Abhoo and Chatter box Meeting(Episode -8)

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Finally I crossed 3.8k+😍😍😍😍 readers. Thank you🙏🙏 all the readers. I have written a long story and read it.

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The episode starts in the hotel room, the magical girl heard nikhil accusations against abigya. She tried to use her power. Suddenly she shocked to hear pragya words. Pragya says,"I forced abishek to do this with me. I was the one who forced him to have affair with me". Whole gang looks shocked including abishek,magical girl. Abishek says ,"it's lie. No one should believe what she says". Pragya says," no abi. I am telling the truth. You do not lie to save me. The time has come for them to know the truth". Nikhil asked," which truth about you talking??". Tanu screamed,"you forced him to have affair with you". Pragya nods. Nikhil slapped her. Everyone is stunned. Abi screamed," how dare you nikhil. Who gave you the rights to slap her". He holds nikhil collar. Rabul looks stunned. Nikhil screamed," What are you going to do now?.I have all rights to slap her. She played with my feelings. She is my girl friend. Wait!! Nikhil look at pragya and says,"she is.. the girl who cheated on me". Pragya says," abi leave him". Abi says," he slapped you pragya. You are telling me to keep quiet. I can't. You are my love". Tanu screamed ,"then who I am here abhi". here the magical girl sees the situations and says," What happened to my power. Why it's not working now". One person stands near her and says ,"you can't solve this. She were not taken that person words seriously".Again and again, She tried to use her power to stop their fights. It vain. It's not working. The magical girl screamed," damn it!!!what the hell happened to my power😠😨😒😒☹️☹️😕". Suddenly the magical girl heard pragya words. Pragya says ,"abi,keep calm for a while minute. One more thing,nikhil has all the rights to questions me and slap me". Riya says," OMG!!! She stole other woman boy friend. How shameful woman she is". Maya says," exactly!!you cheated my friends. Now you are controlling him".abi behaved like he is your puppet. Abi screamed ,"shut up riya and shut up Maya. You people don't interfere in this problem". Riya ask him, "you cheated my friends. We are there to support them. I am not here to obey your words". Pragya screamed ,"shut your mouth miss.riya". riya said ,"do you think I gonna obey your words". Arjun says riya," shut your mouth. It's their problem.It's good, you are quiet for a while minute". Again riya speak. Bulbul shouted ,"enough riya!!!. They have no problem when you supported our friends. Here the problem is you are not giving them to chance to speak. Can you please quiet for a while minutes". Bulbul look at pragya and ask her,"why are you doing this pragya?. You know it, nikhil loves you a lot. Suddenly what happened to you?. Tanu,she trusted you a lot.You have done things that betray the trust now". Pragya says ,"bulbul, I accept my mistakes". Tanu asked her,"Will everything change now???. You betrayed me and nikhil. I trusted you. I cared you. But today you ruined everything. You broken my trust. I just want to know,why did you do this?.tell me the reason.what will you get if you do this?". Pragya get tears. She look at nikhil and says,"I really loved you. Still loving you. But I have been thinking of loving you for so long.I didn't feel it when I was with you. You cares me a lot. Tanu, abi didn't love you. He thought,he met one girl in a hotel. That girl gave your photo. Everyone knew abi as rockstar and heart throb of the college. Not all of you know one thing about abi. Do any of you know him as a writer". Purab asked ,"writer??". Riya says ,"she is now trying to get sympathy from you all.That's why she is creating fake story about him". Abi screamed ,"she is telling the truth. She didn't cook up any fake stories about me. It's true. I am a writer. No one knows about it except pragya".

Pragya says," I am a fan of his writing skills. I used to follow him. I always criticize about him. I wrote comments and share true opinion about his work. He liked my thoughts. He liked my letters. I sent him many letters to his address. He read all my letters.Without our knowledge,we fall in love with each other. I requested him to meet me in this hotel. He came there to meet me. I really don't know he is a writer.I didn't know until I saw him at the hotel that he was the same person. When I met him. I was shocked. I changed my voice. I talked with him. I really loved him. He loves me.I did not show my face to him and I covered my face. I proposed him. He accepted. He asked me to show my face. I am really scared. I thought he would not like me if he looked at my face. So I gave your photo. That's why he accepted your proposal. I told him. I propose you infront of whole college. You just accept her. I mean accept me. He believes my words. Did you remember,he called you one day. He asked about your first meeting". Tanu thinks about the moment. Tanu says ,"it means you are telling me,he loved you. You are coming to tell me that the girl he thought it was me that's why he fell in love with me. He accepted my proposal". Pragya nods. Tanu looks shattered. He look at abi and ask him,"abi she is telling something. Is it true??". Abi nods. Tanu cries. she holds his collar and screamed,"no!! you are telling lies abi". Arjun,rabul looks sad seeing her situation. Abi says ,"Tanu I am not telling lies. Recently only I knew it's her. Tanu sit down on the bed.Only tears welled up in her eyes to convey her disappointment. Tanu cries heart out". bulbul consoles tanu. She understands her pain. Pragya also get tears. She knew it how much it hurts her. Nikhil looks at pragya and screamed," then why the hell are you accepted my proposal. Why are you played with my feelings😠😠☹️☹️". Pragya says," I didn't play with your emotions. I really loved you. You are the person who treated me with respect,gave love and care in our college. I really liked you. When you proposed me. I thought,if abi sees my face. He will not accept my love. So I thought to start my life with you.I thought those who love us are better than those whom we love. That's why I accepted your love. When ever I saw tanu with abi. I feel very guilty. I feel tell the truth to him. I have think a lot of times whether to tell them the truth or not. In my first meeting,I put some conditions. Abi accepted all the conditions I put. One day,I went to meet him in same hotel. I lost my virginity with him. I told him whenever we met in hotel. You can't see my face. So he believes I am tanu. I loved him madly. I enjoys his touch on me. I addicted to him. I forced him to meet me often. I knew it. I was doing wrong. I am the only reason for all this. One day he found me(Remember hotel incident how abi accused pragya(that scene)).pragya shared whole scenes. Then only he realise it's me. He thought to tell the truth to you all. I stopped him. He don't want to hurt his friends. He loves his friends. I told him. We will tell them when the right time came. But today you caught us. We are cheating behind your back.There is nothing wrong with him and I am the only one responsible for everything. He loves you a lot. He always want to loyal with his friends. So please don't hurt him. Give me whatever punishment. I will accept it. She moves near tanu.She leaned down and sat up. She holds her hand.she says ,"he really loved you. He cares you a lot. I am the only one responsible for all the chaos that has taken place in your life. When I met you in pub". Riya and maya screams," pub😱😱😱😱🤭🤭!!!You have a habit of going there.How many lies she has told us.who knows it if you have only contact with abi alone or is there have contact with also some other people in your life". Pragya screams ,"enough riya!!. You have no rights to talk about my life". Riya shouts return, "I have all rights to question you. You cheated my friends. Because of you,she is in this situation". Pragya holds tanu hand and says," listen tanu,I agreed I cheated you. I have no intention to cheat you behind your back". Maya says ,"you already cheated her behind her back". Pragya says," I talk to her alone it would be nice if none of you opened your mouth. It's our problem. We know how to handle this. Your comment seems to exacerbate the problem not like solving this issue". Riya again speak. Tanu says," enough!!!!". She looks at pragya and cries😰😢😢😢😥😭😞, says ,"Now my heart is broken into pieces that you cannot fix it". tears welled up in pragya eyes😥😢😭😰. Abi comes near tanu and says, "I agree that mistake is not only hers but also mine. When she approached me. I should have stopped her but I failed to do that. I am the only reason you are in this situation. I really loved you tanu. You are really an amazing girl. You cares me a lot. You loved me unconditionally. You are loyal with me ever. But I failed in my loyalty". Immediately tanu hugged him very tightly.she cries her heart out😭😭😭😭. Pragya tries to move away from there. Suddenly abi holds her hand very tightly. Pragya turns look at abi. He longing look at her. Pragya nods her head as no. Nikhil sees them.Immediately he left from there. Arjun calls nikhil. Tanu breaks their hug.All turns and look at nikhil went direction. Tanu says," he is also broken like me. We both need some time for your forgiveness. Thanks abi and thanks pragya.It is enough for me that you have acknowledged your mistake without deceiving us yet". Riya asked ,"are you going to forgive them?. They cheated you tanu". Purab says riya,"it look like you don't want them to patch up". Riya says," it's not my intention. You heard they cheated us behind our back. You realised how much pain the two are experiencing now". Purab says," I agree. Abi and pragya,both accepted their mistakes.we can't change their past. We need to think what we can do now". Again riya speak. Tanu stops them and says ,"guys enough!!.thank you for your love and care. Right now me and nikhil don't need sympathy and mercy.All we need now is peace of mind.It will take some time. Leave us alone. We will handle it". Tanu left from there. Purab turns and look at them,"I am not going to ask why you did this?. But If you had told this fact before you would have avoided this problem by now. Anyway,we can't change anything. Right now, they both need time and so give their time. Don't worry,As soon as the problem is fixed". Arjun says," yeah!!we have give them some time.Your friends will always be with the two of you". Arjun hugged abi. Abi hugged him. He cries his heart out and says,"I wanted to tell them the truth but I don't think it would happen". Maya ask them,"it means you are going to forgive the cheaters". Riya says," I am not going to forgive them". They hurted them badly. Bulbul says riya,"they may have escaped by telling lies now if they had thought but they did not want to do it". Maya screams, "Because they caught red handed. They knew it. we would find out if they lies😕☹️". Magical girl thinks these two,"I want to kill them😠😠😠. Oh god!!!what happened to my power. Right now if my power worked then I will kill them". Ridhi says," how cruel they are!!.They are both trying to aggravate the problem. My power is also not working. If my power worked,I will also give severe punishment to them". Magical girl stares Ridhi. Ridhi frightened and turns her look opposite direction to magical girl. Ridhi thinks,"As a soul we cannot even express opinions freely🤷".

Pragya can't see their fight,their real love and she walks away. She reaches her room. She typed a text in her mobile. She opens search options. Types Nik . She sees nikhil. She send it to nikhil. Nikhil get beep sound from his mobile.He sees text from pragya. Nikhil opens the text. He sees the text,"Thanks".Nikhil smiles and replies her,"Are you happy now?". Pragya get a text from nikhil. She send him,"Yes🙂". Suddenly The magical girl entered inside pragya room. She sees her. Pragya takes sleeping tablet in her hand. Here the magical girl looks shocked. It means she is going to commit suicide.My plan...My world... here the magical girl is panicked.The magical girl tried to use her power.Magical girl says ,"what happened to my power. Damn it!!!Why it's not working. One person stands near her and says,"It is many years since you lost your magic". The Magical girl says," this is not the time to play. Recently many times I used my magic power on them". That person laughed😂😆😄. That person says ,"it's not your power. It's pragya power".Suddenly The magical girl hear pragya words.Pragya says," what happened??. You are again trying to control my mind🙂😉". Magical girl looks stunned to hear her words. Magical girl turns and look at her. She sees pragya. She's already looking at her. The magical girl ask her," Can you see me?". Pragya comes near her. She nods her head. The magical girl ask her,"How is this possible?.Pragya says,It will be the same as how I can release him. Ridhi thinks," it means she even knows I am also here". Pragya says," I knew it miss.ridhi😉".Ridhi opens her mouth and looks shocked. Ridhi went near her,"please forgive me!!I will not do anything like this.she is the reason for all this. Please leave me".The magical girl glares her. Ridhi says,"why are you looking me?.now you don't have the power. You have been pretending to have power. When you haven't have the power. You are dummy".The magical girl gave death glare towards. Ridhi. Pragya chuckles to see them. Pragya ask her,"What happened my Xerox copy". Ridhi whisper,"what!!!Xerox copy. She turns look at the magical girl and pragya. Ridhi says,"Didn't even see the face properly in fear". The magical calls that person,"abi,it means she released you". That person is good abishek soul. He nods his head. The magical girl ask her,"how it's possible". Pragya says,"abishek blood alone is not enough to free him. My blood also needed to release him".The magical girl ask her,"It means you knew about them". Ridhi ask,"Them😳😱😱Who is this them?.Maybe the new problem".Here The magical girl get anger to hear ridhi njok jhok. The magical girl shouted,"can you shut your mouth for a while minute?. I'll kill you if you talk one more time. Ridhi laughed. It increase the magical girl anger. Ridhi said,"Mam!you forgot,you lost your power then how can you kill me😂😂😂😂😂". Good abishek also laughed along with her. Pragya silently laughs.Here magical girl feel irritated to see their reactions. Suddenly magical girl holds ridhi neck. She says," I will kill you like this method". Ridhi looks shocked.she stands in fear. She says," leave... me... madam". Good abishek says," leave her pragya". Pragya says," relax Xerox copy". The magical girl leaves ridhi for the sake of abishek.The magical girl looks tired. She sat down on the bed. Ridhi holds the jug. She gasps for breath.After,She drinks the water. She thinks,"god ji!!please save me from this powerless woman and also power woman. Power woman is also good and powerless woman,she is a dangerous. She prayed with the god". Pragya heard ridhi words and seeing her antics. She smiles. Pragya look at good abishek. She ask him,"Abhoo!!!how are you?". Good abishek smiles says,"Yeah chatter box😉I am good. Here The magical girl sees them. They act like they have known each other for years. The magical girl ask them,"What the hell is happening here. I thought to give twist in your life. But here you people gave big twist in my life. What abhoo!!chatter box. What is this?". Ridhi thinks,"she thought she knows everything. But here they gave biggest twist😂😂😅😅. She deserves it".Suddenly she sees magical girl looking at her curtly. Ridhi thinks,"Again!!!.She closes her eyes. Here abhoo and chatter box laughed.The magical girl tells them,"I am not telling any jokes here".she turns look at pragya and ask her," I want to know,where do you meet him.when did you meet him?.Why don't you ask me this. when you know everything?. You knew it. I am trying to control your mind. But... I am totally confused. Pragya look at abhoo(good abishek).He gesture her proceed it.

Flashback begin,

Pragya says, "Sarala, she is not my real mother. Everything the magical girl hears is shocking news. She screamed ,"what😱😳😳". Pragya says," I grew up in orphanage. I met nikhil. His father is owner of that orphanage. I met him there. We became best friends. I studied in 12th standard.He always encouraged me and supported me.He told me he was going to the trip with his friends.He called me too.Because once I had told him. I like adventures. So he knew it.At first, I refused to go with him. He convinced me. Later I also went with
him there. It's the same place where evil and good abhishek buried place. They are also sitting in same place where the place abi&rishi sitting.Pragya feels very different feeling there. Pragya sits same place where abi sat down. Nikhil ask pragya,do you like this place. Pragya nods. Pragya sees lots of people doing camp fire. Nikhil and his friends also did camp fire. Pragya sees nikhil is cutting down firehood. She thought to help him. She takes the knife. She started to cut the firehood. Suddenly pragya feels cool breeze. She hears help me!!help me!!.pragya looks tensed. She turns and looks all over but she can't find anyone there. But she can hear a male voice. Suddenly someone touches her back. She is scared. She turns to see the person. She sees good abishek. Good abishek points out one direction. She sees her body. Her body is unconscious. She sees Her right hands are all covered in blood. Actually pragya cut down her fingers. When she sees her own blood. She fell down on the floor. She lost her conscious. Nikhil admitted her in hospital.when pragya opens her eyes. She sees good abishek. She ask him,"who are you?.what are you doing here?". Good abishek says," thank you!!".pragya looks confused. Pragya thinks,"I asked him.who are you. He said thanks to me. He is a deaf". Good abishek says ,"I am not deaf. I also can hear your mind voice". Pragya looks shocked. She turns to see him. She sees nikhil. Nikhil hugged her. He asked," are you ok?.I am really scared when I saw you in blood pool." Pragya says ,"I am ok. Don't worry. I knew, You saved me". Nikhil friend is mani. He asked," pragya,thank god. You are fine. Nikhil was scared when he saw you in blood pool. You know what, he created a huge drama". Nikhil said," shut up man!!".pragya chuckles. She knew it. Nikhil cares her. He protect her. Pragya says," guys this is good abishek". Nikhil and his friends asked," who???". Pragya points out the direction where good abishek stands. Good abishek chuckles. He says," they can't see me. Only you can see me". Pragya screams," what!!!". Nikhil friends whisper to nikhil,"I think she got injury in also her head. We want to inform to doctor regarding it". Good abishek laughs hearing their words. Pragya screams ,"why are you laughing?". Nikhil friends says," now she confirm it. We are going to inform to the doctor regarding it. You just stay with her nikhil". Nikhil looks tensed. He come near her. He checks her head. Pragya ask him,"what are you doing nikhil. Why are you checking my head. I got injury in my fingers not my head". Nikhil says without your knowledge,"Let's take a look at whether the head is even got injury in your head". Good abishek laugh loudly😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Pragya gave death glare towards good abishek. Pragya says," nothing happens. You just sit down near me". Suddenly pragya sees the doctor. He starts to check her head. Pragya is telling him. Nothing happen to my head. Nikhil friend mani asked ,"who is good abishek here?". Pragya says," good abishek?.who is he?". Mani says," you only said that name". They started to do argument. Pragya behaves she is tired. Nikhil stops their argument. Nikhil says ,"guys she needs rest. Don't disturb her. I think,She needs to sleep now". Nikhil look at pragya says ,"pragya you just take rest. We'll buy you food for you". They leaves from there. Pragya lay down on the bed. Nikhil and his friends came out from the room. Mani sees pragya sneak peek into mirror door. Nikhil sees mani. He asked," what are you doing here?". Mani says," I was checking,is she ok? Or again she is talking with alone". Nikhil gave death glare towards him. Mani sees his anger and thinks, "now see how I escape from him. Hey raju,you called me. Wait I am coming with you". Raju looks confused. Mani put his hand around his shoulder. Mani thinks,"great escape". Nikhil follows their friends way. Pragya turns and she sees good abishek. Pragya ask him,"why my friends can't see you. You are human being. It means everyone can see human being". Good abishek says," I am not human being". Pragya ask ,"you are looking like man. Man means human being". Good abishek chuckles hearing her words. Good abishek says ,"I am a cursed soul". Pragya ask him,"what do you mean?".Good abishek says," I am a spirit. I am a good ghost soul". Pragya ask," it means ,you are ghost. Pragya ask him,A good demon I have seen in the movie has come to ask for help to human being. It means you came here to seek help from me. Oh my god!!I am going to help a ghost like movie🤭🤭😎😱😱😱". Good abishek hears her banter. Good abishek says," enough!!!".pragya says you choose me to help you. Good abishek says,"hey chatter box,your assumptions are wrong". Pragya screams me!!chatter box😑😑😑😑. You are devil. No!!!!you already dead. So, you are a ghost soul.excuse me wait a minute says what you said!!. Good abishek says, "listen Don't say anything in the middle. You just touch this ring". Pragya touches the ring. She says ,"nothing happen". Good abishek says ,"I said don't interrupt in middle". Pragya says," ok. She pout her lips. Good abishek thinks,"she is still same". Good abishek says," just close your eyes.Concentrate your mind and heart". Pragya sees her face and good abishek face in her imagination. Good abishek ask," what do you see it. Pragya says you and me?".pragya sees what happened to them before the start of her 7birth. Immediately pragya opens her eyes. Tears are automatically come out from her eyes. She sees good abishek. Good abishek ask her,"do you understand why I can see you". Pragya nods. She ask him,"what happened to my past 6 birth". Good abishek says, "when I meet you as my soul. Then I will tell you. Right now I need your help. We have to find me. I mean me as human being". Pragya nods. One day,pragya sees abishek.she followed him. She find out his address. She informed to good abishek. Good abishek made the plan. Good abishek shares his plan. Pragya says," I can't tell lies to my friend nikhil". Good abishek says ,"we tells him the truth but little modulation". Pragya says ,"your modulation is similar like lies". Good abishek says ,"trust me. We will tell him the truth. We also need his help in future. Now it's only way to reach near me".As per their plan,pragya lied to nikhil. She likes abishek. She shows his picture to him. He is a rich family. Nikhil says ,"don't worry,I will help you to reach near him". Nikhil shared his plan. Pragya looks stunned. She ask him," are you sure?.it will work out. This is nikhil plan". Nikhil says," you act like middle class woman. I will hire a lady to act as your mom. She is a sarala. She act as pragya mom. She is not her real mom. She got a salary from nikhil. I will join in their group. I will introduce you as my girl friend to them. You made him to fall in love with you. Like their plan,he started to love pragya". But Nikhil never knew about good abishek and also magical girl soul plan. It's their plan to seduce abi and sex with abi. Pragya knew it.Magical girl will do this. Because already good abishek informed her regarding it. Good abishek gives one ring to her. She can sense when good pragya presents near her and also sense danger. That ring helped her and also protect her. One day,good abishek said I will meet you soon. Right now I want to meet someone. Good abishek left her when she is moving to the college. After a long time,pragya met good abishek.It's nikhil plan to spend some time in goa. Like their plan,they reached goa. Last night,pragya hugged nikhil in swimming pool(Note:Remember that scene in my previous episode).pragya shares her plan there. It's their plan.Nikhil shows thumbs up. Like their plan,nikhil reached her room. Tanu caught them. No one knows it. Nikhil and pragya are best friends except good abishek soul.

Flashback end...

Magical girl says," i think I have to give you shocking news but you are giving me shocking news🤭🤭😱😱😱😱. Pragya chuckles. She look at good abishek. Good abishek says," how is my surprise baby?". Magical girl ask him," is this your surprise?. It's not surprise. It's a shock". Suddenly they hear knock sound. Pragya hears abishek voice. Abi says ,"please open the door my love. I know you are hurt". Pragya opens the door. Immediately abi hugged her. Abi says," I am sorry love. Because of me,you faced this situation". He kissed all over her face. Pragya feels awkward.she knew they(good abishek soul,magical girl soul,ridhi) were all watching her and abi actions. Pragya pushed abi. Abi looks shocked. Abi ask her," why are you pushing me?". Pragya says," don't do this here". Abi ask her," why?.we are alone here right?".pragya says," We are not alone here and someone may be with us". Abi ask ,"someone?.it means??". Pragya looks at abishek soul,magical girl soul. Ridhi whispers,"she is talking about us". Magical girl says with a grin,"I am here too. If I asked you subtitle". Ridhi nods her head as no.Good Abishek chuckles. Abi ask nikhil is here. He started to check the room. Pragya screams," he is not here with me". Abi ask her,"then who is with you?". Pragya says," listen carefully abi!None of the humans here are with me.but!!..".Abi ask her but?.Pragya says," abi it means.. ".Abi ask her,"what you are going to say. Finish your words properly". Pragya says ,"abi,do you trust me?".abi looks confused. He ask ,"yeah I do". Pragya walks near him. Pragya holds his hand. Abi looks on. Pragya says abi,"Now one thing you are going to see is that it is absolutely true". Abi says," I can't understand. Pragya holds his hand". Pragya says touch this ring. Abi couldn't understand her words. He touched it. Suddenly he sense something. Pragya says," see there". Abi turns his eyes towards pragya mentioned direction. He looks shocked. He left her ring.he fell down on the floor. Pragya is panicked. She ask him,"abi are you ok??". Abi stammering to speak. Pragya says," relax abi". She hugged him. Abi hugged her tightly. Pragya says," he is you. She is me. They are our past. What you saw was true. They are good soul". Abi breaks their hug. She sees the change in his body.he slowly lose his conscious. He fell down on the floor. Pragya screams," abi!!".

Pragya ask abishek soul,"what happened to us. Please tell me what happened to us in our previous birth. This is only solution to make him believe us". Abishek says," are you serious pragya?.you gonna believe their stories. They are doing their black magic on you". Abishek turns look at good abi and magical girl soul. Abi asked them," what do you want?. How much money do you need and why are you doing this to her".Pragya says ,"enough abi!!.If you do not believe in it then leave". Abi ask her,"you believe them more than me". Pragya says ,"abi enough!!you just leave from here". Abi ask her,"You send me out for these people". Pragya sees magical girl anger😠😠😠😠😠😠. Immediately pragya sees abi😱😱😨😢😰🥺😳😳😳. Abi is thrown in that room.pragya screams abi😥😥!!!!!

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1)how is this twist??Do you like it?.what do you think about it?

2)what is happening here?how pragya save abi from magical girl soul??.

3)will abi believe what pragya say??

All your thoughts welcomes here🎈📚✒️🖋️✏️📝📝.

On going story:

1)If You Are With Me,I Would Stay Alive(KumKum Bhagya)

2)Frantic Love Of Mine(Kumkum Bhagya)

3)Two Hearts Are Looping In Identical Love(KKB,MATSH,PMHMD,SwaRagin,Naagin2,KRPKA)

And also this story.

These are all my stories. Give your support also to this stories.

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