Chapter 17: Food Fight!

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Juliette was deep in conversation with Emma on the topic of atoms when something hit the side of her face.

"What the--" Juliette picked up the hot dog that had hit the side of her face. "Who threw this?" She raised her voice.

Around her, people were pointing and and sniggering. Juliette had to force down the flush rising in her cheeks.

She tries to ignore them and scanned the room for someone who looked like they had just thrown something.

Her eyes landed on Alex Draconi, staring right at her with a guilty expression.

Dropping the hot dog, Juliette marched across the cafeteria to Alex. "Did you throw that?" she demanded.

The cafeteria quieted. "Did you?" she asked again.

Alex finally found his voice. "No, I didn't," he said firmly.

Juliette rolled her eyes. "Uh huh," she said sarcastically.

Everyone was listening to their conversation, but Juliette didn't particularly care. Alex had embarassed her, now she would embarrass him.

"I didn't. I swear, I didn't throw that hot dog."

"So you know it was a hot dog," Juliette said as she crossed her arms. "How else would you know if you didn't throw it?"

"Because--" Alex looked around. "Because Nathan threw it."

"Nathan? Who's that, your imaginary friend?" Part of Juliette knew that she was being unnecessarily cruel, but she didn't see any reason why she should stop. It wasn't as if Alex had ever been nice to her.

Alex turned bright red. "No!" he said, flustered. "He's... he's right over there!"

Juliette followed Alex's finger with her eyes. They landed on an older boy...

Then were slapped by a piece of pizza.

The food gradually slid down her face and down her shirt. Juliette stood there, knowing her face was bright red and smeared with tomato sauce, and for once not caring.

She stared at the boy, laughing with his friends as people whispered, laughed, and stared at Juliette. And she felt anger burning a fire within her.

So much anger that Juliette did something she hadn't done since she was nine years old.

She let her professional facade slip.

No, not slip. She stepped out of it completely. Part of Juliette wanted to stop, knew she needed to quit now, but she couldn't control her body. The anger was controlling it.

Juliette was a puppet in her own body, forced to watch in horror as she walked over, picked up a random student's hot dog, despite their protests, and hurl it in the direction of the boy who had thrown the pizza, the boy who had humiliated her.

And, to Juliette's mixed shock, joy, and horror, hit home on the boy's forehead.

A teacher who had been watching in silence until now spoke up. "Enough. Sit down, and no more throwing food!"

But it was too late. Another hot dog was launched across the room, then a pizza. It was an all-out food fight, with Juliette in the middle of it.

Suddenly she came to her senses, back in control of her body. What had she just done?

Emotions broiled together in the pit of Juliette's stomach. Some anger, frustration, embarrassment, guilt, all warred for control inside of her.

One thought rose to the surface, however.

He deserved it.

But as Juliette looked into the boy's eyes, no longer laughing, she wasn't so sure.

The teacher rushed over. "What the-- how dare you--" she spluttered.

Juliette blushed a deeper red. "I'm so sorry, I--"

The teacher shook her head. "Save it for the principal. That's where you're heading. You and those two boys..." she wandered off to get Alex and the other boy.

Juliette shook in place. She hadn't ever been to the principal's office for anything other than special awards for academic achievement... not since she was nine years old. She hadn't ever had a detention, gotten in trouble...

Juliette knew she had just made a terrible mistake.

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