Chapter 47: Flames of Darkness

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The dark forest faded from Alex's vision, revealing Mr. Magister's office. A smile broke out over his face. I did it!

In his illusion, Alex had been taken over by the dark magic once again. But this time he had successfully kept it away and returned to normal. I fought it off, and Juliette and Penny don't hate me! All in all, Alex was feeling a lot better than he was an hour before.

"Guys, I—" Alex's mouth snapped shut as he saw Penny crouched on the floor, Juliette and two teachers kneeling around her.

"What happened?" Alex dropped his voice to a whisper. Juliette looked up and beckoned him over.

"We don't know. Mr. Magister said that he and Mrs. Justus could see that Penny was struggling in the illusion, so they brought her out of it. She's been like this since."

Alex knelt by the small redhead. "Penny? Are you okay?"

Juliette moved near them, and both teachers backed up. "Penny?"

Penny let out a wail and threw her arms around Alex, sobbing. Alex tensed and awkwardly patted her back.

"Mrs. Proditor— she was— was killing everyone and I couldn't— pathetic— I shouldn't be one of the Fabulosa," Penny hiccuped out, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Alex patted her again. Juliette looked like she was choking back laughter at his awkwardness, and Alex glared. Shaking her head, Juliette wrapped her arms around Penny too. "It's okay, Penny. You're not pathetic, and no one died."

Mrs. Justus and Mr. Magister backed out the office and shut the door behind them, leaving the three kids alone. "Hey, it's alright," Alex murmured. "It wasn't real."

Stifling a sob, Penny sat up. Her face was red and streaked with tears. "You're right. It's—" she hiccuped and took several deep breaths. "—fine."

Alex smiled at her, and Penny gave him a watery one in return. "Sorry about that, Alex. I just— it was weird. I don't— you know."

Alex nodded. He knew how that sentence ended. Like you in that way.

And, he was somewhat surprised to realize, he didn't either. For a while he had found himself with a crush on Penny, but now... She's like my little sister.

Juliette interrupted the awkward silence. "Should— let's let Mr. Magister and Mrs. Justus back in." She was tense and pale.

Penny nodded. "Y— yeah."

"I don't think so."

A voice echoed around the room, and the lock on the door clicked shut. "I need you three alone."

"Who's there?" Alex asked.

"Have you forgotten me already?"

Penny went white as a ghost. "No..."

Daylight streamed into the room through the roof, which now had a large hole in it. Wood and shingles splintered on the floor, and they jumped back.

Something else hit the ground too. Or rather, someone.

"Well, how are your lessons coming along without me?"

Penny let out a whimper of fear, and Juliette mouthed something. Premonition.

Mrs. Proditor spoke again. "Penny, I just saw you. I did some wonderful work inserting myself into Mrs. Justus's illusion, if I do say so myself."

"It wasn't real," Penny said. "You're just trying to mess with me!"

"So what? I was sent to find the Fabulosa and either persuade them to join us, or kill them." Mrs. Proditor spread her arms wide. "What will it be? Join me, or die."

"We'll never join you!" Juliette said, eyes blazing.

Mrs. Proditor arched an eyebrow. "Suit yourself."

Black fire erupted at her feet and encircled the room. Alex, Penny, and Juliette backed away from her and the flames.

Mrs. Proditor laughed derisively. "It was child's play to convince Mr. Magister that I was his most trusted teacher and have him confide in me who the Fabulosa were. I would have killed or taken you immediately, but I had been instructed to let your powers develop. Now, though..."

The fire crept closer. "Mrs. Proditor— you were a mother and a wife! You were a good person once! You can still—" Alex hesitated.

For the first time, something like humanity flickered in her eyes. "Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. I've used so much dark magic trying to get you three that I've overexerted myself. I meant to ration myself, but... this fire will be my last act. Soon I will lose my soul to the darkness, and I will be nothing more than a shell."

"But why?" Penny asked. "Why are we worth your humanity?"

Mrs. Proditor gave a crooked smile. "I lost that a long time ago, dear. But only you three have the power to defeat us. As to why this fire... I told you when we first met that there were rumors that the Malum were creating something that would allow them to use power limitlessly while keeping their power.

"The rumors are true. We believe that if this fire consumes the school, one of the largest gatherings of Magicae in the world, the power released at all their deaths would give us that ability. To never lose our souls."

Penny's voice dropped to a whisper. "But even for the power... how is it worth it? To have that darkness inside you, haven't you already lost yourself?"

Mrs. Proditor bowed her head. "You may be right." As she looked up, Alex was shocked to see sorrow on her face. "But it's too late for me." She took a shuddering breath. "For what it's worth— I'm sorry. For betraying you, for what I did in the forest. Penny, for what I told you in the illusion. It's not true. You are braver than you know. And tell Justin—"

Their former teacher let out a gasp and collapsed to the floor. Alex didn't move as Penny took a step forward. "Tell Justin what?"

Mrs. Proditor didn't move. "Penny, I think she's gone," Juliette murmured.

Penny stared at the still-breathijg firm. The 'life' was there, but the soul was gone.

Alex wasn't sure how to feel. Mrs. Proditor had done horrible things, but she has seemed to want redemption at the end.

Juliette yelped. "The fire!"

Alex had assumed the flames would have died with their creator. Now, however, they burnt through the door and down the stairs. Mrs. Justus and Mr. Magister were nowhere in sight.

And now the fire advanced on the three Fabulosa.

PENNY PROTECTION SQUAD. Can I just say that I love Alex as the protective big brother of Penny?

What do y'all think of Mrs. Proditor at the end? She regretted what she did. Can you guys forgive her? Can the characters?

We're nearing the end!

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