The Grand Magic Order

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Mikoto tried to blink the rain out of her eyes, still shivering from the after-effects of the dementor.

She recognized this place. It was Academy City. They were standing in front of Tokiwadai Middle School's main campus.

"What is this place?" Tasha said, still supporting Mikoto.

"It's my old school." Mikoto muttered.

"Getting rather wet out here." said Vols, striding forward, followed by Mugino. "Let's go inside.."

Vols walked over to the door that held the entrance to the school's garage hangers. "Alohomora."

The door clicked open, and everyone hurried inside.

 As they walked past the different hangers, they walked past one that had what appeared to be armored braces connected to multiple weapons.. not just multiple weapons, hundreds actually.. plasma guns, missiles, machine guns.. it was like a giant arsenal.

Tasha, who had learned a little bit about Muggle weapons in Muggle Studies let her jaw drop. "what the heck was that built for?"

"That's Anti-Art Armor.. and it's mine.." Mikoto said, her voice quiet and weak.

"A dangerous device, inadvisable to use by either wizards or muggles alike." said Vols. "I advise that you get rid of that Misaka."

"Don't tell me what to do.." Mikoto replied. "My reasons are my own for this thing."

Vols stopped in front of a large picture of the founder of Tokiwadai Middle School.

"Long ago, an organization was formed near the end of Jesus's time. A magic organization to ultimately police magic on a global scale. Muggles, Gemstone Espers, Wizards, Magicians.. all sorts of sentient creatures.. we formed the organization together, equally sharing the knowledge of magic with each other to work together and preserve order."

Vols tapped the picture with his wand. "We called ourselves the Grand Magic Order. Albus Dumbledore and me were among the last 20th to 21st wizards to join their ranks. The Order of the Phoenix was an extension of one of our branches into Britain, although, only senior members such as Alastor Moody were aware of this."

The picture disappeared to reveal a large doorway that opened up into what appeared to be an old fashioned elevator.

"That's.. unbelievable." Tasha muttered.

"Well believe it.. very few know about us." said Vols. "And we only recruit top Aurors from the wizarding community, top notch soldiers from the Muggles, such as American Navy Seals, and unbelievably powerful magicians such as Kanzaki, though we have never tried to recruit her, she's a bit of a wild card. Espers on the other hand, are rarer."

Vols guided the others into the elevator and picked floor 3. The doors closed, and the elevator rattled downwards.

Vols whistled as he listened to elevator music played by the Weird Sisters.

Mikoto and Tasha just stared at Vols with disbelief.

Vols stopped whistling for a second, bringing out a packet of Drooble's Best Blowing Gum. "Droobles anybody? Hmm? No? Oh well.. I'm having some."

"3rd Floor." said a Female voice. "Front Desk, Main Offices, Global Magic Regulation, Academy City liason offices, Center for control of New Technologies, Headquarters of the Grand Master."

The doors slid open. "Remember that Wizard or Witch visitors must submit their wands for registration at the front desk before entering certain facilities."

"Well then.. welcome to The Grand Magic Order, Academy City Headquarters." said Vols striding out of the elevator.

Mikoto felt her jaw drop so low, it could've reached the other side of the globe.

The room they were in was so massive, so great and tall, so huge in fact, that all of Hogwarts castle could've fit within it (literally, no exaggeration.)

Crowds of people and creatures that included goblins, house elves, Centaurs, and even fish-like merpeople swimming through large tubes made of pure water floating through the air, filled the place..

Thousands upon thousands of doors lay on the intricately carved walls filled with delicate stone carvings.

People would walk onto magic carpets that lay in single file below on the floor, and different color coded carpets would carry each person to a specific door which they would then enter, as if this were every day business.

There were other people, dressed in similar trench coats with armored paddings to Vols, walking by and discussing things.

"Morning Vols!" yelled one of them, waving a hand.

"It's afternoon Creek." said Vols.

"Right, hard to tell the time of day right now, I just pulled an all nighter, some idiot tried to communicate with dead spirits using an illegal Ouiji Board.. the jack-asses thought it was just a toy!"

"Most of them are." said Vols explained quietly to Mikoto, Tasha, and Shizuri.  "But the ones that aren't don't summon ghosts, they actually bring in violent extradimensional creatures, invisible to even the eyes of wizards, worse than Dementors actually, some of them can cause entire villages to be destroyed over night."

Vols stopped at what appeared to be a front desk with a tired and lazy looking man in a suit behind the counter.

"Here to register a couple of wands." said Vols.

"Names." said the lazy man as he typed several keys on a silvery Mac Laptop, and several strange metal spheres with what appeared to be helicopter propellers and bronze pincers carrying letters flew into the air.

"What the-?" muttered Tasha.

"Choppers." said Vols. "The GMO's equivalent of the Ministry of Magic's interdepartmental memos. Like them, we used to use Owls.. what a mess that was."

The man at the desk was getting impatient.

"Names!" the man repeated.

"Mikoto Misaka, put that in Kanji and English if you would." said Vols. "And Tasha Anderson."

"Wands Please." said the man.

Mikoto quivered as she struggled to bring out her wand.

"And a bar of chocolate if you wouldn't mind. Bad Dementor attack, you know how it is.." said Vols.

"Righto." said the man, handing Vols a chocolate bar which he gave to Mikoto.

The moment Mikoto ate the chocolate, she felt warmth spread through her body. A bit of color returned to her face. Vols also gave some chocolate to Tasha, which she ate.

The two of them now that strength had partially returned to them, brought out their wands and handed them to the man.

The man nodded, and put the wands on a scale, and then pulled out a set of barcode stickers from a printer nearby, sticking them on the wands and giving them back to their owners. "We'll scan those when you leave. And you have to wear these.."

Name tags labeled with Mikoto and Tasha's names slid out of a slot near the window to the front desk. (Mikoto's had Japanese subtitles underneath putting her name in the traditional Misaka Mikoto order).

Mikoto pinned the name tag onto her scarlet Gryffindor tie, not really caring about manners or looks at the moment, as she was still a bit stunned by all of this.

"Come with me."  said Vols.  "And keep close. Like I said, we have espers  in the GMO, but they are few. The moment people discover your identities here, they'll be on you like piranhas attempting to recruit you.. especially since you're Level 5s, and you're young."

Mikoto nodded gingerly, still gaping at every thing. Trying to get a glimpse of everything in the unimaginably massive room.

Vols guided everyone back to the elevator and pressed the 4th floor button. "I've already sent a message at the front desk telling the Grand Master of your arrival. A meeting should be called in an hour or so.. until then, we can stay in my office.

The elevator stopped moving again, opening into another room, one that looked just as massive as the previous one, only all the doors were on the ground this time.

"4th Floor." said the female voice. "Delver Agent Offices. Head of Universal Magical Regulation offices. Services Include, Global Department of Mysteries, Regulation of Magical Extraterrestrial Life. Have a nice day."

A lot more of the black trench coat people were here. Some had guns, some had wands, some had swords. Some were even goblins.

"Did I just hear Extraterrestrial?" Mikoto asked.

"Yes." said Vols. "You didn't think that we're the only people in the vast Universe that know about magic did you? That sort of thinking is regarded as a little dangerous in this place.. no offense."

"None taken, just never really occurred to me really." said Mikoto. "Are there aliens here?"

"None that we allow." said Vols. "Currently, the diplomatic situation is tense on that subject. Ah, here we are."

They had stopped by a large office door that was made of polished wood with a brass handle.

The door opened on it's own, allowing everyone to step in.

It was a very spacious office, with a desk made of mahogany wood, a desk top computer, a fireplace labled 'Floo Network monitor', and a chandelier made of glowing crystal.

A small bar was on the left, filled with firewhisky, butterbeer, Madam Rosmerta's finest Oak Matured Mead, and etc.

The office was also occupied by three large armchairs, obviously there for visitors.

"You have a computer?" Mikoto said.

"Well, like I said, all sorts work here, Muggle, Wizards, Espers, Creatures." said Vols. "So naturally the work place possesses equipment from a little of everything. Wizards don't give the internet enough credit. For example, with magical methods of communication, it's always near impossible to send messages instantly without accompanying some sort of, bang, flash, or distracting effect, like the Patronus Charm for instance. If one wants to have a private conversation, without any person discerning their identity, a Private message board on a phone is a highly convenient mechanic. Plus if you want to hide from the Wizarding Community as we have, using normal phones is incredibly viable as Wizards cannot use magic to track internet messages.. the most technologically unsavy bunch on Earth."

"Makes sense." Tasha said, having once tried to use Mikoto's computer, only to accidentally download 20 viruses in one day.

Now came the real question.

"What are you?" Mikoto asked. "What do you do here? Are you some sort of Auror or what?! And WHY were you in Academy City that night we saw you!?"

Vols nodded. "I'll answer best I can.. please, sit."

Mugino, Tasha, and Mikoto settled themselves in the armchairs as Vols sat at his desk, removing his glasses

The moment her removed his glasses, Mikoto was stunned to see that his left eye was scarred and milky white, blind.

"I am a Delver Agent." said Vols. "We're the GMO's toughest, and most ruthless law enforcers ever known to man, goblin, spirit or whatever else we employ.  We're not Aurors. Aurors focus on wizards and witches, we focus on a broader scale.. we deal with anybody who violates the code of Magic.. anybody whose a massive threat.  The Order of the Phoenix was one example of the methods we employed against Tom Marvolo Riddle, though I'm in the opinion that if we did more, Albus wouldn't have been a casualty. "

Tasha nodded. "Okay.. honestly.. seriously cool, like no joke, I would want to join you in a heartbeat."

"Long way off from there kid." said Vols. "Like I said, we only choose the best, the toughest, the most ruthless, and even people with those trait rarely make it through our tests. We're the police that polices the Ministry.. only Ministers of Magic know about us, and the International Confederation of Wizards as well.  Delvers aren't all wizards, some of us are just really handy with a gun.. others have skills in particular that would've made them top assassins for hire in their day.. in fact, some of them were assassins."

Vols adjusted his seat to make himself more comfortable.  "As to why I was in Academy City, I was undercover there at the time, when I just so happened to see the Japanese Aurors getting a little clingy with you and your friends. So naturally I tried to intervene.

"Undercover?" Mugino finally broke her silence. "Undercover doing what?"

"Pretending to be allied with Tlaloc to revive Voldemort." said Vols. "i couldn't risk attacking him yet, since he was always secretly hiding one of his Bewitched Level 5s around.. at the time, he had the Number 7 and Number 5 under his command, but those two alone were enough that I didn't want to stir major trouble. He invited me to Hogwarts to help him with the final phases of fetching the Railgun, under the pretext that I was visiting the House Teams."

"What's the story with that by the way?" said Tasha. "You being a Seeker for the Holly Head Harpies?"

"Everybody needs a hobby." said Vols. "Unfortunately though, I had already garnered a negative reputation among your friends, so my attempts to reach out to you not only went south, but also resulted in us having to leave Hogwarts so suddenly."

"They're probably so worried about us." Mikoto said. "We were supposed to have Charms later."

"I've already sent a message to the Minister, Hermione Granger." said Vols. "She will handle that particular case. But until this issue is resolved, you'll be answering questions from the Grand Master."

"Grand Master?" Mikoto and Tasha both said at once.

"The chairwoman and daughter of the founder of GMO." said Vols. "She's over 500 years old."

"F-five hundred!?" sputtered Tasha. "What? she have a Sorcerer's Stone!?"

"Nah, she's just insanely powerful, enough that her body simply doesn't age any more.." said Vols. "And so she's trapped in the body of the age she discovered her abilities."

"Which is?" Mikoto asked.

"Well, when did you start to school Misaka-chan? You might find the answer there." said a voice from the door.

An 14 year old girl with straight cut blonde hair, and bangs that went over half her face, covering her right eye appeared, framed in the doorway.

Her eye was a stunning pale violet, She wore a simple short cut white dress, and her feet were bare.

And there was something strange about her. An amazing power that seemed to cause Mikoto's very soul to tremor. She instantly knew that a fight with this person, would mean instant death. But there was something else about this person.

It was as if she were a quiet meadow, that desired nothing but calm and quiet.

"Grand Maser!" Vols sounded stunned. "I didn't expect you to-"

"Visit you directly in your office?" said the Grand Master, her voice was beautiful, and soothing to the ear, as if somebody were laying a gentle comforting hand on Mikoto's head.  "yes, I don't believe I've ever visited a worker at their office since 40 years ago.. I must remember to do it often, it's a nice change of pace."

The Grand Master stared at Mikoto and her mouth opened slightly. "Oh!.. you're..."

"Y-yes ma'am?" Mikoto said, standing up and bowing hastily. "I'm.. er.."

"No need for introductions.. I know precisely who you are.." said the Grand Master, tilting her head curiously. "How odd.. who knew that you and Mr. Potter had the same-.. hmm... I must lok into this more.."

The Grand Master nodded and continuedto smile serenely at Mikoto. "Very well, I'll ask you and your friends a few questions later.. not too long a wait don't worry, we want to get you back to school don't we?"

The Grand Master floated out of the room, only now did Mikoto realize that she was constantly levitating a few inches from the floor.

"Never did I think Othinus would meet somebody like that.." The Grand Master murmured to herself as she left.

"What.. was that?" Tasha whispered, her jaw was open. "I.. felt... felt.."

"Everybody feels it when they're in the presence of the Grand Master, the amazing magic that she holds in her body." said Vols. "Nobody even believes she's human. She's no politician, so she tends to let others handle the nitty gritty stuff here.. but if you ever need healing, she's the one who can heal a person's soul just by being near them.. Dementors fear and despise her, since she's like a walking, breathing, Patronus. Rumor is she had a crush on Albus Dumbledore."

"Isn't Dumbledore gay?" Mikoto muttered, remembering reading it somewhere.

"Yes, she was crushed, so she cried for a week." sad Vols.

"The Chairwoman of this place cried?" said Mugino.

"Oh yes, she's pretty free with her emotions, cries in front of everyone, throws tantrums too if we bring sweets and don't share any." said Vols. "Except for gum, she only likes stuff she doesn't have to spit out later."

Tasha turned deathly silent.

"What is it Tasha?" said Mikoto.

"Well." Tasha pulled Mikoto close. "Private conversation please?"

Mikoto nodded and allowed Tasha to pull her out of the office around the corner.

"She spoke in my mind!!" Tasha whispered frantically. "Sh-she knows!!"

"Knows what?" Mikoto said. "What's wrong Tasha?"

"Sh-she said my relationship status.. w-was a lot like Dumbledore's." Tasha whimpered.

Mikoto blinked, still not comprehending for a second.. then.. "Oh.."

Then finally, Mikoto's face became one of deep shock and greater understanding..



1. Tasha is in love with Mikoto currently. Though she does feel a slight attraction to Rose.

2. Gil is the only other person who knows about Tasha's secret, as her parents are heavily religious, and Tasha fears the circumstances that would result from her revelation

3. Tasha is also aware of Mikoto's affections for another boy thanks to her incredible observational skills. 

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