"Chapter Four"

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Next morning...

I slept in. When I woke up, I saw Lola was already and using my computer, looking into something.

"Whatcha looking into?"

Lola spins my chair around.

"Looking into the school's databases."

"Please don't tell me you're trying to look into the other spider-man."

"No. Since you won't let me." Lola paused, "I was looking into those two students with a soccer ball." Lola finished.

While I do agree that playing soccer off the field is a bit strange, but this school is mainly for students who want to become an engineer or anything involves technology.

"Yeah it's a bit strange but..."


I rubbed my eyes.

"This is a tech school, I don't think we have a field. Only if you count the gym." I said half tired.

Lola would remain quiet.

"Did you get that dream again?"

The dream she's talking about is the reoccurring dream of me as a baby with some figures passing me over... through a portal. One of them had a mask on. But I almost always wake up when I stare at the man with a mask and his alleged two friends staring at me.


Lola nodded.

"I'll let you get back to cracking."

"Actually. I am just about to..." she said as she continued to click around, "Ok. Huh."

"What's wrong?"

"I looked into it and not once those students... are not found in the databases."

"I would say it's kind of odd... but also most likely because they're probably brand new, it would take them a bit."

"That could be true, but... something is fishy."

"Kids! Presents!" My Mom called down.

Lola and I looked at each other and I was about to get out of bed but my phone goes off.

Hey I never got to ask yesterday. What do you mean visions?

I wanted to reassure and lie but, spidey and his student are going out of their way to help me despite I had told both of them plenty of times that I work alone. I looked in my gym bag under my bed where I keep my suit hidden. I would approach and grab the mask.

Before I answer that question: I have one. It's unrelated, though.

What's up?

Have you ever dealt with the doubt of being Spider-Man?

A lot of the times, yeah.


It's just... lately I feel like I don't earn the mask. Like I always want to work alone but you guys help me and saved me. And...

I didn't know what else to type.

I get it, but I saw the way you help people. And you're being selfless. I say you earn the mask. Even if I get wanting to work alone, but you have me and my student on the spidekateers.


Yeah three spider folk, one city. It sounds cool.

I giggled softly.

T9 answer your first question: it only gave one vision on repeat of showing Oscorp... As if it was trying to direct me.

Yeah it must be a brain control chip and use the ringing and visions as a way to make you go to them. But it's strange since I don't know if Oscorp made it or someone from there made it.

I don't know if I should tell him that the vision also reminded me of the reoccurring dream. But eh. It couldn't be linked.

Also my girlfriend asked for your consent if she can use you for her next entry? Since she did research on Oscorp.

So Spider-Man is dating Mary Jane? Hm.

Yeah. I remember the article. Devil's Breath.  And yes she can.

I remember that was around the time I got bit by the spider. Most of the student who haven't got effected and I had peaceful strikes, trying to get answers and have Norman being held accountable. It all pointed to Norman as soon Mary Jane's article came out. I didn't notice I was having the powers until I got home and thought I've caught the illness... only to wake up next morning woke up thin and having some muscles.

I see. Will let her know. And just know that you deserve the mask and I don't know anyone better who deserves to be Cosmic Spider.

I sighed as I heard door knocks and I put my phone down and lay down, trying to act still feel somewhat sick.

"Hey, Tesoro." Dad would greet.

I looked up as mom stood beside him.

"Ciao." I responded back in Italian.

"How are you feeling, honey?" Mom asked.

"Somewhat better. Just the dizziness comes and goes."

"Are you sure you need a doctor, tesoro?" Dad asked.

"No, Dad I think lots of rest I needed. I can come down and open whatever you guys." I said.

"Oh no honey, we'll let you rest and open presents later." Mom said as both my parents kissed my temple.

Once I heard my door shut. I looked out my window, I kept itching to go on patrol but if it's dangerous right now, I can't. I got up and walked to the gym bag where my suit is hidden. I grabbed the mask. Even though I am not good at sewing, I thought this suit is perfect. Although it needs improvement but hey everyone's first suit isn't made perfect. Hm...

I would put it away. Nah. I don't want them to think I'm all better but I know I can't also isolate myself in my room forever. I just pushed the back under my bed and head downstairs to celebrate.


After presents, Lola went back to my room while I'm at the rooftops. I leaned again the slab fence taking in the fresh air. After opening presents, I had been thinking. I know spidey had been working with me since day one. He saw that I was new to the mask and everything and tried to teach me how to become a spider hero. But I was set on being alone.

I realized then. I realized that especially after what happened — how the hell my spider sense didn't pick up the chip? I sensed the ball unless...

"Hey, miss." A familiar voice said.

It was Spides. He was perched up on an tv antenna pole.

"Hi, spider-man." I said not so enthusiastically.

He would swing closer to me.

"Something alright? You look down."

I looked at him. Should I tell him?

"It's nothing, really." I lied.

Spides would lean against the slab fences.

"I know of a lie when I hear one, what's really wrong?"

I want to tell him... but why am I holding back?

"...I feel... terrible."

"Terrible why?"

"I feel like... I'm a bad person. To lie to people."


I just stared out to the snow falling. Fuck it.

"...Funny, I was suppose to tell your mentor this first because it would feel unfair." I said dropping another hint.

"What do you mean?"

I would get on my feet, going in my "famous" pose and use my one web shooter.

"...I'm Cosmic Spider,"

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