Chapter 46: Facing the Illusion

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Penny had never been so glad to go to class after being released from the hospital wing.

She had been going stir-crazy after being in there for a week, being brought classwork by her friends every day. Alex was quiet, ignoring her attempts at conversation, so whenever the others left, Penny sat in silence for long periods of time.

Now they had both been deemed well early Friday morning, and were off to first period— for Penny, math. By the end of the period, however, Penny was wishing she was back in the hospital wing, her brain now bogged down with the Distributive Property and y=mx+b.

The rest if the day was the same, and Penny was ready to go back to bed. Of course, before she could relax, Penny was greeted by a note from Mr. Magister instructing both her and Juliette to report to his office "bright and early" the next morning with Alex for another lesson.

Penny collapsed into bed.


But she and Juliette forced themselves out of bed the next day, Penny feeling surprisingly refreshed. Today is going to be a good day. They were able to catch the sunrise streaming through the window, a myriad of oranges and pinks reflecting off the purple clouds.

Juliette didn't seem to catch Penny's good mood, blearily rubbing sleep from her eyes as they trudged to Mr. Magister's office. When they got there, the door was shut and Alex was sitting outside, head resting on his knees. He looked up as they approached.

"Hey, good morning!" Penny said cheerily. Juliette glared.

"There is nothing good about it" she disagreed. "Let's just go in and get this over with."

Alex stopped Juliette as she stepped towards the door. "Wait. I—" His voice faltered. "I'm sorry. For what I did in the forest, what I said. I know the dark magic stuff was— corrupting me, but I remember everything that happened, and—" Alex's face crumpled. "And, see, what I said were things that I had thought before, and when I said them I was still technically myself, and I— I— I think I actually am evil inside. That's why it entered my body, and not yours, because you guys are good and I'm not and I shouldn't be one of the Fabulosa."

Tears streamed down his face, and Penny's heart broke for him. "Alex, it's okay. You didn't really mean those things—"

"But I did! I told you, I've thought them before!"

Juliette spoke up, a tear running down her cheek as well. "Alex, everyone thinks cruel things sometimes. That doesn't make you evil."

Alex opened his mouth, but Juliette continued. "Justin said it— we all have darkness in us. Alex, you had black magic inside you. I'm sure that that was— that it was horrible. But don't blame yourself."

Penny nodded. "We forgive you, Alex."

Alex stared at his feet. "I just— I want to—"

The door swung open.

Penny looked inside. "There's no one in there. Where's Mr. Magister?"

Juliette went pale. "What if they're going to put us into those illusions again?"

"I bet it's a test," Alex spoke up. "To see if we can overcome those fears." He hesitated. "Who wants to go in first?"

So much for a good day, Penny thought.

No one volunteered. After a beat of silence, Penny said, "Together. We go in there together."

The others nodded, and on impulse, Penny grabbed Juliette's hand. Juliette grabbed Alex's, and hand in hand, the three Fabulosa entered Mr. Magister's office.


The moment they crossed the threshold, the feeling of Juliette's hand in Penny's vanished, and she was no longer inside the office.

Juliette was right— Penny was once again inside the illusion of her worse fears. But it had changed since the last time. Instead of an empty room, Penny was now in the first where Alex had turned into an evil black dragon.

Around Penny was her family, her mother comforting the twins and Jack wide-eyed and scared. Her friends were also there, Juliette, Alex, Geneva, Emma, Justin, and Bane looking around.

Penny glanced at the trees. Last time there had been a cloaked figure, a member of the Malum, killing each of the people she loved in turn. Now there was no one.

Then Penny saw her. Mrs. Proditor smiling. "Well, Penny, it's lovely to see you again!"

No. It's just an illusion. It's not real, not real, not real, Penny repeated.

Juliette screamed, then abruptly silenced and fell. Mrs. Proditor's smile grew. "Just sacrifice yourself. They can all be free and safe."

It isn't real, Penny told herself again. Just do it. You won't really die.

She tried to open her mouth, to say, "I will," but it seemed glued shut. Geneva screamed and collapsed. Not real, not real!

"But is it?" Mrs. Proditor said. "How do you know? What if it is real? It's your fault, Penny. You're the reason they're dying."

Bane looked at her. "Please, Penny."

Penny was frozen, the mantra in her hear crescendoing to a scream. NOT REAL, NOT REAL, NOT REAL!

"How pathetic," Mrs. Proditor spat as Penny watched Bane fall. "Why are you one of the Fabulosa? You're not brave. You aren't even a good enough person— you're so selfish you'll let them all die instead of you."

As Emma cried out, Penny did too, collapsing to the ground with her hands over her ears. NOT REAL!

And, somehow, miraculously, Mrs. Proditor's voice faded into the low murmur of conversation. Penny didn't move, however, tears flowing down her cheeks.

Mrs. Proditor was right.

Penny shouldn't be one of the Fabulosa.

She was pathetic.

She had failed.

Hahahaha if you don't like me right you're going to hate me in a few chapters. My poor angsty, dramatic children.

What did you think? Was Penny's "illusion" real? Was that really Mrs. Proditor? Will Alex overcome his guilt?

Also, I'm sorry for the late update. First I had a crisis where I realized that I messed up the outline I created for Magicae, and then all day yesterday I binge-read Harpy Gee and was generally unproductive.

But thanks for reading, and vote or comment if you enjoyed!

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