Chapter 21: World History

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Alex left his first magic class feeling very light-- literally and figuratively. Figuratively because he was happy, and literally because he had floated several inches off the ground during class!

It was the first step to flying, Mrs. Amicus had said. So although Alex wasn't literally flying on his way to class, he felt as if he could.

Very few of the new kids in the class had been able to do anything. Well, Penny technically had, but since she hadn't controlled the fire, Alex didn't think it really counted. Juliette hadn't done anything at all.

But did it really matter what Juliette had or hadn't done? So what if she hadn't been able to teleport? Alex had barely been able to fly. And it was their first time ever trying.

And Alex didn't want to be like that Emma Erora. He had seen her go up to Juliette and tell her that they couldn't be friends because Juliette was a 'power dud.'

Alex reached the door to the World History classroom and peeked inside. He didn't know anyone in there, so took an empty seat next to a dark haired boy he vaguely remembered from his last class.

"Hey, I'm Liam." The boy reached out to shake Alex's hand.


Liam nodded. "You're new, aren't you. I saw you last period. You can fly, can't you."

Alex nodded. "Yeah. Sorry, what's your power?"

"I can see the-- hold up." Liam held up a hand. "Ow."

"Are you okay?" Alex asked, concerned.

"Yeah, just gimme a second." Liam winced and closed his eyes. "Seriously? Again? I already know that!"

"What are you talking about?" Alex said, now thoroughly confused.

Liam opened his eyes. "Sorry. Like I was saying, I can see the future."

"No way! That's awesome! Did you just see it? What was happening in the future?" Alex was excited.

Liam shrugged. "Yeah, I was seeing it, but I only ever see useless stuff. Like right now I was seeing that I'm gonna get a 100 on my math test."

"That's useful," Alex said. "I mean, you don't have to study if you know you'll get a hundred."

"Well, no, not really. I had the vision the other night while I was studying. Basically, because I studied, I had the vision of getting 100, but if I had decided to, like, play basketball instead, I probably would've had a vision of me getting a bad grade."

Alex blinked. "That seems kinda pointless."

Liam nodded agreement. "It sorta is right now, but eventually I should be able to actually see important things."

"Oh. Hey, so--"

Alex was interrupted by a teacher entered the room, slamming the door in a huff. Everyone jumped a bit as he strode to his desk and sat down, glaring at the students, who didn't dare speak.

Well, almost all didn't dare to speak. Liam leaned over and whispered to Alex, "That's Mr. Ira. Don't--"

"--speak while I am speaking!"

Alex nearly jumped out of his skin. Mr. Ira was standing between his and Liam's desks, glaring down at the both of them.

"Sorry, Mr. Ira," Liam said. "I won't disrespect you again." Behind the teacher's back, though, Liam rolled his eyes at Alex.

Mr. Ira glared for a moment more before disappearing and reappearing at his desk.

His power must be teleportation, Alex thought. Although his was different from Jen, the girl who had shown them to their rooms. Hers was more gradual, while Mr. Ira's was snappy and instant.

"Now, as I was saying... today we will learn about the Fabulosa. Any questions? Good, let's start."

Alex actually did have a question, but Mr. Ira had ignored his raised hand. Alex tapped Liam. "I thought this was regular World History, not magical history."

The other boy shrugged. "Usually it's normal history, but sometimes he does magical history. Usually when he's mad about something."

"Mad about something, am I? Why on earth would I be mad?" Mr. Ira was once again standing between the two boys. "Maybe because two of my students are talking to each other when I am? I think you two need a break from each other. You sit there--" he directed Liam to a seat on the other side of the room. "--and you stay here," he said to Alex.

He teleported back to the front and continued speaking. "Now, as you all know, the Fabulosa were created during a time of great need for the Magicae community, concerning the Malum. They defeated the society, and they have been small and weak since then. But guess what? Malum activity has been growing lately. The headmaster doesn't want me to tell you this. Thinks that it'll create panic in the school. Well, I don't care about that. I think we should be panicking!" He glowerered down at all of them.

"Because our headmaster is keeping something from me! From all of us! But I have found it out... we have the Fabulosa here at out school, right now."

A girl in the front row raised her hand. Mr. Ira glared at her for a minute before snapping, "Yes?"

The girl quailed under his intense gaze. "Well, uh... I thought the Fabulosa were dead."

"So did I!" Mr. Ira roared, making the class jump again.  "But apparently they came back! As kids! Here! At this school!"

Alex's eyes widened. This wasn't good. If the entire class knew the Fabulosa were at the school...

Then eventually so would the rest of the school.

And so would the Malum.

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