Annoucements and Acknowledgements

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*throws confetti everywhere* We made it! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to everyone who has read and supported this novel! Without your comments, reads, and encouragement, I wouldn't be anywhere near this ending! It's been a long, crazy, stressful, amazing journey that I would take with all you lovely people a hundred times over. Thank you for being with me as I figured out my first novel. *sheds tears of parental joy*

Moving on, I have decided to go ahead and do the author/character Q&A. If you have any questions, please PM them to me! It'll be posted here along with any future book announcements. Speaking of future books, I would like to write a sequel or a prequel in the future but for right now I'm focusing on editing Magic's Minister and getting some rough outlines together. I'd like to do a book of short stories and one shots about these characters while I'm in between projects so keep your eyes peeled for that.

Thanks again and again for going on this adventure with me. I hope you enjoy Sedgewick and Feyla's journey as much as I did. *sheds tears of parental joy*

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