Chapter 27: Malum

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Alex couldn't wait to get out of Mr. Magister's office. Sure, it had been cool and all, getting to learn new powers and everything, but everything in there reminded him of the illusion.

In Alex's illusion of his worst fear, he had joined the Malum and was using black magic to kill people.

Alex had told the others that he hadn't been able to control what he was doing in the illusion, but really he had.

And he had enjoyed it.

In the illusion, Alex thirsted for the power he had and used it for everything. He had been so strong...

Once the illusion had ended,  Alex had been appalled at what he had done. But still, a hunger for that power remained...

Nothing like some basketball to take my mind off things, Alex thought. Wonder where Justin is.

Alex poked his head in the dorm room, but Justin wasn't in there.

The cafeteria? Alex wondered. Sure enough, Justin was there, stuffing his face with pizza.

Alex sat down next to his friend. "Dude, you eat like a pig."

Justin laughed. "I suck energy out of stuff, remember? Food gives me energy!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Alex rolled his eyes. "What do you want to do after lunch?"

Justin shrugged. "Anything is fine. Wanna play basketball?"

"Sure," Alex agreed. "What did you do this morning?"

"Nothing," Justin answered quickly. "Just... hung around."

"Oh, okay." Justin was acting a little weird, but Alex tried to ignore it. "You ready to go to the basketball courts?"

"Yeah." Justin shoved the last of his pizza into his mouth and stood up. "Race 'ya."

"No way! You'll beat me!" Alex's protests went unheard as Justin sprinted away.

Alex sigh-laughed and trudged after his friend.


They played a few games of PIG before calling it quits. It hadn't done as much to calm Alex as he had hoped, and Justin seemed a bit odd too.

They headed back to the dorm, and as they lay on their beds, Alex decided to ask Justin something.

"What do you think of the Malum?" Alex asked.

Justin gave him an odd look. "They're evil."

"Yeah, but... why do they do the things they do? What's their motivation? Why do they want to hurt people so badly?"

Justin was silent for a long moment. "Well... Alex, you can't tell anyone this, you promise?"

Alex was confused, but nodded. "I promise."

Justin sighed. "My mom... she... joined the Malum."

Alex sat up and looked over at his friend. "What?"

Justin stared at the wall. "I don't remember it that well, but Nathan told me more about it. When I was like four or five, she started to act weird.... then she fully came out about it and tried to get my dad to join her. He refused, of course. She left, and none of us have seen her since."

Alex looked at his friend, unsure of what to say.

Justin looked at Alex, tears filling his eyes. "You probably hate me now."

Alex shook his head emphatically. "No way! Just because your mom did something doesn't mean you have to be the same way. You get to choose."

"Yeah..." Justin lay back on his bed, and soon Alex heard gentle snoring coming from the other bed.

Alex watched Justin for a long time before he, too, laid down.

Sorry this chapter was kinda filler and really short. I'm not sure what's going to happen next. 😕

Anyways, school starts tomorrow! 😨😫😫 So less updates then.

I'm thinking I'm going to shoot for updating twice a week, maybe on Saturday and Wednesday? I'll see how my schedule is once school starts.

Anyways, hope you liked this chapter! What do you think Justin was doing? Is he hiding something from Alex?

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