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"What people from Hastinapur?," Uttar turned to me.

I looked at him, acted normal about all this whole situation. Acted like this situation and I don't have anything to do.

"No way Gandharaj! That's impossible. There shall be no other person in my palace except my very own people," Viratraj said with an doubt.

While Uttar staring me like anything.

"Don't stare!!," I whispered.

"But Viratraj! We have got information and even we had a detail enquiry. It's okay Viratraj tell me. You don't have to lie. They are not soo important people just our slaves," Shakuni said while smiling.
(Of course like evil).

Man I'm sister of Devakinandan Krishn
Rajkumari of Dwarka. Pandavas,Gifts from Lords of the world.Draupadi born from Agni, Rajkumari of Panchal. How come we become slaves to him.

"I'm sorry Gandharaj and Yuvraj Duruyodhana. I thought you have visited my Kingdom for encouraging friendship between Hastinapur and My Kingdom. But it seems your blaming us unnecessarily. I guess you can leave now. I'm sincerely apologize for this" Viratraj pointed his hand out gesturing to go out.

"Viratraj...give us some time we shall search your kingdom and leave!," Shakuni sounded like seducing lady voice.


"I'm sorry Gandharaj but it seems no one from your lovely Hastinapur resides here in our palace. Shall leave silently please?," Uttar interrupted.

"So are you helping those people in your palace Viratraj. Being a king why to lietell me?," Shakuni did his thing.

He said with one eyes closed and other one opened.

Man!!! Valak looks better than him. Ewwww.

"Listen,we people don't have any idea about what are you guys talking," Uttar shouted.

I wonder why this Duruyodhana is silent and staring outside. He is like always blah blah blah
Of course not a Dracula...

"I'm not allowing you guys to be in our Kingdom. Please do leave now," Viratraj shouted.

"Angaraj Karna have arrived!," I heard guards  announcing.

Angaraj? Dhaksha this is definitely not a good day to you.

"My poor sister,"Kanha said.

"You save all people around the world, right now save me. If I get caught our Agyatvas would get disturbed," I said.

"It's your story, it's you who have to develop further. Not me," he said.

"I know your are laughing right now. I hate you bye," I pouted.

"But this Krishn Loves you my sister," He said.

"What happen Dhaksha your brother have arrived here. It seems!!," Uttar whispered.

So this is why that Duruyodhana was staring outside.

"Yea yea," I faked a smile.

I noticed he was already in the entrance of court room.

Don't look at me,don't look at me. Please Karn don't look at me.Okay act tough stand firm! Good.

He walked beside me, but he didn't care about me soo much.

"Welcome Angaraj what's with the visit," Viratraj asked.

"I'm here for my Mythran Duruyan. I'm here with him," Sakha said.

"Why do people think we have your people in our Kingdom. I don't understand. We have nothing to do with your slaves or whatever" Viratraj shouted.

Don't mention us slaves again.

But Sakha stood beside Duruyodhana. Didn't even utter any word.

"Then give us a chance to check your Kingdom and your palace" Duruyodhana finally opened his mouth.

"I can't allow anyone to check on my Palace or  my kingdom .Now get out all of you now!!!!," Viratraj shouted.

While Karna took a glance on me and turned to King again.

Who told him to come here. He is anyway not talking anything.He do love his Mythra Duruyodhana.He's ready to stand simply with him.

"Well well well I can allow them to stay here," Kichak interrupted.

Well I guess all the villains always appear from nowhere.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Arjuna's pov

"No dear you have to move your hands like this," I gestured to Saigavi.

"Is this okay?," she asked.

"Perfect dear"

"Start the music!!," I said.

I heard only Virthik playing the flute part. I turned towards Mirthik.He was completely lost in some thoughts.

Very Fine, just like my Dhaksha said Father like son!

"What happened my dear Putri? What's going on your head? What thoughts" I approached near him.

"Mata was just adoring the beauty of scenery outside," he faked a smile while avoiding my eye contact.

"My dear Putri Mirthi,can you start playing Tambla now"I pinched his cheek and faked a smile.

"Yes Pitashree..uhh Mata Mata yes Mata," he smiled.

"Good now start the music!"

I was correcting the mistakes and taught them some more steps.

"Brihanala," I heard some whispering while I was watching them dance.

I looked around the chamber.

"Well you guys continue dears I'll be back" I said and peeked outside.

Well was I hallucinating?

"Brihanala...," I heard it again.

It was Bhratta Bheem and Yudhistran.

"Bhaiya! What happened? What's with the sudden visit?," I approached near while closing my face with my shawl.

"It's about Dhaksha," Bheem Na whispered.

"What Dhaksha,What happened to her. Anything serious,'I shouted.

"Shh!!Nothing serious. We don't know whether she could handle that situation,"Yudhistran Na whispered.

"What situation Bhratta? Tell me clearly," I asked.

"It's Duruyodhana and Gandharaj. They are here in search of us,they are now arguing with Viratraj to let them search this palace," Yudhistran Na said.

"Dhaksha is right now in the court room with them. We're safe until Gandharaj doesn't recognize our Dhaksha," Bheem Na said.

What? with them in court room.

"What shall we do now Bhratta?, Gandharaj at some extend will find her," I said while glancing around us making sure nobody is here.

"Let's hope for the best. Right now we can't do anything," Yudhistran Na said.


I heard footsteps which  become louder and louder.

"Bhaiya hide!! Go inside," I whispered.

They  hid behind the pillar,while I was standing rotating my shawl and looking outside.

I saw Kichak approaching near.

What's with this Kichak? Wait is he approaching to the courtroom.

He approached near,I looked away.

"Brihanala,I would love to see you dance one day," he said while walking, gazing at me till he turns.

I didn't even look at him.

"Seriously womens should be called as Gods. Enduring all this!!," I turned away.

"Brihanala I would love to see you dance one day," Bheem Na imitated.


"He is approaching to the court room I guess," Yudhistran Na said.

"What," Bheem Na said.

"It's now in the hands of Dhaksha to escape from the eyes of Gandharaj and Duruyodhana," Yudhistran said while facing the window.

"We can't do anything huh?," I asked.

"We can't even enter the court room Arjuna," Bheem Na added.

"All we can do is pray that she won't get caught. Let's meet tomorrow in our place. Arjuna,you shall speak to Dhaksha tonight tell her to be careful!," Yudhistran Na held my shoulder.

"But I'm worried about Dhaksha too," Bheem Na said in weak tone.

"Even I'm worried Bheem. But right now instead of being worried we have to work smart right now to escape from this. We still have 3 days to for our Agyatvas to get over. Let's all pray to Lord that we shall be safe until that," Yudhistran Na said.

Bhratta is right, but still I'm worried about Dhaksha...if they find now. They will definitely do something.

"Okay Bhratta! Got it we shall all go to our respective places. And Arjuna wait for her. If she doesn't return inform me at once," Bheem Na said.

"Yes Bhratta! Of course. Be careful both of you,"I smiled.

"let's meet soon,"Yudhistran Na smiled.

And I left to the chamber.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Dhaksha's pov

"Well if they can't search their people maybe me I can find them right jijashree?," Kichak entered inside.

"Kichak your Patni's brother right Maharaj?," Shakuni asked.

Well well well I get some bad vibe.

"Yeah yea my sisters's husband," Kichak smiled.

Kichak stared at me and gave a evil smile.

Omg what is he planning?

"So I've decided," Kichak said.

"You can't decide anything Kichak. Maharaj should be the one who decides what to do with them,"I shouted.

I said those words to blow out my cover and dig up my very own grave.

"Yeaah yeaa he is right how will Maharaj leave Kichak to take decision huh. Kichak is just his wife's brother. How can he take decision," Shakuni added.

What's with this Shakuni now.

I noticed Karna was staring at me.
I turned away from his eyesight.

"Maharaj really? I shouldn't decide huh?,"Kichak asked.

Maharaj remained silent and bend his head down. What is happening here?

"See I told you all right. I can make decisions here," Kichak smiled while he approached near me.

Ohh godd!! Shhuu shhu off you go demon,in name of Lord off you go.

"So what have you decided my dear Kichak," Duruyodhana asked.

"Well my jijashree didn't allow you guys to search in our palace right. Maybe I shall help you both," Kichak said.

"So great of you Kichak," Shakuni smiled.

Brush your teeth and smile Man!!

"I shall find them and give them to you tomorrow. Until then you can stay here in Virat kingdom. Now I'm allowed to take decision right Dhaksha...N," he looked at me.

OMG Govindh save this child.

While all three Karna, Shakuni and Duruyodhana turned to me.....

To be continued....

Will they find about Dhaksha?

What shall happen to Dhaksha in the courtroom?

Will their 3 days go in peace?

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I hope you enjoy this update❤

Sarang-hae-yo all

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