Previous Life - 1(Episode-9)

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The Episode starts in,"She ask him,"abi are you ok??". Abi stammering to speak. Pragya says," relax abi". She hugged him. Abi hugged her tightly. Pragya says," he is you. She is me. They are our past. What you saw was true. They are good soul". Abi breaks their hug. She sees the change in his body.he slowly lose his conscious. He fell down on the floor. Pragya screams," abi!!". Pragya is trying to wake him up. But he is not opening his eyes. She sprays water on his face. Abi slowly opened his eyes. Pragya asked,"are you ok abi".Abi nods. Suddenly abi sees his soul,magical girl soul,ridhi. Abi ask pragya,"who are they". Pragya ask,"Who?".Abi shows the direction towards ridhi,magical soul,abishek soul.Pragya looks shocked. She thinks,"It means he can see them".Abi ask pragya," who is he?.he is looking like me". Pragya looks tensed. She thought to tell the truth to him. Pragya ask abishek soul,"it means he is telling the truth. He could see it". Abishek soul nods. Abi ask pragya,"why are you talking to him. Do you know him". Pragya says,"Listen abi,What I said may seem like unbelievable but it is true". Abi ask,"What?".Pragya explained the whole scenes. How she meet them. She tells him all about what they told her. Abi heard everything after he asked do you believe them. Pragya nods. Abi says,"They are telling lies to you".abi look at them. He ask,"who are you?.what do you want?.why did you tell lies to her?.who the hell are you?. Magical girl tells,he is still making the same mistake he made in his first birth. Pragya looks on. Pragya ask,"what do you mean?". Abi ask,"First of all who you are here?.What kind of plastic surgery do you have done to look like pragya?.Pragya says,"abi,keep calm".Abi tells pragya," you just stay here pragya. I know how to handle them".abi look at magical girl,"Who the hell are you?.What works for you here?.abi look at magical girl,rithika,abishek soul.he ask them,"get out from this room".abishek soul says pragya," this me,I don't like it".abishek soul point out abishek said those words. Abishek shouts," who the hell are are copied me. First tell us,where do you both do plastic surgery to look like us. We knew it. We both are beautiful and handsome. But I don't like others copying us. You both first leave from this place. After,Change your face.else I will file complaint against you.". Rithika chuckles hearing abishek words. Magical girl losing her patience. Abishek soul says,"pragya,we don't have much time. First tell him shut his mouth". Abi got anger. He again shouts. Pragya stopped him. Pragya tells abi,"For my sake,could you please stop your argument". Abi again tried to speak.pragya tells,"Please abi,I don't have a strength.please keep me". After that,abi didn't utter any words.Pragya ask abishek soul,"First tell me, What we have to do?.What happened in our all birth?". Abishek soul says,"You both have been dead for the last six generation. This is your last birth. we have to do our job properly else everything ruined". Pragya looks shocked.Pragya ask abishek soul,"what happened to us. Please tell me what happened to us in our previous birth. This is only solution to make him believe us".Abishek says," are you serious pragya?.you gonna believe their stories. They are doing their black magic on you". Abishek turns look at good abi and magical girl soul. Abi asked them," what do you want?. How much money do you need and why are you doing this to her".Pragya says ,"enough abi!!.If you do not believe in it then leave". Abi ask her,"you believe them more than me". Pragya says ,"abi enough!!you just leave from here". Abi ask her,"You send me out for these people". Pragya sees magical girl anger😠😠😠😠😠😠. Immediately pragya sees abi😱😱😨😢😰🥺😳😳😳. Abi is thrown in that room.pragya screams abi😥😥!!!!! Abi is unconscious. Pragya runs towards abi. She ask him,"open your eyes abi".Pragya is worried. Magical girl says," This is what happens to him if he tries mess with him". Pragya screams," Why did you do this. I am trying to explain to him.why he is not opening his eyes".pragya get tears in her eyes. Pragya says,"If anything happens to him. I couldn't forgive my soul".magical girl thought," Both are the same only dramatic. If she pour water on him. He will get up. She is giving lecture. It's really boring to here.Why has god created me so badly in this birth. Magical girl glare at them.Pragya look at magical girl.she ask,"Help him!".Magical girl went to bath room.Pragya ask,"where are you going. What happened to him.why he is not opening his eyes".Pragya pours a jag of water. Abi purposely not opening his eyes. Abi enjoys when pragya scolds them. Pragya touches his cheeks. She is trying to wake him up. He feels bad for pragya. When pragya cries for him. Pragya shouts at Magical girl. Magical girl look at her after Magical girl look at abishek soul. After she said,"wait!I will wake him up.just stay here".after,Magical girl came with the bucket. Abi hears their talks. Pragya ask,"What is this?why water is looking like brown color".Magical girl says,"your man needs medicine. This is cow dung water. This is best medicine when someone is not opening their eyes.we will use it to open their eyes. Abi is shocked.Pragya stopped her. She ask,"you are using cow dung!.I will not allow you to do this". Abi feel relief. Abishek soul says,"believe me pragya. It works. We will use it when situation like this happened".Pragya ask abishek soul,"You are telling me the truth". Abishek soul nods. Abi is scared when she is going to pour cow dung water on me. Yuck!!.no couldn't happen. Magical girl goes near abi. Magical girl thinks,"you are playing excellent tricks with us. But I am more dangerous than you". Riddhi chuckles seeing abi act. Magical girl thought to pour water on him.But, Immediately abi wake up. He screams,"Pragya!!Pragya!!". Pragya feel relief. Pragya runs near abi. She ask,"abi,are you ok?". Abi pretend talks like patient,"yeah!.I am little bit ok". He look at magical girl. He ask her,"what she is doing here.Is she trying to kill me again?". Abi pretends like he is scared.Pragya says,"No abi. Now she is trying to help us". Abi ask,"how could you believe them. She was the one who attacked me.abi started to tell bad remarks about them". Pragya says,"sorry abi. It could not happen again. I promise you. If they did anything against you. I will not leave them.For my sake,please forgive them once". Pragya begs him. Abi nods. Abi thinks,"I will take perfect revenge on them". Magical girl thinks,"Lets we see".

Screenshift to evil pragya and evil abi. They feel very tired. Evil pragya ask,"are you sure?.They are here".Evil abi says,"I am very sure. They are here only". Evil pragya says,"This is their last birth. I am very sure. They will die in my hands again. After, That world will belong to us.She smiled evil manner.

Screenshift to abi friends. Tanu is really upset. Bulbul ask purab,"What are we going to do now?.how will we convince them". Purab says,"Don't know bulbul. I am really confused. What happened to abi. Why he suddenly he fell in love with pragya.lots of questions is in my mind. But I don't have an answer. Screenshift to riya&Maya. Riya says,How clever she is. She trapped abi. Now abi&tanu are separated. I really feel bad for nikhil&tanu. This nikhil,how he fell in love with this cheap girl.Maya says,"I am also worrying for them".riya says," no rich people tried to propose us. But she has two rich people in her hand.Even this rich bastard has no knowledge.Like the story in the drama, the rich always fall in love with the poor he poor girl is deceitful person". Maya says,"she is more dangerous than we thought".

Screenshift to nikhil&arjun. Arjun says,I know man. You are upset right now. I just want to tell you. What happened to you is wrong but don't forget that we are all there for you". Nikhil nods. He smiles. Nikhil thinks,"I feel bad. I lied to my friends. I am sorry arjun. I can't say the truth. It's secret between me&pragya. I feel bad for tanu. At least,I acted.I already knew,it will happen in one day but she.. she truly loved Abishek. It's really hard process to move on. I will help you tanu. This is the right time for you to move forward in life.

Screenshift to tanu. She cries.she
says," No one can say who is in love with whom.I am not anger on pragya and also abi. I know,they hurted me. It's true. Why do they hides the truth from me. It just hurts me even more when I knew they hided the truth from me. Why abi. Why do you played with my feeling. You knew it. How I truly loved you. Then why do you played with my feelings.Tanu is emotional.

Screenshift to pragya room, pragya ask them,"Tell us!what really happened in all our birth. We need to know". Abi says,"pragya, still you believe them. Abi tried to tell something. Pragya stopped him. Pragya says,"I already told you. I believe them. If you do not want to hear it you can leave from here.I want to know". Abi says,"I will not leave you here alone with them". Pragya curtly said,"I am not kid abi".Magical girl sees their cute fight.Magical girl scream,"fine!.I will tell". Abishek soul ask,"Are you going to say". Magical girl says,"We need them. They need to know why we need them". abi murmurs," They started talking crazy again". Ridhi says,"He is really cute. He does not know and we can hear him speak". Magical girl&Abishek soul glares abi. Ridhi chuckles seeing his reactions. Abi sees them.abi thinks,"Why do these people look at me like this".abi hides behind pragya. Magical girl says,"Pragya, We have a condition before we can tell the truth".Pragya says,"Go ahead!".Magical girl says, "he should not speak and should not think of anything in mind". She point out abi told those words. Pragya look at abi. Abi ask,"I'm already standing here without speaking.Now why are you coming to trouble me". Magical girl ask,"Really!!.We can hear what you have on your mind".Pragya feel tired seeing their fight.Pragya scream,"Enough!".Pragya look at abi. She says,"You just go to your room and take rest".abi stays adamant. He said,"I will not leave you alone with them pragya".Pragya says," then do as they said".Pragya look at magical girl said," I accepted your condition". Abi ask"I do not even speak to my mind". Pragya says,"I am giving you two options. Stay here.Do as they said. Else leave from here. Take rest in your room". Abi thinks,"They are plotting to separate me from you". Pragya says,"They are not". Abi looks shocked when pragya gave the reply for his mind questions. Magical girl grins. Abi says,"Ok fine! I accept your condition. I am doing it for you pragya. You need to know how much I love you too". Pragya signal,"Shuhh". Pragya ask magical girl,"Now tell us".

Magical girl started to tell the story,

Birth no - 1(Previous life)

Screenshift to college life(abigya)
Pragya loves abi unconditionally. Abi is played with her feelings. He is not in serious relationship with her. Pragya trust him blindly. One day,his friend ask him,"Oh man!.She is in serious relationship with you man.She does not know you are playing with her". Abi says,"I knew".Abi friends ask him,"What do you want from her?". Abi says,"You have seen her. How hot she is". Abi started to describe about her body to his friends. They are masturbated. They feel horny. Pragya sees abi. Pragya comes near abi. His friends thinks about abi words. They notices her body parts. Abi sees pragya. He hugs her. He says,"I missed you". Pragya says,"I prepared this food for you. Have it". Abi nods. After she left from there.One of his friend said,"Man!!you are right.have you seen her..?".One of his friend closed his mouth says,"stop it guys!". He tells,"Abi,This is really wrong. You are playing with one innocent girl life.It is wrong for us to talk like this.guys,don't be forget. You have a sister and If you had a baby girl how would it feel if someone talked to your baby girl like this. I will not encourage you guys. Abi friends make fun statement reply to him. Abi says rim,"I know. You have soft corner towards her. But she likes me".abi shares HiFi with his friends. Rim says abi,"once again, I am telling you. This is really wrong.You are going the wrong way. Stop it and tell her,you don't like her. I knew,she is broken. After she will move on". Abi says,"I can't do this" Their friends laughed. Rim holds his collar and said," I will not leave you alone if something goes wrong with that girl". Abi says,"you like her that much. Let's see,how you're going to stop me".rim says,"abi😠😠". Abi and his friends left from there. Days passed,abi tries to misbehave with her but sometimes she is not permitted him to do this. Sometimes rim saved her. They are in the final year of their college. Their exams are over. Abi calls pragya. He ask her meet him secretly. Pragya tells lies to their family. She went to meet him. Abi did not even say this to his friends. Pragya reached that address. Pragya knocks his door. Abi opens it. Abi sees pragya. He feels horny seeing her but he tried to control his feeling. Before she came,he was watching porn movies. Pragya ask,"why do you want to meet me here". Abi says,"I want to tell you something important". Pragya ask him,"Tell abi".abi says,"I'm reluctant to tell you this. I can not share this with my friends.I say this only to you". Pragya says,"Tell me in full what you are coming to say. I am ready to listen abi". Abi says,"I would love to see a movie with you". Pragya laughed. Pragya ask him,"Are you so reluctant to say this?". Abi says,"Reluctance is not for that.The movie we can both watch together is like that".Pragya looks confused. She ask,"I do not understand". Abi says,"I would love to see a porn movie with you". Pragya eyes widened. She whispers,"Hmm!!". Abi says,"You are my girl. My wish is,I want to watch porn movie with my girl.I knew,you haven't seen those kind of movie. For me it has been a desire for a long time. I haven't told about it to my friends. You said huh between us no secrets. So I asked you now".Pragya didn't know how to respond. She take her time. Abi thinks,"I knew. How to get your consent". Pragya thinks for a moment. She ask,"Are you really want to see those movie with me". Abi nods. Pragya thinks for a moment. She says,"Ok!! we will watch but not today". Abi ask,"Why not today".Pragya says,"I lied to my mother and I came here. If we watch the movie it take more time to finish,I will not be able to answer at home. You knew,my mother is very strict.We will watch soon. I don't know when. But soon. They spent some times. After pragya left. Abi thinks,"shit!I thought to convince her. But it failed". She has a good time.

Finally the result day came. Pragya scored good. Abi got top position in the college. He thought to give treat to his friends. He invites also pragya. Pragya leaves saying that her mother had called her and told him that she could not make it. Abi said ,"ok". Abi gave treat to his friends. They enjoyed it. At evening,abi gets a call from pragya. Pragya says,"Can you come to this address now?. Right now,I need your help.please come soon".He reached that place. He knocks the door. When the door opens,Abi looks stunned. Actually pragya wears saree. Pragya says,"come in". Abi can't take his eyes from her. When he entered, he sees whole house decorated. He reached the hall. He sees a cake. Pragya says,"I thought to surprise you.actually you are topper of our college.I thought to arrange special surprise for you". Abi ask,"That's why you could not make it".pragya nods. after she hugged him says," congrats abi". Abi looks stunned. His mind is totally blank. Pragya ask him,"Please cut the cake abi". Abi cuts the cake after he feed cake to pragya. Pragya also feeds him. Pragya ask him," Today night,Do you have any other plan?". Abi shakes his head that he is not. Pragya ask him,"Could you please stay here today. Actually,my family members have gone for wedding. it takes a week for them to arrive. I am here alone. Actually I am preparing for IAS exam.One week later,I have an exam. So that's why I didn't go along with them. I thought to spend some time along with you now. Abi looks shocked. He is really surprised to hear her words. Pragya ask,"Are you?..Immediately abi smashed his lips on her. Pragya is shocked. Later,she responded to his kiss. Abi bites his lips. Pragya closed his eyes. Actually this is their first kiss.when abi tried to kiss her. She refused. She always says,"she needs some time". But today she responded to his kiss. It really surprise him. After they feel lack of oxygen. They break their kiss.
Pragya says,"You have another surprise from me". Abi says,"I already loved your surprise. Wow!!again surprise!!". Pragya says,"Lets play treasure hunt😉.your surprise is in this house and you just find it". Abi started to find. He got the clue. It leads to next clue.. finally abi got final clue. Pragya sees him. How curious he is. He sees a book.he opens that book. He reads it. He stood there stunned. Pragya ask him,"do you like my another surprise". Abi immediately hugged her. He says I loved it. Actually that book is erotic kind of novel book. She wrote,"shall we watch porn movie together?".she wrote it one cassette. That cassette is porn movie cassette. Which movie he mentioned on that day. She kept inside that book. Abi thinks,"she is really different". Abi ask,"where is your tv and CD player".They sit down on the couch. The movie started. Pragya feels little bit uncomfortable. She is doing it for his happiness. Abi thinks,"she puts a fish net over her". Finally sex scene came. Pragya is silently watching that movie. But abi feels horny. Suddenly abi gasped in surprise and delight and frozen.

Actually pragya opens the zip of his pant. She pulling his pant down. She pulled at his boxer. Abi looks shocked. She started licks his penis . He moaned.abi holds her hair tightly. She is licking all of his juices. Abi is really stunned. After abi pushed me. He soon stood up. He lifting me along with his strong arms. He removes my saree,blouse.abi spun me around and took a few steps towards the couch. I placed my hand on the edge of it to hold myself up. Abi got behind me.he lifted my skirt up onto my back. I finally realised what he was doing. He uses condoms after he look at me. After I felt his penis against was hot and hard.he moved it towards my pussy.he was getting me so excited I nearly screamed.he rubbed it against my clit.I let out a high pitched squeal as I shook.he was pounding my pussy with hard thrust that began to built me towards another climax already. It was hard and fast.I felt him throb and shoot deep inside me.he pushed in again few more times.until he was spent.

When he relaxed he pulled out and pulled my skirt down. He covered my nakedness.I collected my things after I walked over to the bed room.

After,I feel little bit embarrassed. He stepped into my room. He took me in his arms. I feel safe in his arms. I thought there was no reason to feel bad what had happened. I still felt a little awkward.

I said,"I needed to go to rest room". Abi get me down. I run towards the rest room. I cleaned up myself. I look at the mirror. I blushed thinks about the moment happened between us. After I came out of the rest room.

Abi is waiting for me. I sit down near him. I tried to explain the situation. But wait!why should I regret. I haven't done any crime. I had a sex with my man. But I know,It's wrong doing before marriage. Suddenly I feel abi lips on my lips. I am really shocked. He kissed me. After he breaks the kiss. He said," thanks. This is the wonderful surprise I ever got in my life". Pragya looks on. She look at him. He says,"no regret.we had a sex. I enjoyed it. It gives me another fulfilled my wish". Pragya just nods her head. Abi ask,"Do you have anything to tell me?". Pragya says,"abi,I really feel embarrassed. The word with you gives me bliss.You know what,sometimes I thought you are playing with my feeling. Today I overheard your conversation with your friends. Actually today noon,I came back to your place. Your friends made fun of me. But you slapped them and supported me. Abi thinks about the moment between his friends. Today his friends shares fun remark comments about pragya. But I don't know why I slapped him. It happened many times. Today I lost my temper. I really don't know why I got anger on them. What happened to me suddenly. Rim always tell me,don't play with pragya feelings. Today I got what I needed. I had a wild sex with her. I'm not that much happy now. I lied to pragya. Because when I saw her face expression. I understood her thoughts. She feel regret what happened between us. I don't want to make her embarrassed. That's why I told like that". Pragya ask abi,"shall we sleep?". Abi nods.

Next day morning,He was not there when she woke up. She sees a letter. I got a urgent work. I saw you sleeping peacefully. That's why I didn't wake you up. I prepared breakfast for you. Have it and Good morning my love🙂. Pragya smiles. She reads his note again and again. Screenshift to abi house. Abi lays down on his bed. He couldn't get proper sleep. He always think about pragya. His friends came to see him. They calls him. Hey man!!what's up. Abi tried to act like normal.Rim asked Where were you last night?. Abi friends asked," you said you were home when I asked.then where did you go last night". Abi says Emergency for a friend I know. so I went to meet that friend. One of abi friend,his name is Oliver. Oliver ask him," We are your friend. Without us knowing,who is your new friend?. Jack sees bite mark on his neck. Jack ask bite mark!!abi looks shocked. Immediately his friend asked,"Tell us the truth. Last night,you were with any girl". They started to tease him. Abi says,nothing like that you think. It's just a mosquito bite. Jack says,"that is female mosquito". Right abi. Abi says,"Just stop your nonsense talk. Now tell me the reason you came. Jack says,"I come here to tell important news". Abi ask,"What!". Jack said,"we got selected that company". They happily screamed. But abi looks normal. Rim noticed it. Rim ask him,"abi,you are not happy to got the position in that company". Jack ask,"abi,you are not happy abi".abi says,"I am really happy guys".his friends laughed and make fun of each other. Rim is not convinced in his words.

Days passed,Abi started to spend some quality time with pragya.Sometimes,he ignores his friend calls. One day,rim sees abi in movie theatre. He sees pragya there along with him. Rim calls abi. He asked him. Where are you?.he said lies. He asked abi to meet him to his place. Abi reached his place. He knocks it.Rim opens the door for him. Abi asked why do you want to meet me?.Rim says,"I thought to spend some alone time. That's it". After he give him a cup of coffee. He had it. He ask abi,"how is it?". Abi ask," coffee!. Yeah,it's good". Rim says,"abi,I have to tell you something important".abi says,"go ahead man!".rim says,"abi,that day you asked me. You like her".abi casually asked,"who are you talking about??".rim says," pragya". Abi stopped to sip his coffee. He look at him. Rim says,"you are right. I think,I like her. I thought to propose her. Abi look at him and says,"do it!". Rim looks shocked. He asked him,"you have no problem". Abi says,"yeah!!I already knew about her reply".Rim says,"abi,what do you mean?".abi says,"if you propose her She is not going to accept your proposal". Rim tells him,"may be,you are right. But she knows the truth about you. She will leave you forever". Abi says,"It will never happen.she is not going to know the truth until the last". Rim ask,"are you still playing with her feelings".abi looks at him and says,"why are you asking those questions to me now?". Rim says,"I already told you. I will protect her.You remember the warning I gave to you". Abi says,"There is nothing you can do against me". Rim holds his collar. He ask him,"Answer me. Are you still playing with her?".abi thought to tell the truth but he stopped when he heard his friends voice. His friends sees them. Jack ask them,"what's going on guys?". Rim holds abi collar shouts,"answer me!damn it". His friends is trying to stop their fights. Jack ask rim to leave his collar. Rim says," I will never his collar until I get my answer". Jack ask," abi,what is this?.what's going on?". Abi shouts,"Yeah! I'm still playing with her". Jack ask,"Who are you talking about?". Rim claps his hand. Abi looks on. Rim says,"thanks for accepting your crime abi. Guys you asked me. Who I am talking about. It's her. He shows the video call in his phone. Abi looks shocked. He sees pragya in that call. Rim says,"now you understand that". Immediately abi take phone from rim hand. Abi says,"There is nothing else like you think". Pragya is trying to speak. But suddenly someone hits pragya in the back. Pragya screams in pain. Pragya phone falls down. Abi screams,"pragya". That person took pragya phone. He says,"Hi junior". Abi is shocked to see the person. Rim, his friends,abi sees him. He is evil abi. Jack ask,"who is he?.why he is looking like you". His friends ask,"do you have any brother". Abi says,"no!I don't have. I don't know who is he?". Abi shouts,"who the hell are you?.Where is my pragya. Abi screams pragya name. Evil abi says,"She's going to die in five minutes. Save her if you can".he cut down their calls. Evil abi
breaks her phone into pieces.Pragya ask him,"who are you?". Suddenly someone stabbed pragya stomatch. Pragya screams in pain. That person stands behind her back. Pragya turns and sees a person. Who is looking similar like her. Pragya is shocked.Evil pragya brutally attacked her. Pragya is unconscious.abi and his friends reached that place. They sees pragya lying on the ground with pool of blood. Abi walks slowly near her. He lost his balance. Abi friends holds him.Rim sees pragya. He is trying wake her up. She is not responding.after they decides to admit her. They admitted her in the hospital. When The doctor checks her pulse. They said," It is twenty minutes before she dead". Abi is shattered.All that can be heard throughout the hospital is the sound of abi cries. Abi friends looks shocked. They haven't seen him like this. Rim walks near abi. He says,"I did not expect this to happen". Abi slapped him. He shouts,"you don't know man. How much I love her. She is my love. Abi breaks down emotionally. Rim looks stunned to hear his confession. Rim ask abi,"it means..". Abi get up. You asked me," I have any feeling for her". Abi shouts,"yes!I fall in love with my pragya. None of you know how much I loved her. Abi hugs pragya body. He cries heart out. Abi friends could not see his friend suffering like that. They are also crying along with him. Abi says,"I could not tell her the truth until the guys tell her to get up.I just want to tell her how much I loved her. Abi screams in pain,"Wake up pragya!!your abi is here".Suddenly abi feel suffocate to breath. His friends calls the doctor. His friends admitted him in same hospital. The doctor checks him. The doctor said,he is in shock. He just needs the rest.

Next day morning,pragya family reached there. Her family members are also broken like abi.The police filed a case.they started to investigate about pragya murder. The police didn't get any clues. After pragya family did final rituals. Few years later,rim came to abi house. Rim sees his mother. He asked," how's you maa?". Abi mother says,"yeah good beta. Still,we couldn't came out of the pain".Rim touches abi mother hand. Abi mother says ,"you just here wait beta. I'll bring you something to drink". After abi mother left. He sees abi photo. Rim thinks,"I will never forget that one phone call".

Flashback begins,
After pragya death,Abi feels very low. He couldn't digest the fact. Pragya is not with him. All the memories about her are still in his eyes. Abi tried to divert his mind. He started to busy with his work. One year later,abi is in top of his career. I received a phone call from my friend jack. When I heard his crying sound. I asked him," What happened?.why are you crying". He said about abi death.His car was involved in an accident and he died. My phone falls down from my hand. I was shattered. We reached his house. His body fully covered in white cloth. I still remember,That day was the most horrible day in my life.When I came out from his house. I see same person who killed pragya there. I started to follow him. But that person suddenly vanished in the air.

Magical girl finished the first birth secret. Abi says,"poor hero and heroine died miserably". Pragya gave death glare towards abi. Abi keep his fingers on his lips. Ridhi laughed seeing his antics. Pragya glares Ridhi. Ridhi is scared. She turns her face.Pragya ask,It means they killed also him. That car accident is not.. Abishek soul says,"It's preplanned murder". Pragya says," Why did they try to kill him so many years later?.Why is it so late they may have done before?". Magical girl says,"The reason for that...". Abishek soul says,"The reason is me".Pragya looks on.

Bulbul sees magical girl and Abishek soul.Bulbul asked,"who is this. They are looking similar like you pragya".Bulbul ask abi,"abi,do you have any brother". Abi says,"No!!it's not possible".pragya ask bulbul,"can you see them?".Bulbul nods.Magical girl and Abishek soul looks shocked. Abi says,"She has the reason to look stunned but Why are these people stands astonished".

Note:(Indian Day) (check once)

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THIS Episode : International Family Day Became Indian Day. What happened?.


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