Chapter 22: Bad News

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So I realized that I basically messed up the entire order of the perspectives, so this one will be Juliette again so I can get back on track. Sorry.

Juliette hurried out of science class, trying to avoid Emma. They hadn't done much in class, just 'get to know you' stuff, as there were several new students in the class.

She was walking so quickly she nearly ran into Alex.

"Juliette, where's Penny?" he asked.

Juliette looked around. "I don't know. Probably wherever the English specialty classroom is."

"Crap." Alex clenched his fist. "Jen showed us that, but I don't remember where it is."

"Why do you need her?" Juliette internally marvelled at the fact that they were having a civil conversation without her crying.

She was still embarrassed by that whole episode in the principal's office, and sincerely hoped that Alex had forgotten about it.

"Something happened last period with the teacher... but I need to get Penny before I can tell you too."

Juliette nodded. "Okay then. Let's split up. I'll look--"

Alex shook his head frantically. "Then we'll just get even more lost. We have to stick together."

"Fine. Lunch is next, she's probably going to stop in our dorm to drop off her stuff before she eats." Juliette strode off in the direction of the bedroom.

Alex hurried after her. "Okay, so--"

"Hey guys!" Penny walked up with Geneva. "You heading to lunch?"

"Not anymore," Alex said, grabbing her arm. "Where's somewhere private?"

Penny shrugged. "I've not been here any longer than you."

"There's a storage closet on the third floor, next to the math classroom," Geneva supplied. "Why do you need it?"

"Um..." Alex's voice trailed off.

Juliette didn't know what to do about Geneva. She assumed what Alex was talking about had to do with the Fabulosa, and Geneva couldn't find out about that. "Well, this is kinda..  just for... us three?"

Juliette tried to phrase it so that she wouldn't hurt the other girl's feelings. She liked Geneva.

When did that change? Juliette thought. It used to be that she wouldn't have cared if she hurt someone's feelings.

Geneva crossed her arms. "Seriously? Penny, can't I come?"

Penny seemed to have come to the same conclusion Juliette had. "Um... I'm really sorry Geneva, but..."

Geneva looked surprised, then hurt. She quickly masked it with anger, however. "Fine then. Whatever. I don't care. I'm getting lunch." She stormed off.

Penny looked like she was about to cry as she watched her friend walk away.

Alex didn't seem phased, however. "Okay. Let's go." He ran towards the nearest stairs.

Juliette and Penny didn't have much of a choice but to follow. They headed up a couple staircases and wandered through halls until they found the math classroom.

"This is it. Hurry, get inside." Alex yanked open an unlabeled door and shoved the girls inside

Juliette found herself with the handle of what she hoped was a broom digging into her back, in a small room that smelled strongly of mothballs.

As soon as Alex shut the door, they were plunged into darkness. They all fumbled for a light switch, smacking arms, until--

Click. A small light turned on above them, illuminating Penny, holding a string and looking furious.

"Alex. What on earth is so important that I have to ditch my friend and be stuck in a smelly closet?"

Alex backed away from Penny, probably fearing her fire. Unfortunately, he ran right into Juliette, sending the broom handle further into her back.

"Well, I'd assume it has something to do with the Fabulosa. And your teacher," Juliette said, pushing Alex off her.

Alex straightened up and brushed off his clothes. "Yeah. Sorry, Penny, but... the thing is... probably by this point, most of the school knows that the Fabulosa go here."

"What?!" Juliette and Penny said in unison.

Alex explained how his world history teacher had told the entire class about  the Fabulosa being back, as well as the Malum. "So probably they've all told their friends by now, and you know how quickly rumors can spread."

"But this isn't a rumor. It's true," Penny said. "Hey, but... no one know it's us, right? So that's good."

"We have to keep it that way," Juliette said. "Remember what Mrs. Proditor said? Because if word gets back to the Malum that three of the students here are the Fabulosa, then the Malum would come immediately."

Alex summed it up. "The Malum might be here soon. We can't tell anyone that we're the Fabulosa. No matter how much you trust them."

Penny nodded. "I won't."

"Me either." Juliette nodded her head.

"Good. But, if the Malum does come here..." Alex said.

"...then we'll be ready to fight back."

Some of you may have noticed that I've been publishing more chapters than usual this week. Well, as I've mentioned before, school starts for me Wednesday. Once it starts, I have no idea how often I'll be able to publish chapters. I'm going to shoot for twice a week, but that may not happen. Think of this as my gift to you before school starts.

In other news: I'm kinda obsessed with the Myers-Briggs personality test (I'm an ENFP, Extraverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Percieving). So, I thought I'd figure out what our three main character's types are. The results:
Juliette: ISTJ (Introverted-Sensing-Thinking-Judging)
Alex: ESFP (Extraveted-Sensing-Feeling- Percieving)
Penny: INFP (Introverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Percieving)

What's your Myers-Briggs type? What other characters would you like to see done?

Thanks for reading, and I hope you liked it!

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