"Chapter Three"

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It's Christmas Eve. Since I'm used to school schedule, I got up early but figure to get my morning patrol in and then come back before Mom notices. While swinging, I couldn't stop thinking about Cosmic Spider. She gives this sense of familiarity... like someone I know. Someone I love.

It can't be Juliet. Juliet is too kind — too sweet. But then again she's always been mysterious and almost always leaves during school hours. Especially since I'm now spiderman — it's like now I...

"Hey, stranger."

That voice... I turned around to see Juliet.


Juliet didn't say anything looking back and I saw the same girl she was with yesterday behind.

"How did you know my name?" She asked curiously.

"I- uhm—" I stuttered.

"Come on, Juliet. He must be out patrolling." Her friend spoke.

"I actually have a few minutes." I said.

I haven't sensed anything else... yet. Other than the usual tingles when Juliet is around.

"Oh no she's right, spider-man. We don't want to take up your time." Juliet spoke softly.

I don't know if she knows me as Spider-Man — but she only knows me as Miles. Though I remember her gentle rejection yesterday.

"I don't mind." I reassured.

Her friend groaned. What's her deal?

"I apologize for Lola, she's always like this around new people." She spoke.

Lola rolled her eyes.

"It's fine. I get it a lot sometimes but it doesn't bother me." I said warmly.

Juliet nodded.

"Yeah I can imagine it's tough out there." She said as she approached.

"Do you want to go swinging with me?" I asked bluntly.

She noticed, taking a step back.

"I can't."

"Yeah, spider-man. Her parents would freak out if I let her go."

"Excuse me, Spider-man." Juliet spoke as she would walk away with Lola.


I pulled Lola off to the side.

"Lola, come on."

"You heard what—"

"I'm not gonna go with him. He's already taken me back here once. If I go with him again, he'll might catch on." I paused, "plus he can't even know I'm cosmic spider since he knows that cosmic is out of commission and if he puts two and two together."

Lola breathed a sigh of relief.

"I thought you were going rogue."

"Me? Going rogue and putting the mask back on after being told to take a break? Never. I know when it's time to take a break as a hero."

"Sometimes you don't."

I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways let me break the news." I said as Lola nodded as I approached, "Sorry. I can't. Lola is right. I don't want to worry my parents too much."

"Are you two sisters or something?"

I laughed.

"Oh no, Lola is my best friend. She's just looking out for me as well."

Spider-man two nodded.

"Oh yeah, spider-man?"


I would approach, giving a few coupons (my parents always let me have coupons to give to people who need it).

"Since I know your mentor saved my parents' restaurant a few times but never could thank you as you guys are always busy... they figure to let you guys have these. The restaurant is always open for you two."

That part is true, I remember a year before I became cosmic spider, a robber robbed my parents' restaurant and original spider saved the restaurant and put the guys in jail. Since his mentor is very hard to get his attention unless if you're in trouble — my parents wanted to give Spider-man a coupon (and his student because as Dad said "any student of Spider-Man is always welcome to my restaurant.")

"Thanks! Will have to use it in the future." He said as he would swing away.


I returned home and looked at the coupons that Juliet gave. I'll hold onto one for Pete's and I guess the third one is for Mary Jane. Does Juliet know about Pete and Mary Jane? I looked at the number. I would say I want pizza, but I can't give away my identity. Not unless if it's for Cosmic Spider. Pete would gave me an earful about letting anyone else see my identity... unless if I'm sure if it's someone I can trust.

Cosmic Spider:
Hey, Spider-Man. Any luck?

No. Haven't found anything in relation about Oscorp.

What is on the chip?

Cosmic Spider:
No clue. Unless if it's just empty and just a device to trigger a weakness to make me vulnerable.

I thought about it as well the riddle Cosmic gave to me yesterday. Someone popular... someone at Brooklyn's Vision Academy. Again it doesn't help with who but seeing how cosmic is a girl, it kind of helped narrows down the popular girls. Which there's like... a hundred?

Cosmic Spider:
Anyways happy Christmas.

You too!

I would put my phone down.

"Anything?" Ganke asked.

"Nope." I said as I would lay down.

"Dude if only you got the chip I would—"

"I'm not just gonna barge and steal the chip from cosmic!" I spoke half offended, "She's already starting to slow trust me. I can't do that."

Ganke nodded.

"Well got to be a way to help Cosmic. Not gonna lie you two would look cute together."

"Dude. You know I'm still hung up with Juliet."

"Even though she rejected you?"

"It was a gentle "you're cute but now is a bad time, ask me later," kind of rejection."

You may say I'm delusional but I caught on quickly of the tone and body language she gave off. It wasn't a hard no, just a "not right now,"

Ganke nodded.

"Whatever helps you sleep, Miles."

"I know what I saw, Ganke. As Spider-Man, you can pick up body language easily." I stated as Ganke would pass me the controller.

"Just shut up and play games with me." He said as I said up and played games with Ganke.



Lola was busy helping my parents while I figure to play off the "sickness" and recover. After I was tinkering with some my gadgets (I can't help it. I was having the urges), I finally lay down and was about to close my eyes.

But my senses started to tingle. Oh god. How did they found out? I can't be found out. My phone goes off.

Spider-Man (Original):
Hey, I'm back temporarily. My girlfriend let me come back to help you look into this. I'm on your rooftops.

God damn it. I would get up and stretch and put on my suit and mask I also grabbed the chip and climbed out of my window and slingshot myself to the top of the building where spider-man is.

"Hey, stranger."

"You came at a bad timing." I said in between yawns.

"I can come back—"

"No. It's fine, Spidey." I would hold out the chip as Spider-Man one would take it and study it carefully.

"Judging by the logo, it's made for devices. Why was it on your neck and giving you tinnitus?"

"I have no clue." I said truthfully, "All I know I was helping your student then suddenly I heard the loud, deafening ringing out of nowhere."

Spidey would study me. I can't tell him about the truth. Even though it would be more fair since he and I known each other since practically when I made my first debut as "Cosmic Spider."

"Let me try it." Spiderman would put the chip on his neck.

"No wait what are you—"

Too late. It was already on his neck. He would wait.

"Nothing so far."


"Hang on, spider-man. Let me try something." I said as I would throw a punch, he dodged.

"What are you doing?"

"Think about it: it happened before I helped your student in an ambush, I'm trying to see..."

"Ah yeah, I see what you mean." He said, now understanding why I'm "sparring" with him.

He would "spar," back. After a few tries, that's where he's on his knees. Dealing with the ringing.

"Now I see why this has you out of commission..." he said while wincing.

"Spidey, would you mind?" I held out my hand.

He grabbed my hand as I would try to carefully take it off his neck while he's gripping on my other hand, trying to not scream in pain. Yeah it did hurt when I took it off myself.

"This device... I wonder if someone else modified it and is controlling it?"

I was thinking of the underground but it seems unlikely because it's brand new.

"Did you see any visions or any sorts?"

"What visions?"

"Well not only it gave ringing, but I had visions. I don't know if it's connected."

Spidey would think.

"I'm gonna go investigate. For now—"

"Yeah yeah, stay home. Make sure no one else sees cosmic or my true identity."

I looked down as spidey was about to leave. I want to tell spidey, the idol who I looked up to... I can't.

"Spider-man wait... one more thing."

"Yes, Cosmic?"

"I want to thank you... for sticking out despite I was a brat at first."

"You're welcome, cosmic spider. I understand. We all had our rough start."

"And to make it fair... here's something to let you think about: I'm also a student like your mentor."

"Wait you two know each other outside the masks?"

"Oh god no. I wouldn't be unfair to tell him before you."

He nodded.

"Well seeing how you're around my student's age then... it makes sense. But you're a smart one, kid. You're a tough one too, and we need that in our team." He said.

I smiled under my mask.

"Thanks, again. Merry Christmas, Spidey."


"To make it easier I call you spidey and your student Spides."

Spider-man would quickly nod as I would quickly leave and enter my bedroom and take off my suit and put it in my hiding spot and hop in my bed before Lola and others expect that I went on the rooftops again. I can almost sleep in peace, knowing spidey is back.

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