11. Don't Talk To Me...

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**Chelia's POV**

So I headed off to talk to Wendy. "Wendy! Can we talk?!" I yelled as I waved happily. "Of course Chel! What about!? Wendy yelled as we enveloped each other in a hug. "It's about..... Romeo" I said awkwardly and hesitantly.

"Oh. Well then. Go ahead." Wendy said, gritting her teeth. "Wendy, you can't hold a grudge forever... Romeo wanted me to try and talk you into having a discussion about what happened. So I won't make up a trick or anything just, talk to him. He wants you back Wendy! At least make a deal with him?" I told Wendy but yelled that last part.

"I'll listen to him, I just might not actually... Talk to him. I can't even say his name. Where is he Chel?" Wendy asked me, her head was down the whole time. I directed her to the rock that they fought near.

**Wendy's POV**

I began walking over to Romeo, my hands clenched in fists as I strutted over. "Wendy! I promise Tabitha was using Illusion Magic! It was only enchanted for me to see you but it was her and... This is, hurting my brain!" Romeo blurted out as I stopped in front of him.

"I'll forgive you but!" I said pointing, he looked hopeful... "I'm not going to talk to you for a week!" Romeo's face saddened a bit. "Starting when we get back to school, leave me alone for the next day of camp! Thanks" I said sassily as I strutted away looking like I owned the place.

For the last day I hung out with Meldy and Lisanna. We sat in our room packing all our stuff to go home. I said that I was gonna sit next to Lisanna on the bus home so we can talk about some new fashion designs. I drew up some new armour designs for Mum to give to Heart Kruz to make. It was time to depart from the camp so Lisanna and I shoved our stuff on the bus.


"Lisanna! Lisanna! Wake up!" I shouted shaking her wildly. She slept the whole trip home. What did she do all night? She woke up with shock and ran off of the bus. I was the last person off the bus and of course, I fell down the steps. Luckily Neptune caught me and helped me up. I thanked him and ran home.

**Erza's POV**

I couldn't wait till Wendy got home to tell her the FANTASTIC news. I was sitting on the couch my mind racing. I was heavily breathing and Jellal noticed because he came over and started rubbing my back. "W-w-what if she doesn't a-a-agree Jellal! I just hope she's ok with it!" I said, breaking down into tears.

"Honey! Don't think like that. I'm nervous as well... Just hope for the best..." Jellal comforted. I burst out crying into his chest. We heard the door creek and we both jumped up. I wiped my tears away and saw a huge puddle of tears staining his shirt.

Jellal went to change when Wendy walked in the door. She came running up to me and engulfed me in a hug. "H-how was camp, sweetie?" I asked her still wiping away my tears. "Well! I broke up with Romeo and met this other really cute guy..." Wendy said counting it off on her fingers.

When I was about to ask Wendy why they broke up Jellal walked and whispered to me about the... News. "We'll be back soon Wendy, Erza and I have to talk alone." Jellal said leading me to our room.

"We have to tell her! We can't avoid it forever Erza!" Jellal yelled at me making me tear up. "She's our daughter and we haven't told her that! She needs to find out! You can't hide it all from Wendy forever!" Jellal yelled at me making me fall over as he walked closer.

"Don't you think I know that Jellal!? You're not the one that is going through this! Why don't you tell her!? You seem so eager so why don't you!? I have so much pressure on me!" I screamed tears streaming down my face.

"Damn Mavis, Erza!" Jellal said as he stormed out the house. I slid down the wall and cried. Wendy walked into my room, looked around and came and caressed my back. "Mum! Dad just left where is he going?" Wendy asked.

"He's just... Going to see Ultear..." Is what I came up with as quick as possible. "I'm gonna go find Daddy ok?" I told Wendy. I freshened up and walked out the door.

Jellal was walking around the corner so I ran after him. "Jellal! I'm so sorry!! Please come back?" I yelled down our quiet street. Jellal just kept walking. "I-I-I'm sorry..." I said as I began whimpering.

**Jellal's POV**

Erza whispered something, when I heard her begin whimpering. I stopped dead in my tracks. Erza was squatted on the road crying. I saw a car coming right behind her so I ran faster than even Jet could run and swept Erza out of the way.

She was traumatised and shocked. Erza was silent but tears were still flowing. I left her on the grass and started walking away again. I forgive Erza but I also don't?

"When we got nothin' left to lose... Baby you got me and I got you(If anyone can guess what song this is and who the band is they will get special mention in one of the next chapters!)" I started humming. I walked to the park and sat on a bench.

"Erza... I didn't mean to make you cry. I love you more than you love Strawberry Cake." I said as I threw stones into the crystal pond. I ended up sleeping on the bench for the night. "Erza is probably gonna kill me when I get home... Fuck! I'm dead!"

I began the journey home to talk to Erza. I got through the door and saw Erza on the couch, her mascara was marked down her face. It sounded like she was talking to Lucy. "Thanks Luce, he just hasn't come home after we fought. I just want him ba- I'm gonna have to call, you back." Erza said hanging up the phone.

"JELLAL FERNANDEZ! I WAS WORRIED SICK!!!" Erza screamed, enveloping me in a hug. "I called everyone we knew and they hadn't seen you. Where the fuck were you Jellal!?!?" Erza burst into tears but was still furious.

"Shh, sh. I'm fine. Erza I was just at the park." I whispered, stroking her hair. "I-I thought you left because of Wendy and what we did..." Erza sobbed into my shoulder. "Never! I was just frustrated and having to take care of us all is so hard. I have to look after Wendy cause you're fragile, you because of ahem, and myself because I can't expect Wendy or you to in your state." I comforted Erza.

"Jellal, We need to tell Wendy now." Erza said determined. I nodded and we called Wendy to the living room. "Erza, we'll take it slow and say the she is our daughter and we'll talk about the other one another day, ok?" I assured Erza. She looked stressed and was breathing heavily. Wendy walked in and sat on the couch. "Wendy, my sweet. U-umm so..." Erza tried to say. "My blueberry, you are our real daughter. You went missing and was found by Grandeeney. She died and we found you again. You were already 7 so we just said that we were your adoptive parents." I said. I think I over loaded Wendy with info about her.

"W-what are you saying!? I hate you both! Don't talk to me!" Wendy shouted and she ran away.

                          \ /
A/N: Hello penguins! I am now going to be doing a question of the day or a song to guess. I am not going to post another chapter until the song/question is answered. Bye penguins!

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