome young man!"

"I'm Shivaay, Shivaay Singh Oberoi", Shivaay said enjoying the fight Tia and Anika were having and he wanted to make Anika be more angry just for fun so an idea creeped into his mind, "May I say Miss Tia, you really are extremely beautiful! You are really drop dead gorgeous!"

"Awwh thank you Mr Handsome, we must go out some day!" Tia happily said giving a wide smile and Shivaay wearily gives a smile back and they exchange numbers but Shivaay's eyes are looking for Anika and then he goes out of the room to see Anika stomping her feet in anger talking to herself.

"Am I not beautiful or drop dead gorgeous? This is really sad and he went and said it to that Tia. Urghhh but why do I care what he does?!" Anika said pouting cutely thinking aloud.

"Yess Madam, why do you care?!" Shivaay said smirking, "Do you like me or something your hiding from me?!"

"Nope, I don't like you at all, just go away, why did you come here? Go flirt with Tia through out her so called show" Anika said running off through the corridors and Shivaay chased her smiling.

The small light bulbs above them flicker and slowly turned off and it was pitch black.

"Aaaaaaarghhh!!" Anika screamed and stopped running and whispered, "Light, please please someone turn it on!" and she got scared when Anika heard footsteps. She held her breath when she heard a familiar voice.

"Relax Anika, it's me, Shivaay" he whispered gently not wanted to scare Anika and she ran to him and put her arms tightly around him and he did as well.

The lights started flickering and were on after several minutes but Anika didn't open her eyes in fear so Shivaay slowly said, "I know I'm really amazing but you don't have to always be attached to me!" He said chuckling and Anika just got away in embarrassment and shouted, "Race you back!"

Shivaay chuckled and saw the sign saying, "Caution wet floor!" and he saw Anika running.

Shivaay quickly ran careful of the floor and held hands with Anika and she looked up at him and he quickly answered to her eyes, "I'm a bit cold so I wanted to warm myself up!" and though it wasn't convincing Anika shook the thought off and they ran in that position to see Arnav and Khushi.

"Ooooooh!" Arnav and Khushi said giggling and they left each other's hands in embarrassment.

"And also guys we want to tell you something, we are planning to get married soon so both of you definitely have to come and yes it's a love marriage!" Khushi and Arnav said in unison with their eyes twinkling.

"ALREADY?!" Shivika shouted confused and they realised that they must have confessed their feelings in the time they were gone.

"Love doesn't need time, guys, anyways what happened to you guys? Why didn't you come earlier!" Khushi said and Anika rolled her eyes thinking about what had happened whilst Shivaay chuckled softly.

She was about to answer Khushi when she was interrupted by a text from Shivaay's phone.

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