Chapter 16: Black Magic

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"So, little bro found himself a roommate."

Alex looked up as a tall, tan older boy sat down at their table. He had longish brown hair, brown eyes, and a mischevious smirk playing on his lips.

Justin sighed. "Hi, Nathan."

Nathan grinned. "Just hi? No, 'I've missed you, Justin,' or, 'where have you been? I didn't know what to do without my big brother!'"

So this was Nathan, Justin's infamous older brother. According to Justin, Nathan was the resident prankster of the school.

Justin rolled his eyes. "Nathan, can you please just--"

"--Start a food fight? My pleasure. I've been itching to cause some trouble ever since I got back."

"No!" Justin and Alex both yelled at the same time. Kids at nearby tables turned to give them a curious look before going back to their meals.

Nathan sighed. "You do take all the fun out of things, brother dear. And you, Mr..."

Alex started when he realized that Nathan was talking to him. "Uh, I'm Alex."

"Alexander? 'Tis my pleasure to meet you, your majesty." Nathan mock bowed.

Alex looked at Justin, silently asking what to do. Justin shrugged and mouthed, just roll with it.

Nathan straightened up. "But anyways, on to business. As you probably know, I have been away for the past week. After all, as the top student in the grade--"

"--which you only are because you manipulate your teachers into giving you better grades," Justin muttered. "Nathan's power is manipulation," he explained to Alex.

Nathan slapped a hand to his heart. "I am wounded! I would never do such a thing."

Justin rolled his eyes.

"Don't you want to know where I've been this past week?"

"Actually, I could care less," Justin sighed. "Why don't you just leave us alone and let us eat in peace?"

"Because, little brother, this is big news. Now, neither of you heard this from me," he leaned in closer, "but apparently the Fabulosa have come back! And," he added in a whisper, "they are here at this school right now!"

Alex thought his heart stopped for a minute, and he definitely stopped breathing for a few seconds. Neither of the two brothers noticed, fortunately.

"It could be any of us!" Nathan said. "Is it you?" he asked Justin. "Or you?" He stared at Alex, who chuckled nervously.

"The field trip was the one that all the third-years take. You know, the one where we all go and measure magical activity in a certain place. Because whenever magic is used, it leaves behind a residue, so we were measuring that. Once you get to third year, you start learning how to see other people's magic color. You, Justin, are purple. Alex, you are blue.

"But while we were measuring it, there was this weird thing that we saw. Magic usually shows up as silver, right? Silver with a hint of whatever particular color that person it. Example: My magic leaves behind a green residue. That's my color. 

"But this reside was black. Like, super black. It almost looked blue, it was so black. Normally the residue fades with time, so when we were there it had almost faded, but there was this area-- it was a park, and it was over by a swing set-- that was completely black."

"What does that mean?" Alex asked.

Nathan shrugged. "Beats me. When the teachers saw it, they got all worried and sent us back to the cabins where we were sleeping. The next day we went to a different place. But I, Nathan Anderson, was brave enough to venture out and eavesdrop on the teachers." He paused.

"Well, aren't you gonna tell us what they said?" Justin said impatiently.

Nathan sighed and shook his head. "Patience, little one. All good things to those who wait."

There was ten seconds of silence before Nathan spoke again.

"They said that the last time black magic had been seen like that was when the Malum were first here. And that was when I overheard that the Fabulosa had returned. They said that if the Malum were back, then so were the Fabulosa."

Justin and Alex sat in stunned silence.

Nathan stood up. "Well, I'd better get going. Some of my friends are calling. But whatever you do, don't tell anyone about what I just said. But more importantly, don't tell them that you heard this from me." He winked and began to slide away from the table.

"Oh, I forgot something." Nathan picked up the hot dog from Justin's plate, despite his younger brother's protests.

Nathan hurled the hot dog across the cafeteria, hitting someone Alex recognized. This wouldn't be good.

Nathan grinned.

"Food fight."

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