Silver Voldemort.

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Mikoto stared at Tasha, still reeling slightly from the news.

"I.. I'm telling you this because of two things." said Tasha. "First, you're my friend, and secondly, you're used to Kuroko who doesn't seem to be afraid of her.. well.. you know."

"Kuroko grew up without her parents." said Mikoto. "Unlike me, who grew up with my mother doting on me ever moment when I was little. She's lived in Academy City so long, people call her a girl 'living in the future.' Heck, she knows about as much about regular Muggle Culture as a Witch raised in an all magic family...  But yeah, I don't judge on that, it's impossible to when you have Kuroko as a best friend."

"Do you think it's wrong?" Tasha asked.

"I don't think being that way is wrong." said Mikoto . "As for whether acting upon it is wrong, I really don't have the experience to truly say. Sure, If I go to church and ask they'll tell me it is.. but you're Catholic right? Think of it like this. God gave us all a choice. Despite our urges to do sin, we all have the choice to suppress our urges. Being a certain way isn't a sin, but acting upon it might be."

Tasha nodded. "I'm glad.. you feel the same way. My parents would probably try to 'correct' me if they knew, they always said that gay people were shameless bloody.. well.. you know. I.. I wish I wasn't so ashamed of myself."

Mikoto laughed. "Tasha.. it's not a big deal. I mean, I get the overcorrecting parents part, yeah. But you're living in the 21st century, society has changed both in Muggles and Wizards. Look at Dumbledore! He's a hero to everyone and he's flat out gay! Being gay isn't wrong!  Get that out of your head right now!! Come on, say it with me."

"Being Gay isn't wrong.." said Tasha. "Y-yeah.. sure.. "

Mikoto now frowned. "And let me get this straight now.. I'm.. still the only one who knows right?"

Tasha nodded gingerly.  "Besides.. G-Gil.. he's a very good friend.. Please, I'm trusting you not to tell.. not anybody, not even Lily or Kuroko! Especially not Kuroko!"

"Huh?" Mikoto muttered. "Why? She's the last person who'd misunderstand."

"I'm worried she'd understand too much."

Mikoto's eyes widened with revelation. "I see.. you like somebody don't you...? And.. it's.."

Tasha went red and Mikoto felt her face go red as well.  It wasn't every day that somebody confessed they loved you, and much less during these situations.

"I get it." said Mikoto. "Don't worry, I'll keep it all secret. I'll die before I tell anybody without your permission.. deal?"

Tasha looked grateful beyond belief, and hugged Mikoto. "Thank you.. Thank you so much.."

Mikoto nodded, and immediately felt nervous. Never before had a friend entrusted her with such a massive secret. It was not exactly confusing why anybody would tell her though, people knew she was stubborn enough to take something to her grave.. but.. still, it made her feel rather nervous.

"Excuse me." Vols had walked out his office door. "Don't want to break up your little chat, but the time to see the Grand Master is drawing near. She bumped up the schedule so that we could resolve the matter quickly at my request."

"Sure." Mikoto said. "Yeah. Let's go.

They went back to the 3rd floor, where the main office of the Grand Master was supposed to be. And as they headed for the far end of the majestic room, Mikoto noticed a door that was larger than the rest, colored dark blue.

"That's the Global Department of Mysteries." said Vols. "The Universe's greatest magical secrets are all studied behind that door. As this organization is already top secret, those who work here already know a bit of the studies there. I believe Esper Abilities and how Personal Realities can possibly come into being is one of the issues considered."

"So they really consider Espers related to magic?" Mikoto asked.

"To a degree. As to how, I really can't say." said Vols. "I'm not really into the research aspect of this place. I'm the type who enjoys locking em up, and pummeling the bastards who pick on others."

They finally came to a set of massive oaken doors that creaked open upon their approach.

The office of the Grand Master was massive, though not nearly as massive as one of the floor main chambers.  It was about as large as the Hogwarts entrance hall.

The young looking Grand Master looked small within her extremely tall throne-like chair behind a large dinner table-sized desk that held stacks and stacks of papers. All of which were flying around, and magically being stamped by several floating stamps that would either stamp the papers as approved or denied.

The approved papers would fold themselves up into little paper airplanes and fly up a chute on the side of the room, and the denied papers would shred themselves up into pieces. In the meantime, the Grand Master herself was reading a book on the life of Celestina Warbeck, a famous witch singer, sipping a cup of oolong tea as she hummed to herself.

"She's always like this." said Vols. "Her powers are so great that she is able to focus on multiple tasks at once, and treat them as if she's given her undivided attention. Because of this, she is able to rest and relax while at the same time getting more business done than the whole organization combined."

The Grand Master put down her book and smiled. "Why, that's a wonderful compliment Vols. But please don't exaggerate. I can only focus on 3 actions at once in this manner. At the moment, I was reading a book, looking over mission request documents, and keeping the fireplace nice and warm.

The Grand Master pointed to the ginormous fireplace behind her chair, where a large metal stick was stoking the fire seemingly all by itself.

Above the Fireplace was the picture of a man with a gray beard, and a kind wrinkly smile.

"That was my father." said the Grand Master with a nod. "He was never quite as powerful as me, not many people are, not bragging of course, just being realistic."

The Grand Master clasped her hands together. "In the English tongue I am called Hecate (Heh-Kay-tee), no last name, just Hecate, my family never had a use for last names really, now, are you ready for your questions?"

Mikoto looked at Tash, who nodded with a gulp.

Mugino continued to look aloof, but Mikoto could tell from the atmosphere that even she was intimidated by this seemingly harmless girl.

"Very well." said Hecate. "I have one question for each of your. First off.. Tasha."

"Y-yes?" said Tasha abruptly.

"What would you be willing to do for Mikoto over here?"

Tasha wasn't expecting that question. Apparently she, as well as Mikoto and Mugino both, had been expecting something involving what happened during Tlaloc's attack.

"I.. "

"You can answer honestly, as long as you wish it, these questions will remain private." said Hecate.

"I, would die for her." said Tasha.

Mikoto felt her stomach do strange backflips. her heart immediately felt immense warm gratitude for having Tasha as a friend.

Hecate nodded, as if she expected this.

She then turned to look at Mugino. "You're an interesting one.  So tell me, Meltdowner.. why is it that you feel so alone?"

Mugino seemed stunned by this question.

"Don't want to answer?" Hecate nodded. "Alright I understand, but I do recommend you try to find that answer for yourself."

Hecate finally looked at Mikoto, her expression was that of curiosity, but for some reason, Mikoto felt as if there was also a large sense of desire as well, as if Hecate desperately wanted to know Mikoto more.

"You are somebody I cannot deny interests me greatly."  said Hecate. "Though you do not know it, spirits cling to your body, as if you are some sort of sanctuary against evil..  the same Mark of Love that protected Harry Potter against Tom Riddle, protects you as well. I do not know who died for you.. and neither do you... but this much is certain, you are very important.. it seems that your body radiates an immense amount of magic, magic that almost matches mine, for that reason you are able to become a Dragon, a once impossible Animagus form for an ordinary Witch."

Mikoto nodded, that made sense. "So, why am I like this? And if I'm really that powerful? Why can't I do the stuff you do?"

Vols raised an eyebrow, apparently nobody had ever been the one asking Hecate the questions in these sessions before.

"I cannot say." said Hecate. "You are not like me.. you are human, as I have left the realm of humanity behind upon the awakening of my inner strength. If I were to look at it from the eyes of my old friend Albus, he probably would have theorized that your magic is impossible for somebody so human as yourself to control completely. As such, the reason for the massive power you cannot use, I cannot yet surmise any theory..  however, I will ask you this question."

Mikoto took a deep breath, bracing herself.

"If you were to somehow gain this power? What would you do with it?" said Hecate.

Mikoto thought for a minute.

"I would do either one of two things." said Mikoto. "Either I'd use it to catch up to a certain friend of mine, so I could finally tell him how I feel, or I'd seal it away. Because other than standing by him, I cannot see any other worthy use of such power."

Hecate's eyes brightened, and she beamed at Mikoto, as if this answer was precisely what she hoped to hear. "That is the most unselfish answer that turned out not to be a lie to look good that I've ever heard.. my, well done."


"And finally, I have another question for you two." said Hecate referring to both Mikoto and Tasha.

"Yeah?" The two friends said.

"How would you feel if I filled in the post of Headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?"

If Mikoto had been drinking coffee, she would've spat it out in surprise.

Tasha looked so speechless that she could've been mute.

"I.. guess, it would be fine.. since we need a new one right?" Mikoto said.

Vols's jaw dropped. "G-Grand Master!? A-are you sure!? You.. TEACHING!?"

"I've always wanted to try." said Hecate cheerfully, flying out of her chair and doing an enthusiastic loop in midair.  "I want to see how 546 years of experience will do in teaching our young minds!"

Hecate then looked at MIkoto once more. "Plus, I have one very interesting Witch to keep an eye on, and I want to handle that personally."

Hecate clapped her hands.  "In the meantime, before we make it all official, I suggest you kids all stay here for the time being in our guest quarters.  I have arranged for any homework and assignments you've missed to be sent to your rooms."

"Thank you ma'am." said Mikoto, bowing to the Grand Master. 

"Teehee! I love Japanese bows!" said Hecate. "I guess I just watch too much anime! Alrighty then. Arigato to you!"

Mikoto couldn't sleep that night. She sat up in her bed, her chin settled on her knees, as she thought, and wondered.

Just what was the Grand Master going to do about Tlaloc? Was Voldemort truly going to be revived?

Mikoto shook her head. Couldn't be. According to Harry, Voldemort was stuck in Limbo, where he could neither pass on nor come back, even as a ghost..

But then.. Tlaloc mentioned something about nanotechnology.. what could it-?

Mikoto's eyes widened.

No.. it couldn't be.. he couldn't be thinking of using... THAT!?

Mikoto got out of bed, and began to hurriedly dress herself. This was bad. REAL bad, and possibly something that not even the Grand Master or Vols realized! After all, Mikoto only knew because she happened to accidentally hack into a lab's main computer one foggy morning while trying  to find a way through a security terminal to find Saten a souvenir for a concert...

She had seen it.. an experimental scrapped project. One that Mikoto hadn't though much of at the time. And not only that.. the prospect of creating a body like Tlaloc mentioned.. not to mention using Memories.. oh no.. no no no..

"They aren't resurrecting him.. they're making a Copy of Him!" Mikoto stammered. "A very DANGEROUS copy!! Not good not good!!"

"Mikoto.." Tasha muttered drowsily, sitting up. "What are you doing?"

"Going to District 7." Mikoto said. "There's something bad happening.. and I have to stop it.."

"Wait!" Tasha stammered, now looking shocked. "But.. whatever happened to letting adults know!? Remember what we said back in the Common Room?!"

"Tasha.. I tried that, and the adult turned out to be a raving power hungry maniac with an obsession for another power hungry maniac." said Mikoto. "Plus, this is something only I can stop..  Tlaloc can use ANY Electromaster for this.. literally ANY one, he just tried to use me cause I fell in in his lap by pure dumb chance. If  my theory is correct, only another powerful electromaster can stop what's about to happen!"

"Tlaloc has the ACCELERATOR!!" Tasha exclaimed. "Remember? The esper you told me was unbeatable!?"

"Not unbeatable.. not completely." said Mikoto.

Mikoto pulled out a device from her pocket that she hadn't used in ages.. something which Harry had found in Academy City and brought back to Mikoto.

Her phone.

She called one number, one number she hoped to God would go to somebody who was still alive.

"Listen.. you idiot, yeah, I'm still alive. " Mikoto said into the receiver. "I don't know if you'll get this message, or if you're still in the world of the living.. but.. I really, really, need your help.  In fact, I need you.. I.. I can't do this without you. So if you don't mind, come to my rescue again? I'll be in District 7.. be careful."

Mikoto hung up.

"Who did you call?" Tasha asked.

"Somebody who can beat him." said Mikoto. "Now.. Tasha.. I'm going to have to apologize."

"For what?"

"For this." said Mikoto. "Gumyo!"

Mikoto whipped her wand out, and a sticky, gum-like substance wrapped around Tasha's feet, sticking her to the floor.

"Mikoto!!" Tasha stammered. "NO! Come on! I can help!"

"I can't drag any more people into my troubles, not again. Thank you Tasha.. you're one of the best friends I've ever had, and.. it was never easy for me to make friends." Mikoto said. "Please, if I don't come back, tell the others I'm sorry."

"MIKOTO!!" Tasha screamed as Mikoto ran out the door of their shared room. "MIKOOTTOOO!!"


Tlaloc sighed with relief as he typed several more commands into the computer monitor..

He was in a large abandoned lab. It had some time ago, been destroyed by the Railgun herself.. to the extent where the entire ceiling was actually gone from the building, and so Tlaloc was being pelted with rain as he worked the controls of the fortunately waterproof equipment.

Before him, was a large cylindrical pod, that was glowing blue.

"Now.. for the next ingredient." Tlaloc muttered, taking out the Resurrection Stone and putting it in the Pensieve which he took from Hogwarts.

He took the Pensieve and poured the silvery liquid along with the stone into a large hatch on the side of the pod, which closed.

Tlaloc grinned at a little boy, who had his eyes closed shut in pain, his head connected by wires to the pod.  The boy was a Level 3.. that was good enough.

"99 percent complete. please stand back." said the pod.

"ROOOOOAAAARRR!!" A dragon's roar echoed throughout the district as Mikoto's Hungarian Horntail form flew out of the dark clouds, landing with a splash in the wet street in front of the torn building.

Mikoto changed back to human form. She removed her sopping wet outer coat of her Hogwarts robe, so she was only wearing her vest,shirt, tie and skirt. "STOP THIS NOW TLALOC!!"

"It's too late Railgun.. I'm afraid.. the fruits of my labor are finally being realized!" said Tlaloc, whipping out the Elder Wand, which had been fitted with strange mechanized braces.

Mikoto gathered lightning in one palm and prepared to fire a blast.. but before she could a voice ushered from the pod.

"100 percent complete."

There was a hiss of steam as the pod opened up.. and a large, tall metal figure tumbled out.

Being a movie watcher, Mikoto almost thought she was looking at Ultron from the Avengers Movie. The large metal figure stood up.. tall and domineering. his silvery alloy body reflected in the street lights.. and rain pelting off the metallic surface.

His fingers were like knives. creating sparks whenever they rubbed against each other. his face was horrifying, looking like a flat lidless metal face. With large serpent-like eyes that glowed red in the darkness.. and slits for nostrils, that he probably didn't need due to his body now being biomechanical..

The metal man sighed, and looked at his hands.. intrigued. "What is this? This is not a magic I've ever heard of.."

His voice chilled Mikoto to the bone. Not only was it metallic and rough, like a knife scraping on stone, but it was also high and cold, and froze Mikoto's very blood with a terrible fear.

"My lord.." Tlaloc whispered, bowing to Silver Voldemort, holding up the Elder wand to him. "Tonight, is the night in which you have once more cheated death.."

Voldemort smiled eerily. "So it appears I have, though by what means, I cannot say."

Voldemort took the Elder Wand in his hand. "It looks different.."

"Those are enhancements, to force it's will to obey you my Lord." said Tlaloc.

"I see.." Voldemort waved his wand, and a black set of robes shrouded his metal body. "Much better.."

And finally Voldemort looked at Mikoto, and his next words, sent her heart pounding.

"Mikoto Misaka... my, my.. I finally meet you in person."

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