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All three Karn,Duruyodhana and Shakuni turned to me..Please dig me a hole, maybe I could just jump into the hole alive.

"Who is that my dear Kichak," Shakuni smiled.

"Ohh I totally forgot right, This is our Dhakshan. Uttar's personal trainer," Kichak said.

Erhm I cleared my throat.

"Nice to meet you Gandharaj and Yuvraj Duruyodhana," I greeted.

"Tell me now Dhakshan,I have the permission right?," Kichak moved closer.

"Do whatever you want Mamashree. Let's leave from here Guru We have lot a work to do. Pitashree excuse us " Uttar dragged me out.

All three of them were starting at us like anything.Karna had a mixed emotion.
Duruyodhana was about to stand but Shakuni signalled him to sit down.

"Rajakumar Uttar slow down!," I said while he was dragging me.

"Silence!," he shouted.

He dragged me to his Chamber.

"Ugh It's okay you don't have to hold me so tightly. Look,I got hurt in my toes too." I took my hand off from his hold.

He sat down on his chair while I was looking at my wrist.I can literally see his finger prints.

"What's with you why you want to hold me this tight?," I shouted.

"I helped you Dhaksha. I thought you were feeling uneasy there," he said in weak tone.

Calm down Dhaksha...
Breath in & out

"Yeaa but at least you could have been bit slow. I can't cope up with you Rajkumar," I lowered my voice.

He stood up and went inside another room near.This boy is soo cruel but this boy saved me too.

"I'm going to leave to my room now," I shouted while peeping into the room.

"I'm leaving now!!!," I shouted again.

I looked down to my foot I can see the healed scars marks in my foot and knees. Reminded me of Courtroom. Pain we endured there and embarrassment we encountered.

Tears started flowing from my eyes.
Vision became blur due to the tears filled in my eyes. I wiped my tears and sat down on the chair near and bend my head down.

"It's okay Dhaksha Don't cry. I can't see you cry again," I heard Kanha Na voice.

"Bhaiyaaaa, I try to be strong sometimes and just like you said forgive them. But sometimes I can't control my feelings Govindh," I sobbed.

"I can understand my Dhaksha. Don't cry,your brother is not there to wipe your tears now"

"I miss you bhaiya, "I wiped my tears.

"I'm always with your dear"

"No I wanna like see your face," I tapped on the chair."Visit me with my favourite sweets."

"Of course ma'am," he said in sweet tone.

I heard doorsopening sound.I looked up. It was Uttar who stood beside me with a  bowl on his hands.

I tried to put on a smile in my face.

"What's this" I asked while peeping inside the bowl.

"Medicine for your toes," he smiled.

God when did he become so kind.

"Show me let me apply it. This is all because of me right"he kneeled down.

"No no Rajkumar,I can handle this. Give that to me," I got the bowl from him.

"Are you sure?," He asked.

"Of course give that to me"

I applied in the wound while he was roaming in the balcony. The mix was kinda sticky tho

"Is your pain better now" he asked while approaching near.

"Yea thank you soo much!," I smiled.

"By the way are you their slave who they are searching for," he asked while kneeling down to look at my scar.

"No no I'm not his slave. I'm commoner from Hastinapur. I was afraid my brother would recognize me that's it," I stood up.

"Oh anyways take care Dhaksha. I'm sorry for that wound too," he pointed my toes.

"Just a small one. I have wounds bigger than this," I said


"Bigger than this what happened Dhaksha," he asked doubtfully.

"Yea of course while practicing with my brother I got many wounds," I corrected.

Dhaksha have become fluent in telling lies now.

"Ohh take care call me whenever you need anything. For today don't come out," he said.

"Thank you soo much Rajkumar Uttar," I smiled.

"Uttar is fine. Don't Rajkumar me," he smiled back.

While I waved and was about to leave.

"Dhaksha!!!," he called.

What now?

"The bowl in your hand is mine," He smiled.

" I totally forgot this"I ran back and gave returned his bowl.

"Take care," he smiled.

"I will..."

I ran to my room.I noticed Karna was roaming around the garden.

"Don't look at me,"I took my first step.

"Don't look at me," I took my next step.

"Excuse me," he called.

"He looked at me," I moved back.

I cleared my throat.

"Yeaa tell me Angaraj," I smiled.

I maintained distance as much as possible. So that he won't recognize me.

"Ahh well can you tell me who planted those lilies there," he pointed at the lily.

That is me Karna. That's my favourite Blue lily.

"Well I guess some maiden here," I said while trying to avoid his eye contact.

I know this Karna can recognize even with my eyes.

"Ohh am I allowed to touch them, if you don't mind. That reminds me of someone I know. My friend likes them so much" he smiled while looking at the lily.

That's me of course!

"I don't mind that Angaraj. Go ahead" I left from there. Still seeing  Karna smiling at the lily.

Pheww he didn't recognize me.

"Ouch!," I bumped in someone.

Ughh my head. Why is that I'm hurting everywhere.I looked up.

"Dhaksha," I heard Aarya's voice after a long long time.

"Aiynae!!!" I hugged him.

"Is everything okay my Dhaksha?," he scanned me fully.

"Just got hurt in my toes while Uttar dragged me out of the court," I said.

Get ready to get scoldings Dhaksha.

"What show me," he kneeled down.

I was smiling like an idiot while looking at him.

"Keep your foot on my thighs!!," he ordered me.

"Yea yeaa sure," I smiled.

Even though he is disguised as women I never lose my  feelings for him.

"What did I say when we met last time. Be careful while practicing. Now look you have got hurt in your toes. How can you walk properly now. Do you expect me to go along with you all time,are you a kid?," he shouted.

I don't care Arjuna, shout as much you want. Admiring mode on now.

"I'm scolding you what's with your smile," he smiled.

"Maybe because I'm getting scoldings after long time. Maybe I missed you soo much" I smiled.

"This girl please at least for one minute let me be angry at you This is not fair," he smiled and stood up.

"You anger can't last for more than a minute," I laughed.

"Right I'm under your spell," he held my hands.

"Ekhm,"I cleared my throat.

"If someone sees us like this,we will definitely get caught," I said.

"Areey you don't allow me to be in angry mode or to be in love mode," he turned away.

"Fine fine I'm sorry ," I turned his face.

He again faced away.

I caressed his cheeks and kissed him.

"Apology accepted," he smiled."So tell me what happened at the Courtroom. I was  afraid that you would get caught."

I explained the whole thing.

"So Rajakumar Uttar saved you from there. Knowing you are sister of Karna," He said.

"He  actually dragged me out and that is why I got hurt. He then gave me medicine to heal too," I said.

"You are all fine now right? We just have three days. Let's hope for the best," He smiled.

God!! Sometimes I have this doubt. How can  World's Bravest Warrior and many girls dream boy can be my husband.

"Fine to your room now!!," I said.

"Already to our rooms," he pouted.

"Yeaa don't wake our sons and go to sleep," I smiled at him.

"Fine but-"

I heard some footsteps. I moved back from Aarya.

"Shh Who is it?," I looked behind Aarya.

Holymother,help this child to handle this situation I have got myself into....

To be continued....

Who do you think Dhaksha saw?

Will Shakuni and Duruyodhana find about Dhaksha?

Do you think Karna found about Dhaksha?

Will Kichak inform them?

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Thanks you family for patiently waiting for my updates. I'm so happy many to see many postive reviews in my comment section. Thank you soo much guys❤. I hope you guys would enjoy this chapter.

Love ya guys

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